Kenny Chaffin diaspora
Fact Check: Did Elon Musk Inherit Apartheid Money From His South African Father?
Adam Hunt diaspora
Ted diaspora
Fact checking liars like this guy brings to mind the expression "shooting fish in a barrel"
Adam Hunt diaspora
As far as can be determined though, the emerald mine wealth story is not true.
Andrew Pam diaspora
Yes. The fact checking links above suggest that while his father did own a share in an emerald mine, there's no evidence that Elon benefited from it. So he's apparently justified in being annoyed by the spin. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike him and his behaviour without spreading contested ones.
Ted diaspora
Ah! Thanks for mentioning the details @Adam Hunt. I had neglected to read the snopes article and assumed (like most?) that the rumored emerald mine story was fact. So, now I see it's not a case of shooting fish in a barrel. 😉
Ted diaspora
There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike him and his behaviour without spreading contested ones.
Totally agree, @Andrew Pam. 😀
Adam Hunt diaspora
That is okay, we get it sorted out in the end!
I think we all need to be as accurate as possible when calling out people like Musk. It doesn't doesn't help our case to repeat false accusations. It's good that we help each other when we make a mistake, which we all do occasionally.
Bob Lai diaspora
The misconception comes from Musk bragging about his father's ownership stake in the mine but not discounting that he benefitted from it. It's largely a problem of his own making.

It's like saying you worked at the French Laundry (Thomas Keller's restaurant in Yountville, CA) but neglecting to mention you were the valet parking cars.
I'm disappointed by Snopes who bases conclusions on interviews with the suspects. I wanna see documents...and it doesn't look like Snopes didn't even snoop into documents. While I'll agree that absence of documents doesn't prove ownership, we also see that Snopes didn't even look into whether or not documents were present or absent.

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