Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
Regarding the hit-by-bullet assumption:

"It seems quite likely that the story Trump has been telling constantly over the last two weeks simply isn’t true, that he and his campaign know it’s not true or at least that there’s no evidence for it. And the press has too."

As Josh Marshall makes clear, this is another willful failure of Big Journalism. Refusing to do the basic stuff is the norm now.

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This entry was edited (2 months ago)
KanaMauna mastodon (AP)
Well hey everybody, Snopes has weighed in and they declared that he was hit by a bullet. Case settled. /S

@KanaMauna Snopes failed hard on that one.
RiaResists mastodon (AP)
what an insult to those who’ve actually “taken a bullet” for their country.
Trump is so slimy.
I was questioning this shortly after the shooting and complaining about the lack of press analysis. The press is failing to due diligence of the truth. I have always called this an alleged shooting.
Jeff Craig mastodon (AP)
@tmstreet I mean, it's absolutely a shooting, and appears to be a legitimate assassination attempt, but shrapnel doesn't make his survival seem nearly as lucky/miraculous, so he lied.

I mean, the fact that I also can't reject the idea that he had a razor blade in his pocket and bladed himself for the sudden photo op is also a reason that something more official should be said.

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