Bring back the poetry Olympics!

Some 200 years before the modern revival of the Olympics as we now know it, a group of poets met in a garden in Rome to revive the ancient games in their own way. Their Giuochi Olimpici (“Olympic games” in Italian) was based not on speed or strength, but on one’s ability to string together a poem or win a debate.

The Poetry Olympics took the ancient pentathlon, but replaced the five sporting competitions with five new games based on poetic composition and intellectual debate. A description from 1701 lists these as “the foot race, the javelin, the discus, the wrestling and the long jump”. Each was intended to showcase skill in poetry, wit or song.
libramoon diaspora

Keep your eyes on the ball, your mind on the goal.
Is the lesson then that life’s a working game?
Each player’s part forwards the greater whole
whether in supporting role or marked with fame.

But what of listeners to a distinct voice,
clamor of adventure, daring, sublime thrill?
Those who spurn the rules, create more choice,
demand no greater ally than pure will?

We take our turn upon the peak to fly,
turn vision to our guiding star.
Expressing what we mean by “I”
while discovering who we truly are.

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