Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
Seeing some stuff saying mutual aid is always more important than political donations. Here’s my thoughts:

1. If we get a landslide and maybe even control of the legislature, that means a mandate. And if we keep this energy up after the election, we can push for better social supports or maybe even UBI.

2. Donations aren’t mutually exclusive. I give mutual aid to individuals thoughout the year, and sometimes to causes.

3. I’ve seen the criticism that corporate donations decide everything. But do they have to? When a campaign gets tons of small donations, that causes shifts in media reporting, campaign energy, talking points, governing priorities, and gives an elected political capital towards for-the-people actions during their term. Which is exactly why I made two small donations to Harris’s campaign last weekend. Obama’s mass of small donors was all the talk of the media all 2008 and I still see it referenced. Small donations = INFLUENCE.


#USPol #Harris2024 #KamalaHarris
small donations have been about 170% of corp donations since the announcement
Mx. Luna Corbden reshared this.
Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
@alexhammy Nice to hear. I hadn’t looked closely at the math since Sunday. See this is how we change things. Money talks, however broken that is, and if we’re tired of corpos buying elections, then we have to bid higher. Also with our efforts.
so excited for VP Harris!
Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
4. Outside of the above, generally political donations to local and state campaigns down-ballot are better spent, because anyone turning out to vote for a Dem state race will also vote for the Dem president, and also local politics are, in most years, more important than national for helping folks and maintaining/increasing our freedoms. But sometimes it’s wise to make a strategic move, and I think small donations to her campaign right now is very strategic. Number of donors is more important than total cash.


#USPol #Harris2024 #KamalaHarris
I don't know if I would use Obama as an example of why average people should give money to politicians... It's not like he listened
Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
@voxofgod Obama only had support of the senate for six months before it flipped to 50/50. He spent all his political capital on the ACA because the GOP fought him hard every step. If we can use this momentum to crush the GOP, everything could change. I’d love to see the Dems become our right wing and a new progressive/socialist party emerge on the left.

I’m not going to waste this time on cynicism. I’ve had enough of that the past decade. We either push towards positive change now, or lose our chance a lifetime. #USPol
God forbid he provide any leadership

Were all of these excuses the reasons for the drones too?

It would be nice if people would develop a little bit of self-awareness

Because people who think they're informed that are playing a preschool game of Red Rover as adults is quite tiresome
Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
@voxofgod I was following politics very closely at the time, and there are realities to governing. The President isn’t the king and we have separation of powers that makes getting things done quite hard. Which worked in our favor when Trump was pres. I’m not making excuses, but pointing out that here are realities we have to understand and deal with to get anything done moving forward to THE FUTURE. I’m not interested in wasting energy litigating the past.
Yeah look my stepfather was one of the professional liars that invented litigation consultation

I can see focus group tested phrases two words in

I'm tired of reading your rehash newsweek articles
And no one is going to get any positive change by trying to pretend that Obama was not as much of a demagogue as Ronald Reagan if not worse
And I actually keep on running across this and seeing another sentence in this tooth that I was skipping..

He licked the Republicans dirty cracks

Desperate to be there buddies

I'm not new

And I know more about this than you do clearly, because I could figure out Obama was a fraud during his transition and gave up on him after that

But then again I have been around politicians my whole life and can basically spot them a mile away

He had the benefit of the doubt for a minute
Davie Duck mastodon (AP)
See also, #AOC
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
"corporate donations decide everything"

Huh? 150 million with donated with an average donation of $100.

This is a massive amount of money by any measure.

Cynicism is intentionally pushed onto the populous from those that are threatened by the people's power.
Mx. Luna Corbden mastodon (AP)
@AeonCypher Did you read me right? I’m not saying that, I’m saying other people are saying that. My post is not cynical, and I agree with you. I’m arguing that we do donate en masse, because that’s how we shift power away from corporate to the people.

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