Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
Evan Prodromou (@evan), the co-author of #ActivityPub, does not like Bluesky.

He believes it is setting back the Fediverse and slowing its growth.

@Ronkjeffries @tchambers are you seriously asking me this question?

No, of course not. It's irresponsible and greedy for Jack and his team to be building an incompatible protocol as the fediverse is booming.

Their only impact is going to be somewhat slightly slowing our growth.

I don't think anyone should be putting their time or energy into supporting Jack's BS.
I’d be rather inclined to agree with his take, the only sensible approach for Jack here would’ve been to make it ActivityPub compliant. It’s a bad ploy at competition, in a space where competition doesn’t make sense
FeralRobots mastodon (AP)
Personally, I think Jack lacks imagination.

I know @evan has expressed frustration that the BlueSky team seem to be claiming things can't be done on AP that he & others have literally outlined plans for doing on AP.
@atomicpoet @fediversenews
vagabond mastodon (AP)
This is likely an impossible ask on both sides, so the simple thing to do is code a bridge please have your say here it is where our project devs hang out and work like this is decided.
vagabond mastodon (AP)
For people who do not see the activism in this. Chicken and egg - we already have the egg - it's the #fedivers now can we nurture this to hatch a chicken. Or will our egg be stolen by magpies - see our #fahernistas making a mess of the "protocol wars" on this subject.
ocdtrekkie mastodon (AP)
Indeed, it's silly to create your own standard unless you're trying to accomplish something significantly different or significantly improved from the existing one. Right now a single app has chosen an incompatible federation protocol they wrote themselves.
Nasos Alaiskas friendica (via ActivityPub)
What does he mean with
Their only impact is going to be somewhat slightly slowing our growth.
Jonathan Glick mastodon (AP)
@coachalaiskas He means that the success of Bluesky will harm the Fediverse a bit.
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@Jonathanglick @coachalaiskas that's it, yes.

It's probably not entirely fair. BS has been a real challenge for the fediverse, and it's raised some important issues.

We'll probably have a better fediverse because of it.

But it would have been more productive if they'd worked with us than against us.
Alex mastodon (AP)
The amount of effort and angry nights spent fighting the same problems all because he wants to claim 'ownership' is ridiculous and harmful.

You are right to be annoyed. I'm a user, not a fedi-developer, and I'm annoyed by it. It seems at best myopically focused and at worst childish.

I wish they would embrace the collaborative nature of the Fediverse and bring their creativity, brilliance and dollars into a better fedi.

@Jonathanglick @coachalaiskas @atomicpoet @fediversenews
FeralRobots mastodon (AP)
I think @evan may be more pragmatic than the post might make it seem. FWIW I think his take is accurate, & suspect Jack at least (perhaps not Jay & others) has literal contempt for genuinely open efforts.

That said I think I've also seen Evan say he's happy to work on bridges. (Which arguably defang AT.)

Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@FeralRobots I don't think I said I'd be happy to work on bridges.

I'm happy to help the BS team when they're ready to implement ActivityPub and join the fediverse.
FeralRobots mastodon (AP)
Sorry, I misinterpreted what you said or just plain got it wrong.
@atomicpoet @fediversenews
tsadilas mastodon (AP)
he is right
katve mastodon (AP)
Ain't Jack making #nostr ? At least this random article says he endorsed it, and now he's on #Bluesky ? I thought that was a Twitter effort.
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
@katve Jack doesn't make Nostr nor Bluesky. He's donated to Nostr, and he's a board member at Bluesky.
katve mastodon (AP)
Yeah, well, I guess it's never the CEOs or board members making the products.
charlesesmith mastodon (AP)
I am not sure what anyone thinks that Bluesky is solving. It's still a silo, if a slightly nicer one. And it's helmed by Jack “Elon might be the only thing that can save Twitter” Dorsey, who you can pretty directly point to twitter's demise. All that said, getting on the fediverse needs to be this easy. If it were, Bluesky would be DOA.
joel b pleroma (AP)
as far as I can tell it’s solving the problem of Jack and his friends needing the next company to grow and sell for another payday.
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
@charlesesmith Nomadic identity is the problem that Bluesky aims to solve.

@evan says that nomadic identity is achievable through ActivityPub.

The problem is that Mastodon does not have nomadic identity. Yes, you can migrate to another server and bring your followers with you.

But (mostly) you cannot bring your posts.
charlesesmith mastodon (AP)
I understand the stated goals of the project, but I don't trust how it will be implemented/executed. Notably absent from the official site is how they plan to monetize, for example.
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
There's a longer and more detailed thread about my position on Bluesky here:
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
I've read that. Here's my worry with ActivityPub.

Mastodon's inability to adopt nomadic identity is going to result in recentralization, with dominating the network.

Yes, people can migrate their followers -- but they can't take their posts.

Now I'm working with Calckey to get post migration working. We tried it yesterday. There's hiccups -- but we're trying.

I don't know if Mastodon will ever attempt that -- it's not on their road map. That worries me.
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
I know that @mike is working on nomadic identity. I've tried out Hubzilla and Streams. From what I see, there's been little adoption on what he's working on despite it being available for years.

I hope the Fediverse Identity Manager means Bluesky is meaningless.

But I also wonder if people who use Mastodon will know about it.

We need something to make Bluesky's nomadic identity superfluous.
we need a better version of BlueSky's nomadic identity. One that does not undermine moderation.

@evan @mike
I echo that worry - having to leave posts behind when migrating - and add to it another:

The situation where you click on a post and you don't see all the replies, unless you go to its original location on its original instance. Then of course you can't interact with it (or the new replies you've now found) from there.
HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@sarajw I agree that this is important.

I also think using your own domain for your ActivityPub identity makes this a lot easier. I'd compare changing web hosting or blog platforms.

But it's hard to use your own domain on the fediverse today. You have to run your own server. It should be easier.

Also, this is functionality that is completely unavailable on the commercial social web. You can't move your Twitter account to Instagram, or your LinkedIn to TikTok.
HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
@sarajw That's true. To that point, I believe decentralization of social media is more likely now than it was a year ago, and it will ultimately win.

But to your other point, it will take that much longer if there's a war between protocols.

So if ActivityPub is to win *quickly*, it needs to kill AT protocol's one (theoretical) advantage.
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
Also, moving accounts is something that will happen a handful of times in your life.

I think it's important that it's available, both practically and symbolically.

But we probably shouldn't optimize the entire network for it, if it costs performance or functionality elsewhere.
Ariadne Conill 🐰 mastodon (AP)
i disagree. i think people should be free -- and encouraged even -- to move accounts as much as they see fit.
If we're now onboarding to large "official" instances because that makes it easier (incidentally I think that's a good idea) with the argument that moving later on is easy - well it is, but leaving those posts behind is jarring.

I would possibly make a jump again soon, if it wasn't for the fact I'm quite attached to my history and content where I am now. I even have a second account on another instance already.
Paul Schoe mastodon (AP)
Since moving accounts only takes place a 'handful of times in a life', I don't think that it will 'costs performance'.

Since it happens so few times, you can even process such request in off hours, so a transfer of posts will take a day or week.

@evan @sarajw @atomicpoet @fediversenews
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@paulschoe @sarajw absolutely.

I meant, an architecture that made nomadic identity easy, at the cost of making everyday delivery hard or slow, would not be a good architecture. It's dragging down the frequent tasks in order to optimize a very infrequent task.

I think content addressing would be an example of this kind of architecture.
Paul Schoe mastodon (AP)
Comparing the incidental moves to another instance, with the millions of toots posted every day. The moves should indeed not drag down the posts.

But a distributed environment requires the ability to move. There are too many instances whose continuity isn't guaranteed for a long period.

If we believe in a situation where people can choose a preferred instance, then we have to ensure that they don't lose everything when that instance is discontinued.

@evan @sarajw @atomicpoet @fediversenews
Can there be a stopgap of downloading your content then uploading the package to an account on a new instance? If migrating it all online is such a traffic challenge?

I guess there'd have to be some proof that you are indeed the owner of that content package...

Edit to add: WhatsApp backs up your message archive on Google drive for transferring between phones.

I realise there's still traffic with the down/upload but maybe it's an option 🤷
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Ian Tindale mastodon (AP)
@sarajw no that’s bullshit – moving accounts is something I do every time I get completely fucked off with some situation or other that pisses me off, and that’s much more than “a handful of times” in my life, it’s often

Anyway, consider this:

Do you know the admins of your instance? Have they ever spoken to you? Have they ever joined in and replied to a post you’ve made? That’s happened to me a few times and it’s jarring and uncomfortable

Do you know the admins of your email provider? The admins of your gmail account? Of course not. They keep the fuck out of your usage of the internet

I’ve moved several times not just because I got pissed off with something but because I was aware that admins or mods existed and are probably reading my stuff which modified my approach to posting anything at all

If it were easier to move yet keep my identity I’d basically try all the instances on all the fediverses until I found one I was comfortable with

I deleted my accounts on mastodon social and mastodon cloud (horrid place) because I was so furious one night I couldn’t be arsed to even try to move from one place to another, I just dumped the accounts both at once and announced I was leaving the fediverse

(For a few days)
Ian Tindale mastodon (AP)
@sarajw I should point out that it’s never occurred to me that I should want to take my posts with me – they’re not that important, nobody’s posts are in any way that important, if anyone posts something I like and I bookmark, it’s not that important, if I post anything at all, it’s not that important, and if you’re reading this, your posts are not that important

Especially in situations where a group of us are live-posting along with something we’re watching on telly (which happens every Friday evening with Top of the Pops on BBC4 here in the UK) – loads of posts which only make sense to others also sharing the same primitive hashtag mechanism and frantically updating constantly, posts which are just responses to what we’re seeing on the telly, posts that cannot possibly be contextualised if you’re not in with us, and posts that mean nothing the next day – I don’t care about posts like that, I don’t want to take them with me anywhere, if there were a way of setting their lifetime to 1 week, I’d do it (a way that is a] apparent to me without having to look for it, b] doesn’t just apply itself to every post I make, and d] can be applied to only those posts I’m making while watching telly along with other people also watching the same thing that evening)

Which sometimes makes me wonder if we should be using some form of fediverse chat room? Maybe we should

In which case, sure, yes, let’s do that – but! I will not want to sign up a new account just for that, nobody would find me, I’d not find anyone else I’m used to, what I do want to do is use my existing fediverse login to login to that hypothetical chat room as well as be logged in to the mastodon instance I’m using – both the same login, both the same identity, different usage

That’s one thing I’d use a movable identity for – being on a microblobbying service like mastodon or clakckey, and also simultaneously and at the same time, being on a chat service like something that doesn’t exist yet, but as the same person, same ID, same way of getting to me (ie, like as if I’d used my email address as the ID to all of this) (and in a world that you could trust that nobody would spam my email address just because I make it available out in the open) (which probably isn’t this world)
Why is an admin behaving as a normal user uncomfortable? I genuinely don't get it.
Ian Tindale mastodon (AP)
@privateger @sarajw because of the power differential

Like when I was a lecturer, no matter how equal I liked to make it seem between my students and I, ultimately I was in a position to tell them what to do and how to behave, and I would be the one marking their work at the end
Codex ☯️♈☮ mastodon (AP)

I respect where you're coming from, and agree that the power imbalance is more like "hanging with the boss" than anything else. But for many people, knowing the mods and admins and having them be generally accessible is a huge positive. More like old forums, the "small town vibes."
Lee 🌏 mastodon (AP)
@u0421793 @sarajw
I always felt knowing your admins was like getting to know your local police officers. (Without the guns and tear spary)
Luca Sironi pleroma (AP)
This nomadic posts feature remember me the first instance I Ianded on which, during november 2022, suggested people to set an automatic expire for posts .

I'm curious how is supposed to work.
What happen if I migrate 10 years of my posts (I've got a nice html twitter archive with local search built in) from instance A to instance B ?
Will that affect also the local copies on all the other ten thousands of servers ?
And why do we need to move all those messages if they are already present in multiple copies on the network ?
Would that need being superseded by a really working fediverse search feature?
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@luca @sarajw I started thinking about this a while ago, before I’d got around to reading the Bluesky AT Protocol docs. They have solutions for some of this (all a user’s data is a single, digitally signed blob that can be easily synced and moved), but importantly do NOT have a working solution for the nomadic identity part.
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@luca @sarajw Updated previous with the correct link.
Luca Sironi pleroma (AP)
very interesting article, i have the same questions.
I'm very sceptical BlueSky , if truely decentralized, can do it in a proper way.

By the way, let's say you want to migrate.
Your social contacts already read your old messages, which they are cached in their server and in their memory.
If i remember that Kevin told me something on may 2023, i can try to search it, either searching for me or searching for past you, but the generic instance usually suck ad digging in the past.
We're no Shakespeare and if we are, we publish books.
Who's the only person interested in my whole historic posts on a social network?
It's me, locally, on my pc, to search something i remember i have wrote and i want to occasionally rephrase/repost.

I must confess i once posted on the fediverse some revised considerations i previously made on closed social network, to see if i can have different feedback from different new people.
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@luca @sarajw Some of the AT design decisions are interesting. In particular the PDS, which is the whole of a user’s “account”. It’s a digitally signed and hashed merkle tree of data containing everything - posts, likes, reposts, the lot. It’s easy to sync across between servers and your client is expected to keep a complete copy as well. But, it’s public. Anyone can download it.
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@luca @sarajw That’s probably why they haven’t worked out how to implement DMs yet. This will be a very hard problem to solve involving encryption and keeping track of rolling public/private keys.
They’ll need to give a lot of thought to protecting against offline brute force decryption of “private” data.
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@luca @sarajw Also, as far as I can tell the “Placeholder DID” requires a central directory service run by Bluesky that is the only way of allocating DIDs currently and for looking them up again to find out which server has the user’s PDS. The “real” DID will probably turn out to be a blockchain solution. Essentially NFTs. That’s going to go down well.
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@luca @sarajw The public nature of the PDS data store of course means full text search of the whole thing is not only possible, but impossible to prevent.
Ste megsmagik mastodon (AP)
@MetalSamurai @luca @sarajw Thank you, I finally understood it even if I’m not a tech expert! I was thinking about something like a placeholder post and when you click on it it redirects to the original post in the old instance but if the instance is dead? You finally made me clear that it’s a very complicated issue!
Kevin Davidson mastodon (AP)
@megsmagik @luca @sarajw It’s not impossible to do. In fact one of the creators of ActivityPub put some thought into this a few years ago, but I don’t think the work has gone anywhere.
David Gerhart unkn (AP)
"But it's hard to use your own domain on the #fediverse today. You have to run your own server. It should be easier."

Oh yeah, this. (As this private instance owner wheezes his way along.)

Hard nut to crack, tho. I'm sure.

Thank you!
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@dumbo @sarajw well, I think multihome hosting is pretty common in other areas, like blogging, wikis, and chat.

I don't know a lot about how works, but I think that's a great model for setting up an enduring place in the fediverse.

I also think it'd be possible for a multi-user installation to treat accounts as if they're on different domains. I'd compare how GitHub pages handles custom domains.
spla :senyera: :vim: mastodon (AP)
well, it's easy to run your own ActivityPub identity in your Raspberry at home thanks to Yunohost and then forget about all those worries @sarajw @atomicpoet @fediversenews
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
I'm not speaking for myself here, I could probably figure it out. But this is pretty hardcore geek stuff to most of the social media using world.
Mark Shane Hayden hometown (AP)
with respect to the difficulty of using your own domain in the fedi being too complicated...

Two apporaches could be taken to address the complexity:

1. devise a means to separate identities from servers which the Blooski Crew are consumed with doing (by way of excess reinvention at that), or

2. make a concerted effort to focus on easily installed and maintained servers by re-prioritizing simplicity over scalability

Anyways I think there is a lot of hand-wringing about making One Account for All The Things and OMG what if our online selves are fragmented amongst many services? This seems to be the BS obsession.

But that is fine! It is fine to have 3 masto accounts, 2 pixelfeds and a peertube if you want! Lets make it easier to do that by making SSO services link to these accounts the LemonLDAP portal concept but really slimmed down or something.

I just seems to me that a lot of effort is put into simplifying things "the wrong way"?

@sarajw @atomicpoet @fediversenews
Harald Eilertsen hubzilla (AP)
@Sara Joy ✨

The situation where you click on a post and you don't see all the replies, unless you go to its original location on its original instance. Then of course you can't interact with it (or the new replies you've now found) from there.

That's also a solved problem. It's called OpenWebAuth and it's been around for years.
HistoPol (#HP) reshared this.
HistoPol (#HP) mastodon (AP)

So, if it is solved, why is it still happening all the time?
Fediverse News reshared this.
ᴚ uɐᗡ mastodon (AP)
👀@harald interesting - and what are the prospects of rolling support for it into Mastodon - who is gonna tag Eugen 👀 🍿
@harald ok? So how do I make that work from inside Mastodon on an instance I don't control?
Christopher mastodon (AP)
Thread crawling has been discussed on several different platforms now. It'll get here sooner or later.

The reason that happens, though, is that everyone views everything locally on whatever website they've logged into. There's no data being actively pulled from remote hosts, and, as far as I've heard, there's no API for pulling content the first time it's viewed (though I'm not a developer, and I'm just trusting what I've heard from sources I can't personally verify). So, it seems like any solution is going to involve crawling threads to fetch posts individually.
Ok, good to hear it's being worked on.
Infernal Server Error mastodon (AP)
@kichae @sarajw plugging my stopgap solution for this

It uses Mastodon API and only works between its instances, but adding *omas is probably a couple lines of code.

I'm considering building some kind of a "Rosetta stone" library to convert between AP and various APIs/formats (and looks like Calckey has something like that already).

In any case this
Carlos Solís pleroma (AP)
Another issue that is somewhat palliated by alternative frontends, but not completely. Some apps such as #Fedilab go and fetch the data from the original instance - why can’t the Mastodon UI do the same?
Kat Moss mastodon (AP)
Calckey is better than Mastodon in lots of ways...accessibility needs some work, though that's to be expected.
Gerardo Lisboa mastodon (AP)
One proposed solution for nomadic identity was proposed in the #FriendlyForgeFormat discussions where a sort of link between old and new identities (or indeed, any of one's identities) would allow for a more seamlessly user experience.

Is there technical documentation anywhere on FriendlyForgeFormat's nomadic identity proposal?
Aswath Rao mastodon (AP)
This is news for me as well. But we can imitate what ATP is doing that is also backwards compatible. First allow "BYO addr URI". Then include DID in the WebFinger doc. The user will update the canonical HTTP URI upon migration. This handles the ID problem.
@gvlx @atomicpoet @evan @fediversenews
HistoPol (#HP) mastodon (AP)
Me, too greatly.
There must be a hack, there always is with databases..

@evan @fediversenews
Fediverse News reshared this.
narF 🎲 mastodon (AP)
I wonder how important it is to migrate previous post. Do people really dive back in time to go read old toots? There's no good UI to do it anyway (ex: a calendar view where I could access my toots from 2019 easily) so what's the point if they don't migrate? 🤔

My ideal solution would be to have an easily readable archive of my toots, (shown on a calendar) that **only me** can read. And then my public toots are limited to only X months.
Jesse Baer 🔥 mastodon (AP)
@narF It’s definitely important for a lot of people, but it would be good to offer other options like the one you described.
joel b pleroma (AP)
I was lead to believe one of the features of these new social networks is posts are ephemeral. I like the idea of them being deleted after 90 or so days myself.

A personal archive might be a nice feature though.
narF 🎲 mastodon (AP)
I think Mastodon implemented the option last year to auto-delete posts after X days. But me personally, I would prefer them to be "archived" so that only me can read them. And maybe I could select some of them to become "permanent" (visible to all)
jeremiah mastodon (AP)
@narF this is a great idea. the reason I standardized on for my posting needs is because I can auto delete on masto and after a while my posts are only on / my personal blog. Not 100 percent invisible but a lot more work to go find something old and be a jerk about it.
joel b pleroma (AP)
I know pleroma supported deleting them. If I wanted to archive then I’d probably setup some kind of a scraper script on a cron job to follow my account and perform that operation.
narF 🎲 mastodon (AP)
@skotchygut I mean, yeah, it's hackable. And you can also just download your account archive instead of making a scraper. But then reading the content isn't easy. It's just a massive json with no UI.
Codex ☯️♈☮ mastodon (AP)
Gotta agree with the Mustachioed One on this: Bluesky is out to monetize the protocol. I designed similar decentralized systems a number of years back (in my more heavily-capitalist days) and bolt-on services like external moderation was exactly the model I landed on for monetizing decentralized systems.

1) Create an indispensable, optional service
2) Absorb or starve competition
3) Maximize the take now that you've become a defacto standard and monopoly
Codex ☯️♈☮ mastodon (AP)
I know that first step seems hand-wavy but if you don't build an anti-capitalist version of certain things into the protocol, then you leave them open to proprietary bolt ons later.

Things like: moderation, polls, surveys (and the extremely valuable personal data from them), identity, verification, escrow for online sellers along with shipping, financing, and customer relations.
Karen Strickholm mastodon (AP)
Fediverse News reshared this.
Paul Schoe mastodon (AP)
I tend to agree with Evan Prodomou.

If I see how much Calckey can do with #ActivityPub, then I see no other reason for BlueSky to not use the W3C standard other than to enforce another big business model upon users.

Dorsey has been very clear about how he expects to earn money with BlueSky and he could not do the same when he would simply integrate with a standard that was already accepted by many.

@atomicpoet @evan @fediversenews
If a software package has Dorsey's name on it, it's an automatic hard pass.
Fediverse News reshared this.
But hooking up a raspberry - did you mean raspberry pi? Or am I misunderstanding?

@evan @atomicpoet @fediversenews
spla :senyera: :vim: mastodon (AP)
@sarajw yes, that shinny little thing can run Pleroma or Akkoma like a charm @evan @atomicpoet @fediversenews
HistoPol (#HP) mastodon (AP)


Now, either so much "immigration" from corporate sites happening would be a good time to escalate this again.
Fediverse News reshared this.
the roamer mastodon (AP)
@m @sarajw @kichae
Functionality that automatically calls in a whole thread and a whole profile into my own server: yes, that will make a real difference to the interaction between individual participants. Implementing this across AP types (including standard Mastodon) would be great.

No more worrying about missed replies, or hopping into other servers and feeling like an unwelcome stranger there! Jay!! 😀

[Note to self: check out Akkoma!]
Christopher mastodon (AP)
But to use the Mastodon API, you have to assume the server you're fetching content from supports the Mastodon API. Which may be true the majority of the time, but also, maybe shouldn't be the built-in assumption, you know?
Ben ✌️ mastodon (AP)
@csolisr Even if you could migrate the posts, Mastodon would have to make concessions re backfilling accounts or posts would only be visible on the new server. Seems like they should sort both issues imo.
Carlos Solís pleroma (AP)
Mastodon already supports setting accounts as migrated elsewhere, what seems to be left is for the old server to automatically redirect posts to the new server.
Ben ✌️ mastodon (AP)
@csolisr I mean that federated instances don’t pull history on accounts (which they absolutely should do). If you start a new server it’s fairly useless for the first few weeks until you’re following people.

If you migrated old posts I think you’d (currently) have the same problem in reverse, where even if you can see them that other mastodon instances never check they exist
@m @wjmaggos @MonaApp Husky (a fork of Tusky that adds pleroma/akkoma/etc extensions) works well with Akkoma on Android.
the roamer mastodon (AP)
@m @sarajw @kichae
Thanks, yes, very kind of you to give me your friendly warning.

You are right, I am skeptical about all those features. I firmly believe in the dialogue-enhancing value of the classical Mastodon restrictions (no QT, no text search).

But as Mastodon abandons these classical limitations, they are no longer a differentiator. And the anti-federalist power grab by the main server make non-Mastodon alternatives more relevant. Worth a look!
Sean Tilley mastodon (AP)
I dunno if it's fair to call it greedy or irresponsible for another team to be building their own thing after reviewing competing technologies and deciding on a strategy. I don't think they're acting out of malice.

They have their own vision on how they want things to work, and we could probably learn a few things from what their goals are, and what they're trying to do. It's not a bad idea to try to open up a dialogue. It's also not a bad idea to read their docs and blog posts and skeets.

Acting like they're an enemy that's hurting our movement is counter-intuitive and makes us look like sore losers. We've been resting on our laurels and delegated most of the big "protocol feature adoption" work to one guy with the most widely installed platform for years now, and for what?

Things have to change if we want the fediverse to reach its idealized form. Otherwise, this is all just a big hobby project that's dead in the water, like Diaspora.
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
@deadsuperhero What was it like for you when Diaspora refused to adopt ActivityPub and decided to stick with their own protocol?
Sean Tilley mastodon (AP)
It was single-handedly one of the most disappointing things I've had to deal with. The current people working on the project came down hard in criticizing it. Several people got really nasty, and that mindset kind of trickled down to the user community.

I've had my fair share of failures when it came to managing the Diaspora project, but failing to steer the community ideal towards interop is one of my biggest failures. I'm extremely bitter.
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@deadsuperhero wow, it really hurts my heart to hear this.

You have so much to be proud of with Diaspora*. I'm really glad of all the work you did there, but I'm especially glad that meeting in this movement has made us friends.
Sean Tilley mastodon (AP)
being involved with the project at 20 years old was one of the coolest things I've ever done. It was a roller coaster, and I met some really amazing people. It literally changed my life.

It just feels as though the project, in its current form, is unsalvageable. If someone wanted to step up and implement AP as a second protocol within Diaspora, great, but there just isn't the buy-in from that dev community to go through all the trouble.
Chris Trottier mastodon (AP)
@deadsuperhero It was the same way for me at Hootsuite. In a way, we attempted a "reverse federation" by trying to be Social Media Switzerland.
Evan Prodromou mastodon (AP)
@deadsuperhero Thanks. I appreciate the perspective.

It's way better to be positive about the work that's happening here than to be negative about work happening elsewhere.

In wikis, we have a rule: "assume good faith". I should probably remember to apply it to social networking too.
natriumchloride mastodon (AP)
He's probably right and this might be a good opportunity for mastodon and other people & teams who work on fediverse to observe the weak points within activitypub & apps and see how improvement could be possible. I believe mr evan prodromou is already on it, if i'm not mistaken
Sean Tilley mastodon (AP)
@jupiter_rowland Yeah, that's definitely true. I don't think it was so much "we want to be a closed circle" so much as it was "we want to be the solution, we don't really care about anyone else".

I made efforts to branch out, learn about other projects and protocols, and try to find a way to make interop happen between Diaspora and other projects. We looked long and hard at Tent, when it was a thing. But overall, the idea of protocol interop didn't take in the core of the culture.

I think Diaspora has improved in the sense that their protocol is much more stable and well-documented now, but you're right in the sense that most modern implementations are based on Mike's years of work dealing with all the pains.
vagabond mastodon (AP)
@bob @alfredohno
When you lift the lid on #Bluesky we find that most of their "advantages" are just on paper, not implemented - thus it's an interesting project full of noise and smoke.

Wish our #mainstreaming #fahernistas would focus on this and not fall for the sleight of hand mess #dotcons push. Have your say here
the roamer mastodon (AP)

Yes, the main culprit on twitter was the algorithm. It infected the entire discussion culture. The liberation I felt when coming to Mastodon was to a large extent the relief of having an unmanipulated timeline (and knowing that everyone else too is unmanipulated).
But I do think that QTs also play a part in hindering dialogue. They make us talk about the other, not with them. They create a frame of mind where what the other says gains value only through my framing & judgement.

Gareth Kitchen pleroma (AP)
Yes, that's sort of how it works. Clicking on a long thread that your server rarely talks with (no local users following users on it, or maybe not on your known network) then you get asked. If your instance is well connected you'll see it less. I use a few relays and bubble with a few sites, so I guess I'm less aware of it.
Gareth Kitchen pleroma (AP)
I'm not sure about recommending them because I don't really have anyway of measuring, but this is the list I got from asking another Admin.
Screenshot of my relay admin screen
Ian Tindale mastodon (AP)
@CodexArcanum the more I think about it the more I see that having an independent and movable identity isn’t actually so much of value in moving from one instance to another (although yes, that can be made possible with such a thing), it’s in being on more than one instance at the same time where those instances serve different purposes, or are different kinds of thing altogether
em dee (they/she) mastodon (AP)
@u0421793 @CodexArcanum
Agreed. Educators are sprawled everywhere & i have no idea how to find them!
Codex ☯️♈☮ mastodon (AP)

People circle these issues with identity but its a very good point. To my thinking, an ideal identity system must actually fulfill some harsh and conflicting needs.

+ link and manage multiple accounts on multiple servers
+ not reveal those connections without permission
+ be able to verify "real identity" when needed/requested
+ but also act psuedononimously (or even anonymously) other times

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