Hackaday (unofficial)
2022-10-06 03:00:10
Ugliest Airplane Ever Built Predicted the Future#mischacks #aircraft #history #hackadayposted by pod_feeder_v2Ugliest Airplane Ever Built Predicted The FutureThe airplane that many called “the flying barrel” is also widely considered the ugliest plane ever built. However, [Dark Skies] in the video you can see below argues that the Stipa-Capr…Hackaday
The airplane that many called “the flying barrel” is also widely considered the ugliest plane ever built. However, [Dark Skies] in the video you can see below argues that the Stipa-Capr…
Christian Nalletamby, Guy Geens, Ditje, Khurram Wadee and paulina.ciua like this.
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