Laffy mastodon (AP)
Via Angry Staffer:

This is happening again and a lot of you are falling for it again.
PeachMcD mastodon (AP)
What's key to remember (IMO) is that changing horses at this point pretty much GUARANTEES #Democrats lose the election
(check historical precedents)

So #CorporateMedia helping the #GQP bully the only non- #Fascist out of the race is a blatant tactic that #DNC needs to be calling out 24/7

[edit bc @dnc clicks like a real account but doesn't show as an account 🤨😒]
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Tengrain mastodon (AP)
As Gawd is my waitress, I swear they have a MS Word macro that writes these things and just swaps one Democrat name for Another.

(Edited because I screwed up my own joke.)
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Laffy mastodon (AP)
Lol, but true
rrb mastodon (AP)
Gee. The one guy is getting old.

The other guy is a serial rapist who says he wants to throw a bunch of people in jail for hurting his feelings, and was just given the OK by the supreme court to break the law.

Tough choice.
Mike Merideth mastodon (AP)
Yep, and I'll note for the record that Clinton is still fully ambulatory, all these years later.
David Nice mastodon (AP)
This time, though, there ARE genuine health worries about an 81 year old man, and polls show Kamala Harris comes closer to beating Trump percentage wise.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
Watch Lawrence’s vid. I’ve posted it a couple of times.

I’m no longer debating this.
David Nice mastodon (AP)
Who's Lawrence?
Laffy mastodon (AP)
Oh, sorry. Lawrence O'Donnell
David Nice mastodon (AP)
Send link, please. I don't see it.
Laffy mastodon (AP)
As I keep reminding people, start at about 6:30. The first part didn't make much sense to me.

Please watch all of this. At about 6:30, Lawrence O’Donnell addresses “the magic candidate” who would replace Biden issue.

Spoiler: There is no such thing.

Erik Jonker mastodon (AP)
I am a fan of Joe Biden but this is very different, an 80+ presidential candidate at the start of his term is simply a bad idea, not a country in the world would think it's smart to make such an old person presidential candidate, even if he was the most fit 80+ year old ever.
jz.tusk mastodon (AP)
You did not compare compare him to the only other option. Your analysis is useless.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
Also, there are still people that want Bernie Sanders!! He's 82!! Seriously. Drumpf is LITERALLY a convicted felon and convicted Rapist!!!
didn't Bernie have a heart attack too?

Murdoch and Buffet running their massive companies well into their 90s. #Biden leads a team - we know exactly who takes over if he drops out

Trump runs a crime syndicate. If he goes, who knows how the power vacuum shakes out.
4 people reshared this
Ultra Verified mastodon (AP)
Bernie, who is out there busting his ass working to help elect Joe, just as he did in 2016 for Hillary after the convention.

Bernie, who is at the tip of the spear in Congress, is fighting for us everyday.

Bernie, who has had cardiac issues.

Damn, people.
82 is just a number, too.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
I like Bernie but some people were calling for him to replace Biden.....
Laffy mastodon (AP)
Hi @ErikJonker. I posted a video of Lawrence O’Donnell explaining why dropping NOW (key word) will lead to big problems.

I will not debate you or anyone else anymore.

Your (and others’) compulsion to convince people he should drop falls on deaf ears bc the person making the ultimate decision is Biden, nobody else.

I’m so over people trying to convince me, others why he should drop. WE don’t decide, HE does.

If he drops, we vote for the Dem.

If he doesn’t, we vote for him.

End of story.
2 people reshared this
Crowjane mastodon (AP)
Cutting to the chase, it’s a good thing.
Right there with you! The more I’m hearing this ridiculous nonsense, the more I believe that this is the propaganda angle Russian agents are exploiting.
KrisS mastodon (AP)
Hear, hear! President Biden deserves to make this decision without being stampeded by this feckless media
Kynyc mastodon (AP)
ok so you guys don’t care that Biden was polling terrible in swing states months and months before the debate. And polling worse now.
Building a personality cult around Biden is a choice.
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
You consider saving Democracy a Cult?!?! What a Maroon!!
Kynyc mastodon (AP)
maroon is a super racist term, boomer. And a Biden decree=doesn’t actually have much to do with democracy.
Also your guy can not talk without a teleprompter for 10 min.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
"If he drops, we vote for the Dem.

If he doesn’t, we vote for him. "

I agree with this part.
However, even a president cannot withstand internal and external pressure indefinitely.

I am not an evangelist I don't preach, I do discuss and debate, though, because it furthers my own reflection...and might help others likewise.

Well, we know the point of this, as Laffy said. We saw it in 2016. Remember those days? When the party was intentionally split by the establishment who just Could Not Stop Talking about Hillary's "E-mails", a nothingburger rapidly eclipsed in the first days of Trump's presidency by his family discussing official business in a half-dozen separate public-server e-mail accounts? All those people going "I'll never vote Hillary", so Mr. Bigly Mac got the big chair in the Oval Office?

If Biden becomes incapable of doing his job to the fullest extent that he was previously able, then I expect he'll still have the understanding and reason to delegate to his cabinet, because that's kinda what they're for. If Trump wins, even if he weren't a fascist dictator wannabe under Heritage's thumb, when his obvious mental degradation hits the tipping point, he'll still cling to every scrap of power like a tapeworm sufferer clinging to a McDonald's hamburger.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
T.Wllms mastodon (AP)
It's not just a vote for Pres. Biden... it's a vote for valued ideals, its a vote for a constitutional republic and not a king. It's a vote for 59 year old VP Harris, it's a vote for the many highly intelligent, loyal to the constitution and diverse people on Bidens staff. It's a vote for the continuation of the "More Perfect Union"... IMO, literally, Joe is the least portion of my vote, as the prospect of losing all of the 248 years prior is far far bigger than Joe.

Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
T.Wllms mastodon (AP)
Also to note... 7 states have already closed their ballots to any new candidates. There would be no democratice candidate In NY, IL. TX to name but three.... also none of Bidens campaign cash is transferable to anyone but his VP... lots of hurdles to replace Joe...

#VoteBlue #VoteJoe

It's the Biden/Harris ticket so wouldn't she be able to stay on all the ballots?
Lord HeeHaw II mastodon (AP)
At this stage there is no other viable candidate, and the alternative 'president' is unthinkable. Additionally, a Vice President isn't only for decoration.
Erik Jonker mastodon (AP)
That's the perception but the reality is there are always alternatives, there should be, also because Biden could also die before the election, he is already 81. Democrats should get out of their "tunnel vision" that Biden is the one and only possible candidate to beat Trump.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Lord HeeHaw II mastodon (AP)
I would have also preferred another candidate selected at an earlier stage, but at this late stage I was referring to a 'viable' candidate, for whom there is a huge mass of problems to be resolved, to which I know of no guaranteed answers.

Age ? Konrad Adenauer became W. German Chancellor at age 73 and remained in office until 1963, his 87th year.
Erik Jonker mastodon (AP)
But that's really an exception (Audenaer) and a role with smaller responsibility, for example with regard to nuclear weapons
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Hi Erik, from someone celebrating #IndependenceDay I'd like to know if you'd like for Americans to start interfering in Dutch elections like you are doing to the one here in the USA?
OtownKim mastodon (AP)
Anna-ste Fideles mastodon (AP)
is this the moment to point out the US donations to Wilders? 😬
Eric Schutte mastodon (AP)
The American elections concern us ALL, and yes, I am very worried.
And the Russians are interfering the Dutch elections, so please join us !
#VoteBlueToSaveEveryone #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy
Zen Zero ☯️ ◯ mastodon (AP)
Informed opinions are always welcome. What’s at debate here are contributions that are neither informed nor well thought out.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Plus, it's quite ironic that Eric would bring up concern about what the Kremlin is doing in relation to Dutch public opinion. I'm sure they too have political technologists messing around with their electorate the same as here.

The thing is though that Eric is pushing Kremlin propaganda intended to undermine Putin's most powerful adversary, Joe Biden.
Mate this is being posted on an international website.
jmelesky akkoma (AP)
“I am a fan of Biden but…” is a phrase I’m seeing all too often right now, and is entering the “not to criticize but“ collection of dishonest openers.

If his age is an issue right now, then it was an issue during primary season, and during the runup. Age is predictable like that. That’s when this conversation should have happened, during the “selecting candidates” phase of the election.

We’re well beyond that phase. The RNC is a week and a half away. The DNC is further off, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Dem primaries ended almost a month ago.

Maybe you felt the same way back in December, before the primaries began. Or maybe you thought Biden was a great candidate at that point. Or maybe you weren’t thinking about it at all. But now, you care enough to explain, unprompted, why it’s really been a problem the whole time.

Why? Why now? Are you sure you’re not doing exactly what the first post suggests?
And I have a feeling that they are on the take...
Nazo mastodon (AP)
I am definitely curious where some of this is coming from. I'm sure a few are just people who were tricked by the claims of this message, but some looks like bot activity to me. I also really wonder about the MSM sources pushing it. They know this doesn't work. They can't claim ignorance. So it feels doubly willful on their part.
I read about him a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah... A real winner.
Paul Chambers mastodon (AP)
I was thinking about the news stories about her stumble & Parkinsons stories.

They started on Hillary Clinton in 1992.

Here's a snippet but the entire April 1992 NBC Today Show piece, 4-years before Fox News was even created, is the first that I know of the "assertive woman from a high-octane prestigious Little Rock law firm who puts people off, esp stay at home wives and mothers, who dared to be Queen" Hillary Clinton

They started in 92 and continued for a quarter of a century.

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