At least 8 large Oklahoma school districts rebuke superintendent's order to teach Bible
tomgrzybow diaspora
Why and how would Muslims or Hindis, not to mention Atheists, teach (or wish to learn) the Bible?
tomgrzybow diaspora
Then you also have different editions of the Bible - even that would be a problem.
tomgrzybow diaspora
This memorandum and the included standards must be provided to every teacher, as well as providing a physical copy of the Bible, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Ten Commandments as resources in every classroom in the school district.

Would this be allowed?

Or maybe three or more different editions - which very much might educate some students about the nature of the Bible.
Good point, @tomgrzybow although it goes way beyond different translations.

Many Catholic kids go to public school (and to religious education at their parish.) Our Bible has 73 books, while the Protestant version has 66 - and we reject the fundamentalist's literal reading. if it were my kids, I would not be happy.
tomgrzybow diaspora
Walters believes he has the authority to issue such a directive and issued a veiled threat to districts that won’t obey it: β€œSome Oklahoma educators have indicated they won’t follow the law and Oklahoma standards, so let me be clear: they will comply, and I will use every means to make sure of it.”

This, however sounds fascist.
tomgrzybow diaspora
if it were my kids, I would not be happy.

That is what I was trying to say.

Bob Lai diaspora
All y'all won't pay teachers enough or provide school supplies, but now they have to teach the Bible, the Ten Commandments, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence?

Did I just hear a plug for Donald Trump's Grift Bless the USA 'Bible'?
On another note (and remember, I did this for a living) who is training the teachers and who is paying for that? This is more than just reading through a lesson plan. Pew Resarch says that fewer than half of American Christians actually read the Bible a minimal once a week.
Then you also have different editions of the Bible - even that would be a problem.

...or a tool of mayhem... heh
fewer than half of American Christians actually read the Bible a minimal once a week.

and that's just how the griftofascists like it
Jodi K diaspora
Fine. Let's use...ummm... The Robert Alter translation. That should make their heads explode.
Bob Lai diaspora
IMHO, if you require kids to learn the Bible, etc. 'because Jesus,' you are laying significant groundwork for them to resent religious instruction and, ultimately, reject the church and its teachings.

A former co-worker chose to homeschool his son. The co-worker was a strict, Christian (Lutheran, I believe) father, and treated other editors in the same, 'You must respect my authorit-ay' manner.

His son 'dropped out,' dyed his hair blue, and took up punk rock and video games.
tomgrzybow diaspora
Playing the devil's advocate πŸ˜‰ The Bible is of considerable historic importance. But almost certainly that is not the context it would be put in.

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