People are lazy AF. They won't go to the source. They won't read his book. They post disinformation or lies. People are showing their ass.
The couch fucking story is real. It was in the first edition of his book. Then the couch fucking was removed from follow-on print editions.
I read it. Unbelievable. James Donald Bowman aka Jimmy Hamel aka JD wrote about fucking his couch. Yet, he slut shames millions and will deny Women healthcare and force rape victims to give birth to a rapist baby.
UPDATE on next post: 21 page in and I found this insane fucking admission. 💀
JD had Candy wrappers up his butt and JD used hot dogs as dildos up his butt. He wrote it.
Here's the full page. Page 180.
Republican psychos.
Snopes is terrible, and a couple of times, they were 💯 WRONG. It may be a disinformation site.