JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #Woopy #Pete and #Jennifer on #JD

[2of3]I did it again: I ripped one YTvideo for clips.
All three comment on the disgusting statements of J.D. Vance on
"child less catladies" 🤮 🤮 🤬
The video it was taken from was:
"Jennifer Aniston BLASTS JD Vance With A PERSONAL Attack" by Occupy Democrats

The more diplomatic but still brilliant one is from Pete Buttigieg.
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

Tuftears mastodon (AP)
One might even say it's "Extra extra!"

This guy really went above and beyond to rescue the ducklings.


#Kamala’s approval is weighed down by #Biden’s until she becomes the nom, then it forks into her own.

‘If you have two candidates who are polling identically… you go with the one who can campaign’
Manish Vij mastodon (AP)
#Kamala approval literally forked

⚠️🇺🇦President Zelensky : Situation on Pokrovsk front is difficult, positions must be strengthened (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Billy Joel at the Garden: Scenes From a Celebration

@wmnf @ronnyelliott @kteltowers @bobbydevito

NYTs Gift Article

Christoph S diaspora

EU gives $1.6 billion in profits from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine -

80 years ago, the Olympics included fine arts competions. Maybe it's time to include that again.

“We get to remind people that at one point, the Olympics actually had the arts as a section that ran all these competitions,” Williams said before the event, as reported by the Associated Press. “Sculpture, architecture, visual arts. The idea we get to put the arts back in....Why not take this moment to bring awareness?”
Jay Bryant diaspora
I would like that. 🙂

⚡️🇺🇦lWhy Ukraine's sanctions on Russia's oil is a problem for collaborative EU states, but not a catastrophe (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Woman loses appeal over child’s birth certificate after ex-wife had sex with donor #breakingnews #news

The Land of the Free there, haggling over dollars and influence as always.
But as a regulator what better accolade than corrupters want you gone?

Major Democratic donors want Kamala 
 Harris to fire the FTC chair if she 
 becomes president 
 FTC Chair Lina Khan has taken an aggressive approach to antitrust enforcement

NASA (unofficial) friendica (via ActivityPub)
This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image treats viewers to a wonderfully detailed snapshot of the spiral galaxy NGC 3430 that lies 100 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo Minor. Several other galaxies, located relatively nearby to this one, are just beyond the frame of this image; one is close enough that gravitational interaction is driving […]

This is a good example of how we're going to need to respond to climate change. A lot of refugees will need new communities, and fast.

It can be done.


This is so amazing.

1/3 of Pakistan was underwater last year, destroying 1M homes. A Pakistani architect (Lari) has designed flood-resilient bamboo homes residents can build without waiting for relief funds. They can be relocated, climate resilient for the most-impacted (who've contributed least to climate change).

"Lari’s foundation has built almost 40,000 homes since the 2022 floods, she estimates. She expects to complete 1 million by 2024 or 2025."

Each village shares its resources — community kitchens, vegetable and "q fish farms, chicken coops and production centers. The clusters also encourage women to be breadwinners and decision-makers — a principle deeply important to Lari, who broke through a male- dominated field to become Pakistan’s first practicing female architect.

The designer explains the methods, costs, and benefits in detail here.

Empowerment instead of handouts. Partners instead of victims.
Stuff like this makes the crucial difference between deadly abject misery and workable civilization.

I've lived in a tent in the woods. Months with no electricity no running water, from light snow to 100+F heat. A structure like the ones in that video can make people quite comfortable-- if I had the spot to do it I'd be happy to build and live in something like it myself. I'd go for earthbags or rammed earth, good thick fireproof insulating walls. Screens/netting to keep bugs out. Comfy.

You don't need a whole lot more than that. With good neighbors and a way to grow food, mend tools, go to the (composting) toilet, you're fairly stable. Doctors and medical supplies?? Wonderful! Now you can breathe!

Running hot water and refrigeration (even if just a root cellar) is a BIG, beautiful, life-changing upgrade. Simple machines-- heck, even pedal operated-- for washing dishes and laundry, major score!

Of course in the middle of all this, we have the vulnerable-- people with health conditions and specialized needs. We need to get them their insulin, their wheelchairs, everything and anything we can manage, before we start worrying about the frivolous stuff.

Basically everything past that is luxury. Electronics, vehicles, out of season produce from thousands of miles away, that's all extravagance we'll need to think hard about. Think about the complexity it takes, the supply chains, the resources-- past the baseline, how much of that do we really need? How do we make it as repairable and recyclable as possible?

When I think about "degrowth", I think about what we actually NEED first-- and how much frivolous waste is just getting in the way.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)

This is so amazing.

1/3 of Pakistan was underwater last year, destroying 1M homes. A Pakistani architect (Lari) has designed flood-resilient bamboo homes residents can build without waiting for relief funds. They can be relocated, climate resilient for the most-impacted (who've contributed least to climate change).

"Lari’s foundation has built almost 40,000 homes since the 2022 floods, she estimates. She expects to complete 1 million by 2024 or 2025."

Each village shares its resources — community kitchens, vegetable and "q fish farms, chicken coops and production centers. The clusters also encourage women to be breadwinners and decision-makers — a principle deeply important to Lari, who broke through a male- dominated field to become Pakistan’s first practicing female architect.

No one is having fun on lemmy.

I feel that outside the memes community , no one had ever said a joke in the comments and I rarely see sarcasm here.
HobbitFoot lemmy (AP)
Wait, you can say things on Lemmy? I've been typing them like a chump the entire time!

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #EconomicMythsDebunked

[8]Not the rich CEO's create jobs...
ordinairy people with buying power create jobs.
Tax cuts for the rich is just giving money away,
tax cuts for the ordinairy man is what makes the world go round.

"The Job Creation Hoax I 10 Economic Myths Debunked #8 | ROBERT REICH" [2:01 min]
by Robert Reich

Quote by RR:
"Jul 19, 2024
I'm so tired of people pretending the rich are "job creators." Here's who's really creating jobs."

#VoteBlue #UpAndDownTheBallot #CapitalismIsFailingYou
HistoPol (#HP) 🥥 🌴 reshared this.

‼️🇺🇦President Zelensky praises AFU soldiers for striking the invader’s logistics in temporarily occupied territories (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

David Bisset mastodon (AP)
I visited this site when it viral and it captured the fun of the "old web" that you don't see much these days.

"Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks"

#webdev #oldschool
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

There is something vaguely (or not so vaguely) disturbing about the degree to which AI models seemed to be centered around generationg pictures of anime style girls.
Chuck mastodon (AP)
You are what you eat right? I read a paper about the subjects posted on the Deviant Art site and Anime girls was the top category by a significant margin. I don't know if that has changed since but at the time (early aughts) it certainly was.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Hmm, I think I have a volunteer avocado! #garden #volunteer #avocado
Green leaves on a plant growing randomly from the ground

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Park Fire is awake again 😟 #ParkFire #ButteCounty
Billowing pyrocumulus clouds, generated by the heat of a massive wildfire, rising above the California foothills and mountains of Northern California

⚠️⛔️Wifes of Mariupol ‘Azov’ hero PoW’s, currently in Russian captivity, speak to their men for first time in 2 years (PHOTOS and more) #Ukraine #Press #ICRC #ICC #ICJ #Hague #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

sure wish free covid vaccines & tests on demand was a thing
Bill Witte mastodon (AP)
Municipal wastewater testing is slowly coming online. We don’t have it in Fbks yet.

Every time I see someone talking about experiencing bigotry worse than on Twitter, here on the fedi, I investigate the instance they’re on and nearly every single time the instance in question has virtually no common sense moderation policy on bigotry and no suspension list to be seen (altho I keep mine private here just for the hell of it)

It makes me wonder if this is a failing of these specific users, or the software not making it clear enough how to join an instance with decent policies
why do y'all insist on blaming the victim instead of maybe acknowledging that fedi has a bigotry problem?
@alexander I’m not blaming the victim, I’m talking about instances that don’t have clear, concise, and good moderation policies and how this makes it difficult for new users to avoid bigotry

Covid: It's That Bad

This is one of the most comprehensive write-ups I've seen and probably what I will be linking to from now on.
So, we have a virus that's incredibly contagious. It kills some people immediately. For everyone else, it damages your brain. It damages your heart and blood vessels. It damages your immune system, making you vulnerable to other diseases. It shortens your telomeres. It ages you.

It's so bad the average person can't wrap their heads around it. They would rather comfort themselves with platitudes. They would rather gaslight their own family. They would rather fit in.

#COVID #LongCOVID #CovidIsNotOver
Shonin reshared this.

Tom Casavant mastodon (AP)
Anyone have a preference towards one of these photos or the other? I'm leaning towards the landscape one I think
Portrait photo of a pond with 4 ducks swimming. There are trees in the background and a blue-gray sky
Landscape photo of 4 ducks swimming in a pond, the ducks are are the right of the photo swimming right. There are trees in the background with a grayish-blue sky
Tom Casavant mastodon (AP)
either way I think this was my favorite photo from the day
Picture of an empty wooden park bench

Midday Palate Cleanser

(H/T Scissorhead MomXTrois)

Glad kitty has 9 lives, because FAFO is gonna get Ginger someday. (It’s always gingers. Why is that?)

Shonin mastodon (AP)
Pluralistic: Fintech bullies stole your kid’s lunch money (26 Jul 2024) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow

Alison Creekside mastodon (AP)
Pillaged from theotherplace: 🤣
Photo of Sigourney Weaver and orange tabby from the set of the movie ALIEN.
Tag line: "Alien is a movie where nobody listens to the smart woman, and then they all die except for the smart woman and her cat. Four stars."

root42 mastodon (AP)
The NEC V20 and the NEC V30, its bigger brother. The V20 is an (enhanced) 8088 clone with 8 bit external data bus, and 20 bit address bus, using 16 bit segments. The V30 is a 8086 drop in replacement giving a 16 bit data bus. Both implementations were a bit faster than their Intel counterparts.
#retrocomputing #i8088
Two DIP packaged CPUs. One is labeled NEC V20, 42nd week of 1989. the other is a NEC V30 from 6th week 1992.
Tara 🌷 mastodon (AP)
@reidrac, same with gwbasic .... plus I started my adventures in telecommunication with my 2400 modem. So much fun!

Juan mastodon (AP)
that's amazing! I had my PC1 for *8 long years* before I replaced it with a Pentium 100MHz with 8MB of RAM, and by the end it was pretty clear it was holding me back (I couldn't compile a basic C program without changing diskette 3 times 😭).

Yet, I was lucky to have it. I love my parents!
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