Strypey mastodon (AP)
"People think, oh, you just want to slow down the entire economy and this is obviously going to leave us in poverty. But degrowth actually calls for, let's identity very energy intensive and materially intensive forms of production that are also socially unnecessary. Like mostly are organised around capital accumulation and elite consumption, etc, etc."

#JasonHickel, 2024


#podcasts #TechWontSaveUs #DeGrowth
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"SUV production, private jets, cruise ships, fast fashion, things like this. Like big parts of our economy that are clearly not important for human wellbeing, are very ecologically destructive, and we can scale down."

#JasonHickel, 2024

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"Corporations don't produce money. They produce things, and it's ridiculous for us to say that we need to grow production ... of cruise ships, and 'AI', and private jets ... to increase production of public transit and building insulation, or, public health care ...

You don't need to increase production of bad things to increase production of good things."

#JasonHickel, 2024


#podcasts #TechWontSaveUs #DeGrowth #PublicFinance
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"We can increase the production of good and necessary things directly, through a public finance strategy that can be implemented by any country that has sovereign control over their currency.

You issue the currency to fund whatever you require. This is basic to industrial policy. Of course, there’s limits to your ability to do this. And the limit, of course, is inflation.

#JasonHickel, 2024

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"If you’re using money to mobilize a bunch of additional public production, you’re competing with the existing forms of production that are also demanding labor and resources and factories in the economy.

And that’s going to cause inflation unless you reduce demand elsewhere in the economy and that’s precisely what degrowth provides an important answer to is we can scale down less necessary forms of production, thus liberating resources ..."

#JasonHickel, 2024

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"We’re told that capitalism is almost synonymous with innovation. And I really feel that’s not true ... We live in a shadow of the world that we could live in.

We could have much ... more durable products. We could have better public transit systems that are high quality, efficient, integrated ... So, we could have much more efficient buildings. Our appliances could be more efficient."

#JasonHickel, 2024


#podcasts #TechWontSaveUs #DeGrowth
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"If we had a more democratic economy where we can direct investment to what we know is socially and ecologically necessary, we could have much better technologies from the perspective of social needs and ecological objectives.

And we’re sort of stuck in this process where we just can’t get those things. And so we have a scarcity of sort of good technology."

#JasonHickel, 2024

Strypey mastodon (AP)
"I think that democracy is key here.

Let me first just back up and point to something else, which is that when you say these things, people are like: Oh, that sounds like a totalitarian economy where you have some kind of shadowy elites kind of planning things. I’m like, mate, we actually already live in a totalitarian economy, where capital controls what gets produced."

#JasonHickel, 2024


#podcasts #TechWontSaveUs #DeGrowth #democracy #totalitarianism
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"They’re the ones that get to decide how our labor and our resources are going to be mobilized to produce what for whose benefit and how the yields are distributed, et cetera, et cetera, is a deeply anti democratic system.

Yes, we have political democracy in many countries, but when it comes to the economic system, there’s not even the pretense of democracy. We effectively work in totalitarian institutions where we’re just told what to do."

#JasonHickel, 2024

Yeah, that’s a line (lie?) that gets harder to believe with every passing year. What capitalism is good at is turning innovation into ‘miracle products’ that exploit creators and innovators in order to make owners massive amounts of money. Look at the measure used… it’s usually ‘$X made!’ instead of lives improved.
And the innovations that truly change lives usually start in free work or gov funded work before being highjacked.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
> Look at the measure used… it’s usually ‘$X made!’ instead of lives improved

Ae, and as the idiom goes, what we measure is what we optimise for. I think the last NZ Labour government did something truly innovative when they built measures of child poverty into the Public Finance Act. If NatACT First haven't already reversed this, as they have so many other progressive reforms, I look forward to seeing the trend of these numbers across this term, and how it compares.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
"Corporations don't produce money. They produce things, and it's ridiculous for us to say that we need to grow production ... of cruise ships, and 'AI', and private jets ... to increase production of public transit and building insulation, or, public health care ...

You don't need to increase production of bad things to increase production of good things."

#JasonHickel, 2024


#podcasts #TechWontSaveUs #DeGrowth #PublicFinance
Emory mastodon (AP)
i'm really curious why four years ago I could sell a 2016 Volkswagen golf turbo for $20,000 to any dealership in this country and now I'm getting Letters offering me to give me $9000 in trade-in value for a car that only has 4000 more miles on it than it did back then 😆
Strypey mastodon (AP)

@emory Well, what you can get for it, at any given time, is the highest price the market will bear, as they say. It's only loosely coupled to the cost of bringing it to market, and in in a financialised economy, it's only loosely coupled to demand. The main variable that determines price is where on the wealth ladder the demand is coming from.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Strypey mastodon (AP)

The further up the wealth ladder you go, the more finance potential buyers have access to, allowing them to bid up the price beyond their own current buying power. Further down, expression of demand is limited more and more to the liquidity people have right now, and predatory forms of finance like credit cards and payday loans.
Strypey mastodon (AP)
Here's one for everyone who enjoyed all the pull quotes from Jason Hickel's interview on Tech Won't Save Us.

#TIL that @jasonhickel has a fediverse account!


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