Muirén NíSídach mastodon (AP)
What blows my mind is how many Black people openly state they want the same things that "whiteness" gives Europeans, ignoring the irrefutable fact that whiteness is subsidized by a permanent underclass that includes people of European descent, but are mostly Black, Brown, Indigenous, and those PoC - Asians, Southeast Asian, Indian, and Arabic who are open about aspiring to white class status.

Cooperative Capitalism works, but Black people blindly cling to the ambition of being an oppressor, not bring the oppressor down.

Let me be clear, a higher seat at the table of a structurally unjust system, diversity among the ruling class, is NOT progress, it is a bribe!
"Black people blindly cling to the ambition of being an oppressor, not bring the oppressor down."

WHEW! that is a word. it's why even though am one of the first Black folks to use twitter am not considered of the Blacktwitter phenomenon because am not a buppie and have been a huge critic of the whole cult of Black capitalism.

way too many just want to do empire, but with a black face. nah.

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Muirén NíSídach mastodon (AP)
I've promoted real-world, practical models of cooperative capital, projects that build community equity and capacity for almost 45 years.

It has just as often been Black capitalists seeking to be a big frog in our small Black pond, at any cost, who have worked against me, just as often as these polite white supremacists who insinuate themselves into Black communities, under the pretense of allyship, the better to steer us into prisons of our own chosing.

I love the diverse cultures of Africa and the African diaspora, but I seek the end of the racialized class system promoted by commerce, by law, and custom, not the vain illusion of "racial equality" that can logically exist.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

What a very anti #Neurodivergent announcement from the Philippine Community Affairs and Development Group Central #Visayas.

They place the burden on the pedestrians instead of teaching drivers to respect existing laws.

#Philippines #EyeContact #Pilipinas #PNP
Screenshot of the PCADG Central Visayas anti-Neurodivergent announcement.

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
D&D Endurance Tournament


GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
“JD is really good at choosing living room furniture. He always gets the best couches.”

Flock of Nazguls mastodon (AP)
Well well well.

5 reasons why I'm switching to Jellyfin after 7 years using Plex on my home NAS

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
“Run, Forrest, Run!”

Narrator: No one ever got the context of those words, because the zombies got Forrest right away.

#50smusictaughtme not to get in a car with a teenager driving


Flock of Nazguls mastodon (AP)
Joint rolling.

(with a nod to Snoop)

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

CandyK mastodon (AP)
New Fox Poll.

Trump must be freaking out and worried This is not good.

Harris hasn't officially gotten the nomination or a convention held yet. Trump should be very worried.


The confrontation, starring Joey Puppycat Ramone and Sheena Vanillepe Penelope Ramone. #CatsOfMastodon #ctas #fedicats #catsofediverse #catsofpixelfed
a white cat and a black cat stare at one another in a cluttered room

argv minus one mastodon (AP)
Is there a way, in #Rust, to reliably get a pointer to somewhere inside a code section of the executable or DLL that my crate has been linked into?

For example, reading the instruction pointer would do the trick. But, for the sake of portability to other CPU architectures, I would like to avoid using assembly code to do this.

This only has to work on Windows. Portability to other operating systems is not a concern.

Anyone have an idea?

argv minus one mastodon (AP)
The background for my request is that I need an `HINSTANCE` with which to call `CreateWindow`, and I'm writing a library.

I can get an `HINSTANCE` from `GetModuleHandleEx`, but it needs a pointer inside the executable/DLL in order to look up the module and give me a handle to it.

CandyK mastodon (AP)
This should happen.

Kennedy is pure disgusting scum.

CandyK mastodon (AP)
Detroit Michigan poll among black voters.

The convicted felon get ZERO black votes.🤣 🤣 🤣

Stop listening to Trump and his propaganda corporate media that keeps repeating his lies. 👇

Baloo Uriza mastodon (AP)
I can't believe I read editors notes in two different news articles that had to disclaim that we don't know that JD Vance has had sex with a couch or that JD Vance has searched for dolphin porn.


BenderIsGreat34 mastodon (AP)
Halloween special where Bob kills and dismembers Mr Fishoedder and keeps the remains in his basement, with story B having Louise join forces with the demonic presence that lives in the corner of her bedroom ceiling.

People are lazy AF. They won't go to the source. They won't read his book. They post disinformation or lies. People are showing their ass.


The couch fucking story is real. It was in the first edition of his book. Then the couch fucking was removed from follow-on print editions.

I read it. Unbelievable. James Donald Bowman aka Jimmy Hamel aka JD wrote about fucking his couch. Yet, he slut shames millions and will deny Women healthcare and force rape victims to give birth to a rapist baby.

UPDATE on next post: 21 page in and I found this insane fucking admission. 💀
JD had Candy wrappers up his butt and JD used hot dogs as dildos up his butt. He wrote it.

Here's the full page. Page 180.

Republican psychos.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Hugh Young mastodon (AP)
Snopes has marked the story as false. I have sent this image to them.
For further confirmation, you should post the copyright page with the edition number.

Please also show us page 21.
KanaMauna mastodon (AP)
@hugh Snopes is going MAGA. Somehow they know better than the FBI about Trump‘s ear wound.

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Dave Ramsey says he never bought single stocks: 'the only dumb thing I did is I bought gold one time'

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options
unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
Ramsey said that he buys mutual funds and forgets about them, focusing on long-term gains. "I don't even know what the market has done this year, and I do this for a living I don't keep up with it," he said.

Read more:

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options

Pitchaya Sudbanthad mastodon (AP)
If this turns out to be accurate, then in our lifetimes, #climate pollution will have caused incredible weather extremes in America, the icy end of crops in N. Europe, and widespread droughts in Asia and Africa: "He plugged in the water temperatures and let the code run. Now here he was, staring at a rather remarkable number: 2057."
#climatechange #amoc #endfossilfuels

Gail Waldby mastodon (AP)
"South Asian Men for Harris" Saturday at 11am ET / 8am PT. Join us to rally, fundraise and GOTV for our first female president!

You don’t have to be South Asian to join and support!

Register for viewing links:

#YesWeKam #YesWeKam2024 #WeChooseKamala #BlueWaveRising #OurFreedomsOurFutures

ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
Casual mention of technical debt triggered an ancient but trivial anxiety: some older internal links on ErosBlog don't go to the proper place due to an archive link formatting problem encountered when transitioning from "Blog" CMS thru GreyMatter to WordPress in the early years. Instead they go to an archive of all posts from that day, which is usually close enough.

Yes, really: ErosBlog was originally published using software called "Blog". Its homepage still exists:
Three "powered by Blog" icons in the 81x33 banner/button format popular at the turn of the century
ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
PS Y'all have no idea how CLOSE TO GODDAMN IMPOSSIBLE it is to search for references to a piece of Windows freeware with a final-version release date that was in October of 2002. Talk about an unsearchable search term!
ErosBlog Bacchus mastodon (AP)
After trying several searches, my stab at "freeware blogging software 2002" turned up a description and link in a page called "Weblogs Compendium" that was cached at the George Mason University Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media. Apparently it is cached there because it was referenced in the footnote of a 2005 book entitled Digital History: A Guide To Gathering, Preserving, And Presenting The Past On The Web. The authors, clearly, believe[d] in practicing what they preached!
Screenshot of the top of a 2005-ish archive of then-existing blogging software.

Graham Palmer reshared this.

Peter mastodon (AP)
Excellent motorcycle spotto. I'm not even sure what this is. Walked away before realising I couldn't read the badge in the photo.
L'il bright orange step through scooter parked in a carpark. It's very angular.
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/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0s2 mastodon (AP)
taking up the entire car parking spot is such a king move

NASA may have figured out the problem with the helium leak in Starliner thrusters

Still under review... "astronauts still in limbo." They had to do the testing that Boeing probably should have in the first place: to see what happens if the thrusters get too hot.
Bob Lai diaspora
And the testing may have helped give engineers a better understanding of the issue’s “root cause”: Heat building up inside the thrusters may be causing Teflon seals to bulge, restricting the flow of propellant.

'Restricting the flow' is not the same as a leak.

And how did this elementary bit of engineering elude everyone for several months, unless it was the result of skimping on costs? (Not unlike the quake-resistant plates on the new span of the SF-Oakland Bay Bridge, which were defective because of lowest-bidder steel from China ... yet the construction firms and CalTrans executives all got bonuses for coming in under budget and finishing early.)

Mike Masnick unkn (AP)
It may surprise people, but Sen. Rand Paul has presented a pretty good explanation of why no one (Democrat or Republican) should support KOSA.

KOSA Will Come To The Senate F...

Why is Beyonce wearing that.

Nicer than Walk of Fame.
Traction action.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) trip with grandparents #germany
trip with grandparents

5 years ago today a group of wonderful people, support from the infosec community, and a kind judge saved me from going to prison for hacking. Feels like forever ago, but I still appreciate every one of you ❤️

Queen of New York mastodon (AP)
Post-grooming glamor-ish shot. #dog #DogsOfMastodon
A light tan, scruffy terrier lays on a greyish surface. She has a bandana patterned with bright colors. She looks adorable, but possibly also annoyed.
Rebecca mastodon (AP)
:blobcataww:good. Gorgeous!

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
This is unacceptable ... I have to wait 4 minutes for a bus

Hugz & xXx
Kit Bashir mastodon (AP)
*cries in Brisbane*
Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)

Giggles ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx

Jay Bryant diaspora
Cruz is a shit stain, even for a Texas R. He's the biggest reason I donated to Colin Allred's campaign.
Bob Lai diaspora
WTF you smokin', Raffi?

Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)
"Shelled pistachios" was perfectly adequate.

They knew what they were doing.
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Viss mastodon (AP)
you know you want the nutmeats
Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)
They are in my house on purpose
Bill mastodon (AP)
"Hey, honey, grab my sack of nutmeats."
Taggart :donor: mastodon (AP)
I want: a tasty snack
I receive: glowering

MEActNOW mastodon (AP)

“Get out and vote! Just this time. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four more years. You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine!…In four years, you don’t have to vote again.”


Michele McCarthy mastodon (AP)

"You have to get out and vote. You won’t have to do it anymore. Four years, it will be fixed, it will be fine. You won’t have to vote anymore.. In four years, you won’t have to vote again."

Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
This is how broken Canada is. Only the second best recovery in the G7. #CanPoli #CDNPoli
Graph showing Real GDP in G-7 countries, indexed to 2019 average. Canada has the second best recovery, behind the US.
Dan Neuman hometown (AP)
@mpjgregoire @Jgmeadows For the last year of data, yes, but I think the economy has picked up since then. Also, increased immigration drags down the immediate per capita values until immigrants establish themselves.
M. Grégoire mastodon (AP)
Well, let's hope that per capita GDP does indeed grow rather than shrink. The trend isn't great at the moment though.

plutonian mastodon (AP)
i believe that can and will finally bring down the catholic church

Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
Trump confirms: He is a coward. 🐥
3 people reshared this
Callalily mastodon (AP)
I love the name you chose for him.
newer older

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