Merlin Mann mastodon (AP)
I posted about “Connections" this morning to be arch about the BSOD problem. But it leaves out the theme that makes James Burke's work such an enigmatic gift:

Try not to think of technologies as existing in one time and place—or as being a thing that exists for one finite purpose.

From plows to looms to thermoses and beyond, we can rarely anticipate how any two technologies will inteact in the future.

And honest people will admit that this is a slightly brain-breaking thing to accept.
Ethan Marcotte mastodon (AP)
I got a chance to hear him speak once, and I’m always going to be grateful for that.

It was really something else: as though he’d only gotten *sharper* as the decades marched on.
Merlin Mann mastodon (AP)
I think one thing that frustrates people about History is it's always still happening.
iAmAnEngarneer mastodon (AP)
connections and 'the day the universe changed' are very important to who i have grown to be.

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