Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
Today’s shitty camera, CASIO QV-120 (0.3MP, 1997)

#shittycamerachallenge #vga
Taking a picture of Zaha. The camera doesn’t have a viewfinder but relies on incredibly janky live view that eats up batteries. The lens can be tilted so you can see the screen better as off-angle viewing is impossible.
Zaha the cat with the front of the camera that proudly proclaims “VGA”
Andreas Gebhard mastodon (AP)
how do you have all these? 😀
Thomas 🔭🕹️ mastodon (AP)
@agebhard they cost practically nothing on eBay (if you're patient)
Andreas Gebhard mastodon (AP)
aaahh yes, that makes sense 😀

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