People are lazy AF. They won't go to the source. They won't read his book. They post disinformation or lies. People are showing their ass.


The couch fucking story is real. It was in the first edition of his book. Then the couch fucking was removed from follow-on print editions.

I read it. Unbelievable. James Donald Bowman aka Jimmy Hamel aka JD wrote about fucking his couch. Yet, he slut shames millions and will deny Women healthcare and force rape victims to give birth to a rapist baby.

UPDATE on next post: 21 page in and I found this insane fucking admission. 💀
JD had Candy wrappers up his butt and JD used hot dogs as dildos up his butt. He wrote it.

Here's the full page. Page 180.

Republican psychos.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Since we know snopes is WRONG. I don't want that disinformation in my post. Remove the disinformation.

Snopes is terrible, and a couple of times, they were 💯 WRONG. It may be a disinformation site.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
No problem. I deleted it.
bk mastodon (AP)
“JD” : who among us hasn’t …
All of us : <raise hands>
You didn't have a rite of passage into the chambers of manhood?! 😯
bk mastodon (AP)
@Conmom222 Um...not *that* one... (mine was
Like a normal human being, then? Good to hear!
mizblueprint mastodon (AP)
Him and all his groomsmen! 😂
KanaMauna mastodon (AP)
@mizblueprint I bet they were thrilled when they read the book.
😂 This is a roller-coaster story. I posted about it yesterday and was attacked. I had to block people who were weakly trying to tell me what to post. These were crazy folks.

I hope this is the final version of JD fucking couches saga. Republicans are insane. Maybe trying to distract from installing a dictator and taking our rights away.

UPDATE: 21 pages in and I found this insane fucking admission. 💀

JD had Candy wrappers up his butt and JD used hot dogs as dildos up his butt.

HE WROTE IT, not me.


@skykiss @blogdiva
Pp 21-22

gon’ tell ‘em Isaidit,” I remarked.

Life in Jackson ain’t quite like it is elsewhere. Just because we were Do E didn’t mean we didn’t know how t0 throw a party and have a gosh dam ‘9\ ot time. Lindsey and I threw a big party with the fellas from thfe gas stafion o night. We filled up a bucket with fruit punch and vodka, blasted 893 rock, and g high as kites. That’s the first time I experimented with shrooms. meis'ey wokw with a penis drawn on her face and I found an empty M&M’s Minis contame;% shoved halfway up my ass. Don’t quite know how it got there to be honest,br;‘ wasn’t as pleasant as the hotdogs we’d use for makeshift dildos in college. M that was one hell of a night!

Mee-Maw and Pee-Paw would never let a thing like that happen. ! “ ot A as ey it e e ol o e R e i
bk mastodon (AP)
It may be wrong, but I couldn't stop laughing...
bk mastodon (AP)
How am I supposed to sleep with that godawful image? 😂
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Hugh Young mastodon (AP)
Snopes has marked the story as false. I have sent this image to them.
For further confirmation, you should post the copyright page with the edition number.

Please also show us page 21.
KanaMauna mastodon (AP)
@hugh Snopes is going MAGA. Somehow they know better than the FBI about Trump‘s ear wound.

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