Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)
Sometimes when politics irritates me I like watching this.

Skeptical Science mastodon (AP)
Our Story of the Week in our latest #ClimateNews roundup is "Project 2025." We talk about external costs, and how this #HeritageFoundation plan is ideally formulated to allow poorly socialized people to impose harms and expense on others.

Other stories among 32 in all, conveniently available from one springboard:

* Only 4% of TV news correctly connected Hurricane Beryl to climate change

* UK court ruling provides ammo for anti-fossil fuel lawyers worldwide
Screen capture of Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" front material.

Sophie mastodon (AP)
Und jetzt fährt ein kleines Stück ESC Bühne die Seine runter. Darf Europapa doch nochmal auftreten? #esc #olympics
Eine Barge mit LED Bühne ausgelegt und einer Gruppe Tänzern auf der Seine. Der LED Boden zeigt eine Europaflagge
Sophie mastodon (AP)
Fühlt sich wirklich nach #ESC an.
ein bisschen schon, dachte ich mir eben auch 😀

Laffy mastodon (AP)
There's video.

Via Jaime Harrison:

Is Donald #Trump ok?? I’m genuinely asking, because he seems to think that 1) Hannibal Lecter is real and 2) He’s a great guy.

Instead of Silence of the Lambs, I’d rather watch Silence of the Convicted Felon.

Jul 24
Trump: They go crazy when I say, "the late great Hannibal Lecter." They say 'Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter, he must be cognitively in trouble!' No. These are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the lamb, a lovely man.."
Laffy mastodon (AP)
My neck hurts from that

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
(Reuters) - Vice President Kamala Harris opened up a marginal two-percentage-point lead over Republican Donald Trump after President Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign and passed the torch to her, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found.
DrD mastodon (AP)
Trump's brain will be hurting a lot.
oh, that's just the beginning. Your polls mostly use landlines...answered by very old out of touch people. Polls are thus bullshit.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Old Man in the Shoe mastodon (AP)
Awe, NBC didn't show the girl enough. #Olympics

Dr Joe Pajak mastodon (AP)
‘Could SARS-CoV-2 linger in the body because immune cells have walled it off as they work to contain it, or by hiding in tough to reach areas like the nervous system, or by evolving after infection so the immune response is no longer effective against it?’

Feòrag mastodon (AP)
The Olympic opening ceremony is imminent. France has closed its airspace for 100 nm around Paris till 00:30.
PlaneFinder screenshot showing nothing but a single helicopter in a vast area of France
Feòrag mastodon (AP)
@Island_Martha It would have been just as wet inside the Stade de France.
Martha mastodon (AP)
True, and IMO this was more fun to watch.

Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
I’m delighted to say that Mastodon for Harris has, as of this post, over 4000 contributions. #Mastodon4Harris
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Tim Chambers reshared this.

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
I wonder happened in the life of @lhgmk2 that has caused him to feel that it's okay for him to call MVP Kamala Harris a bitch?

That statement was most unwise.

It's an act of denial running adjacent to the narrative that refuses to acknowledge Israel is a genocidal occupying power for over 80 years, the suggestion that anti-genocide protestors are antisemitic hamas supporters is a horrendous gaslight, an assault on freedom of speech, an insult to the moral integrity of the American people, and a complete failure to represent either the people, or the truth. Today, she looks like a lackey.

Bitch, do not do that again.

Kevin Leecaster reshared this.

Rachel Maddow says JD Vance’s rise is thanks to gay billionaire’s influence, not skill or merit

Something good to ask yourself and your fellow church congregants during this political season: "Do we want a church where people from different political viewpoints will feel comfortable belonging to?" Or, at least, where they feel the church is not partisan.

In other words, am I willing to segregate Sunday morning along political lines because of my political beliefs?

Definitely, there are going to be times when the church needs to take a stand on political issues. For example, Charles Finney upset a lot of people by preaching forcefully on the topic of slavery. But we should aim to be equal opportunity offenders. I'd like to think that staunch blue and red voters would at one point or another be made uncomfortable by what we say from the pulpit. If you are a "prophetic voice" but only repeat one side's partisan talking points, is it really prophetic?
@michael Wow, I love that take! "In Christ there is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, ... Republican nor Democrat"

I feel that my identity as a Christian is the most important and over-riding. It's more important than my ethnicity, nationality, politics, etc.
Michael mastodon (AP)

I feel so very privileged: living in south east London I worship in a hugely diverse church. There are members from probably 50+ different nationalities from literally every continent (apart from Antarctica), all races, political persuasions, and socio economic backgrounds, some who grew up in Christian homes, others who only came to Christ weeks ago. All worshipping together, united in Christ.

A little foretaste of heaven!

fediverseobserver friendica (via ActivityPub)
Found 9 new servers and 8 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

21,405 servers checked. 14,132,135 Total Users with 0 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found: a #mastodon server from Türkiye a #misskey server from Japan a #misskey server from Private a #sharkey server from United Kingdom a #mastodon server from Portugal a #pleroma server from Japan a #mastodon server from Poland a #gotosocial server from Luxembourg a #hometown server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to

I'm on a campaign to declutter my life. I try to find one thing everyday and throw it away.

Today's target: this rubber Lego wheel that is somehow sticky. I tried to clean it and it has been sitting on the counter for a couple of months.

#Declutter #OneThingEveryday #JCHOTE24
A rubber Lego wheel.

Joerg Fliege diaspora

A quotation from Herbert, George
Keep not ill men company, lest you increase the number.

George Herbert (1593-1633) Welsh priest, orator, poet.
Jacula Prudentum, or Outlandish Proverbs, Sentences, &c. (compiler), # 314 (1640 ed.)

#quote #quotes #quotation #association #badcompany #badexample #badpeople #company #friends #gang #vice
Sourcing / notes:

Si alguien se lo preguntaba, no, no he muerto. Divido mi tiempo entre currar mil horas y hacer chorrimil tests para el teórico de conducir. Quiero una vida :ablobcall:
boa sorte com o teórico 🤞 (I suppose you can understand it and it's better than me murdering your native language 🤭)

Attie Grande mastodon (AP)
... I never expected to see a "This page was intentionally left blank" as a file! 😂
Screenshot of a hexdump, showing an AppleDouble file, containing the text "This resource fork intentionally left blank"

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Better go read that 25th Amendment again… #PoliticalHumor #PoliticalHumor #Politics #UsPolitics
Better go read that 25th Amendment again…

The Unnerving Changeability of JD Vance
By Michelle Goldberg

@wmnf @ronnyelliott @kteltowers @bobbydevito @ooda @bobgourley
NYTs Gift Article

libramoon diaspora

Bring back the poetry Olympics!

Some 200 years before the modern revival of the Olympics as we now know it, a group of poets met in a garden in Rome to revive the ancient games in their own way. Their Giuochi Olimpici (“Olympic games” in Italian) was based not on speed or strength, but on one’s ability to string together a poem or win a debate.

The Poetry Olympics took the ancient pentathlon, but replaced the five sporting competitions with five new games based on poetic composition and intellectual debate. A description from 1701 lists these as “the foot race, the javelin, the discus, the wrestling and the long jump”. Each was intended to showcase skill in poetry, wit or song.

Sophie mastodon (AP)
Tere is a pole with a smartphone magicarmed to every boat. Some of these phones seem to be on an filming. Did they use any of the phone images on broadcast yet? #olympics
oh ich glaube gerade bei den USA.
Sophie mastodon (AP)
@leah Jup, das ist auch das erste Mal wo ichs gesehen hab.

Jessica mastodon (AP)
When I was a child I didn’t know who I was. I knew who everyone told me to be, a good little Jewish boy who would grow up to be a good Jewish man. I built that boy out of mud with my hands and shaped him into the form others expected. On his forehead I wrote אמת, truth, hoping it would live a truth I didn’t understand.

I wrote a name of God on a piece of paper and placed it into his mouth and he lived. For 35 years he walked in my place, living a false life with my breath.

One day I could suffocate no longer and needed to die or take my breath back. In a moment of strength I removed the aleph from his head and he fell apart. He did not die as his forehead now read, for he was never alive.

I didn’t realize how much mud had accumulated over the years. How deep the shame was, how heavy the long dried pieces of dirt were. My hands, now torn and bleeding from breaking my golem apart, finally found the long forgotten paper.

I see the name I wrote was my own.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
3 people reshared this
that is absolutely goddamn lovely. It had to have been excruciating to live, and the strength it took to get where you are is astonishing.

Karen Strickholm mastodon (AP)
Way to make me CRY, Jessica! 💞🙏💞

Many People Are Saying: Donald Trump Is Sacred to Debate Kamala Harris — Harris for President Campaign Press Release #quotes #quote #TrumpScared #Debate #KamalaHarris #Trump
RJClik mastodon (AP)
some of them, grown men, with tears in thier eyes.
Wm.son mastodon (AP)
I love that it uses "many people are saying" because #TFG says that a lot.

Sophie mastodon (AP)
They either dropped the boat cameras down to 720p to get a more stable image or have trouble focusing through the rain. #olympics
rain on the tele lens blurring everything :/

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
For fans of @acarsdrama - some stats:

The rig receives around 1,500 messages an hour during daytime hours. The split is around 1,000 ACARS to 500 VDLM2.

Of those 1,500, it averages 2 or 3 that contain the 'free text', human typed messages that constitute the drama per hour. The rest is automated position reports, status messages, data exchanges about weather etc.

In summary, there is a lot of data coming off of planes at all times.
Harry mastodon (AP)
It’s a lower number than I expected given the number of planes in the air. Interesting channel thanks
Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
@Har don't forget my setup is only a tiny slice of airspace covering Seattle/Vancouver, checkout for a distributed approach to collecting, they get quite a few more messages

Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
I can't believe some of the stories out there hidden in planet descriptions. This is so messed up.

"The Quarians squatting on the planet were given one galactic standard month to leave, at which point their colonies would be bombarded."

Cripes. 😬
#MassEffect #MassEffect2 #VideoGames
A planet description in Mass Effect 2.
Kevin C 🎬 mastodon (AP)
I understand the Council giving the planet to the Elcor. I don't understand the "bombardment" which would kill people.

Maybe that was a euphemism? 🤷‍♂️
Maddy Waves mastodon (AP)
If they were serious about bombarding the Quarian colony, it would be a pretty harsh punishment. Especially since I remember there was something like a legal prohibition to bombard garden worlds... 🤔 (I mean, the repercussions would be bad for the Elcor that are going to settle there too.)

Pirate Bear mastodon (AP)
Darn it! I am following #mastodonforharris Looks like I might have to make a donation but first I need to support my server provider.

Do it today and keep the fediverse weird and wonderful.
🏴‍☠️ 🐻

#fediverse #fridaythoughts

ICYMI: yesterday I published the 6th post in my series #TheFutureIsFederated, showing how interoperability works between #Mastodon & #Pixelfed. In short: it feels like magic 🪄✨

An excerpt:
« The Fediverse has so much potential and is so much more sophisticated than anything made available by Meta, TikTok and X. But more importantly: not only is it technically superior, it is also ethical and user-centric. »

#ActivityPub #Fediverse #blog #socialmedia #FOSS

it's kat! 🍉✊ mastodon (AP)
palestine represent! the bbc scotland presenters just wished them well.
#paris2024 #freePalestine #scotland

Going Monday.

I am pleased to inform you that Deadpool 3 is the best Marvel movie of all time and hits levels of fanservice I did not know were possible. There are a few minor stumbles but it takes itself more seriously than the previous films, but to great and hilarious effect. Go see it.

Bill Hunt hometown (AP)
I am pleased to inform you that Deadpool 3 is the best Marvel movie of all time and hits levels of fanservice I did not know were possible. There are a few minor stumbles but it takes itself more seriously than the previous films, but to great and hilarious effect. Go see it.

Brett ActivityPub
"California wastewater levels are terrifyingly high across the board. #SanFrancisco still leads the state followed by Santa Cruz, with the entire Bay Area/South Bay as a statewide hotspot (and Lompoc has joined the chat). Check all SCAN California levels.

The Santa Clara County tracker has every sewershed in “high” (San Jose, Palo Alto, Gilroy, Sunnyvale); this is one of the area’s worst-ever surges."

scary but helpful roundup from @violetblue. mask up!

#covid #sfba

Robert Reich mastodon (AP)
J.D. Vance has called falling birthrates in the U.S. a "civilizational crisis."

But he voted against a bill that would have protected IVF treatments.

He also called universal childcare programs “a massive subsidy to the lifestyle preferences of the affluent.”

freediverx mastodon (AP)
Odd that a climate change denier would be concerned about a civilizational crisis.
:arch: bitterseeds mastodon (AP)
No surprise. Anything that doesn't just help rich white folks must be shunned and banned. He's typical. It rubs him raw that folks other than his chosen will get any benefits of any kind. He and his ilk have been this way since FDR.

No surprises.

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)
I know talking about HP is kinda verbotten ... but hear me out.

Remember when the kids learn to deal with their fears by using the "ridiculous" spell?

I think that using the same approach on TFG and JDV might become more and more effective ... it's not sinking to their level ... it's showing how dumb their accusations and arguments are.

I could be wrong. After all, I am just a meat puppet.

GayDeceiver mastodon (AP)

Narrator: As ways to end meetings, it was truly effective in its sheer randomness.

Zoe 💜 calckey (AP)
I really enjoyed the 'Monk and Robot' duology by Becky Chambers ('A Psalm for the Wild Built' and 'A Prayer for the Crown-Shy') and am looking for more solarpunk book or book series recommendations.

#books #bookRecommendations #solarpunk #monkAndRobot #aPsalmForTheWildBuilt
Sean Bala mastodon (AP)
A short story is now my go-to for introducing people to #Solarpunk is "The Year Without Sunshine" by @naomikritzer published in @UncannyMagazine. It recently won the Nebula Award for Best Novelette. I think it captures very well the ethos of Solarpunk without getting too wrapped up in one corner of the genre. If you have 10 solarpunks in a room, you'll get 15 different definitions of the genre. I think this one captures the importance of community to Solarpunk.

Sean Bala mastodon (AP)
One novel that is Solarpunk-like is "The Lost Cause" by @pluralistic. I think it shows a #Solarpunk world coming into being but also the messiness of that process. The novel seems simple but there is ALOT going on under the surface.

Two awesome podcasts I listen to are @solarpunkpresents by @arielkroon and @xtinadlr and Bright Green Futures by @susankayequinn.

I'm also a subscriber to "Solarpunk Magazine and I recommend it for some great stories.

Finally, that list by @lex is GREAT!

newer older

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