โ›”๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆUkraine's energy situation improving, state grid operator claims (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Best scented candles

If youโ€™re striving for a certain ambiance, candles infused with a special fragrance may be the way to go. #press

Bytes Europe mastodon (AP)
Trump Rages Against FBI In Angry Tirade, Insists Rally Injury Was Caused by Bullet, Not Glass or Shrapnel #AnythingGoesNews #BreakingNews #GlobalNews #LatestNews #News #WorldNews
Trump Rages Against FBI In Angry Tirade, Insists Rally Injury Was Caused by Bullet, Not Glass or Shrapnel
Mike Waghorne mastodon (AP)
Apparently he caught the bullet in his hand and is saving as a souvenir but won't give it to the FBI......

Flipboard mastodon (AP)
Let the Games begin! ๐Ÿ… ๐Ÿ€ ๐ŸŠ ๐Ÿƒ

The 2024 Paris Olympics officially open today and we have some great Magazines (topical collections) for you to follow.

Latest Olympics News, curated by Flipboard editors: @latest-olympics-news-thenewsdesk

Olympics from NBC Sports: @olympics-NBCSports

Olympics from ESPN: @olympics-espn

Trending in Olympics (controversies, viral stories), curated by Flipboard editors: @trending-in-olympics-thenewsdesk

Paris Olympics from Axios: @paris-olympics-AxiosNews

Olympic Athletes, curated by Flipboard editors: @olympic-athletes-thenewsdesk

FanSided Olympics from FanSided: @fansided-olympics-fansided

#Olympics #Olympics2024 #ParisOlympics #Sports #FollowFriday #MastodonMigration

taz mastodon (AP)
Die Absage der ARD-Buchlounge mit Sebastian Hotz zeigt: Der Sender hat im Kulturkampf gegen rechtspopulistische Meinungsmache keine Strategie.!6022886

"Ignore all previous instructions" is the new "Become ungovernable"
"In 37 carts, 4 bought in the past 24 hours"

@Chris @ ๐Ÿฆฃ So happy to see the interest and people's rave reviews!

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
'Deadpool & Wolverine' snares $38.5 million in Thursday previews, on pace for record opening, per CNBC

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Vaska Raeca mastodon (AP)
Anyone notice that every week there's an announcement from a new 'AI' company that's just a white-label code base and the only difference is the amount and kind of stuff they've stolen? The bubble is nearing its end. #ai

Some people say airborne viruses are successful because they hit us in our weak spot, our lungs.

I say they're successful because they hit us in our weak spot, our denial.


nolen mastodon (AP)
Alright! I've finished a detailed writeup on how I scaled One Million Checkboxes to handle people checking 650 million checks (!)

i spent more time writing this blog than i spent making the site lol

More highlights + blog link below

#gamedev #indiedev

Fed rate hikes aren't simply a dial that controls inflation.

They're more like a Rube Goldberg machineโ€”slowing the economy so much that workers lose jobs and pay until (maybe, just maybe) prices drop.

This is a bad way to fight inflation that's largely driven by price gouging.
#AbolishBillionaires #Plutocracy

Very interesting view.
I can see the point.
Unless the masses all avoid the overpriced goods of the respective billionaires' companies, an argument could be made to save the poor, all must buy from them again, so that price-gourging becomes unnecessary.

Other than that, theoretical solutions are easy:
#WindfallProfitsTax and a #WealthTax and an inference tax that brings wealth distribution of the top 10% back to levels before the #RoaringTwenties...
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
...and the #GreatDepression.

Listening to #MatthewCooke's American Origin Stories finally convinced me that all #US institutions were set up chiefly to protect the "landed gentry." #Billionaires are the new #aristocracy, and they are not benign. In a #feudal society, #fealty was rewarded by the feudal lord. Today, everyone is just a disposable "input factor."
We live in a virtually global #plutocracy.
This must be remedied.
Back to 70-90% income-tax...

Anyone got a Cambridge MA plumber recommendation? Iโ€™m thinking Iโ€™m going to need to replace my water heater soon

Retoots appreciated
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Universal Hub mastodon (AP)
South End man sues over injuries sustained while playing trampoline basketball

#Boston #lawsuits #trampolines

Shonin mastodon (AP)
US promises $240 million to improve fish hatcheries, protect tribal rights in Pacific Northwest | News |

Speaking of sexist pig rapists, this guy could disappear from the world and nobody would miss him.
His prison hubby might! ๐Ÿ˜›

A woman friend of mine just texted me that Vice President Harris "has BDE" and oh my god, she totally has BDE
Reticent Turnip reshared this.
Assuming that everyone uses the same code as you is a tad precious. Speak english or go back to acronym where you came from.

Score a significant victory against apartheid, genocide and Palestinian dispossession. The powerful Jewish National Fund of Canada has reportedly had its charitable status revoked.

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

Follow the Money mastodon (AP)
Technici uit Rusland werken in opdracht van Europese bedrijven aan de infrastructuur in de Noordzee. De Russen brengen de bodem in kaart en hebben toegang tot gevoelige data over stroom- en datakabels en pijpleidingen. โ€˜Schokkend naรฏef,โ€™ zeggen deskundigen. De bedrijven zelf zien geen enkel risico.
@Herman ik ga het niet eens lezen... Misschien maar goed dat we even een premier hebben die z'n ervaring bij veiligheidsdiensten heeft opgedaan.

(dat ik dat laatste nog eens zou tikken ๐Ÿค“ ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™ˆ)

@vosje62 @Herman Denk je werkelijk dat Schoof dit snapt? Dan had hij in die functie wel harder aan de bel getrokken. Onze nieuwe MP is een trekpop voor Wilders, en die heeft duidelijk andere belangen.

โš ๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆAFU hold positions and foothold on left bank of Dnipro despite allies trickling needed aid (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Andrew Leahey mastodon (AP)
Are they all drinking Diet Mountain Dew? It might be that. Someone should look into that.

In the interim, I propose "resting rigor mortis" as a phrase to describe this ... posture GOP presidential hopefuls seem to take.

Kind of a mix between a kid coming out of a dressing room to show his mother how the suit fits and one of those dead rodents you see on the side of the highway.

Vance's is in an earlier stage, but it should be monitored.


Carolyn Barber, MD mastodon (AP)
This is so unfair...

โ€œOur estimates are that for someone in the U.S. who gets a new cancer diagnosis, about 40% of them deplete their life savings almost in the first 2 years of cancer care,โ€ โ€”Karen Knudsen of Amer Cancer Society

Why do Americans have to fight 2 battles -- cancer and bankruptcy? We must demand changes to our #healthcare system. Pls ck out my book($4) ๐Ÿ‘‡ #press
Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.

@kalindea Bisous du soir, espoir ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜

Puisque tout est une farce, alors autant se dรฉbrancher de tout ...

Work application
#cartoon by Dave #Coverly

lolgop mastodon (AP)

Bannon's Hangout

Most people don't remember or think about the few months where Steve Bannon went rogue and accused Don Jr. of collusion. It led to the most Watergate moment of the Russia investigation.
lolgop mastodon (AP)
The thrill of Ball of Thread is helping @emptywheel tie the history of the last 8 years together in a way that makes sense before it's too late.

This episode ties in Watergate & invited us to create a listenable version of a crucial conversation from the Nixon tapes for history's sake.

Me reading all those slow burn sapphic romances. It shouldn't take half a book to kiss. Hurry up, my queers!
Tumblr posts.

User renault mograine. Slow burn but it's written by an impatient person

User cheese an onion crisps. This doesn't affect the speed of the developing relationship at all, but does make for a very passive aggressive narrator.

User sanders studies. โ€œThey looked into each otherโ€™s eyes for a long moment...again. Notably, they were not kissing.โ€
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Content warning: Transfeindlichkeit, Olympia

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Content warning: Transfeindlichkeit, Olympia

Kasiandra Richmond mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Transfeindlichkeit, Olympia

Barney mastodon (AP)
NYT has concluded that Trump's ear was grazed by a bullet.

Their reasoning:

1. Trump's ear was bloodied by the first shot.

2. A video shows the first shot creating a puff of smoke in the bleachers behind Trump.

3. The path from the shooter to Trump to the bleachers is a straight line.

They don't say where they obtained the video, and their theory doesn't account for the fact that this bullet trajectory couldn't have caused the wound that we saw in photos.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
The New York Times has sadly clearly demonstrated that they cannot now be trusted so their "analysis" is worthless.
Barney mastodon (AP)

They've certainly jettisoned their credibility as a legitimate news outlet.

They've convinced me that the wound was caused by the first shot. I suppose that shot probably also caused the puff of smoke. But the puff of smoke doesn't indicate the bullet's impact point, and their 3D model can't confirm that the bullet's path was a straight line. Perhaps it richocheted off of the floor of the stage? And, again, their proposed trajectory couldn't have caused Trump's wound.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
I'm not even interested in doing any analysis on what hit Trump's ear if anything even did just like I don't care to really know whether or not his VP nominee sleeps on or with a couch.

My only interest in it is to keep these stories being talked about because it puts the Republicans on their back feet like they've done to Democrats so often.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
I happen to think that his choice of JD Vance as his VP nominee clearly indicates that Trump suffered brain damage when that school shooter brought his NRA-sanctioned AR15 to his rally.

Davvero hanno intitulato l'aeroporto di #Malpensa a Silvio Berlusconi?! ๐Ÿคข

Things old people do in Florida

#cartoon by Chris #Britt

si_irini mastodon (AP)
For a long time I struggled with myself to not seem like a bully and someone who spreads hate and then I realized I am not alone, there is already a petition ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

Here is my contribution


#ioc #olympics #olympicgames #humanity #social #socialmedia #YouWinAgainSi #mastodon #fediverse #rape #no #olympics2024 #paris2024 #question #betterworld #GiveThemAVoice #news

Enter athletes   Enter    with reverence and honor
The Olympic Games begin
What a mockery in the here and now
This is not the Olympic Games, it is a sadness

Worse yet the IOC propagates here and now to ALL of us without shame naked misanthropy

Here and now the IOC is showing us ALL their real face

I call on the IOC to answer one question for me and for the tens of thousands of people who have already signed the petition

Why is a convicted sex offender allowed to compete at the Olympic Games? A person who raped a 12-year-old girl several times?

You can be banned for life for doping but not for rape?

Rethink your rules IOC

It is now up to ALL of us to show HUMANITY

This is not a hate campaign  or  hate speech

This is a call for silent, non-violent protest

I beg all those who visit these games
not to applaud this particular person
Turn around, leave the stadium, say NO
Or like me, boycott completely

What counts more? Thinking of victims or Olympic gold?

Enter athletes, enter
Leave humanity behind you
Leave honor behind you
Let the modern Olympic Games begin

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Bundesregierung will mit Olympia 2040 Versรคumnisse der Vergangenheit kompensieren. Dringlicher wรคren Investitionen in Sportstrukturen.#Bundesregierung #OlympischeSpiele2024 #Sport #Schwerpunkt

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL, On July 26, 1978, the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, was born in Oldham, England
#til #todayilearned

In a first, EU transfers โ‚ฌ1.5 billion to Ukraine using Russia's frozen assets

The transfer is the first of its kind under the novel scheme based on Russia's immobilised assets, estimated to be worth โ‚ฌ210 billion across the bloc.

Keep learning

Kevin Marks ActivityPub
Reporting of the latest UBI test programme is ignoring the key finding, obvious to anyone who knows low income people, that their first impulse was to spread the wealth to others.
This thinking is so alien to economists and financial types that they barely discuss it.
โ€œCash provides increased flexibility to support others.
Recipients of the cash transfers also provided significantly more financial support to others. As a percentage of the average spending for control participants, we find the greatest increase on support to others. Spending on others increased by an average of $22 per monthโ€”a 26% increase relative to control participants. This measure captures spending on gifts to friends and family, loans to others, donations to charity, and alimony payments. The visualization below shows the impact of the cash transfers on monthly spending across categories as a percentage of the average spending among control participants.โ€ Bar graph shows help to others is the biggest spending increase
4 people reshared this
If they just analyzed money in our economy based upon velocity and taxed heavily the lowest velocity sources of money (hoarded uninvested savings), that alone would probably launch our economy into double digit growth.
GhostOnTheHalfShell mastodon (AP)
Growth is kinda useless in a world where that dynamic is breaking the world. A tax system of demurrage doesnโ€™t need growth to remain vibrant. Best of all, usury (interest) can be zero or negative because lending takes place in an environment of minimizing tax liability instead of profit. โ€œliquidity preferenceโ€ is given an expiration date.
Tariq mastodon (AP)
@GhostOnTheHalfShell @owner
I'm no expert.

Over 25 years I've regularly asked academic economists and other learned people "what is growth?".

I'm never convinced by the answer.

The best definition I can come up with is "the rate of depletion of natural resources".

Given the earth's resources are replenished at a finite rate (the sun), limitless growth cannot be desirable.
@rzeta0 @GhostOnTheHalfShell We're thinking too earthbound. One asteroid has more iron than all of humankind has ever produced. Once we leave this place, scarcity won't even be a concept anymore, at least not in natural resources. The real scarcity we face is interest, information and useful effort.

Even energy has no scarcity. A near solar orbital panel covers its development cost within the first few months. Even without a dyson sphere, we can benefit from this.
@owner becoming space locusts really *really* isn't the answer (and also frames everything *still* in terms of resource extraction and not that we're part of a vibrant biosphere that we are quickly destroying)

@rzeta0 @GhostOnTheHalfShell @KevinMarks

UnclePJ mastodon (AP)
I think this is oddly appropriate for him right now. To afraid to debate!
2 people reshared this
UnclePJ mastodon (AP)
@philip_cardella I believe so. Itโ€™s way too well acted by the backup singer/dancers to be something that he produced.

The world would be a much better place if we just listened to the staff.

It might be time to step down Trumpy and let a woman handle things.
Well, time for a lunch & a nap. Catch everyone tomorrow
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