You may not like it, but this is what peak Tooting performance looks like
A Macintosh SE/30 sitting on a midcentury desk with the top painted a real color. The Mac is running Macstodon 0.3. Other accoutrements on the desk are a stack of floppy disks, some MiniDiscs, AppleDesign powered speakers, and a Roland SC-88Pro MIDI module.
oh, my!!! To think that was once the cutting edge of technology.
Once upon a time, a single edged, small shaving razor blade one could shave one's self with was actually and literally the cutting edge of technology at the time when shaving was done with a knife-sized razor sharpened on a strop, usually weilded by a barber. We've come a long, long way since then.
Sascha Segan mastodon (AP)
I've been trying to get an old Mac emulation setup online but I've had trouble turning a modern Internet connection into something the old system understands. Any good links?
@saschasegan oh wow, that's something I haven't explored. I definitely had to (re-)learn a lot to get this hardware online on my home network! The key for me was installing Open Transport... I wonder if any of the Mac emulators emulate a network card or PPP type connection.
I've at least made a Google attempt to find out, and taking a stab in the dark, I'm guessing stuff that will play old Mac OS games might do the trick:
of course this was not tooted from that awesome device, though, because it doesn't support tooting images. 😁
I never knew Apple made speakers like that!
Mike Nelson Pedde mastodon (AP)
Bring back 8" floppy drives!!

And yes, I know what it's like to work on an iMac with no HDD and 360K discs!!
Ah, cassette tapes for the win.
Beardy Star Stuff mastodon (AP)
Andrew Singleton mastodon (AP)
You even went to the trouble of having fairly descriptive alt-text.


Peak tooting indeed.
thanks, though I just noticed there's a typo in it, "teal" autocorrected to "real"!
Suzanne Paley mastodon (AP)
@singletona I was actually wondering what kind of statement you were making by highlighting that the desk was painted a real color (perhaps as opposed to the off-white or black of all the equipment?).
Mary Margaret McCabe mastodon (AP)
when I had one of those I couldn’t work out how to do footnotes, so I wrote none. Utterly liberating. This feels rather the same, losing speed and slickness seems to be nicely reflective.
@werther mastodon (AP) I do like is the Mac! So functional and superb design! Saudades!
shyduroff mastodon (AP)
… +++ …
Shoq mastodon (AP)
What are those weird things on the left? Coasters?
Awesome. I would miss Unicode though.
MGEdwards mastodon (AP)
I have a Mac+ and an SE somewhere in a basement box. Can I actually use them again?
@cynic2010 I got a BlueSCSI ( and boot off of that instead of a floppy or old hard drive. You could use those old Macs again, but a lot have had their clock batteries explode and leak all over inside. I’ve had to do major work to restore an old SE with major battery damage. And the capacitors can also leak and cause corrosion. Even though it’s the older model of the two, your Mac Plus is more likely to not be damaged due to its battery placement on the back panel.
@Mary Margaret McCabe If I recall correctly, the way to add footnotes was to create a "footer" area. It's typically where the page number goes but it can do footnotes. If you mean making a raised number at the sentence where you want to reference a footnote, knowing ASCII might have worked if Extended ASCII--but what I'm not clear about is whether a Mac that old would have preceeded the implementation of Extended ASCII.
Mary Margaret McCabe mastodon (AP)
@claralistensprechen oh dear, I’m afraid I couldn’t do footers either, it all just scrolled through … had really no clue at all, and certainly no grip of special programmes that might help! I just typed and hoped. But it made writing such a joy, no typescript commitment.
Can't argue with that. πŸ˜€
PRNE mastodon (AP)
needs moar commodore 64
Steven French mastodon (AP)
The good ol’ days!
on a se/30? And a minidisc?
PookaNan Sussquatch mastodon (AP)
To toot, or not to toot.? If given the chance, one should grab life by the horn(s), or better yet, just use your tusks as best as you are able to. Have faith in the fuzzy pachyderm. From little toots will one day grow big tusks!
NASA and "yer mom" once used equipment like this. Things get better after a bit. Hav patience. This is advice coming from someone who is ADHD and has spent all 61 years of life constantly waiting (lol impatience). If I can wait for better days, you "normies" can
how is it connected to the internet? Also kudos for writing a program to interface with Mastodon!
@erin_kitsune it’s connected with an Ethernet card on my home network! And all credit goes to @smallsco for actually writing the program that actually interfaces with Mastodon!
don’t say that…
Lovely, I love hooking my Mac Plus using the rare ethernet / appletalk adaptor so I can go online to IRC with it xD
Brandon_Baez mastodon (AP)
omg is a mac!
Emma Knox mastodon (AP)
yeh baby! Isn't it gorge'? πŸ€πŸ’™πŸ€πŸ’™
Gio 🧐 mastodon (AP)
but… how… 🀯
This is from the time actual mastodons were alive.
@800askcarl it definitely wasn't working when I first got it. I had to replace all of the capacitors and clean corrosion off the board before it worked!
@emilyk it was definitely A Process to get to this point!
@flugennock Thanks, I’ve done quite a bit of work on this to get it working again. These SE/30s are special machines. I’m using Macstodon ( and the system has an Asante Ethernet card in the PDS slot.
Frank The Tank mastodon (AP)
it's a beaut, Clark, it's a beaut!!
Here's a trivia tidbit: that machine dates back to the time they used Motorola chipsets, which is why Motorola used that machine exclusively at work at the time...which is how I came to appreciate it. But that's when Motorola was still run by the Gavin family. It went kaput & got bought out and now is just a comm company with Gavins nowhere to be found.
...however, the overhauled Motorola still pays me my pension. When ya buy out stuff, you're also buying all the liabilities that go with it.
The Mac SE/30 is the only Mac I've ever truly desired. I've had quite a few other Macs, but they've all somehow left me unhappy.
Miss Spiers mastodon (AP)
I bet that keyboard makes a really good tappy tappy sound.
... fond memories
Craig Saunders mastodon (AP)
Wow, I remember when we had those in the newsroom. Was working alone late one night when one of 'em caught fire at the desk behind mine.
That's the machine that launched Microsoft Windows.
If yours runs Excel, take a wild guess who wrote it for Apple, gaining access to source code then ran off with it.
Jaye mastodon (AP)
what year is that from?? I’ve had do many macs I can’t remember them all
@bartdorsey oh, I like it. I like it very much.
I like it plenty! πŸ˜‚

The SE/30 and IIci were my grail machines.
Are you just using the serial interface on that 88? What program are you using for playback?
@RonsCompVids yeah! It just plugs in with a crossover/printer type serial cable, and then depending on if the program needs it, the MIDI Manager extension needs to be installed. I've had the best results with using QMidi for playback, but MidPlay is also pretty good.
this is 7.5.5, I haven't tried 7.1. I first tried on System 6, but couldn't find any plain ol' MIDI players that could run on it, they're all just too new. I got Cubase to run and could play some songs on 6, but the instrument mapping wasn't right.
@RonsCompVids reminds me of the good ole days with a Mac plus running opcode vision
Fell (Akkoma) akkoma (AP)
Does it interact with the API directly? How does it handle all the JSON?
@fell yep, Macstodon interacts with the API directly, but it does require a proxy to handle the https part. It handles the JSON... slowly. It takes several minutes to load the home and local timelines.
Exotime mastodon (AP)
nice clean SE/30. Miss my one, almost thought you were tooting over amateur radio from the thumbnail for a second there
@tpfaff100 I really want to get A/UX running at some point!
skry mastodon (AP)
I don't see the cat.
@skry I hope this can make up for lack of cat!
skry mastodon (AP)
ArtΓ«m Apostatov mastodon (AP)
as soon we are on nerdculture realm - is there Mastodon client for Emacs?
ArtΓ«m Apostatov mastodon (AP)
BTW partial solution is found - you can add your authors to RSS feed.
@apostaat I just saw a toot by @root42 mentioning this emacs mastodon client:
Yattix mastodon (AP)
but… I do like it!
Darkstar mastodon (AP)
wonderful !!!
Jason Self mastodon (AP)
I remember when the 68030 was the top of the line back in the day.
That's actually pretty cool. I didn't know that those old Macs were even powerful enough to run the TCP/IP stack, let alone doing any tooting.
Riley mastodon (AP)
ideal way to interact with computers

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