Joerg Fliege diaspora
Russia would lose up to 1.8 million troops and take 5 years to capture the 4 Ukrainian regions it wants: UK army chief

I am afraid Putin will see this as a bargain.
Gen. Sir Roly Walker said he'd based his estimation on the "current rate of attrition of dead and wounded" faced by Moscow's forces in Ukraine, according to UK media. [...] "If they carry on as they are, it would probably take the Russians five years to grind their way to their minimum objectives of the four oblasts," he added, referring to Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia.

A Gaza, le calvaire d’un jeune trisomique tué par un chien de l’armée israélienne

#politique #Israël #génocide #crimes

⚠️🇷🇺Russia's Central Bank Raises Key Interest Rate To 18 Percent (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #Russia #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
There are lots and lots of reasons why we shouldn’t allow JD Vance anywhere near the seat of power, but it seems that one of them is for the benefit of the seat itself.
Mike Sheward mastodon (AP)
@sbourne it doesn’t have to be true, they just have to deny it 😀

Mina mastodon (AP)
Das hättest du auch am Meermittwoch posten können.

(Wir sind hier ja immer für Wiederverwertung)
@mina Vielen Dank, kannte ich noch nicht. Meer habe ich hier natürlich jede Menge 🙂

‼️🇵🇱Poland Approves Bill Allowing Use Of Deadly Force At Belarus Border (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #Poland #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

#Trump: Tough talk is this guy's calling card. And now there's this extraordinary show of weakness... he agreed to this specific debate, on this specific network, on this specific date, and now he's pulling out. It shows that he's afraid — Pete Buttigieg #quotes #quote #Debate #KamalaHarris #TrumpAfraid #Politics

Bubba Harrison mastodon (AP)
The American CDC no longer tracks the total number of new COVID-19 cases, so Corona hotspots are found using wastewater data. It’s a reminder that science doesn’t just look to the stars; sometimes it looks to the sewers.
States with the highest COVID rates are in the West, but it's also spiking in the Southeast and parts of the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions. Basically all the places I was considering going to on vacation when the Democrats come to Chicago for their convention.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Mein faxe gerät steht im Kühlschrank #DeutscheMemes #Memes
Mein faxe gerät steht im Kühlschrank

⚠️🇻🇪As Venezuela Votes, Russia Will Be Watching (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Costa Samaras unkn (AP)
Congrats to a new CMU PhD, Dr. Andrew Jones! His dissertation is called: Climate change and its impact on energy insecurity the residential sector: A place-based analysis into the consumption and energy insecurity heterogeneities within Arizona. His 1st

3 people reshared this

SWAIIreland mastodon (AP)
Do any of the people reporting this woman to her employer question why a teacher needs a second job? Sex workers fear being outed because they may lose their civilian jobs and they will face harassment and stigma.

Auscandoc mastodon (AP)
Losing Jasper | The Tyee “the destruction in #Jasper will be politically bitter. No one misses the irony that the scale of this fire is due to the #OilAndGas emissions that we assiduously promote. We can expect energetic quarrels over who cut budgets for firefighting and prevention, and by how much. (1/4)
Alex Block mastodon (AP)
I stumbled upon this. Look at the CO2 emitted from the north west of America... Good lord...

Note the video is of data from March 2020. Can you imagine what it has looked like the past two summers with #wildfires???
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The USA Singers mastodon (AP)
In a sane country, the cops would endorse the cop, not the criminal.
Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
Make America Sane Again!

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Butte County Sheriff:

Park Fire Evacuation UPDATE
7.26.24 10:05 a.m.
BCSO is reissuing the Evacuation Orders for Forest Ranch Zones 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, and 273.
Anyone who remains in these areas is strongly urged to evacuate immediately due to the extreme danger of being overtaken by the fire.

#ButteCounty #ParkFire #GTFO #evacuation #ForestRanch #Butte #CAwx
Park Fire Evacuation UPDATE
7.26.24 10:05 a.m. 
BCSO is reissuing the Evacuation Orders for Forest Ranch Zones 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, and 273.
Anyone who remains in these areas is strongly urged to evacuate immediately due to the extreme danger of being overtaken by the fire.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
*** Hearing through back channels they are issuing this because they want to hammer home the point: YOU HAVE A REAL CHANCE OF DYING IF YOU REMAIN IN FOREST RANCH. #ButteCounty #Butte
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Official wording:

Butte County Sheriff: "Anyone who remains in these areas is strongly urged to evacuate immediately due to the extreme danger of being overtaken by the fire." #ButteCounty #Butte #Evacuations #ForestRanch
Anyone who remains in these areas is strongly urged to evacuate immediately due to the extreme danger of being overtaken by the fire.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Politics

Voice of America mastodon (AP)
Snoop Dogg carries the Olympic torch at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, France.

#Olympics #Paris2024
Snoop Dogg carries the Olympic torch at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, France.

#Olympics  #Paris2024
Snoop Dogg carries the Olympic torch at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Saint-Denis, outside Paris, France.

#Olympics  #Paris2024

Recipes TOC

This is a manually-curated collection of the recipes I've written here. Using the #recipe tag might find more, but they'll be in reverse order of publication. This will almost certainly be in some different order.

Note that many of these recipes will feed quite a few folks. I don’t throw huge dinner parties. Instead, when I cook up something like spaghetti sauce, I make enough for a few meals, and freeze the leftovers for when I’m feeling lazy. There are other notes on how I deal with leftovers in my colleciton of tips for cooking for one.

Also, some recipes will have a small grill icon to the right of them. Like this:Small BBQ grill icon Those recipes were written to be cooked on a BBQ grill, but can usually be adapted for indoor use, as well.









Dan Ports mastodon (AP)
Academia does not always live up to its stereotypes, but I am pleased to report that at today’s thesis defense, after kicking the student and everyone else out, the committee members looked at each other and said “I don’t know how to say this in English”, and proceeded to have a discussion in Latin.

Today I learned mastodon (AP)
TIL a Spite House is a building constructed to irritate neighbors and potential land owners. Because long-term occupation is not the primary purpose of these houses, they frequently sport strange and impractical structures.
#til #todayilearned

Tero Keski-Valkama mastodon (AP)
Corporate #CISOs are getting considerable kickbacks from buying specific #cybersecurity solutions.

The Gili Ra’anan model: Questions emerging from Cyberstarts' remarkable success | Ctech

‼️🇺🇦Explosions In Temporarily Occupied Crimea As Russian Occupied Airfield Apparently Struck (more) #Ukraine #Press #USA #US #UK #EU #NATO #News #UnitedStates #EuropeanUnion #UnitedKingdom #russiaUkraineWar #10yrInvasionofUkraine
#Article7 #Article7HungaryNow

Fabio G. mastodon (AP)
The founding myth of capitalism is that a group of people freely chose to implement private property.

That has not happened once in the history of the world. At the origin of every piece of capitalist property is an act of violent appropriation. The myth of free exchange is an after-the-fact excuse.
Daniel Detlaf mastodon (AP)
Strange then that every culture has developed trade and barter. It sounds like in our natural state you think we all freely give what we have, if we have.

But sharing is something that has to be taught to many children. "Mine!" is a survival instinct.
Fabio G. mastodon (AP)
@HumanServitor I'm a bit confused because i can't tell what your post has to do with mine.

All i'm saying is that capitalist private property has never arisen through a spontaneous voluntary act of free association, but rather through violent appropriation.

I don't see what that has to do with «our natural state», whatever that means, or survival instincts.

Sorry if i'm being obtuse.
Daniel Detlaf mastodon (AP)
yeah "natural state" was a poor descriptor. Suppose I have an apple. Last one of the season. You ask, "can I have your apple?" No, I say, I am hungry and about to eat it ... The beginnings of private property.

But, I say, those grapes you have look tasty. Swap? ... The beginnings of trade. Next year I say, give me your grapes and I will take my apple, and trade them both for for three different fruits elsewhere. Investment. Mercantilism. I haven't needed violence.
HeavenlyPossum mastodon (AP)
That is not private property in the political economy sense that Fabio is using. You’re mixing up a sort of colloquial expression (“my stuff is my private property”) with an analytical term (rentier extraction through unitary ownership of economic chokepoints).
RD mastodon (AP)
>>But sharing is something that has to be taught to many children. "Mine!" is a survival instinct.<<

Then how do you explain cultures that don't even have a word for unilateral ownership?

How do you explain the ubiquity of commons over hundreds of millennia before their violent appropriation by a particular culture?

[This is a twitter thread from @HeavenlyPossum in Sep. 2021 that I archived and am reposting here with their agreement. It is about property as a social construct.]

In his essay “Manners, Deference, and Private Property,” David Graeber made this point:

“A number of authors have pointed out how many languages lack any verb for unilateral ownership, simply identifying some object and some thing.”

This might come as a surprise to you if you’ve spent any time listening to libertarians, who have a habit of asserting that private property — what Graeber calls unilateral ownership — is a sort of self-evident, universal and transhistorical human default.

To support his claim, Graeber cites the anthropological work of Robert Firth on the Pacific island of Tikopia.

If you’ve read Jared Diamond’s “Collapse,” you’ll recall Tikopia among his examples of a society that achieved a sustainable approach to its environment.

In his work “We, the Tikopia,” Firth does indeed make the claim that Tikopians lacked a word for what we would consider ownership, instead using the same word, “tau,” to signify any kind of connection — between people and other people, between people and objects, etc.

A convenient usage in Tikopia enables one to address or describe two or more kinsfolk in a short phrase containing only a single kin- ship term. In English this usage is very limited, more so even than in other European languages. We can talk about “ brothers ” but we have no single term to include both brothers and sisters, as in the German Geschwister. And both languages can refer only in full to a father and son, or uncle and nephew. In Tikopia the term of linkage, fau, allows this to be neatly done. Tas may be described as a relational particle, not altogether of the possessive order, but indicating the existence of a bond between the objects mentioned. The phrase tayata tau vaka signifies the owner of a canoe (most nearly : “ man linked with canoe "); tau arofa ("linked with affection") is the term used for an heirloom, an object taken over from the dead, and therefore fraught with emotional associations.

By placing tau before one term of kinship, the existence of the other term or terms may be inferred, and a dual or plural reciprocal significance given to the concept. Tau kave means brother and sister ; tau ma, a pair of brothers-in-law, or of sisters-in-law. In the latter case the adjuncts tanata or fafine will indicate the sex of the parties. When it is a case of more than one kinship grade, then the superior term of relationship is given; the inferior follows from it. Tau mana means then father and child; tau mana, mother and child...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
HeavenlyPossum mastodon (AP)
@HumanServitor @RD4Anarchy
This sort of conversation makes me think of the Tikopia, who linguistically lack a term for possessive ownership, but rather use a term that means “is associated with” for things they possess.

[This is a twitter thread from @HeavenlyPossum in Sep. 2021 that I archived and am reposting here with their agreement. It is about property as a social construct.]

In his essay “Manners, Deference, and Private Property,” David Graeber made this point:

“A number of authors have pointed out how many languages lack any verb for unilateral ownership, simply identifying some object and some thing.”

This might come as a surprise to you if you’ve spent any time listening to libertarians, who have a habit of asserting that private property — what Graeber calls unilateral ownership — is a sort of self-evident, universal and transhistorical human default.

To support his claim, Graeber cites the anthropological work of Robert Firth on the Pacific island of Tikopia.

If you’ve read Jared Diamond’s “Collapse,” you’ll recall Tikopia among his examples of a society that achieved a sustainable approach to its environment.

In his work “We, the Tikopia,” Firth does indeed make the claim that Tikopians lacked a word for what we would consider ownership, instead using the same word, “tau,” to signify any kind of connection — between people and other people, between people and objects, etc.

A convenient usage in Tikopia enables one to address or describe two or more kinsfolk in a short phrase containing only a single kin- ship term. In English this usage is very limited, more so even than in other European languages. We can talk about “ brothers ” but we have no single term to include both brothers and sisters, as in the German Geschwister. And both languages can refer only in full to a father and son, or uncle and nephew. In Tikopia the term of linkage, fau, allows this to be neatly done. Tas may be described as a relational particle, not altogether of the possessive order, but indicating the existence of a bond between the objects mentioned. The phrase tayata tau vaka signifies the owner of a canoe (most nearly : “ man linked with canoe "); tau arofa ("linked with affection") is the term used for an heirloom, an object taken over from the dead, and therefore fraught with emotional associations.

By placing tau before one term of kinship, the existence of the other term or terms may be inferred, and a dual or plural reciprocal significance given to the concept. Tau kave means brother and sister ; tau ma, a pair of brothers-in-law, or of sisters-in-law. In the latter case the adjuncts tanata or fafine will indicate the sex of the parties. When it is a case of more than one kinship grade, then the superior term of relationship is given; the inferior follows from it. Tau mana means then father and child; tau mana, mother and child...

mcjevans mastodon (AP)
Content warning: #suicide

"Epictetus, like Socrates before him, tells us that death is a bugbear, something that scares children (and, apparently, Aristotle)"

It tickles me to see the second most influential philosopher in the pre-modern West lumped in with children.
I think that since Epictetus was born a slave - a very different world setting from that of Aristotle - and his philosophy/ideas are marked by that, his remark is not entirely out of character.

As a note: with Aristotle having written most of his work after 49, I think today's academia would call him a late bloomer 🤭 (but they should take some hints to reanalyse their "truths" about intelectual potential)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

emily y mastodon (AP)
For my Seattle based politically inclined mutuals:

If you want to know who NOT to vote for… I traveled by former local political candidate Kate Martin’s house recently.

She had signs out for Tanya Woo, Mark Mullet, Andrea Suarez, and … RFK Jr.

#seattle #politics

Pas touche à l’Israël, ils jouent à domicile.

#Israel #Israël #France #Paris #JO2024

Part_of You diaspora
Pas touche à l’Israël, ils jouent à domicile.

#Israel #Israël #France #Paris #JO2024
jamais+37 phil reshared this.

One political branch in Washington is in awe of a war criminal

#cartoon by Shahid #Atiqullah (Afghanistan)


#cartoon by Osama #Hajjaj (Jordan)


#cartoon by Mohammed #Afefa (Occupied Palestine)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) I didn’t realise that Kate Beckinsale was the daughter of Richard Beckinsale – Are they any celeb connections you missed? #CasualUK #UnitedKingdom
I didn't realise that Kate Beckinsale was the daughter of Richard Beckinsale - Are they any celeb connections you missed?

Have we ever figured out why YouTube links are currently in German?
@Adam_Cadmon1 mine are usually in French, I keep hoping to see Italian next
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