Especially because the catch phrase/chorus stays in your ear, the subconscious soaks it up - and your brain combines the words with the good emotions given by the music.
Not good.
And it's not about the animals! 🙄 It's about humans. And the lies told about them. Sorry, I can't laugh...
@energisch_ The problem is not to mock fascism. Charlie Chaplin and Mel Brooks did that, it was brillant.
The problem with this song is, if you dont know #trump is lying, it reinforce the lies. They donate money to pet shelter, it could mean the pets are in danger of being eaten (they are not).
It would have been better to actually mock Donald Trump, to address his #racism
@TwShiloh @tlg @energisch_ No, you already think he is, so you read that into it. All it does is repeat what he said. So if you already think he’s a buffoon, you’ll see that. But it doesn’t actually do anything in particular to make that point.
@energisch_ it’s good to take fascism seriously, but there’s really only two really effective modes to fight it: derisive mockery and violence. Trying to argue with it via seriousness and discussion only makes it more powerful because fascists don’t care about words like many of us do.
@WAHa_06x36 @tlg @energisch_ I think we’ll agree to disagree…When you take the words of a wannabe strongman who is supposedly saying *very serious things* and expects to be treated as a *very serious person* and put them to silly music with animal backup singers, it’s not a sign of respect or support. It’s mocking his whole schtick.
@energisch_ @TwShiloh @WAHa_06x36 @tlg First of all, the song does NOT repeat Trump's lies. It's not about who's being blamed, it doesn't name any groups. So the song is just about who is blaming others and making fun of the absurd accusations and indirectly the one making them. So the song is all about Trump. It's satire. I would call that kind of satire ridiculing.
@energisch_ @WAHa_06x36 @tlg those who consider Trump an idol don’t need this song (remember when white supremacists co-opted the “ok” sign? Or the boogaloo boys and Hawaiian shirts?). They can manipulate what they want/how they want.
This song isn’t to your tastes and that’s fine. That doesn’t mean people who interpret it as an insult to Trump are wrong or bad…just different.
@energisch_ @WAHa_06x36 @tlg yep…read that. I was in charge of New Jersey’s counterterrorism intelligence shop for four years so I think I’m pretty well versed in extremist behaviors, propaganda, and motivations. 😁
@energisch_ @WAHa_06x36 @tlg A Jon Stewart monologue making fun of Trump could be interpreted by some followers as hate and trigger them to conduct violence…do we tell him to stop doing his comedy?
In the U.S. we default to allowing speech unless there’s a direct threat and this song comes nowhere near that line either in terms of content nor (as far as I can tell) in terms of the artist intent
@TwShiloh @energisch_ @tlg You are forgetting one very important group here: the people who Trump was actually attacking with those statements. How do you think the song comes off to them?
@TwShiloh @tlg @energisch_ Mel Brooks did not just quote Hitler verbatim with a funny backing melody though, did he? He actually put in the work to properly recontextualise.
@TwShiloh @tlg @energisch_ It is the mildest of mild mockings. And you are repeating his message again and again. It certainly will do nothing to convince anyone at all who was not already convinced, and it will make those who are actually affected by what he said feel worse because they have to hear it again and again.
@TwShiloh @tlg @energisch_ To make this more extreme to make it clear: Do you think a silly song with clips of Hitler talking about Jews would be appropriate?
@WAHa_06x36 @tlg @energisch_ Yes, I too miss the days when everything wasn’t compressed into 240 characters and 30 second videos but our culture has moved past the point where everyone carefully considered the deep context of the media they consumed, viewing it from all possible perspectives before deciding if it was ok to laugh at.
@energisch_ @WAHa_06x36 @tlg Totally agree. One thing I suggest to my analysts is that they not seek out traumatizing media unless it’s directly relevant to their jobs or impacts them personally. There’s a lot of horrible things in the world and our technology allows us to access all of it. Perhaps this is one of those cases for you? It’s up to you but clearly this is about more than this song.