Laffy mastodon (AP)
Please watch all of this. At about 6:30, Lawrence O’Donnell addresses “the magic candidate” who would replace Biden issue.

Spoiler: There is no such thing.
4 people reshared this
THE LAST WORD in all of this is that there is NO OTHER CHOICE.

Uncle JOE may not have proven *in the debate* that he was as convincing as we hoped he might be, but he did prove hours later in North Carolina that he knows exactly what he’s doing and how to fight. That’s also shown later in the clip.

TRUMP did PROVE irrefutably that he is UNFIT to make any substantive decisions of any kind and will NEVER tell the TRUTH about anything.

But yeah. He “won”?! 🤦‍♂️
Marco L. Gato mastodon (AP)
"Spoiler: there if no such thing"

Except of course this guy called Bernie Sanders, the most popular politician in America, who was winning both of the last two Democratic primaries until the DNC and the liberal establishment conspired to cheat him and get him to drop out, twice.
sewstars mastodon (AP)
@MartyFouts @kwheaton
I think the fascists controlling troll farms are spreading the panic
Laffy mastodon (AP)
@sewstars Online maybe, but on TV and behind the scenes, it's Dems and Dem operatives too. They're not trolling, they're truly panicked. @MartyFouts @kwheaton
Laffy mastodon (AP)
@MartyFouts I only said that because it's not just trolls talking about a new candidate.

Today's headline was "Dems rally around Biden" and last night on MSNBC, all the Dem operatives were doing that.. for now. They weren't enthusiastic yet, but they were not giving in or giving up.

@sewstars @kwheaton
Marty Fouts mastodon (AP)
@sewstars @kwheaton Very good point. In the face of what is turning out to be the biggest propaganda campaign in history the party has to be united and on message.
@MartyFouts @sewstars with Joe at the helm it isn't propganda to say he's old. Its something we just wanted to ignore and hope it went away. The youngvote is not going to turn out for Joe. Sorry just won't cut it when we lose.
Marty Fouts mastodon (AP)
@kwheaton @sewstars It’s propaganda and ageism to harp on his age and ignore his achievements as president.

The young vote either turns out against fascism or it doesn’t get another chance.
Marty Fouts mastodon (AP)
@sewstars @kwheaton Panic is second nature to Dem operatives and has been since before Will Rogers commented on the party’s lack of discipline.

Unfortunately it is also self defeating.

I just hope this doesn’t turn out to be another election where the party snatches defeat from the jaws of victory because I don’t think they will get another chance.
Crystal_Fish_Caves mastodon (AP)
@MartyFouts @kwheaton I am absolutely and idiot and not sure how useful I am at anything really, but I am panicking for the people that will sit the election out when a Gavin Newsome could jolt them out of their stupor and get them off the couch.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
@Crystal_Fish_Caves @MartyFouts @kwheaton
A short examination of the history of presidential politics will show you that a successful campaign cannot be run in a matter of months. That's just not the way it works.

As to choosing Gavin Newsome over Kamala Harris, that would for sure lose since Democrats would lose all their Black support. TBH, it's just too disgusting to be discussed in this old white guy's opinion.
Kevin Leecaster reshared this.
JonChevreau mastodon (AP)
Great clip from Lawrence O’Donnell and everyone here should spread it far & wide. I was struck by the clip near the end from Joe’s post-debate rally and his palpable anger as he delivered several strong points. Seems to me the Dems should tell themselves “Stick with Joe or go home.” Also, Alan Lichtman’s work on the Keys to the White House strongly argues in favor of going with a presidential incumbent.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
Tristan mastodon (AP)
@GreenFire Not to mention the only way they can easily access the $220M they've raised is to keep Harris on the ticket. Substituting someone else will create a campaign finance headache.
it isn't about the debate. The debate was a reality check. It was sad. It doesn't mean Joe is done for. It doesn't mean he can't win. I am looking at it from what the Democracy needs. When he was elected people knew he was a goid man. And he was a steady hand at the tiller. He is still a good man---but the hand remaining steady at the tiller for 4 more years---that is highly debateable.

Tried and true has become tired and true. I was upset that Ruth Bader Ginsberg didn't step aside. I wasn't wrong there. It looks like democrats are closing ranks, but I am not sure that is the right choice for the country. Under no circumstane is Trump the right choice. He should be in prison.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
@kwheaton Let’s put it another way, for clarity, which is what Lawrence was doing: NOW isn’t the right time for a new candidate. That ship sailed. Biden is fine, and if he declines further, Harris is there and we remedy the situation. NOW we need to unite behind him.

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