My personal strategy has been to not depend on them seeing me.
I see plenty of people riding in darkness, twilight, or rain, and not wearing a reflecting vest, light clothing, or even a red-light in the back. Stupid is as stupid does.
In the city, I see way too many people walking and riding across the street wearing dark clothing. Insane
donsimon diaspora
I think that fluro orange is the best colour. A red LED at the back is good, even in daylight but the most dangerous time, for me as a car driver is dusk with a low setting sun as folks tend to still be wearing sunglasses as they drive.
John Munt diaspora
It's not uncommon for an Amish stealth buggy to be rear ended around here
The extra orthodox refuse to use any reflectors
There was another fatality a week ago
The guardrails on the side of the highway don't even move. They are off the road. Yet they get clobbered here every day.

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