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@mina @energiepirat @MaJ1 @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @SarahEx @Tami @GreenFire
Cover von Thinking Forth von Leo Brodie (2004 Edition)
Finally know where you derived your handle from! 😁😇
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Great idea, but regrettably my library is in storage while I work on building a home.
The greatest library is in our minds...and online:
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Well, here's a picture from the internet of one of the #BooksThatInfluencedMe
The Formation of Vegetable Mould, through the action of worms with observations on their habits. Charles Darwin
This entry was edited (7 months ago)


Now, that you mention it, Kevin, #CharlesDavin did have a big influence on me, too, though through his more-known work 😉

Once of these days, you need to explain to me why this mould was noteworthy, b/c I think penicillin was derived from another one. 😉





The right of Translation is reserved"
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Darwin's treatise on worms was an excellent description of the scientific method and how to translate observations into conclusions not because of the tremendous discoveries or anything like penicillion.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
You brought up 'Origin of the Species' and now I'm trying to remember the book I read that describes the turmoil that his observations caused him because of his faith that was an impactful book.

Sadly, not impactful enough for me to recall which book it was without access to my library 🤷‍♂️
It will come to you, now that I baited your subconscious. 😉
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@mattotcha @SilviaMarton @Tami
Yes, all this talk about AI recently has made me think about psychohistory quite a bit really.

Day 3:
Ugh, this is hard w/o looking at my library.

This series of books taught me quite a bit about the culture I live in and human nature along with a famous person's perspective on that history.
The four book series from Winston Churchill 'A history of the English-Speaking Peoples
This book deserves the Wiki entry:

"book by American #ecologist, forester, and environmentalist #AldoLeopold. Describing the land around the author's home in...#Wisconsin, the collection of essays advocate Leopold's idea of a "land ethic", or a responsible relationship existing between people and the land they inhabit.... considered a landmark in the American conservation movement"
@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @forthy42
si_irini mastodon (AP)
That sounds really interesting
Mina mastodon (AP)
When my daughter was in 2nd grade, she had the Greek legends on CD, and during the school breaks she would gather her friends around her and retell the stories she had listened to, the night before, to them.

She managed to get quite a fanbase.

@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx

I've just re-posted my books from Day 1 as the included some of my all-time favs and most of you were not yet participating.

Alas, despite copying the most recent handles list, some handles are now shown as inactive. WTF?
I've seen this happening quite a few times on #Mastodon for a week or so.

@mina @evelynefoerster @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @forthy42 @MaJ1 @admin @2ndStar
Day 6 :

When I read "Pillars of the Earth," the added value for me was, apart from learning about that important period in #English history and being entertained, was learning about a major new architectural feat, the #Gothic , with lots of new vocabulary.

@mina @evelynefoerster @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @forthy42 @MaJ1 @admin @2ndStar
Book Cover:


"...about the building of a cathedral in the fictional town of Kingsbridge, England. Set in the 12th century, the novel covers the time between the sinking of the White Ship and the murder of Thomas Becket, but focuses primarily on the Anarchy. The book traces the development of #Gothic architecture out of the preceding #Romanesque architecture, and the fortunes of the Kingsbridge priory and village against the backdrop of historical events of the time." (WIKI)
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@SilviaMarton @admin
That was a fascinating book. I'm glad that I was able to visit a few cathedrals before I stopped traveling.

Taking on multi-generational projects of that magnitude was something else.

Glad you posted it. I haven't thought of that book for decades and decades.
Initially, it took me quite some time to get started, too...

I should point out that the #KingsbridgeSeries has 5 volumes so far:

Kingsbridge series

The Evening and the Morning (prequel, 2020)
The Pillars of the Earth (1989)
World Without End (2007)
A Column of Fire (2017)
[39]The Armour of Light (2023)
@evelynefoerster @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @forthy42 @MaJ1 @admin @2ndStar
Day 7:

Today, I was torn between going with the architectural theme from yesterday and a long-time word-class author.
I went for the latter, #JamesAMichener. Apart from a few autobiographic novels, he tells the story of a region from the perspective of a fictitious family, much like #PillarsOfTheEarth.
To pick but one,...#Hawaii

@mina @evelynefoerster @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @forthy42 @MaJ1 @admin @2ndStar
Cover of Hawaii, no. 1 bestseller.
Hawaiishelldiver mastodon (AP)
This book is the reason I found myself moving to Hawaii over thirty years ago.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
My choice for today's #BooksThatInfluencedYou is also one from James Michener. I just love how he does his deep history by following fictional families.

I've read a bunch of his and not sure which might be the one I'd highlight, but I will definitely choose this one considering that I think a lot of people talking about Israel would benefit from reading this.
James Michener's 'The Source'
I just went through #Michener's bibliography and got stuck on this one, for obvious reasons.
I have read it so far, but I intend to do so.

The Source is an excellent idea, Kevin.👍


My choice for today's #BooksThatInfluencedYou is also one from James Michener. I just love how he does his deep history by following fictional families.

I've read a bunch of his and not sure which might be the one I'd highlight, but I will definitely choose this one considering that I think a lot of people talking about Israel would benefit from reading this.
James Michener's 'The Source'

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Mina mastodon (AP)
Please, never compare your children to others!

I just remembered this anecdote about the timelessness of these stories that still speak to us through the millennia, because they are fabulous stories, which fascinate children as well as adults.

Isn't that incredible?

@evelynefoerster @HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
si_irini mastodon (AP)
Of course, we had to take Homer all the way through at Greek school
Athena is really something special
There are so many wonderful legends, I love them and they always surprise me...and the older I get, the more my view of them changes.

Great book, Mina, I love it

@HistoPol @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
Seb mastodon (AP)
RU Quote from this masterpiece:

Булгаков: МАСТЕР И МАРГАРИТА, Глава 2

— Имя?

— Мое? — торопливо отозвался арестованный, всем существом выражая готовность отвечать толково, не вызывать более гнева.

Прокуратор сказал негромко:

— Мое — мне известно. Не притворяйся более глупым, чем ты есть. Твое.

— Иешуа, — поспешно ответил арестант. @HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx

*Meister und Margerita*


#DeepL sei Dank.

Für all die nicht fließend Russisch sprechen wie ich:

"Bulgakow: MEISTER UND MARGARITA, Kapitel 2

- Name?

- Meiner? - antwortete der Verhaftete hastig, wobei sein ganzes Wesen die Bereitschaft ausdrückte, intelligent zu antworten, um keinen weiteren Ärger zu erregen.

Der Prokurist... @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
@scb @mina @SilviaMarton @greenfire @SarahEx

Es ist unglaublich, wie sehr die LLM Übersetzer in den letzten 2 Jahren (oder so) besser feeordrn sind.
Ich gabe nur ein fehlendes " ergänzt.

OT: #Übersetzungen


Eine Freundin von mir ist Projektleiterin eines Übersetzungsbüros.
Wir haben uns gestern darüber unterhalten.
Sie verwenden zwar ein professionelles Übersetzungsprogramm und oft proprietäre translation memories, aber im 2. Level kommt dann #DeepL... @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx

OT: #Übersetzungen #AI


und Co. zum Einsatz.
Für die Qualitätskontrolle der Übersetzungen verwendet sie dann viel #ChatGPT, selbst für Sprachen, die sid nicht beherrscht, z.B. Was ist die 3. Person Plural von [einem Verb] auf italienisch, etc.


Um auf mein #AIRisiken-Thema meiner heutigen Buchempfehlung... @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
OT: #Übersetzungen #AI


...#SecondVariety 1) zurückzukommen:

Ich fragte sie, was sie in ca. 2-3 Jahren macht, wenn #LLMs auch ihren Job machen können. Die antwortete, dass sie dich dann beim Arbeitsamt hür eine #Umschulung melden würde.

Die ganze Thematik hat ungeheuren...

1) @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
Mina mastodon (AP)
Nebenbei: Es ist nicht ein Prokurist (=Buchhalter), der den Gefangenen befragt, sondern es war "grausame fünfte Prokurator von Judäa, der Ritter Pontius Pilatus".

So viel zum Thema maschinelle Übersetzung.

@scb @mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
I haven't read the book that you've recommended, Mina, but your #AltText is almost a masterpiece in its own right
🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹 🏵 🌼 🌸 🌻

@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx


Actually, these #ImageDescriptions are a great way to share your own perception of them with others, who might have a different "bias," giving them the chance to leave their respective bubbles by reflecting on their own visual impressions with yours.

So, #AltText is not "just" for the people with #VisionImpairments. 🤗

@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
Mina mastodon (AP)
I could not agree more: descriptions are good for all, but foremost for the person writing them, as they make you wonder: Why did I put this image, why does it matter and how so?

@mattotcha @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
Though I would not agree with but one word, "foremost,"
you are right, it is a "360°" learning experience foreign everyone.
With regard to the writer it helps him/her sharpen their thoughts and it finetunes their expression skills.

@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx
Alexander Goeres hubzilla (AP)
@HistoPol (#HP) yes, that was a nice idea. but inherently flawed just like the lapace deamon ...

Would you like to be added to the thread?
Seb mastodon (AP)
For copyrited material there's also Anna's Archive. Just in case you don't know it yet.

Had completely forgotten about it!

si_irini mastodon (AP)
Oh a book that immediately came to mind....

“The year without Pit”

but I'll have to rummage through my library...😊
Vee mastodon (AP)
tough one... but ok... they'll be in no particular order...

Vee mastodon (AP)
Also my standard answer to the eternal question of "what is the one item you would you take with you on a desert island" question... 🤣
Never thought about it, but now that you mention it (and apart from the right companion,) a laptop with an inexhaustible battery and dedicated satellite 🛰 internet access, OFC. 😉 (After either reincarnation of The Enterprise, that is.)

Think big! 😁😜

@mina @energiepirat @MaJ1 @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Vee mastodon (AP)
no no no no, that's cheating. Desert island means no electricity so, no internet, no running water, and desert island means ALONE. 🤣
Vee mastodon (AP)
So then you can't call it a "desert" island right? At this point it's more like a dessert island...🤣
You know, IDK where this "desert island" thing comes from in the US. In literature, it has always been a rather tropical one (above + Robinson Crusoe, The Island of Dr. Moreau, Jurassic Park, Lost, etc.).

However, "Dessert Island" has such a nice, ambivalent, hedonistic, yet potentially malicious ring to it. Mind if I register it? 😼

@mina @energiepirat @MaJ1 @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @Tami @GreenFire
Vee mastodon (AP)
I know where it comes from: we are obsessed social creatures and the very thought of not being able to F with others is unbearable... 😉

I'm nothing if not hedonistic... already registered! 🤣
Vive la France--savoir vivre perfectionné 🍷🧋
Vee mastodon (AP)
🤣 👍
I thought, you would!
I've been working on the "dessert" part, in fact.

(Going to some "pot luck" dinner 🍽 today, my part to cater to more people's taste 😉 )

@VeroniqueB99 @mina @energiepirat @MaJ1 @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Eve :verified: mastodon (AP)
In coming! Where and when? 😂
Enjoy - looks delicious! ❤️
Let's hope so.
The gelatin was hehaving strangely.

But it survived the transport! 😰 (I put 2 ice packs underneath the plate and used a thermobag.)

@si_irini @VeroniqueB99 @mina @energiepirat @MaJ1 @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire

Thanks, let's hope so.
Thomas Blechschmidt mastodon (AP)
@Tami Please a dessert Island surrounded by chocolate sauce.
Thomas Blechschmidt mastodon (AP)
@Tami The Lord of the flies is an interesting story.
#TheLordOfTheFlies is scary and brilliant concurrently.
It "explains" indirectly rather well how atrocities like #Bucha, #October7, and the #GazaStrip are possible from an anthropological/ #psychological perspective.

There probably never was a #NobleSavage, as #Rousseau postulated.

@VeroniqueB99 @mina @MaJ1 @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @Tami @GreenFire
Thomas Blechschmidt mastodon (AP)
@Tami Correct. But it still didn't go so far toie explain how this atrocities can happen in such an organised manner or scheme like in the real National-Socialism and Communism. Or Zaristic Russia.
si_irini mastodon (AP)
The atrocities lie in the people themselves.
In the given power.
Often in a misguided and often deeply rooted view that is additionally fueled

Often not much is missing and even many small things taken together can become huge.
Many flies also make a large swarm.

@HistoPol @VeroniqueB99 @mina @MaJ1 @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Thomas Blechschmidt mastodon (AP)
@Tami No, I think Rousseau presented an ideal, an Utopia. A kind of goal mankind should reach. Cones out we mainly are just like animals fightung for territory, copulation and resources.
Distravinyl 2.0👑 mastodon (AP)
nehmt ihr mich hier bitte raus?

Guten Morgen Tami,
habe dich aus meinen Posts in diesem Thread gelöscht.
Hoffe, es funktioniert.
Never read beyond #The Hobbit, but I loved the groundbreaking #LordOfTheRings movies.
Good choice, my favorite squirrel.🤗

Beautiful edition, BTW. 🥰

@mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @Tami @GreenFire
Simplified...sounds perfect for me.💡👍
I'm sure, Mina would be bored by it. However, as she's not only a math's but also an astro geek, she'll have read the unabridged version, right, Mina?

@energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire


...I'd read 📚 novels in French (quite a feat for me, as I didn't know many historical terms in other languages either, but it also greatly enhanced my understanding of #medieval #European history, in particular the rivalry between #France and #England.

And, boy, it was a page-turner, too!


@MaJ1 @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Day 3: #BooksThatInfluencedYou
I reckon this is the one that started my war against global warming so that was a huge influence.
Earth In The Balance, Ecology and the Human Spirit

Al Gore

MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
Day 5 (I think)

Ok as I missed yesterday I present 2 books tonight - I could easily fill the whole 20 books with my pTerry collection , but I picked the first, & the last of the Discworld series.
Picture the cover of the paperback edition of Terry Pratchett’s ‘The Colour of Magic’
Picture the cover of the hardback edition of Terry Pratchett’s ‘The Shepherds Crown’
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Day 5:


I am missing Mina, what's up?

Today's book, I listened to as an audio book some years ago. In the beginning, I thought, what have I gotten myself into? #US #Legal #History? #HumanRights? #Slavery? It is a really difficult subject. I learned a lot about the history of Slavery,...

@MaJ1 @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Book cover portraying a sailing vessel:



Vee mastodon (AP)
Oops... missed a few... can't remember how many we're going for but I'll wrk ahead... maybe cheating granted BUT... literally ANYTHING by Bill Bryson starting with ... (no, NOT "A walk in the woods" which everyone's read and is totally meh compared to ...)

I had been wondering...

...and I just found the solution:

Your handle was shortened to @ mina, but in contrast to earlier times, that now leads to s.o. else!

I will go through my posts and edit them, maybe the others can do the same thing for theirs?

@VeroniqueB99 @MaJ1 @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Ok, done.
I went back and substituted your handle.

You should be flushed with mentions by now. 🙃

Wow this has turned into quite a thread. And a high-quality one, too.


So many interesting new books to read 📚! 🤪

@VeroniqueB99 @MaJ1 @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
No problem: I won't be able to read everything now, but during the next days, it will be no problem keeping up.

@VeroniqueB99 @MaJ1 @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
AND the thread generally is public (globe) but I set "insider jokes" to "unlisted'" so as to not overwhelm my other followers with this thread.

@mattotcha @VeroniqueB99 @MaJ1 @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
si_irini mastodon (AP)
I missed a few too...🥴

But I love to see all the suggestions here ❤️

Did not know Bill very cool to geht to know him 🙂

@MaJ1 @HistoPol @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
@mina Eh? There's only one equation in the original!
MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
@TimWardCam @mina Dunno , never read the original.
@mina His publisher told him that each equation would halve the readership, so he left them all out apart from e = mc².
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@TimWardCam @mina
So, book publishers are to blame for how dumb our society seems to have become?

That's so sad.
@mina OK, so I'm married to a publisher, so I have picked up some of how they operate.

A particular, specific, book is aimed at a particular, specific, market. The same author may well write other stuff in other ways for other markets.

And then the punter has a choice of what to buy and read.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@TimWardCam @mina
Yes, and the publisher has to make a living in order to get books printed and out to the public as well as the benefit of getting the information out to as wide an audience as possible.

I was being too snarky.
si_irini mastodon (AP)
@TimWardCam @mina
I love books but I read far too little
Damn time, always running away without appreciating the people running behind...

Thank you again for this lovely thread
It distracts me so wonderfully from my torment that I can't get on with writing
MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
@TimWardCam @mina Oh right - I’ll have to get the less simplified version & see if my little squirrel brain can cope !
NormanDunbar mastodon (AP)
I have the original, with maths.
Unsigned by S. Hawking esq.
And, I have read it from cover to cover, three times.
Because its well above my brain's capacity for understanding!😉

@HistoPol @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
si_irini mastodon (AP)

wow that's cool

I should read more...😭

but then I'll write even less....😢

At the moment I'm torturing myself anyway and distracting myself wonderfully with this thread...thank you all 🤗 ❤️

@MaJ1 @HistoPol @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Having tried 3 times so far, it's cool.
The difference between success and failure is having tried one more time. 😉

@MaJ1 @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
si_irini mastodon (AP)
@NormanDunbar @mina
I'm going home after my night shift and I'm going to fish it out of the cabinet and start reading it

My sister really liked it, she found it very interesting

So I promise, once I've finished the poem for wearorange I'll read Stephen Hawking.... 😄
Before I continue writing the next one... 😆
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@NormanDunbar @mina
My comment about a publisher suggesting to keep the math equations out of the book is what I was referring back to.
Could you please check that you delete @ from your, say, last 2 posts?

She asked to be omitted awhile ago, foregoing all the great fun we're having. ;)

@MaJ1 @energiepirat @2ndStar @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
Klar, mach ick.
MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
@TimWardCam @SarahEx I shall have to see if I can pick up a decent 2nd hand copy somewhere.
Or I might go wild & get a digital copy.
I love hardcover books but ever since my bookshelves became prone to "book flooding," I try to go digital as much as possible.

Besides, I greatly enjoy the eye-resting effect of #audiobooks. 😉

@si_irini @TimWardCam @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
Audiobooks have become my total addiction for riding the tram, grocery shopping, cooking and general housework, but they have to timeshare my ears with radio theatre (Hörspiele), another thing, I (re)discovered only a few months ago.

@MaJ1 @si_irini @TimWardCam @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42 @SarahEx @GreenFire
MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
That said I can barely get from one chapter to the next in any given book without forgetting 80% of what I’ve read. 🙄🤦‍♂️ (2/2)
Huh, that makes Follet, Tolstoi, and Micheners novels a no-go.

How about the TV/movie versions ?
si_irini mastodon (AP)
Oh, that's sweet
No no don't apologize

I'm making fun of myself a bit here too 😆

I love this thread very much, think it's great
I love reading history books too, I'll post mine when I get around to it...I'll run after you all then 🏃‍♀️ 😆


@MaJ1 @HistoPol @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Ugh, I'm sorry.

Please don't feel that what I'm sharing is all that I consume reading wise. I should probably share some of the Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour books that I used to devour instead of just the science and history books.

I just took the influence part of the assignment to heart and it made me think of what books might have led me to where I am.
si_irini mastodon (AP)
I think already with the first book I will post, some will probably think...ah ok that's where the influence comes from about what Irini writes about

I only posted the title briefly on the first day

@MaJ1 @HistoPol @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
There is no need to apologize for anyone.
Looking at the sales figures of "lighter entertainment, " such as romance novels, it is evident that they have an audience, too.

When I was a teenager, I used to read a lot of comic books. I would still like to have superpowers at times, but that has never come to pass, so the influence seems to have not been really significant. 😉
@si_irini @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
This book (or rather the original edition - bet you can’t guess where that is 😆 ) was the first proper fantasy book I read. My parents bought it me when I was about 13 (dates & me don’t gel so all dates to be taken with a decent error margin)

It opened new worlds to me!

There’s a whole series behind this & I have read most of them.

#BooksThatInfluencedMe (2/2)
Mina mastodon (AP)
This looks like a lot of fun!
Mina mastodon (AP)
I adore everything of that!

I'm gonna get myself a copy, but will probably go for a German version, if there is.
Mina mastodon (AP)
English is totally fine. German is just a bit easier.

Strange, that there is neither a German nor a Spanish version.

Day 8:


I guess, some of knew what was coming when I placed my comment on Day 7 regarding Day 6 (Pillars of the Earth). Well, here's the thing, I did like "La catedral del mar" (#CathedralOfTheSea) by #IldefonsoFalcones. It is about the uring the construction of a cathedral. But it is the lesser known Santa Maria del Mar, not the...

@MaJ1 @mattotcha
@energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99
@si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire

Day 8


...#SagradaFamília of the Catalan #AntoniGaudí (to be completed in 2033.)

That wasn't the only disappointment. I had expected something like Pillars of the Earth, but architecture is pretty much absent and construction work is chiefly just a background story.
That said, as it was one of my first novels in...

@MaJ1 @mattotcha @mina @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire


...Spanish, and the medieval court intrigues were interesting, I still remember it fondly.
It is all about managing expectations, I guess. ;)


@MaJ1 @mattotcha @mina @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Huh, I would have thought that you knew author and novel.

I have been to Barcelona a few times, I don't remember that church, but the visits were but a day.

@MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Eve :verified: mastodon (AP)
I still read comic books: Asterix and Obelix - I'm confessing here 😳 😜 😅
I loved those, too.
I always felt a bit sorry that I couldn't read the "original " version in Latin, though.

@MaJ1 @GreenFire @si_irini @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42


Yes, la Basílica de Santa Maria del Mar in #Barcelona is picturesque. 😀

"A jewel of the La Ribera neighborhood, this is #Barcelona's last remaining #Catalan #Gothic-style church, with majestic naves and beautiful stained glass windows."

So it is one of the architectural brethren of the fictious one in #Kingsbridge, ...

@MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
si_irini mastodon (AP)
Oh, nobody has to apologize
The whole thing is supposed to be fun and it's so much fun even though I've only been reading and haven't posted almost anything yet 😆

@GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
si_irini mastodon (AP)

HI my lovely Anthony

So I do not feel so alone anymore 😆 😘

Then at some point the hashtag...

how many books do you have unread on your shelf
which books do you really want to read and they are already waiting for you

I think that would be long hashtags....😆

@HistoPol @MaJ1 @GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
si_irini mastodon (AP)
And hey, I'm sure I'll outdo everyone in embarrassment, because the number of books I have in my cabinet and haven't read is embarrassing 😖 🙂

But well...
that's just the way it is, whoever thinks I'm stupid...fine...😉

@GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
I probably have a lot more unread books and they will be read one day...
si_irini mastodon (AP)
Like so many other things, I see it with humor, it suits me, although I love books...
I've clearly read too few, but I thank this thread for the many new ideas...
which then just sit around in the closet...
ok maybe a stupid joke? 😂

@GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
No, quite truthful, alas.

However, you could dedicate an hour of each night shift "on standby" to 📚, if you wanted...

Starting with Hemmingway's has a clear advantage: it is shorter! 😂

@MaJ1 @GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
I don't think you would stand a chance, my friend!

...and ever since going digital, the problem has gotten worse...But, out of sight, out of mind, right? 😁

@MaJ1 @GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
"...and haven't posted almost anything yet..."

Hm,...IDK, that sounds a bit like cheating to me, Irini. 😉

Let's ask our arbiter. Vee, what do you say?

@MaJ1 @GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42
Day 9:

Let's start with the 1st digitized book.

I am sure you all agree that this book 📖, IF it had influenced all our lives decades earlier, the world 🌎 would be a better place.

Failed education. Humankind's calamity

@VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @mina @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book cover:



Donella H. Meadows
Dennis L. Meadows
Jorgen Randers
William W. Behrens III


A Report for THE CLUB OF ROME'S Project on the
Predicament of Mankind


$ 2.75"
Mina mastodon (AP)
I join the toast to e-books and especially audiobooks.

After many years of hardly reading anything (but books piling up), they got me back into enjoying literature.

@si_irini @skyfire747 @MaJ1 @GreenFire @mattotcha @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
NormanDunbar mastodon (AP)
Me too. Not as many as I used to, I was an avid book buyer and had "many" bookcases. I read quite a lot but never got round to reading all of them

These days I buy ebooks (pdf, epub or Kindle) on various topics and read them when I'm in the bath! I have still got quite a few to read though.

Nothing has changed!

@si_irini @skyfire747 @HistoPol @GreenFire @mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @2ndStar @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @forthy42
So, (book) party people in the house, I still owe yesterday's installment of the #BooksThatInfluencedYou.
Day 10:
I read #RayBradbury's #dystopian #Fahrenheit451--the temperature at which books burn--as a high school senior. Never would I have thought that one day it could become true. Actually, we already live in the kind of #SurveillanceState envisioned, in many countries.
@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @mina @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

Fahrenheit 451

#Fahrenheit 451, however, it is but one of the #SciFi #dystopias that seem to be becoming reality in many countries. Here are some:

Some days, I could just jump off a cliff.

This reality is fast becoming an amalgamate of all the negative #utopias I read years ago:

#Wargames, #TheCompleteRobot, #Terminator including its #Skynet,
#DoAndroidsDreamOfElectricSheep? (#Bladerunner),
Hopefully, we are not also heading for #TheMinorityReport already (#AGI?)

These are only the ones out of the top of my head.

A popular Ven diagram of many of the mentioned SciFi books.
Author unknown
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Mina mastodon (AP)
For now, we're looking in awe at what is happening in the US, especially in the Bible Belt, but there is no room for complacency: If we don't push against it, we will get the same.

@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
jnpn mastodon (AP)
so SF authors are dangerous. Got it !
Richard mastodon (AP)
I sometimes feel we also are heading to a bit of idiocracy too
#USpol #BooksThatInfluencedYou

I have been looking with increasing dismay at the political situation in the #US: they are a #DemocracyInChains, a book by historian #NancyMcLean.

(To be fair, I'm cheating a bit here, as I've so far only read a detailed but excellent article on the book so far:

It is on the top of my reading list, though.)
@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Cover photo: men in dark business suits.





Mina mastodon (AP)
It's on my bucket list, too.

Despite everything, the US is still by far the world's most important and most powerful country, so what happens there, concerns us all.

The author Annika Brockschmidt has also written excellent books about the fight of the Christian Right against US democracy.

I also love to listen to Leeja Miller, a US lawyer with a YouTube channel.

@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

Actually, yes.
#SciFi authors are dangerous--for (would-be) totalitarian rulers like Putin or Trump, because they show what can (or has already) happened.

Oh, and sometimes the authors are a think-tank collective writing non-fiction, such as the #HeritageFoundation with the takeover agenda of #Project2025:
@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @mina @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

#USpol and the renewed rise of #fascism

If you have already heard of #MAGA's #Project2025* for taking over the #US totalitarian style, good. Here's your recap of the 900+ pages.

If you haven't, well, this #PoliticsGirl podcast will come as a shock to you, but it will get you up to speed:

*More details:

Download of the 922 pages #TransitionPlaybook:

jnpn mastodon (AP)
One think that still eludes my poor brain is how books like 1984 or the matrix showed us dystopias that will all agreed upon were dystopias yet we kinda walked toward something not too different
Day 12:


I just realized that this master piece in captivating #biographies was my first book about politics. The 4-volume saga was also the heaviest, LOL, with a total of over 3,000 pages.
I picked up this book at a mountain hotel, left their by a tourist...

#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)

@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Red book cover:



"A wonderful, a glorious tale. It will be hard to equal this amazing book." - The New York Times Book Review"
Day 12:


...and was utterly captivated by this book.
Lyndon B. Johnson, a #US president before my time, had initially seemed rather lackluster. Reading MASTER of the Senate,...

#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)

Day 12:

(3/n) became clear to me that he has been the political #SunTzu of the #US Senate. Initially not having the hard power for direly needed reform, #Johnson managed to transform the "upper chamber" representing the "states rights" into a masterpiece of...

#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)
Day 12:


...knowledge and writing skills, I' love to write a book in the style of #AlternateHistory, where #LyndonBJohnson, a grandmaster of backroom deals and finding morning majorities, would clash with #HenryClay, #TheGreatCompromiser, and one...

#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)
Day 12:


...beliefs and practices. His concept of republicanism emphasized proslavery thought..." 2)

That would be an epic battle! 🥰

Short of this, this book is also an excellent tutorial for anyone who plans to have a career in #politics. #MustRead


#20Days20Books (We'll see 😉)

I did mention that there were four books 📚 about #LyndonBJohnson, right? 😉

Book One: The Path to Power (1982)

Book Two: Means of Ascent (1990)

Book Three: Master of the Senate (2002)

Book Four: The Passage of Power (2012)

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

As we were talking about it yesterday, this sums up the precarious #political situation in the US quite ftittingly:

@evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire

#USpol #Fascism #GOP


Progressive political commentator, #ThomHartman 1) should have named his excellent summary piece,
The Dark Side of Politics: The GOP's MAGA Lie Machine, #TheStateOfTheUnion instead.

And what a sad state it is, indeed.
Never since the end of the #CivilWar has #US #democracy been so embattled.
Never since WWII and the downfall of the #fascist, #DeutschesReich controlled #AmericaFirst Party has the truth fallen victim to such...
"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own
understanding of their

George Orwell" "Who controls the past
controls the future. Who
controls the present
controls the past

George Orwell"
"The past was erased,
the erasure was forgotten,
the lie became the truth.

George Orwell"

GEORGE "From the totalitarian
point of view, history is
something to be created
rather than learned.

George Orwell"

Richard mastodon (AP)
I wish my reading was as exciting
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell one of my faves )

A Brief History of Time ( Stephen Hawking)

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the trilogy of 5 books, not read the 6th yet) (Douglas Adams.)
Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk)
The Communist Manifesto (
Karl Marx)
The God Delusion (Richard Dawkins)
I didn't know much about LBJ apart from that he was #VEEP when #JFK was assassinated:

...and that he did get a lot of #CivilRights legislation passed.

I now agree with his biographer, #Caro, that his achievement in reforming the #Senate make him an exemplary figure in #US #history.

Key events in his life:

@Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 13:

Today, I'm recommending another book by #JamesClavel, #TaiPan.
It is the second book in #Clavel's fantastic #AsianSaga.

It describes the rivalry of two English merchant families + their rise 2 power against the well-researched background of the #OpiumWars + #Hongkong's early colonial history.
It 1st got me interested in 🇨🇳.

@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book cover portraying a sabre...




author of
Day 14:


As promised, today the book that you should read before you watch the movie. Otherwise, you'll feel somewhat lost at times watching it.

I'm referring to #FrankHerbert's #SciFi masterpiece of epic dimensions, the #Dune saga.

The books are more relevant than ever because #GlobalWarming is...


@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 14:

(2/n) turning the regions around the equator into a #desert planet, and there is no lack of autocrats and religious zealots.

In my opinion, one of the best #SciFi sagas ever, equal to #Asimov's #Foundation trilogy, maybe even surpassing it regarding complexity of characters, philosophies,...

@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 14:


...religion, technology, and ecology.

Must read for any #SciFi aficionado.

#FrankHerbert died before the final volume of the saga*, "Chapterhouse: Dune" was finished. His son and a co-writer took on...


@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 14: #Dune


...the task of finishing it in the original style, based on #FrankHerbert's extensive notes.
That went so well that they've written yet another 20 books, in particular the prequels. (Which I haven't read)*




@mina @Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
I can only second your statement "Read first, watch later!"

This is possibly my favourite #SciFi saga.

Besides all the important topics, Herbert touches, this is a true novel (series of novels) in the sense that we embark into a voyage into unknown waters, together with the story's characters.

@Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina, what am I to say?
Mine, too, Mina,mine, too. #Dune is probably unsurpassed.🥰

"This is possibly my favourite #SciFi saga.

Besides all the important topics, Herbert touches, this is a true novel (series of novels) in the sense that we embark into a voyage into unknown waters, together with the story's characters."


@Yorkshiregeek @evelynefoerster @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @GreenFire
si_irini mastodon (AP)
Neeeeeever 😂
MaJ1 OLD mastodon (AP)
I have also moved to digital books because all the bookshelves are very full! (2/2)

But I do still make exceptions from time to time. 🙈
Day 16:

So, Mina, bird of a feather, thanks for the inspiration for today, or rather moving it forward in the pipeline. 😏

There was a time when I used to read all about #Mesoamerica's early history that I could get my hands on. One of the books was #Aztec by #GaryJennings.


@Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha
@2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire

Day 14

Karl A. Frank: Als der Sonnenadler stürzte

Der Kampf um die Schätze der Azteken


The Sun Eagle's Fall

The fight for the Aztecs' Gold



@HistoPol @mattotcha @energiepirat @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @forthy42 @2ndStar @MAJ1 @scb
A paper back book 

Above author and title

Below precolombian art:

A red ornamented Sun disk. Inside a richly dressed person kneeling making hand gestures

Book vover of Aztec by Gary Jennings
#Aztec by #GaryJennings


Day 16:

...Even though it is historical fiction, he works with a lot of love for historical detail. Alas, #GaryJennimgs died in 1999, and so he could only complete the first two of a total of 6 of this #AztecSeries, the other's were written much later than the first one (1980), the last...

@mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book cover of Aztec Autumn Book cover of Aztec Rage
Book cover of Aztec blood Book cover of Aztec Fire
#Aztec by #GaryJennings


Day 16: 2012 (#AztecRevenge.)

Now, the first thing to know is that there were no #Aztecs. This people who, according to legend, migrated to the swamps what later on became #Tenochtitlán, nowadays the historic Center of #MexicoCity, were called the #Mexica. Back then, it was an island in...

@mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book cover of Aztec Revenge
#Aztec by #GaryJennings


Day 16:

...what was then Lake #Texcoco in the Valley of #Mexico.

They spoke (and many still speak) #Nahuatl.

This first book provides an understanding of the roots of modern-day #Mexico.
Seen chronologically, the book starts in 1466, when the fictious Mexícan narrator is born. The book...

@mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Eve :verified: mastodon (AP)
I also love historic fiction! 🥰
Day 17:

I have been busy with some shelves so belatedly, my recommendation for the fascinating (hi)story of the #Mongols and their early khans.

It introduced me to an amazing part of Mongolia's and #China’s, and subsequently #India's as well as Europe's history: the #ConquerorSeries.

Irish author #ConnIggulden is a master storyteller.

@mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book Cover:
Conn Iggulden

Wolf of the Plains

The hilt of a sword is didplayed. Book Cover:

Conn Iggulden--Bones of the Hills

A giant Flagge in front of a clouded sky.

Beliw: hordes of attacking horsemen.
Book cover:

Conn Iggulden--Lords of the Bow

Picture shows a huge flying arrow

Below, snow-capped mountainbike with horsemen in between.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Jeztastic mastodon (AP)
@bookstodon @Neireh Ashamed to say that I learned more about British history through these books than I ever did at school...
2 people reshared this
I wouldn't be ashamed.
The authors usually spend a huge amount of resources on research. Moreover, if there were time to read as many pages on any period of history during school, you'd be a pro, too.

@bookstodon @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)

I totally agree. It is totally fine to learn history from historic novels, as long as you are aware that the writer will take their liberties when it comes to details.

However: All history is, in the end, story telling. So, the separating line between history and historic fiction is quite a blurry one.

@bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Eve :verified: mastodon (AP)
@jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh
😱 I know, right! And the past show, that other "Wilhelm Tell" was in other many countries with adjustment of the story a hero 😊
PetraPanda mastodon (AP)
@jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh
Course it did...
Durch diese hohle Gasse...

I saw it with my own eyes and ate the apple.
@PetraPanda @jeztastic

#FriedrichSchiller #WilhelmTell
European #History


Wow, even though the long Wiki entry doesn't really dig into the historical veracity of the play, it really is worth reading the entry. The view of contemporaries and later generations is colorful and changing. E.g.:

@bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
#FriedrichSchiller #WilhelmTell
European #History


...den Tellmythos berufen, als sie den französischen König enthaupteten, ebenso wie zahlreiche Adelige und ihnen opponierende Revolutionäre des Dritten Standes.👈"

"Schiller schrieb seinen „Tell“ in den Jahren 1803 bis 1804 und verfolgte selbstverständlich die Entwicklung...

@PetraPanda @mina @evelynefoerster @jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
#FriedrichSchiller #WilhelmTell
European #History


...Im „#Dritten Reich“ wurde das Stück zunächst in die #NS-Propaganda integriert. Propagandaminister 👉#Goebbels pries es in den ersten Jahren als „Führerdrama“, und es wurde entsprechend häufig aufgeführt. 👈 Die Hauptfiguren Tell und Werner Stauffacher wurden als ideale Führerpersönlichkeiten interpretiert, Tellzitate fanden sich in den meisten...

@PetraPanda @mina @evelynefoerster @jeztastic @bookstodon
#FriedrichSchiller #WilhelmTell
European #History


...Lesebüchern. 👉#Schillers Motiv des gerechtfertigten Tyrannenmords, der Beifall des deutschen Theaterpublikums an den „unpassenden“ Stellen sowie auch mehrere Attentate auf #Hitler (u. a. geplant von dem Schweizer #MauriceBavaud) scheinen jedoch zu einer völligen Abkehr der #Nazis von dem Tellmythos geführt zu haben👈; die...

@PetraPanda @mina @evelynefoerster @jeztastic @bookstodon
#FriedrichSchiller #WilhelmTell
European #History


...Änderung der Einstellung war so dramatisch, dass das Stück am 3. Juni 👉1941 auf Anweisung #Hitlers zur Aufführung und für den Schulunterricht verboten wurde."👈


@PetraPanda @mina @evelynefoerster @jeztastic @bookstodon
Auch wenn ich jetzt viel über die historischen Auswirkungen des Stücks gelernt habe, welche geschichtlichen Handlungsstränge den nun historisch belegbar waren, konnte ich diesem Wikipedia-Eintrag leider nicht entnehmen.
@evelynefoerster @jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
Es ist halt eine Legende, wie Robin Hood.

Was natürlich wahr ist, dass die Schweizer in der Zeit (13./14. Jahrhundert) begannen, sich gegen die Ausbeutung durch die Habsburger zusammenzuschließen.

@evelynefoerster @jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
C.Suthorn :prn: mastodon (AP)
@jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh
Und ich dachte es gab wirklich einen Wegelagerer namens Robin Hood mit einem Tuktuk, der ein Fan des Königs war, der auf der Rückreise von einer Kreuzfahrt in eine mobile Grenzkontrolle im Schengenraum geriet und festgenommen wurde weil er die Kaution nicht zahlen konnte?
@jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh Historisch belegbar ist die Ausdehnung des Berner Machtraums, und den haben die nicht mit Pralinen errungen, sondern mit modernen Kriegswaffen.

Dabei war die Geschichtsschreibung zum Erzeugen eines gemeinsamen Narrativs unentbehrlich. Die Hauptfeinde waren zunächst die angrenzenden Burgunder, bis die durch Heirat Habsburger wurden.
Eve :verified: mastodon (AP)
@PetraPanda @jeztastic @bookstodon
Der Eintrag ist wirklich sehr interessant! Love!
PetraPanda mastodon (AP)
@Life_is @jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh
If you look closely, there's a chewed off Apple core in dem dere woods
Eve :verified: mastodon (AP)
@jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh
Nein, Führungen biete ich nicht an, aber wenn du unbedingt ein Messer mitbringen willst, sollte die Klinge mindestens so lang sein, dass du dich damit selbst aus der Patsche helfen kannst wenn du den Habs"burger" verspeisen willst! 😂
@jeztastic @bookstodon @Neireh
Hamburger vs. Habsburger, Vorsicht, Verwechslungsgefahr!
Meme: Hamburger vs. Habsburger.
Links ist ein typisches McDonalds-Produkt (Hamburger) zu sehen, rechts Franz Ferdinand von Habsburg.
Day 19:


Today's recommendation is one of the crown jewels of historical fiction. I'd go as far as to say that for any book featuring #GaiusIuliusCaesar, her #MastersOfRome series still is the quality benchmark.

They started my interest in the Roman Republic...


@bookstodon @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Cover of

The First Man in Rome (1990); spanning the years 110–100 BC

Cover of

Fortune's Favourites (1993); spanning the years 83–69 BC
Cover of 

The Grass Crown (1991); spanning the years 97–86 BC

Cover of

Caesar's Women (1997); spanning the years 67–59 BC
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Day 19:


Book trivia:

"McCullough originally decided to end the series with The October Horse because in her opinion the ultimate fall of the Roman Republic took place after the Battle of Philippi, with the death of Caesar's assassins. However, most...


@bookstodon @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Cover of

Caesar (1998); spanning the years 54–48 BC

Book cover of

Antony and Cleopatra (2007); spanning the years 41–27 BC
Cover of

The October Horse (2002); spanning the years 48–41 BC
Day 19:

historians place the end of the Republic a decade later, after the final showdown between Augustus and Mark Antony at the Battle of Actium, in 31 BC.

McCullough said that her publisher wanted her to write The Thorn Birds sequels instead of the Roman books..."

Source for all quotes:


@bookstodon @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Pierrette mastodon (AP)
HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 Private Message mastodon (AP)
IDK why he does it but judged by McCullough, Calpurnia was a remarkable woman.

Oh? Why did you get the e-books as well?

@mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 Private Message mastodon (AP)

I see. In fact, the Masters of Rome series is one of the sagas I would read a 2nd time...once I've covered the UNread the ones from my book shelves. 🙈

@AlexPed @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


Ich wollte schon länger nochmals auf diesen Punkt zurückkommen:

1. Es wundert mich, dass #DeepL "Прокуратор" mit "Prokurist" übersetzt hat, denn schreibt man den diesen Begriff mit dem deutschen Alphabet, dann kommt genau "Prokurator" heraus.

2. Dies vorausgeschickt ist natürlich für...

@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @greenfire @evelynefoerster @forthy42 @MaJ1 @2ndStar @SarahEx

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...jedweden Übersetzer der kulturelle und temporale Hintergrund unabdingbar.

Selbst wenn ich auch fließend Rusdisch gekonnt hätte, wäre mir ggf. ein ähnlicher Fehler passiert: ich kenne die Rahmenbedingungen überhaupt nicht.

3.) Ein Prokurist ist jemand, der von der Firmenleitung mit grundsätzlich mit Vollmachten...

@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @forthy42

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...ausgestattet ist, kein Buchhalter (=Tätigkeit, berufsbezeichnung). Oft dürfen sie nur etwas weniger als die Geschäftsleitung, z.B. alleine keine Immobilien verkaufen, etc.

4.) Die Funktion des #Prokurator|s hat sich während der Existenz des Römischen Reiches über die Jahrhunderte deutlich verändert...

@mattotcha @mina @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @evelynefoerster @forthy42

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


"Im #RömischenReich war ein 👉#Prokurator ursprünglich ein Sklave oder Freigelassener, der im Auftrag seines Herrn oder Patrons dessen Güter (etwa Landgüter, Wirtschaftsbetriebe, Gelder oder sonstiges Vermögen) verwaltete.👈 In dieser Bedeutung wird der Begriff in Bezug auf Privatpersonen auch noch in der #Kaiserzeit verwendet.

Aus der Stellung der 👉#Prokuratoren des #Augustus entwickelte sich angesichts..

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...zunehmender Verquickung des kaiserlichen Privatvermögens (→ Fiscus) mit den Staatsgeldern ein Amt, das im Laufe der Zeit an öffentlicher Bedeutung gewann und sich auch auf Angelegenheiten erstreckte, die über die bloße Vermögens- und Güterverwaltung hinausgingen. 👈#Prokuratoren übernahmen nach und nach wichtige Regierungsämter und waren beispielsweise für Finanzen (a rationibus),...

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...für die #kaiserliche Kanzlei (ab epistulis Latinis oder ab epistulis Graecis, also lateinische bzw. griechische Korrespondenz) oder für die Abfertigung von Bittstellern (a libellis, d. h. Petitionen) zuständig. Zugang zu diesen gut dotierten Positionen hatten in zunehmendem Maße Angehörige des #Ritterstandes.

👉Die kaiserlichen #Prokuratoren waren formal keine Magistratsbeamten, sondern persönliche...

#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...Beauftragte des #Kaisers, und wurden im Prinzip aus dessen Privatvermögen bezahlt.👈 Je nach der Höhe ihrer Bezüge waren sie in Rangklassen eingeteilt; ..." 1):


Der #Prokurator im Buch agierte aufgrund der Datierung des Tods von Jesus im Jahr 30-33 n. Chr. 2)

Allerdings war der von #Kaiser #Tiberius eingesetzte...



#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


#PontiusPilatus (26-36 n. Chr.) lt. den mir bekannten Quellen ei römischer #Präfekt (RUS: Префект) und nicht nur #Prokurator 3):

"Ein #Präfekt (lateinisch praefectus, von praeficere = „vorsetzen“) war im #RömischenReich eine Person, die von einem #Magistrat oder dem #Kaiser mit der Wahrnehmung einer bestimmten Aufgabe in Verwaltung oder Militär betraut wurde. #Präfekten entstammten...


#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita

(9/n) der Regel dem Senatoren- oder dem Ritterstand." 4)

Soweit so gut, bis man den Wiki-Eintrag weiterliest und auf #Tacitus stösst:

"«Auctor nominis eius Christus Tiberio imperitante per 👉procuratorem Pontium Pilatum👈 supplicio adfectus erat.»

„Der Urheber jenes Namens, Christus, wurde während der Regierung des Tiberius durch den 👉Prokurator Pontius Pilatus👈 hingerichtet.“

– Tacitus"..


#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...Tja und #Tacitus bezeichnet ihn eben nicht als #Präfekt, sondern #Prokurator (sh. oben).

Ja und zwischenzeitlich ist seit 1961 bewiesen, daß selbst #Tacitus falsch lag:


Der 👉Fund belegt, dass die korrekte Bezeichnung für das von #Pilatus ausgeübte Amt Präfekt war und nicht, wie bei den Statthaltern von Judäa ab Mitte des 1. Jahrhunderts...
#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...üblich, #Prokurator👈, eine Bezeichnung, wie sie auch Tacitus verwendete.[22]..." 5)

Da #Bulgakow den Roman jedoch bereits ab 1928 schrieb, konnte er davon noch nichts wissen.

Die Lösung für die Übersetzung?--#Präfekt mit einer entsprechenden Fußnote, das im russischen Original der falsche Titel verwendet wurde.

Und da es verschiedene Präfekten gab, wenn man ganz spitzfindig...

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
#KI #Übersetzungen #DerMeisterUndMargarita


...sein möchte:

"👉Praefectus civitatis: Statthalter einer Region, die (noch) nicht in die eigentliche Provinzverwaltung einbezogen war. Ein bekanntes Beispiel ist #PontiusPilatus, #Präfekt von #Judäa.👈" 5)

Diese Analyse ging auch weit über die normale Recherche eines Übersetzers für Belletristik hinaus. 😉

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
@bookstodon @Neireh

10 years ago, the #MastersOfRome were hard to come by and I even had to order some books (used) from Australia.

Nowadays, it is easier: @energiepirat @SilviaMarton


Kann man sich zum Glück beim Internet-Archiv ausleihen. Ohne die käme man an viele Bücher gar nicht mehr ran.

Hier ein Screenshot meiner Suche zu Colleen McCullough (funktionierte NICHT in der mobile website):

Day 20:


So, I still owe you my final installment, though including the sequels of the series presented, I've been way past the 20 books, for more than a week 😉.

My final recommendation for the time being is an author who writes at the same level as #ColleenMcCullough,...


@bookstodon @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 20:


...However, the books about #Pharaoh #Ramses II, which I bought on a flee market, marked the beginning of my voyage into this ancient realm.

So w/o further ado, here's the first book 📖:

Ramses: The Son of Light - Volume I

⚠️ Potentially addictive and quite time-consuming!⚠️

@bookstodon @mina @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book cover of

"Ramses: The Son of Light - Volume I

Depicting drawn scenes from Egyptian temples.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 Private Message mastodon (AP)
I was going to give the example of Lady Jessica's transformation into the Reverend Mother in #Dune, however, it's not correct.

It was her daughter that gained acces to previous lives. And then, they weren't her own either.

@mina @Pierrette @AlexPed @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 Private Message mastodon (AP)
That's what I meant by "And then, they weren't her own either."

Horrible fate.
How could a mother do this to a child?
It is one of the worst forms of child abuse one can imagine.

@mina @Pierrette @AlexPed @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 21:


@mina, die in diesem thread das erste mal auch den Hashtag #20books20days setzte, meinte ja, sie sei sich nicht sicher, ob sie nach 20 aufhören könne.

Tja, ich auch nicht. 😉

Wenn sich jemand darüber beschweren will, so tue er/sie dies bitte bei @alex_w.
Sie postete gestern das...


@bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Alex mastodon (AP)
Warum bitte bei mir darüber beschweren? Ich stehe gerade auf dem Schlauch.
Day 21:


...Buch "Die Pest" (La peste) von Albert #Camus.

Das erinnerte mich an meinen Erstkontakt mit diesem Autor, als ich im Französischunterricht L'Etranger (Der Fremde) lesen musste.

Bei Wiki steht dazu:
"Er gilt als eines der Hauptwerke der #Philosophie des...


@mina @alex_w @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Book cover of "L'Etranger " von Albert Camus
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
Day 21:


... #Existentialismus und #Absurdismus."

Dem möchte ich nich widersprechen, meine jedoch much zu erinnern, dass die Lehrerin es als expressionistisches Werk einstufte.

Das Buch hat mich als Jugendlicher schwer bewegt:

Zum einen die Handlung über einen...


@mina @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Day 21:


...gefühlskalten Mann, der von der Sonne fast in den Wahnsinn getrieben wird, der sicher nicht unschuldig ist, jedoch sich eigentlich nur selbst verteidigt, jedoch wegen Mordes zum Tode verurteilt wird. Der Leser begleitet ihn bis zu seinen letzten Stunden.

Es war zudem mein erstes Buch auf Französisch.
@mina @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire

Na, weil du hierfür meine Muse warst mit deiner gestrigen Empfehlung. 😘
@alex_w @bookstodon @Neireh
Ah, erstes Buch auf französisch, da hätte ich noch was, was hier reinpasst:
ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPÉRY Le Petit Prince (avec les illustrations originales de l‘auteur) AIONAS VERLAG
2 people reshared this
Alex mastodon (AP)
Ah jetzt ja 😁​
Mina mastodon (AP)
Lustigerweise war "Die Pest" eins der ersten "schweren" Bücher, das ich auf Spanisch gelesen habe, als ich es gut genug konnte (weil es halt im Schrank stand), danach dann "Clockwork Orange".

Ich kann ja gar kein Französisch, daher kam das Original nie infrage. Ich habe dann später mal in die deutsche Version von "Die Pest" reingeguckt

@alex_w @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
und klar: Es war leichter zu lesen, aber die Stimmung war irgendwie anders und ich hab's dann gelassen, weil es mich beim ersten Lesen so beeindruckt hatte und ich die Gefühle behaltren wollte.

"A Clockwork Orange" hat mir wiederum auf Englisch mehr zugesagt.

Und da sind wir wieder beim Thema von neulich: Übersetzungen


@alex_w @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
Anderes Thema:

Ich habe tatsächlich nach 20 Büchern den Schnitt gemacht.

Ich habe mich sklavisch daran gehalten, jeden Tag ein Buch zu posten, nur eben nicht daran, keinen Text dazu zu schreiben.

Für ein Plappermaul wie mich, wäre das zu hart.

Es hat viel Spaß gemacht, war aber zeitaufwendig und so ist es ganz gut, dass ich durch


@HistoPol @alex_w @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina Private Message mastodon (AP)

Con respecto a ello se me ocurre:

Ahora empieza a surgir toda una industria de clones virtuales de seres queridos difuntos, o de compañeres ficticies, con les cuales podés interactuar y formar "relaciones".

¿Quién no te dice que las empresas detrás no te manipulen?

@HistoPol @evelynefoerster @Pierrette @AlexPed @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
Tatsächlich wählte Luther in seiner Bibelübersetzung den Titel "Statthalter". Damit liegt man immer richtig.

Für jemanden, der Bulgakow übersetzt, geht es, denke ich, allerdings nicht darum, die Verhältnisse in der Antike korrekt darzustellen, sondern darum, das sprachliche Kolorit des Jahres 1928 einzufangen.

Insofern wäre die beste Übersetzung die, welche damals auf Deutsch verwendet wurde, wenn man denn einen lateinischen Begriff verwenden will.

Also: Prokurator

HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 Private Message mastodon (AP)
#Chatbots #IA


"...con les cuales podés interactuar y formar "relaciones". "

Creo que es aún peor:

Si puedes crear tu persona favorita, porqué hacer mucho esfuerzo para que una relación real funcione y que vas a sufrir porque los seres humanos siempre van a ser imperfectos?
El incentivo es enorme.

Yo creo que por lo...

@karlggestd @evelynefoerster @Pierrette @AlexPed @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire
Mina mastodon (AP)
Ich sehe gerade:

Es gibt eine neue, allgemein hoch gelobte Übersetzung des Romans und die Übersetzerin hat tatsächlich wieder den Titel "Prokurator" gewählt (die Leseprobe reichte weit genug).

HistoPol (#HP) 🏴 🇺🇸 🏴 Private Message mastodon (AP)
#Chatbots #IA


...dicho, será una 👉devaluación de los seres humanos en general.👈
La razón es simple: si los seres artificiales se humanizan quada ves más, el valor relativo, el "USP" de la raza disminuirá.


@mina @karlggestd @evelynefoerster @Pierrette @AlexPed @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @forthy42 @GreenFire


Sie war sich der inkorrekten Bezeichnung durch den Autor im Ursprungstext wohl nicht bewusst.

Ich denke, es ist wohl eine Übersetzungsphilospohie.
Sie muss wohl eine Puristin sein: so nahe wie irgend möglich am Original.

Ich vertrete eine andere: wenn das Buch in der Übersetzung "korrekter" und eindeutiger wird, warum nicht?--So lange man auf die Optimierung in einer Fußnote hinweist.

Ich war mal der Cheflektor für ein Sachbuch. Da...




...ich mich mit der Materie auskannte, wurde sogar die Verständlichkeit von allen Sätzen optimiert. (Ausserdem schrieb ich im Rahmen der Lokalisierung ein weiteres Kapitel mit regionalen Fallbeispielen dazu. 😉 Letzteres ist jedoch eine absolute Ausnahme. )

Wenn ich daran denke, frage ich mal eine Freundin, die das studiert hat und ein Übersetzungsbüro leitet, wie sie das sieht.

Kannst du vllt. den Link dazu posten?


"Luther in seiner Bibelübersetzung den Titel "Statthalter". "

Dieser Titel ist nach meinen Recherchen auch korrekt. Aber:

"In biblischen Texten lautet seine Amtsbezeichnung ἡγεμών hēgemṓn „Statthalter“, was den falschen Eindruck erweckt, er sei Provinzgouverneur gewesen." 1)

Und: auch bei der #Bibel treffen 2 Übersetzungsschulen aufeinander: sollen weiterhin Worte verwendet werden, die z. Zt. der Übersetzung keine mehr verwendet...



"Luther in seiner Bibelübersetzung den Titel "Statthalter". "

Dieser Titel ist nach meinen Recherchen auch korrekt. Aber:

"In biblischen Texten lautet seine Amtsbezeichnung ἡγεμών hēgemṓn „Statthalter“, was den falschen Eindruck erweckt, er sei Provinzgouverneur gewesen." 1)

Und: auch bei der #Bibel treffen 2 Übersetzungsschulen aufeinander: sollen weiterhin Worte verwendet werden, die z. Zt. der Übersetzung keine mehr...




...verwendet, oder soll es allgemeinverständlich sein.
Bei der Bibel gibt es beides, je nach Land.

#MartinLuther hingegen wollte das Monopol der westlichen Kirche aufbrechen. Die Messen wurden fast nur auf Latein gehalten Es war ein Hoheitswissen, was die (katholische) Kirche als Haushofmeister von Gott als Zutritt zu ihm monopolisierte. "Wissen ist Macht".

Somit konnte #Luther keinem lateinischen Begriff wählen, mangels Verständlichkeit. Latein war damals...
#Übersetzung #KarlDerGroße #Alkuin #Latein


...die Hochsprache und Kaiser Karl der Große hatte mittels seines vertrauten Beraters, dem Gelehrten #Alkuin (#AlbinusFlaccus) 1) Latein grammatikalisch usw. im 9. Jh. n. Chr. neu überarbeiten lassen. 2) Es folgte eine Renaissance von Latein in der Oberschicht im kulturellen Rahmen der #Karolingischen #Renaissance.

Dem wollte Luther entgegenwirken, imdem er den Deutschen einen direkten Zugang...

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Übersetzung #KarlDerGroße #Alkuin #Latein #History #Alcuin


...zur #HeiligenSchrift erstmals ermöglichte.

Ein faszinierender Podcast der #BBC-Serie "#InOurTime" berichtet über das Leben von #Alkuin:


@mina @scb @alex_w @bookstodon @Neireh @MaJ1 @mattotcha @2ndStar @energiepirat @evelynefoerster @SilviaMarton @VeroniqueB99 @si_irini @GreenFire I then went on to read Candide, quite a reasonable thing to do with schoolboy French, and then tried Zazie - not so easy, it turned out.

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