Hunter Biden is a schoolyard level response by the GOP into investigations of Trump’s very serious corruption, abuse of power, and now chargeable crimes committed during his last weeks in office, including obstruction of Congress, conspiracy to defraud the U.S., obstruction of justice and even violations of the Espionage Act.

Still, they’re obsessed with a laptop and the president’s son. If that’s how the GOP wants to spend the next two years, they will pay dearly for it in β€˜24. Mark my words.
cybik :deifirev: mastodon (AP)
from your keyboard to the filled ballots, good sir.
i saw a periodical at a grocery store checkout that was an entire magazine dedicated to his heckin' laptop. absolutely unreal.
unclemarc mastodon (AP)
"When you notice that an enemy is making an error, take care not to interfere with the enemy from completing it so you can take advantage at the right time." Napoleon (not Dynamite)
Maggie Greene Rhee mastodon (AP)
πŸ‘πŸ’™πŸ‘Š Indeed they will.
Maggie Greene Rhee mastodon (AP)
I hope it's okay? I plan to screenshot these words and tweet it to my followers.
shawnz mastodon (AP)
*but his emails!*
Sensational Gus mastodon (AP)
Thing is, that won’t be all they get up to over the next two years. It’ll probably be most of what we hear, but not all they’re doing.
My suspicion is we will see a huge number of sound bites, lots of fire and fury, and as many deeply successful prosecutions as Durham.
John Gordon πŸ“· mastodon (AP)
In a functional democracy, that would be true. Sadly, they seem to have their extended base well enough brainwashed that the latch on to one thing they like and ignore all the things they don't like. Many of them are seeing it as "sport" and just want to beat the other team. We need to get back to the idea of informed voters, not just blind voting for "your team."
GuyS mastodon (AP)
It's all they have. Their only recognizable governing policies are repression and tax breaks for the rich, neither of which most of their supporters condone. So they deflect and deny what they do and diminish their opponents in all ways possible. And their supporters point to the hand they think covers the red ball and ignore the hand doing the dirty work.
Jason Didner mastodon (AP)
I hope mass media doesn't fall into the trap of "whataboutism" on this one.
Charles U. Farley mastodon (AP)

Content warning: uspol

Miles Orchard mastodon (AP)
great to see you on here George
human4humanity mastodon (AP)
I hope you're right. They are going to do with Hunter Biden what they did with Hilary Clinton...just for fun.
TLHolley2 mastodon (AP)
I know. Hunter has already admitted ti the gun charge and tax evasion and is still being investigated. This is just a ploy by Republicans to dominate the news cycle and deflect from actual issues.
BgMac mastodon (AP)
jan 6 Committee must handoff their work to a New Senate Select Jan 6 Committee, the work is barely half done. If nothing else, the Senate SC can counter program the BS House sham investigations and suck available oxygen from the room.
Fight fire with fire. #ITMFA
Shania :verified: mastodon (AP)
and a woman’s emails!
Rosemary mastodon (AP)
i am by no means a GOP fan and I still love ya but
unrelated to anything political, that boy has something coming to him one day
flekkzo mastodon (AP)
πŸ’© on them. Let them rant. Let’s talk about what needs to be done instead, so when it has been done in β€˜24 people vote accordingly.

I’d like to see human rights codified in law.
JoshS mastodon (AP)
my view if he did something illegal sure punish him and move on.

That would confuse the hell out of the GOP who is use to a base willing to cover for everything

Do I think hunter might have used his name for money. Maybe

Is that illegal no, is it corrupt not necessarily unless his dad actively used his possession.

If a company hired him cause of who he is but there was no backroom deals that's kinda life

Again anything illegal then yeah deal with it
Patrick mastodon (AP)
From your lips to the voters' ears.
Franc Meyn mastodon (AP)
I call it: Star Wars Episode XXII: Attack of the Clownes (I know, wrong universe, but still...)
redshift9 mastodon (AP)
This Hunter Biden nonsense is stale, and a known dead end. It’s especially pathetic because if they really wanted to find a corrupt Democrat, I’m sure they could. I guess that’s unattractive, though, because it would require actual effort, while also involving icky things like facts, evidence, and justice. Baseless accusations are much, much easier.
The KBC Void mastodon (AP)
Outside of America, the GOP looks about as reasonable, fair-minded and trustworthy as the Kremlin.
GirlNinja mastodon (AP)
But wait...weren't these Republicans running on the idea that they were going to fix inflation and gas prices? Isn't that why people voted for them? It almost seems like they never cared about real issues at all and just wanted power
Ms. Legalese mastodon (AP)
So ...
Investigating Hunter's laptop is the GOP's plan to fix inflation and high gas prices.

Duly noted.😠
OmeletTheDanish mastodon (AP)
Benghazi II: Unjustified.
marca56 mastodon (AP)
all the more power to them. They will find nothing and further erode their vanishing relevance. These investigations are not going to result in any benefit or any policy that will help the public. It’s just performative BS to get on FoxNews
andrew dexter mastodon (AP)
if the GOP cared at all about family members peddling influence, they would be investigating Jared & Ivanka.
Tomcat1960 mastodon (AP)
I couldnβ€˜t agree more.
k cavaliere mastodon (AP)
A political party based on vengeance is not focusing on progress for its constituents.
LeoElLeon mastodon (AP)
The problem is that the incompetent and lazy media will echo the idiotic Republican investigations, muddling the meaning and importance of what issues are really consequential for the Country and worthy of scrutiny and discussion. We’ll be back to the days of Benghazi, multiplied by ten, because Republicans know that it works. Instead of people focusing on the GOP’s plans to dismantle Social Security will be talking about the laptop of someone who isn’t even elected
Hermit Dave mastodon (AP)
the fact that they managed to gain control of the house speaks badly though. Trump wasn’t that long ago
Jen246 mastodon (AP)
Ridiculous. Even fellow Republicans think it's a waste of time and a miscalculation that could backfire against them.
Old Hippie β“‹ mastodon (AP)
From your mouth to (insert deity)'s ears.
SammyGalen mastodon (AP)
Maybe #rethuglicans can find on the laptop evidence of Clinton's White Water wrong doings, right next to the #benghazi evidence and Obama's forged birth certificate.
Bβ’Άllistic mastodon (AP)
I know nothing about Hunter Biden yet, but I can tell he's completely irrelevant to the bullshit we're currently dealing with.
HighTechWriter mastodon (AP)
Republicans have pledged to dedicate all their time to convicting Hunter.
ToAllPointsWest mastodon (AP)
oh you know they're going to try and ride the Hunter Biden train...all the way to losing the House, Senate AND Executive branches AGAIN!
Tor Iver Wilhelmsen mastodon (AP)
Trumpublicans: "Hunter Biden!"
Sane people: "Yes, the FBI are investigating. Now, back to Trump..."
Trumpublicans: "... but... Hunter Biden?"
Baloo Uriza mastodon (AP)
Quit giving them hints on how to succeed, they might actually listen. We don't need actually effective fascists.
Patricia Abraham mastodon (AP)
hope they are that dumb!
Chris🍞 mastodon (AP)
words marked, George!
Madcartoonizt mastodon (AP)
Unfortunately we will pay for it now, and not just in cash. The waste of time, and prioritization of this nonissue over more important ones, is their objective.
Jason mastodon (AP)
GOP has zero interest in governing or finding solutions to tough problems. They want to blame the other side, gerrymander, and make it harder for minorities to vote.
The new GOP greenhorns will be astonished to find the demographic which put them over the win line expected them to be working on the economy because they're supposedly better at the economy than Democrats.
Kudos to @GirlNi for noticing this too. Seems to me that if nobody could nail Hunter Biden in the entirety of the 4 Trump years, they're trying something again, expecting different results. Not a far leap from being delusional to being insane.
Laugheve mastodon (AP)
When I read about this I thought what are we in the second grade? Their only plan. Sad that people actually voted for these people
warrenweston mastodon (AP)
I'm so glad you are here! Love you
APacilli mastodon (AP)
it's a very cyclical cycle in two years the GOP will seriously lose the house because of noise politicians like Greene and #KlannnieOakley.
APacilli mastodon (AP)
it's a very cyclical cycle in two years the GOP will seriously lose the house because of noise politicians like Greene and #KlannieOakley.
redhed67 mastodon (AP)
Exactly right. It's nothing but schoolyard revenge BS.
Zazzy mastodon (AP)
We should all be concerned when congress decides it’s acceptable to start investigating individuals out of retaliation.
NDGriff mastodon (AP)
They're certain their base can be distracted (along with a large chunk of the public) by the circus. Until the Dems take the gloves off, we will never have a fully functioning government
and yet they're blissfully unaware of the harm they're doing to their cause and party.

The real start of their downfall was obviously overturning Roe v. Wade.
TR mastodon (AP)

R-partiers think their election to β€œguide” the US-HoR was their win when it was just their test to see what their majority can do & most importantly what self-control it possesses not to do

Humans in pursuit of a Good Life on earth, well-lived as a whole, know they are all free to do as they ought to do, i.e., what they need to do & not as they mistakenly merely want to do.
ThisBarbara mastodon (AP)
My heart really breaks for Joe Biden about this. It's going to be so personally painful for him.
Alfie Paul mastodon (AP)
and how does this fix inflation?
Tired Old Man mastodon (AP)
Well if that is what they want to do then we will have let them go out to the schoolyard and play with their new toy. At least then they cannot do too much damage. Just don't let them back in with the big people who are doing important work.
Michella Stevens mastodon (AP)
it's so juvenile!
SayDeeSays mastodon (AP)
I predict a 2 year dog and pony show.
TheRetroGuy mastodon (AP)
Amen, you fellow pink human being.
Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
"Hunter Biden" is just a noise Republicans make when they want to avoid talking about something else.
Daniel Bowen mastodon (AP)
we can only hope. Look at what happened to Hillary because of their constant grievance politics and endless investigations. Let’s hope low information voters don’t buy into their noise
MauiWahine ActivityPub
Hi Uncle George. IΚ»m also a #twitterrefuge. IΚ»m so glad you are on Mastodon!
George Costa mastodon (AP)
Good to see the GOP plans to spend their time on nonsense. Good luck in 2024.
nbcatlover mastodon (AP)
Surprise, Republicans! No one cares about the stupid laptop or Hunter Biden. Boring!πŸ₯±
MerrillC mastodon (AP)
they’re taking a revenge lap..perhaps they will tire themselves out while patting themselves on the back for their pettiness.
Shawn Newell mastodon (AP)
Do you think they'll really go ahead with this? They don't have a big majority.
They're deluded into thinking God's mandated this so screw people. They don't need a majority when God's there. The word "delusion" doesn't even begin to cover it. They're repeating history, though; with George in the UK at present, it's a good time to review the fate of one Oliver Cromwell, who operated under similar delusion.
Cluff mastodon (AP)
it’s the new β€œBut her emails!”
β€ͺβ€œ Your worst enemy cannot harm you‬
β€ͺAs much as your own unguarded thoughts. A well-directed mind creates more happiness, than even the loving actions of your parents.” β€” the Dhammapada‬
Ryan Stredny mastodon (AP)
100% agree
like kindergarten tether ball response.
SoCalChick mastodon (AP)
making the country go backwards and refusing to make the country a better place to live. Gerrymandering made this happen and it was the only way Republicants could win. Hopefully 2024 has a viable candidate for DNC and continues to turn the country blue
Georgina mastodon (AP)
I just can’t understand why people are panicking over special prosecutor Jack Smith. A man with an outstanding reputation here in the Netherlands (Kosovo). IMHO not a step backwards (people it is not a delay!) but a giant move forward in the proces to indict Trump. Excellent choice.
as my Dad used to say, from your lips to God’s ears
Couchj mastodon (AP)
totally agree. Dems need to focus on fixing the economy. That will solve any election concerns in 24.
Noelle mastodon (AP)
I hope it causes them to lose every seat House, Senate & states. Who votes for those people?
I'm counting on it! They aren't real brightπŸ˜‚
Bob Beamesderfer mastodon (AP)
The fact that the chain of custody for Hunter’s laptop is as shady Trump condo sales pitch doesn’t matter to Republicans because ethics don’t matter to the Republicans. They’re not building a case to take to court, just dressing up political garbage, hanging a few pine tree air fresheners on it, and readying the video cameras for Gym Jordan and Matt β€œEdge of 17” Gaetz to shout stupid questions to be regurgitated for 2024 political ads from the darkest money PACs.
mudsharkbytes mastodon (AP)
I totally agree - they’re exhibiting the textbook definition of insanity by not learning anything meaningful from the midterms. The message from the voters wasn’t β€œwe hate Trump,” the message was we’re done with election denying Q/MAGA Christo-fascists in our faces, especially ones that give TFG cover for his crimes.
They think somehow investigating someone that isn’t an elected official using a laptop that’s changed hands multiple times is a winning strategy? LOL!
xMark1 mastodon (AP)
Oh My.

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