Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
No amount of deportations will help the economy. If we deport undocumented workers, we all suffer—jobs disappear, labor shortages get worse, and everything gets more expensive. For every million deported, 88,000 Americans lose their jobs.

Lou Plummer :prami: mastodon (AP)
My vote for the biggest iOS shortcoming is the lack of clipboard history. The hardware can support it. Jailbroken phones can do it. #Apple #iphone #ios
And you’re certain the breakers are providing the function without memory leak or creating a place where a malicious actor (or intrusive application) can pull information from?

Wallflower 🌺 mastodon (AP)
Pink hydrangea

Wallflower 🌺 mastodon (AP)
I connected with this song so much when it came out.
I could have known the writer, so strongly.
Another life.

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@pitrouillesque Bisous du vendredi ma Pitrouille 😘😘😘😘

Nike Leonhard mastodon (AP)
Ich möchte nicht dauernd hören, dass Musk dies oder das gesagt hat. Ich möchte hören, dass X in Europa genauso verboten und abgeschaltetwird, wie andere, den europäischen Gesetzen hohnsprechende demokratiefeindliche Nachrichtenportale und ich möchte hören, dass das AfD-Verbotsverfahren endlich eingeleitet wird.

#wehrhafteDemokratie #AfDVerbot #X_ex

mcc mastodon (AP)
A very sad person who develops software in Unity and then promotes it using WordPress
mcc mastodon (AP)
@kelson That's great, thank you. A thing that worries me is I have a theme I want to keep using but it was made by a friend in like, 2010, and I don't know how to make a WP theme myself (or fix a WP theme if it breaks). Actually WordPress itself has been slowly breaking it over time, I almost wonder if it would make sense to back up to the 2021 version of my website and then migrage THAT 😛
mcc mastodon (AP)
@kelson well, i'm not sure if anything's actually been *altered* by the various upgrades WP applied. i guess i have git to track that tho.

Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
#Christmas circa 1950s: Not sure why the girl in front got the cowboy hat and sixshooter. Perhaps she talked one of the boys into sharing -- or just felt it necessary to bend the gender roles.
Eleven children open presents in front of a live Christmas tree, posed for a group photo. One boy received wooden block. One girl wears a cowboy hat, gun belt and twirls a sixshooter. No one else shows their presents.

CFPB sues three top U.S. banks for failing to protect consumers from Zelle fraud

The consumer financial watchdog says customers of the top three banks lost more than $870 million over seven years due to a lack of safeguards against fraud on the Zelle network.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Susan ✶✶✶✶ reshared this.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Looks like we can expect falling oil prices starting next year based on decline in the premium U.S. sellers can get by exporting it to Europe falling because of decreasing demand.

Rainer König mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Ganz böser Sarkasmus

Optimist mastodon (AP)

Kay pixelfed (AP)
Alone in my wellies, slogging through sheep pastures and, let’s face it, sheep poop, soaking in the golden light and Exmoor’s breathtaking landscapes, watching life unfold around me – it was one of the best vacations I’ve ever had. Light, landscape, animals, weather, mood, and me – everything clicked in perfect harmony.

It’s been just three years, but the memory is already fading, morphing into a memory of a memory. And even if the original memory were still vivid, it would have been distorted and modified by the brain through repeated recollection. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), I don’t have a photographic memory. But, and this is the point, I have my pictures. They may only be a thin slice of reality, but they serve as a mental trigger to rekindle the memory or even create new ones.

#photography #reddeer #sheep #exmoor #squared
This is a square-format photograph framed by a white border, presented in warm and cool tones. The image depicts a pastoral landscape at dusk, with golden sunlight illuminating a grassy hillside. In the foreground, a group of sheep graze calmly on the darker lower slope. Above them, on a ridge bathed in warm orange light, stands a lone stag with antlers silhouetted against a dramatic sky. The sky transitions from deep blue on the left to soft orange and pink hues on the right.

qurly(not curly)joe mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Sleep conundrum

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Sleep conundrum

qurly(not curly)joe mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Sleep conundrum

⚠️🇷🇺Russia keeps key interest rate at 21%, defying expert expectations (more) #Ukraine #NukesForUkraine #SouthKorea #Japan #Press #Taiwan #Media #NukesOrNATO #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #Russia #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine

D C Fitzgerald mastodon (AP)
In theory, capitalism rewards merit and those who excel are rewarded with financial success.
Meritocracy in Practice: factors like privilege, luck, and systemic inequalities can play a significant role in determining economic outcomes. Like individuals from wealthy families may have access to better education, networking opportunities, and financial resources, giving them a head start in life. #greed #merit #fraud #education #business #corruption #crime #grifter #reel #politics #humor #musk
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

abadidea mastodon (AP)
"How an obscure PHP footgun led to RCE in Craft CMS"
Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP)
@kboyd That’s interesting. I’ve only ever seen PHP_SAPI used to check which SAPI environment you’re in; I’ve never even thought to check argv. Wild!
willpower232 mastodon (AP)
laravel had the same thing and patched the last 5 versions of the framework
Ben Ramsey reshared this.
Daniel Kreuer mastodon (AP)
@ramsey @kboyd Is there actually a legitimate reason to populate this from query? Or might it be feasible to remove the ini setting from PHP completely?
Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP)
@dkreuer @kboyd There are discussions underway to remove it.

Meduza in English mastodon (AP)
Russia launched a missile strike on Kyiv, killing one person and injuring nine others, according to local authorities. The attack reportedly left 630 apartment buildings, 16 medical facilities, 17 schools, and 13 kindergartens without heat.

Pablonius Monk mastodon (AP)
SMU Head Football Coach Rhett Lashlee wants to eliminate December Transfer Portal window 🏈

In a press conference Tuesday, coach Lashlee didn't hold back on his opinion of the current December window of the Transfer Portal.

#CFP #NCAA #SMU #NIL #Sports #TransferPortal #RhettLashlee #Football #WFAA

JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
Double take at a special offer for baby koala cream filled biscuits.

Sounds like the producer is trying to pick a fight with Straya, at first glance.

Homo Hortus mastodon (AP)
🎁 Dossier Trump 2025 : un cadeau pour les fêtes ! 🎁

Découvrez une sélection de 9 articles exclusifs sur les dynamiques politiques et sociales sous Donald Trump, publiés sur Informez-vous et débattez des enjeux contemporains avec ces analyses riches et variées. Suivez aussi mes mises à jour sur Mastodon : @homohortus. 🌍📚 #Trump2025 #Politique #Analyse Les 9 publications du Dossier Trump 2025 🌍 L'isolement des Palestiniens sous Donald Trump…

Georgiann Baldino mastodon (AP)
"Rachel [Maddow] takes a closer look at #Trump's choice for director of national intelligence, former Congresswoman Tulsi #Gabbard, who has a deep history of anti-gay activism and a disturbing amount of support from Russian state media."


unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
BREAKING: House GOP promising to cut $2.5 trillion in net mandatory spending, per Punchbowl

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Khurram Wadee diaspora

Number of school shootings per capita.

i.e. taking into account that some countries have far greater or far lesser populations than the US.
List of countries taken from:
National populations used taken from Wikipedia.

Hmm, still looks pretty similar.
#Americans #schools

As usual, Canadians underachieve our American neighbors with guns.

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Holland, MI:
Telescopic view looking southwest onto the Holland pierheads jutting into Lake Michigan off Holland State Park. // Image captured at: 2024-12-20 17:36:24 UTC (about 26 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Holland: 30.35 F | -.92 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: NE at 14.003 mph | 22.53 kph // Humidity: 83%

Lauren Weinstein mastodon (AP)
Google axes VPs and Managers to cut costs; Pichai redefines "Googleyness"

The way I usually find out if Googlers I know have been shown the door is when their corp email addresses suddenly start bouncing. #Google is extremely efficient at shutting those down quickly. -L
To be replaced with AI Chatbots, perhaps.
Sunny mastodon (AP)
When I was in that world, I knew another friend bit the dust when I got a request from them to connect on LinkedIn.

If they asked for a reference, I knew they were lookin'.
If they asked to connect, I knew they were gone.
Lauren Weinstein reshared this.

David August mastodon (AP)
A nice presidential portrait.
elon musk holding the strings of a donald trump puppet
2 people reshared this
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Yes on Farage saying that about Soros and there were multiple times in the clip he did that.

Relatedly, I saw a tweet from ELoon this morning from him saying that the AfD is the only sane party running for election in Germany too.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
David August mastodon (AP)
something about birds of a feather comes to mind.

"…fasces were…Roman symbol…bundle of wooden rods & …axe bound together by leather thongs…represented…man held _imperium_, or executive authority."₁

"…fasces came to be associated w/right-wing extremism in…early 20th century when…adopted by Benito Mussolini for his fascist movement (…“fascism” itself is derived from…word “fasces”)…& thus of fascism itself."₂
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

1/ Möchte eigentlich wieder jemand einen Kalender mit Klimabewegungs- und Gegen-Rechts-Demos-Motiven?

Dann am besten Email oder Kommentar hier und dann Nachricht mit Daten.

Wenn ich es morgen abliefere, kann das bis Weihnachten noch klappen.

Demoteilnehmerin bei „Wir sind die Brandmauer“ mit einem Schild „Nur Mut!“. Kundgebung gegen den Faschismus, Berlin, 03.02.2024
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
4/ Also dafür muss man eigentlich A3 nehmen. Man kann die Köpfe erkennen. Das find ich irgendwie schon toll. Original ist 8000x5500 Pixel. =😀

Also: Wer will, wer will, wer hat noch nicht? A4 oder A3?

#Weihnachtsgeschenk .
Blick vom Reichstag auf die Demo „Wir sind die Brandmauer“ gegen Faschismus. Berlin, 03.02.2024
5/ 2024 war ein übles Jahr. Für mich in Bezug auf #Polizeigewalt das Schlimmste, was ich bisher erlebt habe.

Der 13.04. war brutal. Mit Szenen, die man wohl nur als Folter einordnen kann. Ein Sechzehnjähriger wurde von vier Polizisten umringt und mit Schmerztechniken am Ohr gequält. Sie hätten ihn einfach wegtragen können.

Danach wurde es ruhiger. Wohl weil die #LetzteGeneration mit Klagen gedroht hatte.

Im Mai noch mal Gewalt, aber evtl. aufgrund eines Missverständnisses.

Schlimm dann der 10.12. am #Adlon. Das hat alles bisher Dagewesene getoppt.

Ich war immer wieder beeindruckt von den Menschen, die an solchen Aktionen teilgenommen haben. Sie wussten ja, dass ihnen das Handgelenk gebrochen werden konnte oder dass die Hälfte ihrer Hand an der Straße bleiben konnte.

Ehrlich gesagt, bin ich auch froh, wenn das jetzt vorbei ist. So genau weiß man ja noch nicht, was jetzt kommt.

Ja, und wie soll man die Polizeigewalt nun darstellen, wenn man einen Kalender als #Jahresrückblick macht? Niemand will ja Bilder von Folter oder schreiende oder weinende Aktivist*innen in seiner Küche zu hängen haben, oder?

Doch lieber was mit #Wohlfühlen, #Liebe, #Vertrauen und #Entspannung.

Man beachte, dass jemand diesem #Buddybären die Nase gebrochen hat.

Ich denke, dass ich das Bild richtig ausgewählt habe und bedanke mich bei der @AufstandLastGen und den @scientistrebellion_GER dafür, dass ich ihre Aktion fotografieren durfte.

(Ob bei dem LG-Account überhaupt noch jemand sitzt?)

PS: Ich hasse diese #BuddyBären.

#Nivea #Niveau .
Aktivisten der Letzten Generation verbinden Buddy-Bären die Augen mit Polizeigewalt-Binden. Auf dem Bären von Nivea steht: Pflege, Liebe, Vertrauen, Wohlfühlen, Entspannung. Im Schaufenster steht Neu und auf dem Pappschild, das der Bär um den Hals hat: „Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit!“ Zu sehen sind außerdem die Warming Stripes der globalen Erderhitzung. Der Bär hat eine geklebte Nase, war wohl Opfer von Gewalt. Gemeinsame Aktion mit Scientist Rebellion. Unter den Linden, Berlin, 25.08.2024

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
Tariffs will make things more expensive. During his first term, Trump’s tariffs cost Americans $80 billion and even Walmart admitted they’d pass those costs to consumers. He’s admitted he “can’t guarantee” prices won’t go up again.

Never argue with a granny holding a shotgun.

taz diaspora
Über Wohltätigkeit

Das Ding mit der Charity

Von Anna Fastabend

Ob ein Weihnachtsmenü für Obdachlose oder Supermarktwaren für mehr als eine halbe Million Euro: Spenden sind wichtig, es bräuchte aber etwas anderes.

Kolumne: Starke Gefühle

#taz #tageszeitung #Sozialpolitik #Wohltätigkeit #Spenden

Victorhck mastodon (AP)
NUEVO artículo en mi blog

#openSUSE Tumbleweed revisión de la semana 51 de 2024

Adabei der 1te mastodon (AP)
Abrechnung mit CDU im Bund und in Hamburg

In dem Schreiben rechnet er mit der CDU im Bund und in Hamburg ab. Er kritisiert, dass von den politischen Leitzielen der liberalen Großstadt-CDU nicht mehr viel übriggeblieben sei. CDU-Bundeschef Friedrich Merz und Generalsekretär Carsten Linnemann wirft er vor, eher die "neoliberalen Thesen der FDP" zu vertreten. Außerdem bezeichnet er ihre Verkehrspolitik als "antiquiert".,cdu2066.html

Lotte mastodon (AP)
Jetzt komm bidde endlich zu mir auf die Couch, ich möchte ganz doll gekuschelt werden.


AusderPampa mastodon (AP)
In Huldigung des bevorstehenden Weihnachtsfestes, heute dieses Fensterchen zum #Fensterfreitag

#photography #weihnachten #christmas
A decorative rooftop with a small gazebo features warm lights and festive garlands adorned with red ribbons. A weather vane sits atop, and gentle rain adds a cozy ambiance to the night scene.

Why Apple sends spyware victims to this nonprofit security lab | TechCrunch
Christoph S reshared this.

Zur Awechslung mal was zum Freuen und in den Kalender eintragen

Resist to Exist 2024 wird stattfinden!

#rte #rte2025

newer older

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