Yeah, but you don't have to pay the plumber, HVAC tech or electrician etc, so you get to skate on maintenance expenses...which will definitely go up for the owner when you move out and has to clean up besides for the next renter.
smellsofbikes diaspora
Yeah, this is definitely a plus-and-minus situation. If I didn't own the house I would not have shelled out $2500 in an emergency on monday because there was water backing up in the downstairs shower every time the clothes washer drains. I wouldn't've dropped $8500 on a furnace last year because the CO monitor in beside the furnace had begun to chirp about it being 30 years old. I wouldn't be looking at $1400 to get the front steps repaired where they've cracked away from the house and are beginning to sink into the ground.
Both this house and the last one have had a five digit emergency roughly every three years. And I'm absolutely going to make money at some point because the value of the house is rising more than that per year. But it sucks having to pay the price of a really good used car with only a day or two of warning because something's happened that makes the house unlivable until it's fixed. You don't get to just ignore a blocked sewer or a dead furnace, or the time the foundation cracked and the front wall began to tear away from the house and crack the front windows, or the time the windstorm trashed the roof and there was water leaking down the walls, or the multiple times the upstairs shower drain pipe has failed so water dumps out of the wall and floods two rooms downstairs.
You certainly said it better than I did.
I don't own the house I'm in but I earn my keep via my equipment maintenance background. I keep stuff running, like the refrigerator that quit auto-defrosting over a decade ago. Having lived in the era prior to auto-defrost fridges, I got manual defrosting down to a science. And I can handle backed up sewer lines as well as gas and electrical appliances.

Not to brag--but I do earn my keep to offset rent with.

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