taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Die Unesco hat entschieden: Herrnhut wird Teil einer Weltkulturerbestätte. Die Organisation würdigt damit eine Freikirche, die eine solidarische Idee des Christentums vertritt. Ein Ortsbesuch.#Unesco-Welterbe #Unesco-Kulturerbe #Görlitz #EvangelischeKirche #LandtagswahlSachsen2024 #ReportageundRecherche #Gesellschaft #Schwerpunkt

Europe Says mastodon (AP) What does this mean? #germany
What does this mean?

Russell Garner mastodon (AP)
Provenance unclear
A picture of a lobster, labelled: Crustacean

A picture of a place for buses to stop: Bustacean
Ah Preston bus station! I’ve never got a bus from there but I once called in at about 3am, supporting a team of students in the early seventies, walking the famous ‘Bogle Stroll’ 55 mile charity walk from Lancaster to Manchester.

Boerps ☑️ mastodon (AP)

Hans Sachs, Schuster: Josef Greindl
Veit Pogner, Goldschmied: Theo Adam
Walther von Stolzing, ein junger Ritter: Wolfgang Windgassen
David, Sachsens Lehrbube: Gerhard Stolze
Eva, Pogners Tochter: Elisabeth Grümmer

Bayreuth, Festspielhaus, 8. August 1961

#music #classic #oper #history
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Juliet E McKenna mastodon (AP)
We're convinced we have two regular hedgehog visitors, observing distinct differences in posture and gait. Last night, we definitely had a third, new and much smaller one.

The hedgehog in the colour photo is the bold creature that comes into the house if the back door is open, looking for cat food.
Colour photo of a hedgehog on a paved garden path.
Black and white infrared camera of a different hedgehog on the same paved garden path.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Foraging by day and coming close to humans suggests a real problem with the food chain. Their patch can be constrained by the way fencing is set out. Are there ways through the fences at hedgehog height so they can widen their feeding ground?
Juliet E McKenna mastodon (AP)
@christineburns Yes, there are several ways in and out of our garden which we have seen them use, as well as other potential routes. We see hedgehogs of different sizes out and about on people's front lawns if we come back late at night. This is a quiet residential close.
They definitely appreciate the water bowl.

Boerps ☑️ mastodon (AP)
Franz Schubert: The First String Quartets (Nos. 1​-​12) -

Zemlinsky Quartet

#music #classic #chambermusic

taz mastodon (AP)
Den ganzen Text findet ihr auf!6026028
„Wenn Kinder ‚Ausländer‘ raus singen, sind sie nichts weiter als ein Spiegel der Gesellschaft, in der sie aufwachsen. Politiker sollten das als Alarmsignal begreifen.“  taz-Redakteurin Gaby Coldewey über Kinder aus Pirna, die den Hitlergruß gezeigt und Hakenkreuze gemalt haben

taz (inoffiziell) friendica (via ActivityPub)
Ein Gericht entscheidet, dass ein abgeschobener Marokkaner doch nicht zurückgeholt wird. Gleichzeitig gestehen die Behörden erstmals Fehler ein.#Abschiebung #Sachsen #Flucht #Deutschland #Politik #Schwerpunkt
eeepee reshared this.
Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Mit anderen Worten: Der deutsche Behörden haben verhindert, dass die Eheleute einen gemeinsamen Wohnsitz haben und ein deutsches Gericht nimmt den fehlenden gemeinsamen Wohnsitz als Anlass, die Abschiebung nachträglich zu rechtfertigen und die Rückholung zu verweigern.
#Schande #Unrecht #Abschiebung
Marcel Geveler mastodon (AP)
@Nike_Leonhard und mit solchen Urteilen sind #NieWieder und #Brandmauer auch nichts weiter als leere Phrasen um Nachts besser schlafen zu können.
Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Aber unabhängig von Rechtsruck und Rassismus ist es ein Riesenproblem, wenn sich Politik und Verwaltung nicht (mehr) an Gerichtsentscheidungen und Gerichte nicht (mehr) an gesetzliche Vorgaben gebunden fühlen. Dann leben wir nämlich jetzt schon in einem Unrechts- und Willkürstaat.
Marcel Geveler mastodon (AP)
@Nike_Leonhard Diese Gerichtsurteile sind ja gerade Teil des Rechtsrucks / Rassismus. Man siehts ja anhand von Sachsen was da derzeit auf Rechsstaat Ebene abgeht nur um paar Ausländer*in loszuwerden.
Marcel Geveler mastodon (AP)
@Nike_Leonhard Und wir ignorieren jetzt mal das ich gerade erst gemerkt hab das Chemnitz Teil von Sachsen ist und ich Geographisch ne absolute Null bin 🙈
(Brainworm 🪱) mastodon (AP)
Sollen einfach ihr rassistisches Nazidenken einräumen! ✊😡

Hot Dog Water mastodon (AP)
JD was going to direct a porn, but he got jealous when anyone sat on the casting couch he was seeing at the time.

Tom mastodon (AP)
Heute: Friday Night Skating
Fr 26.7.2024: Sonnwendviertel

Es geht ins #Sonnwendviertel. Die Routenlänge ist rd. 14,8 km und hat ein paar steilere Abschnitte – wer sich auf Skates nicht so sicher fühlt sollte seine Teilnahme überdenken oder mit dem Rad mitfahren


Regeln für unterwegs:

Frontfahrzeug und vorderste Rolling Guards nicht überholen. Dont overtake Rolling Guards and first car.

Radler:innen immer rechts fahren, Abstand zu den SkaterInnen halten. Cyclists ride on the right, keep distance to the skaters.

Arme hoch! Handzeichen geben beim Bremsen sowie bei Gefahrenstellen (Schienen, Bodenunebenheit, Hindernis, Unfälle etc.) Hands up when you brake.

Platz auf der Seite lassen, bei „Spurenwechsel“ Rücksicht nehmen, keine unvorhersehbaren Manöver. Careful when overtaking.

Nicht am Gehsteig fahren. Wenn wir schon mal die Fahrbahn benützen können, dann bitte auf der Fahrbahn bleiben. Don’t ride on the pavement.

#FridayNightSkate #Wien
Friday Night Skating
Route für Freitag, den 26.7.2024: Sonnwendviertel

"I think Congress has made a terrible mistake in inviting Netanyahu. First of all, he does not represent the majority of Israelis. He clings to power because of a coalition which includes some very, very extreme people."

~ David Harel, president of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and professor of computer science and applied mathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science

#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestine #Congress
"More than a hundred lawmakers, mostly Democrats, skipped Netanyahu’s address, including Senators Dick Durbin, majority whip; Chris Van Hollen; Jeff Merkley; Patty Murray; Elizabeth Warren; and Bernie Sanders. Vice President Kamala Harris declined to preside over the Senate chamber during his address. She instead was in Indianapolis."

~ Amy Goodman

#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestinians #Congress
Mehdi Hassan debunks five of Netanyahu's biggest lies to Congress yesterday.

#Netanyahu #Israel #Palestinians #Congress

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL about Shizo Kanakuri, a Japanese runner who dropped out of the 1912 Olympic race (he fell asleep during his rest mid-race), but returned 54 years later to officially finish it. Kanakuri joked: “It was a long trip. Along the way, I got married, had six children and 10 grandchildren.”
#til #todayilearned

Gerry McGovern mastodon (AP)
"Ad revenue is Google’s bread, butter, knife to spread it with and plate to serve it on. Now, Google is so enamored with AI, it has decided to undermine its keyword search business model."

AI is making it harder for Google to make money on ads.

"The big lie with AI is that there is a return on the investment. It seems pretty clear that some of the investors who have ridden this AI wave understand that the premise of ROI is false, and they are getting off."

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
A drastic example of the betrayal of ethics is the participation of German doctors in medical experiments in concentration camps. Listen about experiments in Auschwitz.



Several people in medical uniforms - three men and one woman, are standing around a table.

CandyK mastodon (AP)
Didn't I tell you that corporate media was trash! MSNBC has Carville on. Why the f*CK this shit-face is everywhere.?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

tagesschau mastodon (AP)
Deutsche Bahn will 30.000 Stellen streichen

Die Deutsche Bahn hat in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres einen Milliardenverlust eingefahren. Nun will der Konzern reagieren - und in den kommenden fünf Jahren Zehntausende Stellen abbauen.


und wenn soweit ist, heulen se wieder rum, weil se kein Personal finden. 🤦‍♂️

Die Dummheiot von Entscheidern ist grenzenlos. Aus Geldgier werden imho IMMER die falschen Schlüsse gezogen. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️
This entry was edited (2 months ago)


It's Friday (all day even *cheer*)

Got up ✅️
Work from 🏡 ✅️
Coding ❌️
Meeting ✔️ ✔️ (soft ones)
Admin ✅️
Break things ❌️
Breaks ✅️
Lunch ❌️
Read stuff 📖 📚 📚
Achievements 2️⃣
Stress levels 📉
Coffee ☕️ ☕️
Birbs interrupted meetings 🐦 🐦 😂
Finished on ⏲️ ✔️

The #budgie masters, G&T, have lost less feathers today and are continuing to eat budgie crumble. ( 🤞 they keep it up ) it'll be early to bed for them 🤫 as I have another evening out.

Tonight involves some socialising and food that I haven't cooked!!

Hope your Friday exceeds any preconceived expectations!
Remember, like sands through an hourglass, you are unique, so look out for yourself!

#Greeting #MOTD

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
Please support the people who work so hard to keep Mastodon and other fediverse options alive.

I contribute $10 a month to this instance, and gladly.

This moment reminds me of one of those old black and white westerns, my dad called them “shoot’em ups”, when all the town folk are FINALLY fed up, band together, beat the shit out of the town bully, and run him out of town 🥊

Meanwhile in Space, American astronauts are contributing to the decline in standing of Boeing as a builder of aircraft.... yes, they are still trapped on the international Space Station while Boeing's engineers try to figure out why their space craft won't work.

Both NASA & Boeing deny the astronauts are stranded.... but then still they have not returned.

Its not a good look for Boeing.....

#boeing #space

taz diaspora
Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde

Mission „Welterbe“ erfüllt

Von Thomas Gerlach, Pawel Sosnowski

Die Unesco hat entschieden: Herrnhut wird Teil einer Weltkulturerbestätte. Die Organisation würdigt damit eine Freikirche, die eine solidarische Idee des Christentums vertritt. Ein Ortsbesuch.

Schwerpunkt: Landtagswahl Sachsen 2024

#taz #tageszeitung #Unesco-Welterbe #Unesco-Kulturerbe #Görlitz #Evangelische #Kirche

Boney M. - Rivers of Babylon


4:09 min music video
#music #pop #dance #disco #BoneyM

Dr. Michael Blume mastodon (AP)
Habe ja aus juristischen Gründen noch lange auf X gekämpft, nachdem es schon nicht mehr Twitter war. Aber das Gericht hat schwer nachvollziehbar entschieden und zuletzt wurden Rechtsdualismus & Antisemitismus auch durch Musk selbst so befeuert, dass ich nach Facebook & Instagram auch dieses letzte, antisoziale Medium verlasse. Werde lieber hier im Fediversum weiterhin das morgendliche Tässle Kaffee ☕️ reichen. ☺️✅📚

#Musk #Twitter #TwitterX #Ciao
Mina mastodon (AP)
Dein morgendliches Tässchen wird immer gerne genommen!

Gibt ja immer was Spannendes zu lesen.

Es tut mir leid, dass man dich vertrieben hat. Es ist schade für die noch verbliebenen freundlichen und gutwilligen Mitglieder der Plattform.

Ich hoffe, dass wir mindestens diesen Ort hier auf Dauer als einen des zivilen Umgangs miteinander erhalten können.
Manfred Schiess mastodon (AP)
Es ist im Allgemeinen eine Enttäuschung, welche Leute und Institutionen bei X geblieben sind und weiter den Milliardär füttern.
Viele grosse Worte, von wegen "wer mit Nazis läuft ist selber einer", nur wenn es ans Eingemachte geht, an s EGO, Follower verlieren, dann ist Schluss mit Idealen.
Ich bin enttäuscht von meinen ehemaligen Followern und Kanälen, denen ich gefolgt bin. Aber immerhin gibt es Nutzer, wie sie, die konsequent sind und alle Aktivitäten einstellen. Chapeau.

Merlin Mann mastodon (AP)
It's always a good day to learn a little more about Jacqueline du Pré.

What a delightful person.
M.S. Bellows, Jr. mastodon (AP)
Wait, they were THAT young?

Yow. And thanks for the reminder about this great old video. I'd forgotten about it!
Merlin Mann mastodon (AP)

If it were an hour earlier, I'd watch it for the third time today.

Orange Menace mastodon (AP)
Spread yer toes, it’s Friday!

#FötchenFreitach #Cats #RescueCats #RescueKittens #AdoptDontShop
A black &white cat stretching his legs, toes spread, towards the camera.

Covidiocracy mastodon (AP)
This reminds me of Four Seasons Total Landscaping

Do you go through the gate or around it? #gate #mastodon #fediverse #SeafordHeadNatureResearve
A gate standing alone, no fence.
DopeGhoti mastodon (AP)
Or either, depending on mood and whimsy in the moment.

Bill Mitchell mastodon (AP)
Friday's blog post (26/07) is now posted (13:44 EAST) - Episode 2 of the second season of our Manga – The Smith Family and their Adventures with Money – available now - #mmt

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)
Dang I miss writing code. I miss building things.
I was unaware of these complications. Apologies if I came off as glib.
Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)
All good! It's a sacrifice I make gladly, but you definitely still miss some freedoms.

Christoph S diaspora

The Debian Project mourns the loss of Peter De Schrijver

"Peter was highly regarded for his technical expertise in problem solving and for his willingness to share that knowledge. When asked "what are you working on?", Peter would often take the time to explain something you thought was extremely complicated understandably, or show you in-person his high technical proficiency in action on such tasks as translating a disassembled binary into C source code. Peter's work, ideals, and memory leave a remarkable legacy and a loss that is felt around the world not only in the many communities he interacted with but in those he inspired and touched as well."

#debian #linux #developer #death #peterdeschrijver

Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
When you’re happy that your enemy accidentally used the wrong word in a way that revealed their secret thoughts, they call that a schadenfreudian slip.
Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.
Lord HeeHaw II mastodon (AP)
So who enjoys this moment of Schadenfreude? The one using the wrong word in error, or the one listening knowing the revealing wrong word has been used?

This is amazing:

Liz Truss goes on Fox News to dish out advice on winning elections

Lets hope the Republicans listen to her. (And please keep her over there.)

anubis2814 friendica
Counterpoint was done by a head of lettuce.
She has a lot of time on her hands now because she lost her parliamentary seat at the general election. One of the true highlights of the occasion.

בנימין (Alex) mastodon (AP)
Join us for #FortnightFridayMusic by @MarkIngs tomorrow.
The word for July 26 is "#Lust"

Post and tell us about a song with a title, lyric, theme or meaning related to the word.

Upcoming biweekly words are:
Aug 09 #Key
Aug 23 #Joy

Also, Join in the biweekly #AlternateFridayMusic by @MarkIngs next week.
Upcoming word are:
Aug 02 #Play
Aug 16 #Question

and because I'm still an insufferable nag 😼:
@dgar @Bishopjoey @AqiDrago
drawing of two hearts being melded together and torn apart at the same time.

At the top is the group: FortnightFridayMusic

In the middle is the theme: Lust

At the bottom is  the date: July 26

Callyson mastodon (AP)
Time to trot out a classic jam
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
You can get with this, or you can get with that
I think you'll get with this, for this is where it's at

HeavenlyPossum mastodon (AP)
“JD Vance fucked a couch” is honestly the only good thing to happen to the US in a long time.
people on Twitter now claiming it was in the first edition and then cut. Hate to link there but extraordinary times something something...

Edited to rm Twitter link as this is already known on fedi.

People are lazy AF. They won't go to the source. They won't read his book. They post disinformation or lies. People are showing their ass.


The couch fucking story is real. It was in the first edition of his book. Then the couch fucking was removed from follow-on print editions.

I read it. Unbelievable. James Donald Bowman aka Jimmy Hamel aka JD wrote about fucking his couch. Yet, he slut shames millions and will deny Women healthcare and force rape victims to give birth to a rapist baby.

UPDATE on next post: 21 page in and I found this insane fucking admission. 💀
JD had Candy wrappers up his butt and JD used hot dogs as dildos up his butt. He wrote it.

Here's the full page. Page 180.

Republican psychos.


Purported screenshot of page 180 of J. D. Vance's Hillbilly Elegy. Text:

 Years later, I looked at my wedding party of six groomsmen and realized that every single one of them had, like me, lucked a couch All of us had found ourselves beheld by the eroticism of two cushions, side-by-side, with that lush, inviting valley between, We all knew how to respect one too: With a rubber glove and any lubricant you had on hand. AU of us were lonely at some point, pushed away by the women in our lives It was our outlet and an unspoken-yet-open secret To want for a couch is to be. and to lay with one as one does? It is a rite of passage into the chambers of manhood.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
HeavenlyPossum mastodon (AP)
What a time to be alive


Tiens, une nouvelle "geisha" place de la préfecture ?...

#surMonChemin du vendredi
Sur une armoire  technique un dessin  en couleurs : femme de type asiatique de 3/4 peau blanche, cheveux bruns ténus en chignon, robe à dominante verte
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
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