Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
Question for those that use Mastodon clients that allow multiple accounts logged in concurrently. Is that more like a fast switching between accounts but at any one time you are a particular user or is it merging timelines/contacts/etc. across all the accounts? As part of my Relatica refactoring I think I'm going to try to add multi-account support and the former seems to be the right way to go to minimize confusion for most workflows. #Mastodon #fediverse #friendica #relatica
Never tried that but wanna follow this topic.
Seafoam Green mastodon (AP)
Multiple accounts of Mastodon or other services? My Husky app allows quick switch between my Mastodon/Friendica/Pixelfed accounts. I haven't tried it with anything else.
Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
I guess those cases too. I'm looking at Ivory which is just for Mastodon and it looked like a fast switching thing but I only have one Mastodon account. I could set up more but I figured if people here already knew the answer it'd be easier.
Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
...I thought it was going to be very optional but now that I'm trying to test across multiple accounts across multiple servers it certainly is becoming more of a need to have for me 😀
AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Fast switching. Too confusing to merge them all.
Gidi Kroon friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Hank G ☑️ It's the switching thing whenever I encounter it. So you look at one timeline at a time. Notifications on your phone come from all accounts I think, not just the last used one. And when using the app as a share target I have encountered an account selection dialog to choose the account to post the photo with.
Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
That's the sort of thing I was imagining.Thanks!
jack mastodon (AP)
#Tusky does the fast switching between accounts thing. (And it does it very good.)
Nordnick :verified: mastodon (AP)
Switching and changing accounts... usually... like e.g. in #Tusky. But i might remember, that #Fedilab may work on a feature regarding merging timelines... not 100% sure, if i remember this correctly.
Damian Wajer friendica (via ActivityPub)
@Hank G ☑️ Using #Tusky you can quickly switch between accounts, but #Fedilab also supports a long press on action buttons like Favorite, Share, or Bookmark, which allows you to select an account for a quick action without having to fully switch - it's very handy.
Nordnick :verified: mastodon (AP)
#Tusky has an "open as" function...
Fedilab Apps mastodon (AP)
@nick @damian
Yes, but without switching. In background the app will:
- Use the selected account only for the action.
- Fetch the account or message to federate it.
- Make the action.
Long press works with several actions like:
- Compose, reply, boost, fav, bookmark and follow.
I am actually replying with another account connected.
Garry Knight mastodon (AP)
Quick switching in the Mona beta app but if you tap Follow on someone's Profile you can choose which of your accounts to follow them on. It would also be nice to choose multiple accounts to post to but that's not there yet.

One important thing about switching: it should be easy to know which timeline you're looking at especially if people you're following are on more than one instance. Mona doesn't make it obvious.
Hank G ☑️ friendica (via ActivityPub)
Ivory has the icon in the upper left top app bar. I'm going to need to rearrange my UI to make room for something like that. Currently that's where the back button goes, as is typical Material design. Speaking of I need to give the new Material 3 a whirl along with the needed UI aesthetics and UX polishing updates.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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