Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
With the #MastodonForHarris fundraiser approaching $300,000 (!), I thought I'd say a little about why I am going to keep it going, most likely all the way through Inauguration Day. 1/
2 people reshared this
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
As some have noticed Harris for President is hiring heavily. 2/
2 people reshared this
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
While working for a campaign won't make anybody rich, all those people have to be paid, and paid enough to work their hearts out between now through Election Day and probably into its aftermath. 3/
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Callalily reshared this.
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
There are many more paid staffers than are listed by the campaign's help wanted page. Many staffers, from the top of the campaign down, are already on board. And not only are there salaries to be paid, many of those staffers will have ongoing travel expenses. A campaign staff is a bit like an army: it marches on its stomach. 4/
Callalily reshared this.
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
Then, there are all the service providers the campaign will be hiring, to do everything from legal work, to event security, to catering. I assure you, there are going to be enormous legal bills, not only during the campaign but right after the election as the Republicans challenge the results in every close state. 5/
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
There are billboards, radio spots, tv spots, and online advertising to be purchased, in amounts that would astound you. Harris for President has to reach every last person they can, repeatedly, from now until Election Day. 6/
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
Ok! I feel persuasive - #MastodonForHarris just surpassed $300,000. But there are more expense that our contributions go toward covering. 7/
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
At national headquarters in Delaware and in every single state and U.S. territory, Harris for President has to rent campaign office space and pay for electricity, water, gas and internet service. 8/
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
Apart from the practicality of helping Harris for President meet all the costs of running the kind of campaign needed to beat TFG, there's intangible valuable to a steady stream of fundraising. 9/
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
I know many - probably most of us - have felt the stress of being tight on money. We've worked for organizations that are tight on money, where the stress pervades the entire operation. Candidates and campaigns are just like us and where we've worked: they don't function well when there are money worries. 10/
Heidi Li Feldman mastodon (AP)
We need to make Kamala Harris and her campaign feel financially invincible. That's part of what #MastodonForHarris is all about. 11/
Tim Chambers reshared this.
I predict that as Harris' financial support soars, Trump's will begin to crumble.
AkaSci 🛰️ mastodon (AP)
Updated charts of the contributions at Mastodon for Harris on ActBlue as the total rose above the $300K mark :mastodance:
1. Graph of cumulative total over time
2. Daily totals (Thursday until 7:30 pm. EDT)

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