Married older Tabletop Game Designer, GM and Player who also dabbles in computer game play. Currently partially disabled with mobility issues and other health concerns in the age of Covid. I worked in a wide variety of positions over the years in a number of different fields (Accounting, Retail, Medical, Security, Technical, etc.)
I reside in the progressive City of Cambridge MA. You cannot live in Cambridge without being aware of or having an opinion of Political Events and situations. Cambridge Politics is Local, National and International at all times. What happens here reflects throughout the country and the planet, thanks to the major learning institutions that are the majority employers and the international corporations that are based here.
I am LGBTQI Friendly, I Enjoy living in a diverse community with a variety of people from many cultural backgrounds around me. I have found myself in opposition to the values and behavior of the Modern American "Conservative" Republican Party all of my life, as I believe in treating individuals with dignity, empathy, politeness and respect (and expect the same) and expect the same in return. I try hard not to impose my religious beliefs on others, and tolerate others so long as their beliefs do not involve imposing their religion on others thru force. I also am pro-science as some might call it, and Pro-Environmental intervention to protect the planetary biosphere.
I am intolerant of Neo-Nazis, Self proclaimed Fascists, Putin Supporters, Mega-Corp Capitalism, Qannon, Trumpies, Anti-Vaxxers and White Supremacist’s Agendas. I will not keep such folks in my Aspects and will encourage others to remove them as well. They lack the qualities of behavior I expect and encourage in others and since they do not share such expectations and values they do not receive any empathy, dignity, politeness, respect or access to the polite areas of society. They reap what they sow.
Despite expectations I do not fit easily in only 5 Labels of interest, there’s more to me than just the 5.
LiveJournal Refugee. Googleplus Refugee. Refugee. Pluspora Refugee.
This had become my only Diaspora account with the shutting down of Pluspora. I agree to Civilized and Polite Behavior on the Internet and expect the same from those I share and communicate with. If you choose to be uncivilized in your behavior then expect to be treated as such.
Now On Pillowfort : Pinterest: Dreamwidth : Goblin Emporium :
http://www.goblin-emporium.proboards.comMy Aspect Video Playlists : Shown as my icon is the late great Vincent Price, I avoid putting personal photos on the net)