Laffy mastodon (AP)
Via Angry Staffer:

Eric said he lost half his ear.

I have questions

Michael Steele:

#ShowandTell. Well, now...
#Trump #Netanyahu
Trump with Bibi Netanyahu, from the back, touching his "wounded" ear, which looks fully healed and normal.
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Laffy mastodon (AP)
@stardustlovechild No idea. I don't do conspiracy theories either.
Margaret Thomas mastodon (AP)
Losing half an ear is not consistent with needing no stitches. I can assure you, as the child of a U.S. Navy ENT who also specialized in maxillofacial surgery, I have enough tangential awareness of ear injuries to know we don't have the real story. He wouldn't be out of the bandages so quickly.
Carolyn mastodon (AP)
I looked that up to verify, and here are more images, different angles. Sleaze outlet, but sleaze man.

And to confirm that image as recent.
Comrade Weez mastodon (AP)
Lots of little capillaries in outer ear, they bleed profusely when cut. Should have used a bigger sponge to get some 'blood' on his crisp white shirt when Trump pressed it to his ear for the Hero Shot.

2 allegedly dead for a staged photo op.
Mark mastodon (AP)
@weezmgk @CStamp This was the part that stuck out to me: Trump is claiming there was so much blood, but not a speck on that white shirt collar. In other words, the wound had already clotted by the time he stood up.
@MarkAB @weezmgk @CStamp “I took a teleprompter for democracy” doesn’t have the same ring to it.
Here's another photo of Trump with Netanyahu on 7/25 with source. I also enlarged the ear part. It looks fine.
Angled view of Trump's face including right ear, enlarged from the photo of Trump with Netanyahu at Mar-a-lago on 7/25.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
On July 20 (one week after the assassination attempt), Trump was wearing a smal, flesh-colored l bandage on his ear. Screen grab is from CNN video at
Angled view of Trump's face, including his right ear, which has a small bandage covering the upper 1/3rd.
paul mastodon (AP)
@Osteopenia_Powers @JonChevreau @christopherbrown @courtcan

Revelation 13:3

"And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast."

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