Europe Says mastodon (AP) Au Luxembourg: Le gouvernement va aussi s’attaquer à l’islamophobie #Lëtzebuerg #luxembourg #Luxemburg
Au Luxembourg: Le gouvernement va aussi s'attaquer à l'islamophobie

franni diaspora
Ridgewood Roof, 2020 / Izzy Barber (b.1990)

franni diaspora
This morning at Camassia, starring #frost, #clouds, and Oregon grape (Mahonia aquifolium)

franni diaspora
The rest of the walk 😀
#Camassia #frosted #oak #savannah

franni diaspora
Simon sends, from #Whistler

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Dynamic duo: Wade, Kieffer spark Lady Marines’ comeback bid against Denmark | Sports #articles #Danmark #denmark #sports
Dynamic duo: Wade, Kieffer spark Lady Marines' comeback bid against Denmark | Sports

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Keep a safe distance, reduce speed, take breaks — How to stay alive on Finland’s roads this Christmas | Yle News #finland #Suomi #uutiset
Keep a safe distance, reduce speed, take breaks — How to stay alive on Finland's roads this Christmas | Yle News

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Iranian envoy promotes cooperation in talks with Sweden FM #ENVOY #Iran #nyheter #Sverige #sweden
Iranian envoy promotes cooperation in talks with Sweden FM

franni diaspora
Moonlight Night: Winter, 1942 / Maxfield Parrish (1870-1966)
From the Thornton Oakley Collection of Howard Pyle and His Students, Free Library of Philadelphia

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Iceland Social Democrats present new coalition government #iceland #island
Iceland Social Democrats present new coalition government

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Latvijas Florbola savienība » LV » 2020/2021 » Jaunumi » “Lekrings” uzvar “FS Masters/Ulbroka” #2020 #Jaunumi #latvia #Latvija #lekrings #LV #mariuss #minūtē #punktiem #rūdolfs #turnīra #virskuls
Latvijas Florbola savienība » LV » 2024/2025 » Jaunumi » "Lekrings" savā laukumā bez problēmām pieveic liepājniekus

franni diaspora
Book, c.2010 / Robert Stivers (b.1953)
#photography #gelatin silver print

Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
This morning, I took my wife to the hospital for routine blood tests that had been scheduled for some time. Everything was going smoothly: check-in, number, waiting room. Suddenly, everything came to a halt and shut down. I was connected to the hospital’s public Wi-Fi and noticed that my connection also went down.

Having managed a couple of similar facilities, I immediately understood what had happened. I saw the staff panicking and calling the technicians, but they quickly reorganized within 10 minutes. They managed to process everyone who already had a number and then proceeded with the others in the order of their arrival. Despite the ten-minute delay (even though people started complaining right away), they were extremely efficient.

I later confirmed that the entire booking, check-in, and queue system is “in the cloud.” The hospital experienced a connectivity interruption, and all related services stopped. The staff no longer had access to anything, so a technician sent the lists to a manager via another channel, and everything resumed manually.

For years, I’ve insisted that certain things MUST be local. The healthcare facilities I manage have all the necessary systems for the operation of the facility internally, including patient records. External services like websites, emails, etc., are secondary.

Everything essential must always be accessible locally and, in special cases, it should be possible to physically access the servers and connect directly to them, bypassing any network/switch failures.

There has been only one interruption in the past, due to human error. Today, we have redundant servers (not HA on virtualizers, but two machines running the same software with replicated databases - on separate power lines) so such an issue shouldn’t happen anymore.

Not everything can be anticipated, but history is a great teacher. The Internet connection will eventually be interrupted 😀

When it comes to the health and survival of people, there are no compromises.

#IT #Internet #Networking #Outage #Health #HA #Cloud #CloudComputing #OwnYourData
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
George mastodon (AP)
same thing happened here in Missouri plus most of the rest of the USA about 6 months ago. It had to do something with Microsoft and a update. The cloud can be a good thing but there should be local data back-up too.
Jens Elbæk mastodon (AP)
Well put

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Lithuanian PM: Peace talks without condictions that lead to Ukrainian victory would be trap for Europe #Lietuva #lithuania #naujienos
Lithuanian PM: Peace talks without condictions that lead to Ukrainian victory would be trap for Europe

Europe Says mastodon (AP) OBRAZEM: Česko si připomnělo rok od střelby na FF UK | iROZHLAS #Česko #CzechRepublic #czechia #zprávy
OBRAZEM: Česko si připomnělo rok od střelby na FF UK | iROZHLAS

Europe Says mastodon (AP) TalTech sai võõrsil suureskoorilise kaotuse #Eesti #estonia #TalTech #Uudised #vef
TalTech sai võõrsil suureskoorilise kaotuse

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Hungary’s Orban Blames Immigration and EU for Deadly Attack in Germany #hír #hungary #Magyarország
Hungary’s Orban Blames Immigration and EU for Deadly Attack in Germany

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Poland gives Ukraine 3 helicopters for pilot training #Aktualności #poland #polska
Poland gives Ukraine 3 helicopters for pilot training

Content warning: libraries, makerspaces, US, FBI - FYI

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Slovakia Rejects AH-1Z Viper Helicopters; Ukraine Expressed Interest, but Their Cost Reaches $600 Million #slovakia #Slovensko #Správy
AH-1Z Viper/ Photo credit: US DoD

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ski alpin: Bewährungsprobe für Schwarz in Riesenslalom #austria #Nachrichten #Österreich
Ski alpin: Bewährungsprobe für Schwarz in Riesenslalom

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Calls for more safety measures after Croatia school stabbings | Nation #croatia #hrvatska #partners/afp #vijesti
Calls for more safety measures after Croatia school stabbings | Nation

JA Westenberg mastodon (AP)
if your goal is a house on the hill and a book deal and an HBO mini series — the honest truth is that the best advice for new creators in 2024 isn’t “create great content” or “show up.”

It’s “be famous for something else first.”

And if that sounds depressing… well, welcome to the attention economy.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Israel: The Response to Slovenia’s Request for Disqualification from Eurovision 2025 – Eurovision News | Music #Novice #slovenia #Slovenija
Israel: The Response to Slovenia's Request for Disqualification from Eurovision 2025 - Eurovision News | Music

laurmateo mastodon (AP)
Espertas, escoitas un galo, saes fóra, ule a leña, os tellados están conxelados, gabea a néboa polo val.
Vila de montaña con néboa
O teu toot causoume un catarro 🥶
laurmateo mastodon (AP)
hahah dentro facía calor e despois diso veu un café ben quente☺️

ProPublica mastodon (AP)
The Story of One #Mississippi County Shows How Private Schools Are Exacerbating #Segregation

A new ProPublica analysis shows a stark pattern across states in the Deep South: Alongside majority-Black public school districts, a separate web of private academies are filled almost entirely with white students.

#News #Education #School #Students #BlackHistory #CivilRights #Teacher #Parents
4 people reshared this
huntingdon mastodon (AP)
You mean Southern segregation academies advance the cause of segregation? Who could have known?

The movement has grown considerably as the "anti-discrimination against dominant white males" movement has grown, along with so-called vouchers, aka, state-subsidized private schools.
this is not a new phenomenon. I attended a private school in the mid-80’s, that was very proudly founded in 1969. It wasn’t until the late 2000’s when I heard somebody refer to another private school in the same region of TN, also founded in 1969, as a Segregation Academy that I realized why my school was founded when it was.

Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
Espresso portafilter to IV cannula adapter Bunnings

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Parlamentul României s-a transformat în scena ameninţărilor făcute de aleşii extremişti la adresa jurnaliştilor. S-a deschis dosar penal pentru purtare abuzivă #romania #stiri
Parlamentul României s-a transformat în scena ameninţărilor făcute de aleşii extremişti la adresa jurnaliştilor. S-a deschis dosar penal pentru purtare abuzivă

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Eerie last sighting of missing tourist, 28, shows him ‘running for his life’ before vanishing in Bulgarian woods on hols #bulgaria #Crime #germany #Longtail #MentalHealthAndIllness #MissingPerson #police #Section:News:WorldNews #България #новини
Eerie last sighting of missing tourist, 28, shows him 'running for his life' before vanishing in Bulgarian woods on hols

Daniel S. Katz mastodon (AP)
Some hummingbirds in Costa Rica last month: White-necked Jacobin, Fiery-throated Hummingbird, Lesser Violetear

#Birds #BirdPhotography #Hummingbird
Daniel S. Katz mastodon (AP)
More hummingbirds in Costa Rica last month: Rufous-tailed Hummingbird, Talamanca Hummingbird, Purple-throated Volcano Hummingbird, Blue-vented Hummingbird

#Birds #BirdPhotography #Hummingbird

Alguien conoce algún recetario de cocina que se pueda descargar en pdf? Me gustaría empezar a cocinar mas seguido y tener las recetas lo mas a mano posible sin tener que entrar a un navegador y ponerme a buscar.
Miniskulljob :tkz: mastodon (AP)
a riesgo de sonar condescendiente... ¿Has pensado en comprar uno de papel? Más a mano que eso... Lo puedes tener en la cocina, abierto por donde lo necesites y leerlo sin ni siquiera tocarlo. En cambio, si usas el móvil o la tablet vas a tener que tocarlo, desbloquearlo, deslizar el dedo, hacer zoom... Es un auténtico coñazo, sobre todo si tienes las manos sucias o mojadas, cosa muy común cuando cocinas.
@miniskulljob no lo pensé pero quisiera más tipo como un catálogo de recetas. Como para tener una idea. Si alguna me interesa la transcribo a papel. Gracias
Lautaro :mastodon: :pixelfed: Private Message mastodon (AP)
@macosas es que también quiero tenerlo en digital. Gracias

Dare Obasanjo mastodon (AP)
I’m constantly surprised at how American society has simultaneously gotten more progressive and more right wing in the past few decades.

On the one hand there’s progress like gay marriage being legal and Fortune 500 companies making allowances for trans people. On the flip side billionaires openly support N*zis and state governments are banning books that mention systemic racism or LGBTQ themes.

Progress isn’t a straight line.

Unicorn Riot mastodon (AP)
The parents of slain forest defender Manuel ‘Tortuguita’ Paez Terán filed a civil rights lawsuit Tuesday against three Georgia law enforcement officers they say are most responsible for the death of their child in January 2023.

root mastodon (AP)
🚨 Hem renovat els següents dominis un any més: [21,72 €] [19,30 €] [19,30 €]

Tots els diners són gràcies a les donacions :ablobcatheartsqueeze: Es valora molt.

També està pendent fer un pagament de 24,10 € del S3 per la migració (el proper mes no haurien de ser més de 5 €).

Si vols fer una donació:

root mastodon (AP)
🚨 Hemos renovado los siguientes domiinios un año más: [21,72€] [19,30€] [19,30€]

Todo el dinero es gracias a las donaciones :ablobcatheartsqueeze: Se agradece mucho.

También, está pendiente hacer un pago de 24,10€ del S3 por la migración (el próximo més no deberían de ser más de 5€).

Si quieres donar:

Unseen Japan mastodon (AP)
Japanese Communist Party legislator Matsui Yumiko of Tsushima City, Aichi Prefecture, is out of a job after drinking to excess at a "mama party," collapsing, & then attacking a hospital nurse & inflicting serious injuries. Matsui claimed she "didn't remember" the incident.

#japan #unseenjapan #ujwebsite #politics

nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
I think I found a serverless data center that developers use to create serverless apps 😂🧑🏻‍💻 I knew it. 😏
This picture shows a server rack in a data center.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
3 people reshared this
Blacklight447 mastodon (AP)
thinCloud instead of a thinclient?
LED2000 mastodon (AP)
It's very efficient, doesn't use any power whatsoever...

Today is Tōji (冬至): December 22nd — Winter solstice, the middle of Winter. #japan
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