It wasn't until I took this shot that I realized how much I miss #GooglePlus #SkyHunters #G+
Lisa Loopner's boyfriend: Todd. With two Ds, and not related to Sweeny.
The cat's a dead ringer. Now, if the cat also drives a Citroen, he'll have a leg up on Toonces.
Colder than Oklahoma by one degree. Just one.

The Blues Brothers approve.
Back when it used to wash, there was a sudden interest in rear spoilers. These definitely don't have rear spoilers.
Marv the sarcastic AI? I thought Marv was a depressed paranoid.
And yet the guy who ran in NY on The Rent Is Too Damn High platform got no traction (Jimmy McMillan).
The only Milo I belive is Vera.
Beg to differ about the equipment being gone, as there exist whole restoration businesses in the business of restoring antiques. Supposedly all gone are wire recorders--I still have mine, as it happens. They're out there.

This pic is of an identical model for sale:
I just heard the news that Musk circulated a poll inquiring as to whether or not suspended accounts should be reinstated. The results: yes. Gonna happen next week. Sounds like he's desperate to offset the mass exodus and I don't think that move is gonna make a dent in it. But if I'm going to be one of those accounts, I have an image for my first post-suspension post:
That reminded me of a Mailchimp commercial.
Owl cat bat.
Musk reminds me of a character in a classic Star Trek episode: The Squire of Gothos. Musk resembles said Squire.
Pancake Bunny dropped in as if summoned.
OMG, when I scrolled past that rabbit I thought I was looking at Pancake Bunny.

Over here, an Eastern Black Swallowtail came out of his crysalis 3 days before the first freeze, so he's more of a winter refugee than a pet. Still, we get along spectacularly. This is Jumpin' Jack Flash, the psychoflapper. He's perched on his nectar feeder and I don't know how he did it but he's wearing a water droplet from his puddler.
Tom Likes this. He's now on Twitter, after all. #MySpace
The new GOP greenhorns will be astonished to find the demographic which put them over the win line expected them to be working on the economy because they're supposedly better at the economy than Democrats.
Hope you brought your husband along, George!
#Russia #Ukraine #DirtyBomb

Outsourced's photo section has been royally effed up these past few days and so hotlinking from elsewhere has become a necessity.

English puddings are legendary, aren't they.
I was watching DW News in English just a couple hours ago and they were reporting another Russian pipeline got leaky in Poland, and it's a pipeline that also supplies Germany. I think Boris and Natasha are at it again.
#retrocomputing #Compuserve #SIG #WITSIG

Unexpectedly happened upon a plotter printout of when I joined WITSIG on Compuserve--created as the next generation of Netwits yeah, my online presence with my pen name pre-dates even this. The pen name originated in the mid-1970s via the ASWLC publication.

Pool cool. Moonlet, side pocket.
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