mcc mastodon (AP)
Dialog boxes I do not like
Select action
The existing file is newer than the one Setup is trying to install

Keep the existing file
Overwrite the existing file
elomatreb 🚂 mastodon (AP)
seems trustworthy
I mean, how am I supposed to know? It seems to me that the installer wants to avoid taking responsibility for crashing your system.
Rachel Greenham mastodon (AP)
at least the recommended action is probably the correct one this time… but yeah this is probably why os-makers are into immutable operating systems these days…
Wolf480pl mastodon (AP)
the wording seems like

switch(true) {
case foo = 1:
case bar < 2:
mcc mastodon (AP)
"Disconnect all other usb devices" how the fuck do you expect me to click on the yes button then

Do not use a USB HUB when updating your firmware. Disconnect all other MIDI devices and close all other applications before proceeding. Do you want to proceed?

Sargoth mastodon (AP)
a rare usecase for a spare PS/2 port
Oblomov mastodon (AP)
so you have to find a PC with a PS/2 port to do this upgrade?
Zimmie mastodon (AP)
Clearly they expect you to write a shell automation script which kicks off when it detects your mouse detach from the USB device tree.
Brandon Jones mastodon (AP)
Our time has come once again! The prophesized day has arrived!
PS/2 ports
It seems to say "midi devices" and want your mouse in a native usb port not a hub... maybe the update might off usb hubs for a while? Wouldn't be too surprising, seeing how often windows discovers "new" usb devices and how some hubs don't work sometimes.
наб mastodon (AP)
me when i target my driver against laptops only:
Ratsnake Games mastodon (AP)
Easy, just write a AutoHotKey script to click the button with a time delay, start the script, then unplug everything /s
mcc mastodon (AP)
Here is another dialog box I do not like
UCR has detected blocked files which are required, do you want to unblock blocked UCR files?

Owen Nelson mastodon (AP)
woodchuck chucking wood energy
Hugo Mills mastodon (AP)
Strong flashbacks to "if you would not like not to receive our marketing emails, don't unclick the check box below" here...
ompuco mastodon (AP)
this is a nightmare thread
mcc mastodon (AP)
@gij i am trying to play a video game with a midi controller
mcc mastodon (AP)
@gij windows is not taking it well
ompuco mastodon (AP)
i refuse to believe such a noble effort deserves to be so cursed to set up wtf
Mark T. Tomczak mastodon (AP)
"Say 'block' again. I dare you. I double-dog-dare you."
Ronflaix mastodon (AP)
voice control?
Ehproque mastodon (AP)
bit it says midi, not Bluetooth, right?

Anyway, couldn't say you weren't warned that the application was a mf
Pa mastodon (AP)
You can turn off windows power management for the mobo's onboard hub. Should be in devices manager. Afaik external hubs are strict limited to how much power they can pass on.
Looks like somebody set promptifolder flag on the file. No idea why, libusb API is stable, and using a newer version should not cause any problems at all.

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