redj 18 diaspora
Thanks for re-shares! Have a nice day!
I had a nice day, and I'll have a nice evening. Thanks to you for the nice pic!

she's fighting this? take the L and lay low for a while

Judge Who Threatened to Shoot 4 Black Teens in Police Bodycam Rant Faces Possible Removal

In the footage captured by the bodycam, the teens are looking for lost car keys, while Gall can be heard yelling for them to leave and to take an Uber home.

"That’s how I roll. That’s how Mrs. G rolls. That’s how Judge Gall rolls. We’re clearing this place out," she says.

Gall called upon the responding officers to arrest the four teens, and mentioned more than once that she is a judge.

Referring to the Black teens, Gall said that they didn’t “look like they're that smart. They're not going to business school, that's for sure.”

She also threatened to shoot the teenagers, who were still trying to find their lost car keys.

“If they come back looking for it, I’ll call you while they’re on the property,” Gall said. “If they did, they’ll be arrested, or they’ll be shot on the property. Because when they trespass, you can shoot them on the property. I’ll shoot them on the property.”

When an officer responded to requests to arrest the teens by saying he could face a civil rights lawsuit if he arrested the teens without a good reason, Gall assured them they had her support, according to the statement of facts.

“Listen, but guess what, the good part is - the good part is I'm always on your side,” Gall said. “You know I'd take anyone down for you guys. You know that. You know that. You know I am on your side.”
this was a party she was "invited to", so presumably not even her house!
tomgrzybow diaspora
Gall said. “If they did, they’ll be arrested, or they’ll be shot on the property. Because when they trespass, you can shoot them on the property. I’ll shoot them on the property.”

A generous judge giving legal advice to friends.

EarthMomma mastodon (AP)
“Vote just this time, you won’t have to do it anymore.

You know what? It’ll be fixed, it will be fine, you won’t have to vote anymore…"
- Donald Trump

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Illinois, Minnesota new laws protect child influencers and their funds

Glyn Moody mastodon (AP)
JD #Vance called for ‘federal response’ to block women from traveling for abortions - "VP nominee pushed baseless warning in 2022 that George Soros would pack planes of Black women to get abortions"

Notorious leader of Sinaloa drug cartel is captured in U.S. operation

After a decades long man hunt the defacto head of Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel is arrested just outside El Paso. What more do we know about his capture and what impact, if any, will this have on the fentanyl crisis here.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Christoph S reshared this.

In #LetTrumpBeTrump

So just when you thought the Trump campaign for dictator cannot get any worse than his Convention*

Trump makes things worse

He said THIS in Florida last night. Yes. No more voting

* Only political convention of modern era to have produced a NEGATIVE bounce for the candidate

Polio virus detected in Gaza wastewater raises public health concerns

Wastewater samples taken in Gaza show vaccine-derived polio. Health workers are looking for active cases but have yet to find any. Meanwhile experts scramble to find out where the virus came from.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Susan ✶✶✶✶ reshared this.

Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
I can't wait for the AI bubble to burst and AI stans to blame "negativity" for it and learning absolutely nothing (just like AI doesn't really learn).
Don't forget that the AI bros used to be DotCom bros, Big Data bros, Crypto bros, and finally arrived at AI bros.

They will just jump to the Next Big Thing. Probably #HotAir (TM).

They. Will. Not. Learn.
Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
@beyondmachines1 But but but THIS TIME it's really real, pinky promise!!!1!

Elon Musk is an idiot.

Christianity has always been toothless because it's made up of mush and bullshit.
Dodo III. mastodon (AP)
@fmhilton@mastodon.sdf.orgI I dare say toothless is a harmless word for a religion, which has killed and mistreated incredible numbers of people in its name. Toothless sounds harmless. Christian fundamentalists are everything else.
Religion makes killers of people who thinking 'defending' their religion is a holy crusade.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

#OtD 27 Jul 1919 a week of riots erupted in Chicago after a white man threw stones at a young African-American man on a racially segregated beach, killing him, and police refused to arrest the perpetrators. Thousands of Black homes were looted and burned

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Innovative Produkte und soziale Innovation soll der Wissenstransfer in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft bringen. Es mangelt dabei nicht nur an Geld.#Forschung #Transformationsgesellschaft #Wissenschaft #Öko
benedict16b diaspora
“Beim Transfer in die Gesellschaft werden „soziale Innovationen“ unterstützt, etwa die gesellschaftliche Selbstorganisation im Bereich der Energiewende.”

Anhaltspunkte über den “Transfer in die Gesellschaft” und die dahinter stehende Haltung des akademischen Wissenschaftsbereichs liefert ein Blick auf die CitizienScience-Bewegung. Deutlich wird, daß vom Wissenschaftsbreich “Gesellschaft” nicht anders gedacht wird als Zulieferbetrieb für die eigenen Vorhaben. Die Bürger sind anscheinend zufrieden damit.

Und auffallend ist auch, daß die wirklich innovativen Bereiche von CitizienScience im erweiterten Sinne - OpenSorftware und maker - von den “Erfolgsgeschichten” aus dem CitizienScience-Bereich nicht berührt werden.

Um nicht mißverstanden zu werden: Mit dem Hinweis auf CitizienScience soll von meiner Seite nicht die fachliche Seite auf Projektebene angesprochen werden; sondern vielmehr strukturelle Charakteristiken in der Beziehung Wissenschaft - “Gesellschaft”.

Adam Hunt diaspora
Hours of amusement.

geekysteven mastodon (AP)
*sexting Ozymandias* babe show me your works, I'm feeling mighty

nothing is as it seems #orwell #read #books
2 people reshared this
gunnar diaspora
Some governments try to use that book as manual... and sadly it's not even a joke...

The opposition is energized ahead of Venezuela's high stakes election

The opposition is united against longtime leftist President Nicolas Maduro, who is seeking a third term in this Sunday's election amid the country's gravest economic and political crisis in decades.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Vor der Präsidentschaftswahl haben viele die Nase voll von Machthaber Maduro – doch der klebt an seinem Amt. Eine Reise in ein nervöses Land.#Venezuela #Caracas #NicolásMaduro #HugoChavez #RecherchefondsAusland #ReportageundRecherche #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt

Got a text this morning from my old boss letting me know how much my work is being discussed at some conference and how I should really attend. I politely replied that it was nice to hear and reminded him I was “retired.”

In alternative reality I say: that’s really fucking interesting considering I got nothing but pushback from the medical school administration about being properly paid with you having to write a 2 page essay answering their questions about “what exactly I’ve accomplished” 😡 🙄

Col mastodon (AP)
Life is full of complications....
Even when you're born, there's a string attached.
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
This is why the amniotic sac was a mistake.

Christoph S diaspora
Doggo on the train

/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Right, FINALLY doing the SSD upgrade in this old laptop with the Extremely Cursed SATAExpress SSD. I bought a 2242 size NVMe drive to stick in the (unused) WWAN slot
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
The Old Laptop is going to be my new daily driver. I’ve been using it exclusively for a few weeks now, but I know the 256GB SSD is going to be the choke-point very soon.

Still, a decent upgrade. Old main rig is a i7-2600K with 32GB RAM, 512GB SATA SSD, and 8GB Radeon R9 290X, still VERY usable for a 10-year-old rig. Old (new) laptop is a ThinkPad T460p - i7-6820HQ, 32GB RAM, 1TB NVMe SSD, and … uh … a 2GB GeForce 940MX. Yeah, the GPU sucks (and sucks much less than the built-in HD530), but I rarely play 3D games now so it’s not a great loss, and I gain portability which I didn’t have before.

I’ve even got the matching NOT-USB dock!
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
First things first, make a safe image of the existing SSD.

Next, figure out how the fuck to open an encrypted disk. Then use BTRFS to save the subvols.

Then, because I don’t trust either of those two methods to restore properly, mount the BTRFS filesystems and copy the contents out too.

Then I can safely* discard the utterly cursed SATAExpress SSD. Probably. Maybe I’ll swap a SATA SSD in instead, for even more storage space.
sortius mastodon (AP)
that's a lot of effort where you could just nuke it from orbit and start from scratch
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
@sortius I’ve got enough customization on the existing disk that I CBF repeating
sortius mastodon (AP)
aah, that sucks. I know what you mean if it's all weird shit for development, especially buggy stuff that requires installs in correct order, and odd steps between install/configs
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
@sortius yep, I’ve got 3 different embedded vendor toolchains installed so far, still need to install at least 4 more
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
pigz -c1 go brrrrrrrrr
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
NAS go cromchcromch
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
rsync go ebebebebebeeeee
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Oh wait, fuck, this is Linux NFSv4 talking to a Solaris NFS server. Of course the ownership and permissions are completely hosed.

Oh well, tar it is then
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Speaking of Linux NFSv4, I wonder if that 100% repeatable kernel panic bug we found almost 20 years ago ever got fixed? Was reported to RedHat, but I left the org before the ticket was closed.
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
I don’t remember the exact details, but somehow it involved an absolute symlink hosted in the NFS server pointing to /dev/stdin
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Command ‘gtar’ not found, did you mean:

  • command ‘ftar’ from deb fai-client (0%, 0 votes)
  • command ‘qtar’ from deb hxtools (0%, 0 votes)
  • command ‘ptar’ from deb perl (7%, 1 vote)
  • command ‘tar’ from deb tar (92%, 12 votes)
13 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
No really, I did mean gtar, but thanks for “helping” I guess
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Fucking GNU systems
Colin mastodon (AP)
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Anyway, turns out this restore will probably be easier than I thought - the new SSD doesn’t support 4K block sizes, so I can just blat the raw image from the old SSD on, adjust the partition table, then resize.

First, verify the new SSD can actually store as many bits of data as it claims.
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
This is your regular reminder that `openssl aes-128-cbc -in /dev/zero -out /path/to/dev` is faster than `dd if=/dev/urandom of=/path/to/dev` if you want lots of random-looking incompressible data
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Well it ate all the data it claimed it could. Slowed down a fair bit towards the end though, think the flash controller was struggling a bit and “only” writing random 1MB blocks at 180MB/sec
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
… you’re fucking shitting me. After all that, the NVMe SSD is preventing power-on when it’s installed?!
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
@georgeharito the SSD was tested in another machine
I knew my meme-creating skills would fall flat
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Well, that was an entire fucking day wasted
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
So, at this point I have 3 options:

1. Keep the cursed 256GB SATAExpress drive (or find a bigger one for approximately $0)

2. Swap with a 1TB SATA SSD (for approximately $0)

3. Make my own M.2 NVMe to SATAExpress adapter board

I think we all know where this is going…
Thermite Be Giants mastodon (AP)
the yak demands shaving
sortius mastodon (AP)
*waves at "nuke it from orbit" sign*
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
The major problem with option 3 is finding the connector. Your challenge, #electronics Fedi hivemind, is to find me a SATAExpress drive-end connector I can buy
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Ohhhhhhhh fuck, I just realised I could possibly, maybe, make it a PCIe 3.0 x1 instead of x2 just by using a “normal” drive connector
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
… wait a fucken minute! Is that just a standard dual-port SAS connector?!
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
It is not: there is a slot in the key, which mates to a counter-key on the host side. I could cut that slot out of a standard SAS connector myself I guess?
sortius mastodon (AP)
I always get scared when hardware engineers start tinkering with actual computer hardware 😝
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
Also, the REFCLK pins aren’t on a SAS connector (E1 to E3). Technically they aren’t required…
Daniel Carosone mastodon (AP)
is that the sound of a dremel I hear?
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
@uep eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
systemd-jaded mastodon (AP)
maybe you can rework one off of a scrap drive? i hope they are worthless on EBay.
Adam Kent mastodon (AP)
Interesting alternative here, aes-256-ctr might be even faster? Would be fun to test.
/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
@akent the trick is to use a hardware-accelerated cipher, which AES-128-CBC almost universally is
Adam Kent mastodon (AP)
Aaah very cool
Comrade elronxenu mastodon (AP)
The code would have been rewritten multiple times since then.

I found IRQ handling errors in the Linux 1.x days; my fix was too messy to go in the kernel; everything has since been rewritten.
Brian :tokyo: mastodon (AP)
@arichtman Wow that’s a spicy one.

At least 8 large Oklahoma school districts rebuke superintendent's order to teach Bible

The political implications of Netanyahu's meeting with Trump

On the day that former President Donald Trump is meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, we look at the Republican nominee's relationship with Israel.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

US operation to capture Sinaloa cartel leaders had the help of one of the captured men: a son of ‘El Chapo,’ official says

Boar's Head recalls 200,000 pounds of deli meat linked to a Listeria outbreak

The Food Safety and Inspection Service made the announcement Friday. There are 34 cases of Listeria from deli meat across 13 states, including two people who died of Thursday, according to the CDC.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Sam Smith reshared this.

A spectacular opening ceremony wowed a global audience despite Paris' on-and-off rain

The Paris Olympics opening ceremony wowed Parisians, fans and most everyone who was able to catch a glimpse of thousands of athletes floating down the Seine to officially begin the Games.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

habt ihr wigentlich #usa #kamalaharris mitbekommen wie sie sagte sie würde mit ihren verbündeten partner #nordkorea zusammenstehen? 🤣🤣🤣 naja sie ist ja bekannt als #staatsanwältin dass sie #schwarze sklaven in gefängnisse gehalten hat obwohl sie hätten freigelassen werden müssen

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