DEFCON 201 mastodon (AP)

The Antifa Turtle on #Twitter shared a Twitter API okta leak that shows there is a list of "protected accounts", all of them right wing, who are allowed to break #X Terms Of Services without consequence and includes a list of whitelisted slurs they are allowed to use.

The whistle-blowing Twitter account was suspended by mods shortly after.

#elonmusk #freespeech #whistleblower #leak @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook
5 people reshared this
Chuck mastodon (AP)
I'm sure Laura Loomer will be demanding to be added to that list.
David Scott Moyer mastodon (AP)
Pär Björklund mastodon (AP)
This seems quite fake, why would okta have a list like this? It's not involved in moderating Twitter afaik.
Utility Nerd mastodon (AP)
Look, I'm not a fan of... much, but you gotta be more savvy about these things before posting a hoax.
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
Is your tesla really worth it?
Reed Mideke mastodon (AP)
BREAKING! completely unverified screenshot from rando twitter account shows provocatively named lists of provocative words!

(Elon is a fashy POS who obviously plays favorites for his fashy pals, but I see zero evidence that is anything other than extremely bad hoax)
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
I dont ever want to have a conversation with a techbro who defends elon musk, especially someone on
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
If you are still on twitter you are helping nazism

There are NO EXCUSES
Schneckbert 🐌 mastodon (AP)

Content warning: strong language

Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)

Content warning: strong language

Karb 💎 mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Re: Apparent X "leaks", doubt

Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Re: Apparent X "leaks", doubt

Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
The person who posted this got banned for exposing Twitter's secrets.
tom jennings mastodon (AP)
That alone is not evidence that it is true.

True or not this is ragebait. If true it's actionable, probably, not that I have any idea how.

But look it's late 2024; being righteously outraged over stuff like this is pure emotional indulgence. There's nothing to be shocked or surprised by here.

We need to be more strategic. Ragebait benefits the extremists. Passing this list on to people who can act on it, then ignoring it, is better then winding yourself up for each turd that floats past on the screen.
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
@tomjennings @tofugolem
Can you imagine, even just imagine defending twitter in any way?
Tofu Golem mastodon (AP)
The Internet has been exploding with news about this all day.

Are you going to tell me that it's a conspiracy and that Elon is the innocent victim here?
Elle 💗 mastodon (AP)
@tomjennings Things that confirm your biases are exactly the things you should be skeptical of and double check you have good justification for believing it. That's not the same as dismissing it as a conspiracy theory.

In this case personally I don't know if there are better sources, there may already be and this is very legit I just haven't looked. I wouldn't take this screenshot as definitive on its own though.
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
@ellesaurus @tofugolem @defcon201 @UnicornRiot @freedomofpress @OffTheHook

I am skeptical of how often fact checkers tand with nazis
belago mastodon (AP)
This looks like complete nonsense. The list of slurs looks like someone adding the 5 first that came to mind, then copy pasting a bunch from a preexisting alphabetically sorted list, from A to D and then ending with three more ("illegal" being doubled). This does not look like someone actually sat down and took the time to protect right-wing accounts from Twitter's ToS but like a half-assed fake.
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
Elons presence on mastodon shows how much it scares him; that makes me happy
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
"Uh achktually okta isnt used by nazis because"
Ahmet Kamil Keleş mastodon (AP)
This is very possibly fake. A screenshot like this can't be the proof of an API leak. Last thing we need is misinformation when we are dealing with fascists like Musk.

And wouldn't a kind of protection be made internally in X, somewhere we can't reach from outside with Twitter API?
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
Did you ever notice that the right generates five times more fact checkers defending it than the left?
pyrrhlin mastodon (AP)
This is likely fake. Did you try to verify it? … Then please don’t spread it. FWIW
Harbinger of Salem mastodon (AP)
I value truth; more than anything else

But I cant imagine in 1943 a bunch of American Journalists standing around the war pool going "I dunno this rumor about Hitler sounds fake" and spending nine times more time doing it than helping the allies

Yet consistently this is what happens

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