For the last two years I've been semi-daily posting "What I'm Listening to Today" links here. Mastodon has some problems with threads containing hundreds of posts, so I re-create the thread once a year.

If you'd like to see, here's my "year two" thread:

Or, alternately, every song from year two in the least practical format possible: A 301-song, 38-hour YouTube playlist (note: video #1 contains flashing):

And here's the thread for "year three":

For the last year I've been semi-daily posting "What I'm Listening To Today" links in this thread:

The thread is now so long it is increasingly breaking Mastodon, so I am making a new thread, starting here.

To recap, here's the entirety of the year-one thread in the most impractical possible format: A YouTube playlist containing 246 songs and running for just over 47 hours:

What I'm listening to today: "/", Second Woman

You've heard of the "Shepard Tone", right? That's a sound design trick where a sound appears to continuously increase in pitch without ever retreating back down to give itself space. There's a variant of that for drum beats called a "Risset Rhythm".

This song, from a Telafon Tel Aviv/Belong collaboration, uses the Risset trick plus some seriously weird production to make a dreamy, alien, not-quite-danceable dance track:
What I'm listening to today: "8888 + ParipiDestroyer + POLYS", Freaky Tweaky

This is a fun, satisfying acid jam on three small devices by different small-batch designers in Japan.

The devices are all little handheld things based on trim pots and breadboard buttons, sized like business cards and Altoids tins; one is a gorgeous reproduction of the 808, another a gorgeous reproduction of the 303, and the third an odd Roland J8-like prototype. The Pocket Operator is reborn
What I'm listening to today: "Spit", Kittie

I love metal but I don't think I am a very sophisticated listener of it. I struggle with the squawky vocals and the occasional long samey stretches. Kittie delights me by bringing aggressive variety to their presentation, especially in this one old, unusually compact track that rapidly switches registers from death-metal screams to intelligible English as if tracking manic mood swings. You think dick is the answer but it's not
What I'm listening to today: "extinct bird gathering", Luna SC

From this musician's "tmod" series of songs performed live on a wall-sized modular synthesizer rack, this is a fresh-feeling electronic composition with gorgeous sound design. Crunchy beats and warm metallic everything else. I'm not going to say this is dance music exactly but it is definitely music to bob your head to
What I'm listening to today: "greim93", AGF / @poemproducer

AGF does poetry, VJing, noise music and Theory (so if you are looking for eastern European left feminism she is very worth a follow).

This is a immaculately sculpted noise collage wherein hisses and thumps stalk you through a fog of microsounds, constantly threatening to congeal into a beat but then instead doggedly remaining just outside the edge of your perception
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
What I'm listening to today: "【Moog DFAM Jam】", Sakai Meno

Noisy, scrungly fast industrial beats on some modular equipment. There's a slower, spread-out elbow-room version of this track on the same YouTube channel (id MT13WMugmmA) but I like this compact 2-minute version. It sounds very determined.
What I'm listening to today: "wierdness", recordingtruck

I love noise! I really do! The Bastl Kastle is a chaotic "modular" system with two of Atmel's tiniest, weakest chips in each unit, & little wires instead of plug cables. All it does is scream. This musician has cross-wired three of these to make a wonderfully amusical sequence of moaning bleeps interrupting each other. It has its own internal machine logic. Your human brain can't make sense of it. Just float in it
What I'm listening to: "Nightmare", KNOWER

KNOWER is an incredible, funky, YouTube-bait band consisting of "The Bank Account Song Guy", Genevieve Artadi, and literally whoever else is in the building. They have a channel full of sessions live-recorded in a generic suburban house with noise foam taped to the wall and the band all wearing gimmick t-shirts. You should listen to them. As an intro, here's some funk featuring the bass stylings of Daphnycore artist MonoNeon.
What I'm listening to today: "Musica Ricercata no.7", György Ligeti as performed by Grégoire Blanc

This is from a set of twelve piano pieces composed in 1953 by Hungarian composer György Ligeti, as arranged for analog synthesizer and dual theremins in December 2023 by Blanc. (The mood is enormous, the future that 1981 promised us.) Ligeti would go on to write the "Monolith music" from 2001. Grégoire Blanc would go on to do his laundry
What I'm listening to today: "The River - 3 guitar ambient jam with drones and synths in the forest w/Sam Bell and Pete Ferguson"

The YouTube channel "drone-in-the-woods" is truth in naming. This is some gentle ambient post-rock and it is, indeed, performed live in the woods by three guitarists. I'm not usually one for "happy music" but I dig this. It's like if Godspeed You Black Emperor had worked their issues out and got real into Boards of Canada.
What I'm listening to today: "So close", Floppi

This is a soft, seductive DOS tracker track. It appears to use one single sample, so it's basically like a 2 minute electric piano solo, if the electric piano had infinite sustain. Sometimes with tracker tunes I can find a *little* history, but all I find googling is a forum post claiming the track was first released in 1997; and that the author is Finnish, and died in 2022.

Scenestream tags: "Calm keygen" "Sad sinewave"
What I'm listening to today: "Hyperbased", Firefox & Tip

This came up when I was in a fugue of listening to every Amiga chiptune I could find, and is apparently the backing track to "Enigma", an Amiga 3D rendering demo the group Phenomena made for "Anarchy Easter Party 1991" in Sweden. A gorgeous mishmash of vibes, half of them from 1980s new wave rock and the other half from somewhere deep in outer space where a dying species orbits a black hole in quiet contemplation
What I'm listening to today: "It's All Nothing Until It's Everything", KNOWER

Some more KNOWER, but in this one they get a lot more noisy. Bitcrushed bass and chiptune pads. There is jazz piano and a string section in the kitchen. Taco Bell
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What I'm listening to today: "Bound By Secrets", Nebula

I coaxed this out of the YouTube algorithm during a week I briefly managed to train it to feed me nothing but early-90s jungle recorded from original vinyl. Actually it turns out this song was released in 2014 and exclusively as FLAC, but whatever. This is some atmospheric jungle with a lovely, loose jazz windup at the start. Jungle always gives me a sense of being in darkness and this is like whispers in the night
What I'm listening to today: "Playstation 1 nostalgia ambient atmospheric jungle drum and bass mix", Dopo Goto

This is one hour of pure vibes. Muffled, laid-back 90s-future jungle atop a visualization of a lo-fi cyber city and songs with names like "A Song to Fall Through Textures" "A Song to "Insert Disc 2" "A Song to Remember Aeon Flux". It says "mix" but it's more like one piece of original music with nine movements, powerful focus music, like ambient but high-energy
What I'm listening to today: "High-tech Low-life", Slowerpace

This artist has a series of albums framed as OSTs of nonexistent Playstation 1 games. This song for example supposedly plays during the opening cinematic of "Pyromaniacs" (tagline: "Violence Is Sometimes The Only Way"), apparently a Shadowrun game that failed to secure the license at the last second.

This track's got a great feeling, a warm blanket in the chill, sounds like if µ-ziq had tried to do trip-hop.
What I'm listening to today: "memory", hkmori

If you've seen a video bouncing around instagram/tiktok with a funny cartoon drummer and titled "Breakcore in a nutshell", that's hkmori, from her song "anybody can find love (except you.)".

This is my favorite hkmori song, where she executes the breakcore formula expertly (and moodily) but mixes it up by dropping in dense clusters of 808 kick drums where the Amen chops would normally go, resulting in a really unique sound.
What I'm listening to today: "Dracula Forever", Clarke Jaxton Motorbike

This YouTuber has a series of live-performance electronic jam videos, in each case accompanied with floating captions telling a little short story. It's fun! The stories are good.

This track's simple but is a real bop. Made with 2023 vintage devices but has an 80s feel because those two devices happen to be Roland's desktop SH-101 clone and Teenage Engineering's new take on an 80s lo-fi sampler.
What I'm listening to today: "PlayStation jungle Mix 2 | drum & bass, Frutiger Aero, liquid, Y2K, intelligent", Dopo Goto

This uses similar instrumentation to Goto's "Mix 1" for a totally different feel, instead of focused and driving this is laid back and dreamlike. There's an emotion I don't know how to describe, there's a kind of this warm feeling in the nerves of my spine when I'm either on the verge of falling asleep or about to start crying. This is that in music
What I'm listening to today: "DigiLogTokyo Microne, Synthernet 8888, CSK ParipiDestroyer, and ACID bass synthesizer prototype", Tekitounix

A short, frantic acid piece, so fast it feels like it's about to run off its rails at any moment. Goes real hard and ends with you wanting more. Just another 30 seconds please

I previously linked a jam on this same trio of handheld devices, but in that one the third device was an unlabeled breadboard. I guess it's named the Microne.
What I'm listening to today: "THEM5000 (Monomachine only track)", Dataline

A futuristic, kinda IDM-y electronic jam. Flits stream-of-consciousness between several different ideas while maintaining the same dark groove. Actually kinda feels like a little mixtape, except for the fact it is six minutes long. Nice energy.

Made on the Monomachine, the old idiosyncratic Elektron box that defined the sound of SOPHIE and Quaristice-era Autechre.
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What I'm listening to today: "Set U Free", Planet Soul

So it's the mid-90s, I'm in junior high, I love techno but it's not so easy to come by in Texas. But 104.1 FM, the pop-rock radio station for Moms, will play "dance music", & some of it's pretty good. And then there was the "Planet Soul" song, which was *great*. This song's weird, progressive, does strange things with tempo, but its laid-back groove is so accessible even KRBE will play it, as long as it's after 8 PM
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What I'm listening to today: "Sweet Dreams", La Bouche

When I think about 90s "dance music" (I don't even know what actual genre I'm even talking about. "Eurodance"? Was that later?) I think La Bouche. They were the Archetype. All their hits sounded about the same, they all had cheesy production and cheesy raps and were all *extremely effective*. This *works*, it really works, this music was created with a Purpose and it succeeds at it hard. Listen without judgement
What I listened to today: "Straight Up", Paula Abdul

If I ever have to explain to someone what the Synclavier was, I will simply play them this song.

This song might actually be the exact point the 80s pop production style peaked. There's so much going on here! The sampled flutes. The Scarface visual gimmick on the the video. I spent years wondering why the worst possible retaliation she could imagine inflicting on her partner was to go "a ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba".
What I listened to today: "My Lovin' (You're Never Gonna Get It)", En Vogue

Here's a song from that brief, magical junction point in the 90s when hip-hop, r&b, pop, "dance music", and the OST to the SNES "Paperboy 2" were all briefly the same genre. And then there's the video, which increases the sense of all things conjoining by loading up with 50s R&B imagery. 90s kids, you've heard this song but have you ever really listened to it? This is a bop. This is so charming.
What I'm listening to today: "You're Not Alone", Olive

Eventually the "dance music" era of the 90s (soft rock radio will play some techno) gave way to the "electronica" era (rock radio will play some techno). Right on the border in late 1996 dropped this lovely europop song with some legitimately hype sampler work. Listen to this in stereo (headphones or whatevs).

Bonus: This "lyrics" video upload was mis-encoded and starts glitching interestingly about 20 seconds in
What I'm listening to today: "Crazy for Love", D'Breez (Autechre remix) (alleged)

I've mentioned the super-rare "MASK" record series of untitled, anonymous b-sides by friends of Skam Records. From MASK 500 (500 copies printed), which had a theme of unauthorized remixes of 80s hits, here's Æ doing an otherworldly but highly danceable mix of a song that now appears to be lost media (I can't find the original or its lyrics and the Internet barely records the band existing)
What I'm listening to today: "Crazy (Acoustic) (Instrumental)", Seal

We don't talk about this but Seal is extremely good. From the "Maxi-Single" for Crazy, my theory is the concept on this track was they had two separate Crazy remixes that, each, didn't quite feel worth putting on the single by themselves, so they wodged them together on one track and said "okay, now it's interesting enough". It is a good vibe actually. General MIDI jazz
What I'm listening to today: "Techno Live Jam 3 || Subharmonicon, Dfam, Eurorack, Ableton", Sorrowless

This is a driving electronic jam I think I'd describe as "industrial" or "dark trance". The sounds are made on a couple modular synth racks so a neat property of this one is far as I can tell all the drums are being generated live from analog circuitry. Intense, exceptionally clean, effective production and it's all done on some evening's whim for uploading to YouTube.
What I'm listening to today: "Desmorph", AcidTonic

Made on one of those wall-sized modular synth racks, the artist describes the video with "Loose ended live improv. First take."

A chill but determined groove undergirded by erratic drums, with a sense of low menace starting to creep in in the second half. Good zone-out music.
What I'm listening to today: "Battery Driven", quadratschulz

This is a quirky little hiphop jam on a small collection of handheld/toy synthesizer equipment. Featuring 808 tom bips, Chase Bliss pedal mangling, and extended vocals by Miku Hatsune. For serious. That stylophone looking thing is the "Gakken Otona no Kagaku NSX-39 Pocket Miku Singing Keyboard", an officially licensed Vocaloid product. Skranky
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What I'm listening to today: "Sound Check pre serata - 03052024", Michele Giletto

A modular synth jam based around the Make Noise Shared System. It's thumping and intent, Detroit style, with feedback as a musical element. It builds a really cool feel out of minimal elements, I like the way the rhythm seems to kind of catch on itself.

This one's 10 minutes long, if that's too long for you 6:20 would be a okay time to stop as it enters a kind of separate movement then.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
What I'm listening to today: "Titan", S 57

Dense faux-retro synths and breaks accompanied by psychedelic MPEG-glitch visuals. I'd call this a dark dance track but it actually may be moving a little too fast to dance to. It's intense.

A space probe you sent out in the 1970s has finally after years of silence sent back a signal but now somehow it is evil and corrupted. That's what you're watching here.
What I'm listening to you today: "i'll let you know", Kalla

I continue to be fascinated by the genderfucked zoomer breakcore artists. This is a short blast of drill & bass, a quick sharp splash of water in the face. I think this is one of the standard jungle breaks but they're using it in an unusual way.

As with the previous Kalla track I linked, this is a SoundCloud/YouTube exclusive.
What I'm listening to today: "Dominant Male Monkey Mother F* ☠️ Ambient // Evil Live Jam ☠️", Winterkeep

So I'm listening to this and at first my reaction is "the title promises this live jam is going to be evil, but this really isn't very evil at all?". But then it gets evil.

Gentle organs with a tinge of dread giving way, to skittery beats and saw phase crackle and bass headaches
What I'm listening to today: "Étude for Modular Synthesizer No. 1", Modular Beat

"Modular Beat" is a YouTube channel that posts near-daily modular experiments which, oddly, almost never contain beats. Here's a song that doesn't remotely sound like it was made on a modular synthesizer, an incredibly charming piano serenade backed by uncanny strings. The piano sounds incredibly human and acoustic but apparently is the result of a complex phasing algorithm (from a Norns).
What I'm listening to today: "Volca Drum Techno Pattern #9", Mateusz Wicher

A skeletal detroit techno track made entirely on a series of budget/toy devices, all visible in frame. A complicated pattern on the Volca Drum, and the Pocket Operator Arcade, which is usually used for bleepy chiptune noises but here gets filtered to produce uncharacteristic spooky pads. It's got a nice focused groove.
What I'm listening to today: "Wonder Panorama", Ippo Yamada (Dual YM2612 remix by rigid_atoms)

This is emulation. But I want you to imagine a monstrosity: Someone disassembles two Sega Genesis units, removes the sound chips, wires them to a breadboard and commands them to play at once. And then arranges a song from "Mega Man ZX" for it. This arrangement has an impossible-feeling sparkle to it. The millennial brain knows, at a deep level, a Genesis can't make this sound.
What I'm listening to today: "The Angler", Mateusz Wicher

A lo-fi, indistinctly unsettling hip hop jam getting a lot of mileage out of desktop equipment. Roland's 2021 refresh of their old 00s sampler, glitchy guitar and some noodling on the Volca Keys. The YouTube summary describes the genre as "Boom bap".

The voiceover sample is from an interview with surrealist horror artist Zdzisław Beksiński, so, extra content on this one for any Polish speakers reading this
What I'm listening to today: "4 (part 1)", MSK (Dusan Zatkovsky)

This is a FastTracker2 (DOS) song from 1996, one of a few dozen untitled tracks this artist composed around that time. Starts with bitcrushed ambiance and then rises into epic dance beats. I feel like this track crystalizes the moment in which it was created in an amazing way. Makes me think of dark screens with glowing text and spaceships rising in low earth orbit and other things that existed in 1996.
What I'm listening to today: "Ghosts", 潘PAN

Taiwanese trap music. On this track Pan Wei Ju raps in Mandarin about generational trauma and domestic violence*, over booming, ominous beats produced by Clams Casino. Just a really grippingly chaotic piece of nightmare music

* It was only after I listened to this song a bunch of times I realized the official music video, linked below, has an English translation in the expanded YouTube description. It hit me really hard.
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What I'm listening to today: "deep dark places", Frederick Aloysius Palowaski

To film this video the musician seems to have stuck his phone inside a modular synthesizer, revealing a cavern-like space beneath the loops of the cables. He then plays for you the ambiance of this dark space. Slow booming echoes of a tortured cymbal sample over meandering Karplus-Strong bass, a dream constantly on the verge of becoming a nightmare
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
What I'm listening to today: "Prague", David Prescott

This was recorded in Boston in 1987 and distributed exclusively on cassette tape (by an experimental music label in Germany named "Prion Tapes"). A symphony of noise, too loud to really be "ambient", this is an hour* of feedback and mysterious unknown electronics. Coil fans take note

* What I'm really trying to call your attention to here is "Side A" (the first 28 minutes) but side B does have its own nice prog vibe
What I'm listening to today: "Cristal Baschet- Bass Euphone Song", yatsoosh

This dude built, from raw metal, an all-acoustic unamplified instrument based on the "Cristal Baschet" designed by the Baschet brothers in the 50s. The idea is you glide wet fingers on glass rods, and the vibrations are amplified by those giant metal plates. Having built the instrument the guy composed a song for it, which he also sings accompanying lyrics to, *in Latin*.

It's… incredible.
What I'm listening to today: "Upside- Down VHS III", A Beautiful Burning World ft. FERRIFET

So if I understand this correctly, this is VHS footage where the tape's been removed from the cassette & re-inserted upside down, causing it to play back backward and all messed up. The artist sets this video to some noise ambiance from a previous collaboration and it hits the tone perfectly. I realize I describe a lot of music as "ominous" but oh my god this is super ominous.
What I'm listening to today: "LYRA-8 + Modular Synth // Experimental Drone", Sakai Meno

I've featured the LYRA-8 so many times in this thread that I had to kind of introduce a moratorium on it for a while, but this track makes the LYRA exciting to me again by using it as a kind of base oscillator and processing its boomy sounds through several out-of-focus racks of modular synth, adding texture and structure.

Imagine a sunrise being eaten by happy robot alligators
What I'm listening to today: "4-23-24A Bastl Generative Patch", Edwin Perry Manchester

Gosh, I love Bastl. Bastl makes DIY-flavored sound machines with quirky behavior. Here five of their boxes (four of them from their cheap "Kastle" line, each device powered by two AA batteries and two ATTiny microcontrollers) are cross-wired to create an indescribable madness.

AI is not necessary for a machine to have unknowable complexity, or for that matter personality
What I'm listening to today: "She Loves Me That Way", Grouper

I think this is "post-rock".

A little pocket universe built of guitars, strumming and indistinct voices through so many layers of echo the echo is all you hear, gently cocooning you, the way you remember Mazzy Star sounding but it technically never actually did
What I'm listening to today: "Ch0mp1 vs T3rrA", 0rgAn1K

We're in a golden age of skewed-musical devices that cost between $100 and $2000 and are designed more to delight the musician than to produce music.

Here two musicians face each other, one with a Kickstarter sampler made from keyboard parts, the other with a SOMA touch-activated noise synth built into a tree trunk. Ambient music results but this isn't about you hearing it. It's a communion between these 2 people.
What I'm listening to today: "Thunderdome" (chip part), Ultrasyd

"Thunderdome" by Checkpoint is a 14-minute Atari ST demo that won a 2014 compo in Poland. One of the main attractions was a 5-minute opening rave techno track using the Atari STe's additional PCM audio chip, but what interests me is the score in the second half, which works the hell out of the ST's unusual original sound chip. Great sound design and an intense energy like something straining at its limits.
What I listened to today: "illogical", Jack Howell

"Music 2000", released in America as "MTV Music Generator", was a complete and apparently highly capable DAW released as a commercial video game for the Playstation 1.

Jack here has a YouTube channel where for 15 years he has consistently uploaded nothing but Gran Turismo 2 recordings and songs made in Music 2000. He uploaded this one this weekend, and it rocks actually. Grinding rave techno with 303s and Juno hoover.
What I'm listening to today: "Seven", Koreless

A fun little electronica track. Has enjoyably strange sound design and a peppy, shuffling beat, as if you'd caught Burial on an up day. The video (which is not a still image) actually seems to encapsulate the track pretty well, something that the longer you look at it starts to seem fleshy and organic in an unidentifiable way.
What I listened to today: "audioreactive generative visuals with pure data", Artiom Constantinov

PureData is a flow-based visual programming environment, Max/MSP's weird open source little sister. I think Ryoji Ikeda uses it? Here it simultaneously generates music & a captivating, glitchy visualization (warning, some flashing). Pours enigmatic, alluring sounds all over you for two minutes, then abruptly stops leaving you imagining a half dozen possible truncated futures
What I'm listening to today: "Samsara", Diode Milliampere

This is a song for the OPL3 FM chip (ie, the Sound Blaster Pro), composed (and here played back) in Adlib Tracker II for DOS, for an album the musician recorded in 2014 and released in two formats: On Bandcamp; and on a 3.5" floppy disk shipped in a tiny pizza box.

The song begins with strange FM beeps that slowly coalesce into chill trance music, with spacy, futuristic vibes. Very quiet but has a strong energy
What I'm listening to today: "Buring The Summer", Sorrowless

A bubbling energy simmering under a sea of pads. Based around a sample I can't identify that sounds like one of the various Radiohead knockoff bands from the 00s, but the song that results actually sounds like real Radiohead, like this could be an unused King of Limbs remix or something. Atop this some nice-sounding 0-coast beeps/gleeps and clicky Elektron beats.
What I'm listening to today: "yea, but can it ,*#*\ ! ?", mononoo

I'm never sure how "weird" I can get away with getting, with the track suggestions here. But can I ask you to trust me? This one sounds like just random noises but there's a pattern here, there's a design. Imagine a lake with stones sticking out of it and you're leaping from stone to stone, moment to moment, sound to sound, stringing together more and more fluidly until suddenly you're swimming
What I'm listening to today: "One for the haters", Modular Beat

This video has a fascinating rant in the YT description, where the poster complains about context collapse and people expecting him to post finished pieces when his channel is a personal project log, then describes this piece that failed and got totally remade last-second.

It's beautiful. There's a catchy hook but it's presented skeletally, like ambient music, on a simulated guitar that keeps glitching out
What I'm listening to today: "Waves", Kendall :3

Dream pop that feels like suddenly waking up, with tendrils of sleep still clinging to your brain. Really feels like less a song as just an emotion there's no word for, packaged into an mp3 file, something you swim in as Barroo croons to you over cool abstract synth noises. I really like this album overall but this track really stands out. A loud quiet thing

(PS: Yes, the ":3" is part of the artist name)
What I'm listening to today: "Lougie", Nappy Nina

Chill and quiet and incredibly driven. This is some bumping hip hop with unique, off-kilter production and unique, off-kilter flow. I've been listening to this artist all week and her and her collaborators have built their own particular unique concept of how hip-hop works and how it sounds, self-contained and self-confident. I can't decide which track from this album to post so I'm just going with the first:
What I'm listening to today: "the last time i met u", ykort

This is another of those anonymous anime-girl-avatar zoomer breakcore artists I've been liking so much lately. This track is not breakcore as such, though it does have breakbeats. If I say this reminds me of Arovane will that mean anything to you? Crisp, thoughtfully-arranged beats and pleasantly artificial-sounding guitar samples. I was listening to this album and this track stood out like a signal flare.
What I'm listening to today: "One for the lovers", Modular Beat

A thing I mentioned about Modular Beat once before is few of his posts contain beats. In this followup to the song I linked Monday—and apparently buoyed by the kind comments he got in response to his complaints about YouTube—in this one MB goes all out. Shuffling dance music, but not at the tempo of dance music, unless you're dancing the Charleston. Actually, this would be perfect to dance the Charleston to
What I'm listening to today: "haunted days", Luna SC

I've really been enjoying this person's "tmod" series of modular jams. (So far linked in this thread: 3, 4, 21.) In this one a buzzing air-raid drone serves as anchor for an evolving series of glitchy, unpredictable beats, meandering synthesized Guqin plucks and I Care Because You Do noises. Wanders from point to point but by the time you reach the end it feels like it was leading you somewhere specific all along
What I'm listening to today: 2024-07-01 Mastodon post, Daniel M. Karlsson

I've followed @t36s on "social" a long time, and it's been cool because he's very open about his process, often posting source code to generative Supercollider apps used to make his music.

This is a piano recording he posted last week saying he found it "inside" another piece in progress. In itself it's breathtaking, hyper-minimal but with such strong emotion. This feeling of incredible isolation
What I'm listening to today: "grtrax1", Lime68k

This is from "hsptltrx", a 3-track release that (as creator @Lime explained when she posted a link on Mastodon last week was improvised in generative-music environment Max/MSP "while being bored at the hospital".

This track is a melange of alien-sounding chimes and mysterious thumpy noises. Gorgeous timbres, bells ring but you're in some other dimension where air and sound transmission work wrong
What I'm listening to today: "Twice the First Time", Saul Williams

Saul Williams is a rapper/spoken word artist who militantly refuses to acknowledge a distinction between the two sides of that slash. This was his "first" song, before he started making albums, it showed up on some compilations and since has been mostly "lost". It's still my fav of his, a traffic pileup of violins and beatboxing. One of the strangest and most beautiful pieces of hip-hop I've ever heard.
What I'm listening to today: "untitled 02 | 06.23.2014.", Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar thinks *big*— his albums have huge concepts and are stuffed with ideas. Which makes this one album, an unlabeled collection of unused songs, easier to digest for me because tracks stand alone more. This one track's amazing, downtempo dark jazz over a trap beat.

The second half of this song is universally agreed to be a style parody of Drake, but it doesn't seem mean-spirited to me.
What I'm listening to today: "Black Ice", Goodie Mob ft. Outkast

This is an Atlanta group from the 90s whose name expands to "the Good Die young, Mostly Over Bullshit", and who introduced the world to Cee-Lo Green (not present here). The mood here is absolutely immaculate and gives a good intro to the timbres the Dirty South was introducing the world to at this moment. Also, a video featuring Big Boi walking a dog in an Astros jersey with the *old* design, the good one
Big Boi walking a dog while wearing an Astros jersey
What I'm listening to today: "Dead in Motion", Antipop Consortium

This group (and its members' solo acts) have a sprawling, poorly preserved discography with some true high points; this is from 2002, when they briefly broke through into near-public-consciousness with Arrhythmia, a fun album that plays with electronica production.

The video here is a deconstruction of "Hamburger Hill", a 1987 film that explored the experience of Black American soldiers in Vietnam.
What I'm listening to today: "LOOK OUT FOR DETOX", Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick is now a 17-Grammy-winning institution, but his introduction to the world, outside indie mixtapes in LA, was this incredible, minimal YouTube video from 2010 originally posted as promo for a never-released Dr. Dre album. Not helping Dr. Dre much here I guess, but as an intro to Kendrick Lamar it was absolutely unforgettable, just a verbal onslaught in which Kendrick does not even stop to breathe.
What I'm listening to today: "Coded Language", Saul Williams

Okay so I feel really bad about not linking you the album version of this (which is produced by Krust of Roni Size & Reprazent), *but* I really want you to hear how incredible Saul Williams is unaccompanied. This is from a 2004 appearance on MTV Def Poetry Jam and is just an amazing piece of performance. The piece is, uh, a sort of position paper. Watch the video.
What I'm listening to today: "A Life In The Day of Benjamin Andre (Incomplete)", Outkast

Right before breaking up Outkast dropped a double album where each CD was effectively a solo album by one of the two members. Andre 3000's disc ended with this epic 5-minute slice of Autechre-reminiscent production and mind-twisting rap wordplay, in which Andre gives us a complete autobiography up to 2003 when the song was recorded and then halts with "…and that's as far as I got".
What I'm listening to today: "Useless Machines", Francis Harris

Ambient-ish electronica with some lovely sound design. Waves of rolling pads like sunlight crawling through the bedroom window in the morning. This whole album has nice vibes actually.
What I'm listening to today: "Calculated Movements", Larry Cuba

This is a really cool proto-CG short film made in 1985, on an obscure 80s microcomputer made by a pinball manufacturer. It's like CGI by someone who'd never heard of CGI, or a music video by someone who'd never heard of music videos. The music holds up too, cool abstract vibraphone. If you'd told me this was made in 2010 by Com Truise I'd have believed you and wondered about how they did the film effect
What I'm listening to today: "Rumble of Ancient Times (RoAT) - Jam 6", Jon Nathan

This uses some very noisy hardware (including a screamy-noise synth from SOMA which is, effectively, a really cool toy) to build something really smooth and inviting. Fluttering hums over a thumpy laid-back beat. It gives me the quietly determined feeling 90s cyber/hacker movies were always trying to reach for, empty streets late at night where people move intently through shadows
What I listened to today: "Void Femmes @ SIXNINEHAUS (Toronto, ON) - July 7th, 2024"

Prepared typewriter?? This piece revolves around a mechanical typewriter that's been wired for sound, processed through a modular rack, then plucked, bowed and, uh, typed into. 20 minutes with long stretches of backyard ambiance so bring the part of your brain that likes ambient music, but if you're prepared for that it's glorious. This happened in my city but I missed it.
What I'm listening to today: "2024-04-16 AV" , Catface McVideo

This person makes handmade video synthesizers that create abstract analog video for CRT TVs. They have dozens of videos of short demos of their video synths accompanied by short analog ambient tracks. This piece in particular has a captivating, fuzzy vibe. Like if Boards of Canada had been making soundtracks for horror movies instead of childrens' educational films.
What I'm listening to today: "The Monster Pursues", Bebe & Louis Barron

The Barrons were a revolutionary force in early electronic music, years ahead of everyone else and laying down the road everyone else would follow. And the music itself is really good! (Search my Mastodon history for "Mixed Emotions" if you want a trip.) This is from their masterpiece, the score to "Forbidden Planet" (1956). I *think* this is a longer version of a track the movie excerpts. It's Lots
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
What I'm listening to today: "robotic xylophone", Tout est cassé

This person has a YouTube channel full of art installations and homemade musical instruments. This is a really fun, fascinatingly simple project where they attached a ziptie to a cheap motor, mounted it in the middle of some wooden pegs, and then drove the motor from a cheap Korg drum machine. They spend two minutes exploring all the different emergent Things you can do with this little setup.
What I'm listening to today: "Onde Magnétique OM-1 Jam", Flo Chai

There's a couple boutique instruments made in recent years that let you "play a cassette tape like a piano", by spinning the tape at a speed determined by the "piano key's" pitch & only when the key's held down.

This musician uses two(!) of these devices, double-fisted, plus some guitar pedals to make some atmospheric fluttery music anchored by bit glitching and a quiet metronome-like drum machine beat.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "level up", DISKQ

DISKQ's videos revolve around making complex tracks with grooveboxes and minimal sets of hardware. Here she deploys a noisy Erica Synths drum machine with the "PO-20 Arcade", the Pocket Operator which is most fun to play with but hardest to make anything other than sound effects with. Playing the LXR-02 faders like an instrument and DJing the Arcade's filter settings, she engineers a startling degree of chiptuney structure.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "breakcore/glitch patch in plug data", Artiom Constantinov

"Plug Data" is a distribution of PureData with (thank goodness, finally) more legible graphics. Here Artiom uses it to visualize a self-playing patch: lush FM swells, drill&bass kicks and, that's right ladies and genderqueers, a guest appearance by Ms. Hatsune Miku herself. (Or some formant synth.) Apparently you can download the .pd file for this track from the musician's patreon.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "HLT - A Lost Transmission (AE MODULAR DEMO)", Huxleys Last Trip

AE Modular is a semi-obscure alternative to the popular "eurorack" format; it's designed to be cheaper and smaller, and uses plain jumper wires instead of TS cables.

I really like rhythmic hissy noises. I'm not sure that's a common viewpoint, so I don't know how to describe that this is an *exceptionally* beautiful example of rhythmic hissy noises. Emotionally intense ambient.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Polyend Tracker : First Test & Jam", ultrasyd

Ultrasyd was a beloved chiptune composer best known for work on the Atari STe. He died in October of 2020, reportedly of a heart attack. This was his final posted piece of music, 11 days previous. In it he's using a new setup with a standalone tracker and its wavetable engine. The piece, a playful "Complextro" jam, bursts with promise and in the post he sounds excited about what he'd do next.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "0.312%", Genèse

A sick 1-minute blast of hardcore electronica. The YouTube description is just a series of variations on "angel with a knife", "angel", "knife" etc which initially I thought was very evocative but on a closer look seems to actually be an attempt by the musician to communicate they were influenced by the song "ANGEL WITTA KNIFE" by Yabujin.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Clock", Plaid

Plaid are a duo from the early Warp Records cohort (originally part of The Black Dog, which is on Artificial Intelligence 1 as "I.A.O.").

This one makes an impression right off the bat with a cool fluttery string-synth sound, then snaps into some fun electronic pop (surprisingly poppy in fact, given this is from electronica's thinky faction). That LFO sound is like candy for my brain
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mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Love Fantasy", Equinox

Here's a 2004 track made by a jungle artist but not really fitting into any particular genre, or rather it takes Jungle as a starting point (dense beats, spooky abstract vibes) and from there launches off in its own unusual direction. A strange and satisfying, borderline-glitch drum chop-up pattern over synth shimmers.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "SY85 and MMT-8 jam", Quiet & Peaceful Man

This YouTuber uses two chonky plastic devices from hip hop's age of legend (1988, 1992) to make some quirky, funky hip-hop EDM. The Yamaha keyboard on the right with the prominent built-in floppy drive is a sampler/wavetable synth and is making all sounds including the drums; it's being driven by the standalone MIDI sequencer on the left. Neat to see someone operating a MMT-8 in realtime honestly
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Theme for a Late Night Documentary About the Dangers of Drug Abuse", White Town

This is from "Abort, Retry, Fail?", the UK EP that "Your Woman" (the one song you probably know White Town) was originally released on. In a post on Mastodon ( )
Jyoti Mishra says this song was recorded live in one take.

This track is *unbelievably* sick! Crispy, Warp-ified techno, from the era hip-hop was still on the Braindance agenda

Talking about electro and whatnot sooo...

Here's a tune I did in 1994. It's a live jam, straight to DAT via my Tascam 688.


#ElectronicMusic #Electro #Techno #LiveJam #JX3P #MoogRogue #MC202 #TR808 #BossBE5

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
What I'm listening to today: "Skydive", Poly Styrene

Another Raeghan Buchanan rec, Poly Styrene fronted the late 70s punk-plus-saxophone band X-Ray Spex but then in 1980 went off and recorded this highly satisfying solo album. Check out this lovely little pop track, with strange currents of what five or ten years later would have been recognizably "ska" or "new wave". I have no idea how a listener in 1980 would have interpreted this but it feels super ahead of its time.
What I'm listening to today: "So Cold", Rocket from the Tombs

Breaking this week's theme a bit, this is just a proto-punk band I personally like. This band operated in Cleveland for a single year in 1975 and never recorded an album, but they have this super good live album released in 2002, stitched from two live performances. This track has this raw feel, like you're seeing something you shouldn't see, a person in pain talking to themselves, unaware anyone's listening
What I'm listening to today: "Modern Industry", Fishbone

Okay, more Raeghan Buchanan recs. Raeghan speaks of Fishbone in reverential tones and talks about Fishbone t-shirts being the standard discovery protocol for black punk fans in the 90s (apparently Bad Brains is a complicated subject). Fishbone's discography is a vast ocean I've only scraped so far. But here's a goofy, really fun 1985 proto-ska track where Fishbone improvise names of radio stations for four minutes
What I'm listening to today: "Fall Asleep", Big Joanie

In the final pages of Buchanan's book she abandons the linear history lesson and just starts listing off some bands she likes. Among these find Big Joanie, a British group that formed in 2013 after meeting at a British intersectional feminist activist organization.

This is a cool, peppy track with what I'd describe as a "high-quality home production" feel. The kind of rock you can dance to.
What I'm listening to today: "Not My Day", Nova Twins

Reaching the end of Buchanan's book and the year 2020, here's the Nova Twins. This is like, do you remember "nu-metal"? Back when I was really excited about nu-metal at first, cuz I thought it was gonna sound like this. But "nu-metal' wasn't ever this interesting.

Hard rock and some good freaky synth work. "Who are the girls?" is a really good album.
What I'm listening to today: "Onweer", Deidream

This is a duet between an original brick Game Boy¹ running LSDJ² and a PO-12 Rhythm³. The GB delivers its most classic and Aesthetic tones while the PO-12 delivers the most complicated, dense beats it's capable of. An excellent groove

¹ "Play it loud" edition
² A music tracker that runs directly on the Game Boy; heir to Nanoloop
³ The first, but still one of the best, of Teenage Engineering's handheld Pocket Operator line
What I'm listening today: "Dubslide", Covox

Covox is a classic early chiptune artist, like early as in the era when the "chips" the tunes are made on were still being sold commercially. This is from a super old album "Handheld Electropop" that was originally sold on CD-Rs, and is no longer available anywhere. I downloaded this mp3 off Covox's personal website sometime in 2002 and have treasured it ever since.

This might be my favorite chiptune song ever. Bizarre verve
What I'm listening to today: "Our Song", Ultraísta

From the circa 2012 mini golden age of progressive electronic pop. If you want to dig in on this band there's some amazing remixes by Four Tet and, uh, David Lynch, but this is my favorite standalone song by them. Lazily drifting vocals and dreamlike synths, a good song to kinda half-pay-attention to while it does saw-wave ASMR on you.

I also especially love this video (although ⚠️warning, contains full-frame flashes⚠️)
What I'm listening to today: "sound of are-bure-boke", wildchurch

This poster makes their own musical instruments, with Arduinos inside and 1950s mad-scientist control panels outside. Most of their videos show creations off one at a time but here they bring it all together for a cool, spacey song. Watch careful at the beginning where they create a drum loop with a beige box making just kicks and a cyan box making just snares.

"Are-bure-boke" means blurry photographs.
What I'm listening to today: "RTRT", Mili

Mili is a really fun, really nerdy band where most of their songs tell tiny self-contained sci fi/fantasy stories (in any of five languages). This one's weird and cute and tells the story of a self-proclaimed "mad scientist" who domesticates a Chinese hopping vampire through the scientific application of cooking and fabric arts.

Link is a fanvideo, animated based on character designs from the official Mili art for this song.
What I'm listening to today: "Toive", Vladislav Delay

This is an epic glitch-borderlands track from 2009 with a structure I love. Alien high-pitched sounds give way to air conditioning give way to beats like railroad tracks or falling corpses. One of those pieces of electronic music that if you close your eyes you can imagine you're hearing the sound of a journey into another universe and then you open your eyes and the music video seems to be representing exactly that.
What I'm listening to today: "Roland TR-8 Aira vs KORG ms-20 - Live Jam // BURG - Green Take One"

I spend a lot of time plumbing the depths of YouTube and it's all for the moments I find a gem like this one. On a desk holding basically a museum of 21st-century Korg gear, this musician creates a lovely 15-minute sonic journey with a cool slow-building structure. One of those songs that seem to exhibit video-game level design, as if the music is a space you move through
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
What I'm listening to today: "Self", Noname

Noname is a socialist, a rapper and a true Poster. The best way I know to introduce you to her whole Thing is to play you this two-minute soft funk explosion that opened her 2018 album. This song contains my favorite single line from any rap song ever.
What I'm listening to today: "I Make This Music because it's Cool and You Deserve It"

This dude sells homemade and circuitbent instruments at . In this video he covers a table with a giant pile of Kalimbas and guitar pedals and runs around hitting things with hammers. Looks goofy, but produces a cool serene distant-bells-and-drums chorus.

This track is mixed a bit quiet, so maybe turn up your speaker volume before listening so it sounds regular.
What I'm listening to today: "Synth, Drum machine, Yamaha QY70, Live", I go REC

A live-guided performance on the QY70, Yamaha's incredible 1990s proto-groovebox/MIDI PDA. A tiny skranky groove with good 80s-flavored sounds and composition (an 808 cowbell plays exactly twice). This would fit really well in an 80s movie, 1/3-way through the narrative, in the background of a scene where they establish that stakes are escalating. A man in sunglasses lurks around a corner
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Tidal Plant Zone", Yayoi Fujimori (16-bit re-arrange by rigid_atoms)

"Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble" was a Game Gear exclusive from 1994 (the Game Gear actually got a *lot* of original Sonic games). In 2022, the Sonic fangame community produced Sonic Triple Trouble 16-Bit, a PC (GameMaker) remake to Genesis standards. This YM2612 arrangement is a dark, funky lounge jazz piece that lets Fujimori's composition really spread its wings.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Untitled", D'Angelo

From the year 2000, this is an incredibly charming crooner soul track with a casual, almost sloppy unpredictable flow that belies the *incredible* precision of the songwriting and performance here. This track understands jazz. Meanwhile the end feels like Angelo has convinced the entire bar to drunkenly sing along with him, how does it feel. How does it feeeeel. I love how this song starts and ends
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Strange Formula", Ultraísta (David Lynch remix)

I alluded to this last week, but did you know David Lynch records music? Like, albums. Since Y2K.

This is him doing a remix of an electropop band I like. It sounds… well, very much like a song recorded by David Lynch. Plodding guitar that sounds like it's playing off a 78, muffled industrial beats, echo like the alley out back a concert. Four people stand smoking in silence; one has no face.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Smalltalk", Ultraísta (Four Tet remix)

The week I left her I sat in a friend's back room on a mattress on the floor and listened to this song again, and again, and again, and marveled how that place was apparently affecting me more than I'd thought because I was literally *breathing* easier now I was out of it, and did not realize what I'd really just discovered, after living with them 13 years, was I was allergic to cats

⚠️ Flashing colors
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "I see you sometimes", Vegyn & Jeshi

In this thread I've been mostly following a rule I don't link anything I previously linked on Twitter. Silly rule anyway.

This was a song I listened to on repeat through most of 2021; on the day I quit Spotify it was my most-listened song. Here British DJ Vegyn mashes up rap and synth prog in a satisfying, playful way. He shapes the music like play-doh. I think the tempo actually changes halfway through.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "PO-32 Tonic + Monotron Delay - recorded at Nun cove, Newquay", Missing Reels

The thing that got me on my kick of listening to home-recorded techno on YouTube, originally, was the Pocket Operator. It fascinated (fascinates) me the complex music you could get out of a tiny handheld device if you're willing to enter focus mode. Here's two $60 handheld devices together making lovely chill techno while ocean waves roll in
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Pants On Fire", Buck 65

Buck 65 is kinda like Sam's Club brand Beck. This is an impromptu live performance of one of his songs, ripped to YouTube in 2006(!) from a DVD; the ramshackle nature of this video elevates it massively over the original album version. He seems to be shooting in some sort of attic. The terrible quality of the YT upload adds a sort of nice frizz to the drums. Partway through he has to stop the song to let his dog out
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "With Ink", Chance McDaniel

This song Was 2019 for me. The musician uploaded it to the Synthesizers subreddit, mentioning something about sampling directly off AM talk radio during the recording. I got a little obsessed with it. It was in some indescribable-in-words sense the sonic/conceptual moodboard for the VR game I was working on back then. It looped in my head the whole time I was working on that game, like a mantra. M. M. M. (M, M). M
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Trash Audio at the Apothecary", 1-2 and 2-2, Alessandro Cortini

While/after Cortini was serving as Synth Guy for Nine Inch Nails, he was constantly going around to small makerfaires and synth shops and serving as a kind of John the Baptist for the Buchla revival to come. Some *lovely* phone recordings hit YouTube in this era.

Breaking my format, here's *two* videos comprising 2 halves of one 20-minute performance:
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "About You", XXYYXX

This is a musician I used to follow on "Google+" (yes, this was a while ago); he was an early master of this amorphous emerging genre that at the time I thought of as "Soundcloud music" but was eventually named "vaporwave". Dude started releasing music when he was 15 (by the time of this recording, 16) and it was gold from the beginning. Slow dream syrup
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Reunion", Colin Benders

Colin here was an early pioneer of what eventually became modular synth YouTube; his videos feature exceptionally huge synth walls with terrifying forests of hanging cables and occasional gay pride flags carefully fit in the edge of the camera frame. His 2016 tracks are especially good; this track is a 16-minute epic based on jackhammer beats and an ever-ramping-up abstract hook. The machine is screaming
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "ostendorf rapoport 4", Nils Ostendorf and Kostia Rapoport

A little different from what I normally post, here a synthesist and a trumpeter improvise for eight minutes in a living room. Horns with something wrong with them, like a jazz trumpeter mid-performance found the rest of his orchestra fading away, stranding him alone in a dimension of endless swamps. Desolate and mournful, kinda Schoenbergy. Do we have any Schoenberg fans reading this
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Adder", Blackbird Raum

I asked for water and they gave me gasoline. From an anarchist rennfaire-music collective in Santa Cruz. This is the kind of music you sing as you're dying, or the music they play for you at your funeral. Stark and gutwrenching, isolated voice and wavering, dried-out strings, all mourning the world we deserved and did not get.

There is an alternate version of this song that consists entirely of bagpipes and screaming
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Engines", Bauer + Katharina Schmidt

I love it when a piece of music is just sounds. This track is an atmosphere and a place and here are some of the things in it: Train tracks roll by beneath your feet. It's night, or early morning, there is no sun but the sky is glowing. The radio in your hand crackles, but not static, you understand this signal, you've been waiting for this moment. Somewhere, someone plays guitar in devotion to the sky
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Secrets", Regen Rantseni

Found this musician through Youtube "similar to"… surfing and a synthesizer noodling video he made, then checked his other videos and it was all… Spanish classical guitar. Rather good Spanish classical guitar. I guess that's what I should have been listening to to start with.

Here's a gentle 5-minute acoustic performance playing with different fingerings. Feels soft like a big warm blanket
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "groove 17.1", ski feat. swrcfx

Choppy noises. You put something in the cuisinart that isn't supposed to go in the cuisinart. You're standing in a freeway median and violins are flying past on either side. You and the drummer have had a quarrel, he doesn't want to talk about it so instead he flutters the kick drum at you passive aggressively. John, can we just talk about this. He's not listening to you. He's intently murdering the hi hats
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "I Asked For Water (She Gave Me Gasoline)", Howlin' Wolf

1959 Chicago blues
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Coastal Array", Bauer + Katharina Schmidt

There is a thing which is faraway and cold, and there is a thing which is close and warm and looms above you shedding its unearthly light

The swamps still feel like home to me
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Flashdrive", Snail's House

It's not quite the music I usually like, but sometimes I get in a Mood and I pull up Snail's House on YouTube and listen to ALL OF IT.

Snail's House is sugarhigh hypeblast j-pop with startlingly progressive production. The way I think of this album is "NES chiptunes made with real instruments".

PS: Snail's House's music videos have a shared cinematic universe with recurring characters and I think that's cute.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Virtual", Moe Shop f/ Puniden

This is a really interesting album that doesn't quite sound like Moe Shop's other offerings, in which they produce this amazing 50-50 mix of French house and "J-Pop". No, it's not "futurefunk" exactly, they picked a different 50% from each genre. Here's some idol pop with chill '80s beats and overwhelmingly huge '10s synths
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Bionic Emphasis", VOUNΔ

Filipino hyperpop with smooth jungle beats. Music for surviving re-entry
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Binary ConnectioN", kanemiko

In 2003, Capcom released "P.N.03" for the Gamecube, featuring a critical innovation to gaming that almost no one has learned from: *The protagonist should be able to hear the soundtrack, and be bopping their head to the music as you play*.


This is the music you hear as you hyperskate down an abandoned freeway blasting robots. You are throwing things that leave polygon trails. You are doing combos
Erin mastodon (AP)
imagining what you mean by that

waiting weightless. wait wait
wait! weight weight WEIGHT
WOOSH heavy heavy heavy
WOOSH drogues heavy MAINS
wind wind wait wait
wait wait wait SLAM
touchdown! (wait wait wait)
mcc mastodon (AP)
@ChateauErin sounds like you know exactly what i meant by that
mhoye mastodon (AP)
My god, "music for surviving re-entry" is such a perfect phrase.
Erin mastodon (AP)
I've just listened to it and yeah you described it really well
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Flicker", Porter Robinson

I'm trying to decide what's most important to me.

Porter Robinson is a musician from North Carolina who now operates out of Japan. This track from the tail end of the '10s electro boom has this super memorable video that shows the world as I want to see it, animated GIF sunrises, neon everything, giant cubes dominating the horizon. Warning, contains flicker (I mean, the video does)
Brendan B. mastodon (AP)
the podcast "Switched on Pop" recently had an episode where they interviewed him about the change of direction he was going for his new album. The clips from it didn't sound to my taste but he seemed like a really interesting and thoughtful guy.
Ravindra Kanodia mastodon (AP)
I would like to be a neon farmer
mcc mastodon (AP)
@ravindra It's an important responsibility. It's where the big cities get their neon from
I've been trying to figure out if I like Old Porter Robinson, who I can't quite think of a good comparison for, and also if I like New Porter Robinson, who is like... bubblegum Underscores?

I do know is a bop.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Notice", Moe Shop f/ TORIENA

From the French Touch, Tokyo Branch album I linked the other day, this is some fun, zippy Japanese rap. Cool stuttery organ sounds. If you look up a lyrics translation it's got the recurring lyric "That sensitive age where you wanna start a coup".

Apparently the vocalist on this track also composed music for Team Sonic Racing (multiple platforms, 2019).
ianbobmorris mastodon (AP)
i have had that on my to buy list for a while
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Sick Beat", Kero Kero Bonito

Windows 98 remember those days
Owen Nelson mastodon (AP)
this is great
Kyle Rose mastodon (AP)
KKB is my JAM!
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Retro Vibes: Creating Synthwave Tracks with Yamaha QY70", I go REC

Here the QY¹'s synthesis engines get pushed to the absolute wall, spooky dub flowing into a half dozen sounds that would make Com Truise weep. Music for driving your 3D-rendered convertible over a glowing grid in circles around a giant black monolith, reaching into the sky with no apparent upper bound

¹ Yamaha's portable 1990s attempt to create a 2010s groovebox.

EDIT: Sorry, I messed up. These music posts usually go in a big thread but I accidentally made this one standalone. I have moved this post here:

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Worthless Order", Then the Letting Go

Lo-fi skittering beats and pads like little plodding cat feet. Sounds like someone in 2005 listened to a bunch of Postal Service and BOC and promptly disappeared into a DAW for a week before emerging with this track. Except actually it was made this year on Polyend's portable tracker, which here kinda serves as its own visualizer. Lookit the little blinking lights
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Aryx", Karsten Koch

Let us make a journey to the land of ravers! Created in (I think) MS-DOS using Scream Tracker 3, this s3m file claims it was created in 1995 and it is the eurodanciest eurodance. In 1995 I wanted to live in Europe because I thought you could get music there that sounds like this.

There's more than one copy of this on YouTube & I'm intentionally linking the worst quality one because it adds a nice fuzz
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
jell mastodon (AP)
Absolute classic. Don't even need to play it. I can hear this one in my head at damn near sample-accuracy already. 😅
mcc mastodon (AP)
@joshuaelliott any idea when it was actually composed lol
jell mastodon (AP)
I might have an old hornet-era version of it with its original note/instrument text. I'll check the HDDs after work.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@joshuaelliott that sounds hype but also lol the video clearly shows an info line saying k.koch 20.03.95 at one point
jell mastodon (AP)
Oh, baller. Job's done! 😝 Can't get more definitive than that, I doubt.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Unforgivable improv Industrial Techno Jam w/ Eurorack", ALXDPO

Thumping industrial techno, just as it says on the can. If I danced I would dance to this. Made on one of those eurorack battlestations that has been set up as a conscious, designed instrument, it's all very organized, it's got color-coded cables and little velcro-tie bundles. Not sure what the Plinky is doing. Overall totally relentless
qualia mastodon (AP)
oh fuck yes
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Dream Seed", Machine Girl

Machine Girl are the godparents of zoomer breakcore (i.e. they're millennials) and kinda stand apart in their own little self-confident nanogenre, covered in smiles and blood. This is an unreleased track, which would be a surprise given it's incredible, except also it doesn't quite "sound like" machine girl. It more sounds like if Boards of Canada actually wanted to make you dance. Super unique track, great energy.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Infoldings 2", Mark Fell and Will Guthrie

Unsettling metal sounds floating in darkness. Has this acoustic feel, a percussive troupe plays in a circle around you, but on listening carefully it seems like some of the sounds or at least some of the patterns couldn't have actually been made with human hands. 20 minutes long but continuously changing, continuously gripping. This was a lime68k rec and I've been listening to this album a lot since
fredrik wallberg mastodon (AP)
I love this piece, such an unusual soundworld.
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Erik Ellestad mastodon (AP)
Thanks, sounds good, I will investigate.
shh mastodon (AP)
I don’t know what his process is these days, but when I met him 20 years ago Mark Fell was using a hardware sampler controlled by Max.
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mcc mastodon (AP)
sounds like it tbh lol

I wanna say what we're hearing is a combination of physical modeling synths and samples?
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mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "greim69 FOREVER {mended}", AGF / @poemproducer

A tiny solar system of grunged-up drum machine samples, orbiting each other slowly, occasionally moving into temporary alignment. You should be able to dance to this as long as you experience time nonlinearly

The word "greim" shows up in some of AGF's song titles, I asked her once what it meant and she said it's a mashup of her last name on her father's side and the music genre "grime".
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Theme for The Irishman", Robbie Robertson

"The Irishman" is a thing that's not supposed to be possible, an underrated Martin Scorsese movie. (IMO it would have helped if Netflix had let the man use the original, more interesting title, "I Heard You Paint Houses".) This movie is 3 hours 30 minutes long and throughout it, this dread-soaked 4 minute 30 second track repeats over and over. This track slaps. It sounds like the violins are dying.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@cam "Theme for Painting Houses" actually sounds kinda iconic
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Silk Drift", Arcologies

Floaty, refreshing drum & bass. Classic styles as interpreted through renoise. They seem to trying to bring in every class of synth that sounds like liquid. For the Youtube upload they intentionally recorded this album to a cassette tape and back, just to soften it a bit more.

Link goes to the full album, so you'll have to press stop at 8:20 or you'll wind up listening to a full hour of chill d&b. Sorry about that.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "2024-04-28 sync test wip", Catface McVideo

This was supposed to be a test for synchronizing an analog video synthesizer with a drum machine. It winds up being a cool, crisp dance piece that I feel like could have been longer. The rhythmic but semirandom audio-synced visuals give this a cool hypnotic feeling, like you're experiencing the obligatory drug freakout scene from a 1960s movie.

⚠️ Photosensitivity warning?
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "MULLE", Deidream

Arch synthwave with drum & bass incursions. A strange little video, this documents a night at a probably-80s, probably-European dance club, but with a cognitive-dissonance-inspiring indecision over whether or not the video is synchronized to the music. Shut off the part of your brain that analyzes and just watch, experience maybe this feeling of a dream hovering on the edge of becoming a nightmare
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Underground Sea", a0n0

Until this week I always recapped each week's posts as a linear mixtape on Cohost. Now that's over. I try to remember why I do this thread. Is it for me? Is it for you? If it's for me only, why isn't there more


Here's 5 minutes of hardcore noise and gorgeous glitch video. It's posted on the Farmer's Manual YouTube account but I don't know why. IDK anything. Follow @Lime she has good recs
༚❏Lime68k❏༚ hometown (AP)
It's posted on the Farmers Manual YT account because it was released on, the people behind FM are running this label!! (ty!!)
mcc mastodon (AP)
@Lime oooh thanks for explaining.

i noticed the music video was by artiom constantinov, i really like his puredata patch videos on youtube.
༚❏Lime68k❏༚ hometown (AP)
yess artiom constantinov is great! it blows my mind how he is able to create such viz with pure data's GEM. i first discovered him through his music that i also really enjoy (he released an album on a0n0's label, Tokinogake :
mcc mastodon (AP)
@Lime oh wow this was not what i was expecting!
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "DRAGONKING", CLOUDNET

I feel like I need to be messing with some receptors to properly enjoy this
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Konlied Mx", Autechre

A mysterious Autechre b-side, from a Warp collection named "Routine" from 2001. A gummy, understated groove. It makes me think of empty subway stations. The tint of fluorescent lighting. A busy signal for the universe. Sounds at the other end of the platform, the feeling your eyes are closed when they're open, a temporary moment that stretches on endlessly. A hiss
t s r o n o mastodon (AP)
one of my faves of their b-sides. so simple and lovely but still Ae
juv3nal hometown (AP)
interesting, dates from the same year as confield but either has the stuff I found missing in confield or doesn't have the stuff I didn't like in confield.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@juv3nal I've seen speculation that this is a somewhat older track and this is why it's on a b-side compilation.
Dan Piponi mastodon (AP)
Thanks for that. I didn't know about it. One of those rare Autechre tracks I could probably play in the presence people.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@dpiponi Have u heard their rock track

What I'm listening to today: "Coda Maestoso in F♭ Minor", Earth (Autechre Remix)

For a while Autechre did a series of absolutely brain-breaking, material-shredding remixes of indie rock bands (Lamb, Stereolab, Tortoise). And then when they decided to remix Earth, *already* bizarre and otherwordly, they… mastered it as pop. They made the song *less* weird. It sounds like Soundgarden now.

As if… whelp, gone as far as we can in that direction! Gotta stop and turn around??

Dan Piponi mastodon (AP)
Got to 3:49 and stopped. I listen to Autechre so I don't have to hear all those bluesy/folksy/country based rock tropes. Now I'm confused 😀
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Over", Analogue Seaotter

Recorded in a bedroom with a pile of guitar pedals and some unseen keyboard, this is an enigmatic 5-minute ambient noise piece. Feedback corridors and underwater organs. 30 views on YouTube. Placed the jumper cables directly on the artery. Arranged more like a space than a piece of music, lots of little corners where you can comfortably curl up in a single sound and enjoy a bit of sleep paralysis.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Open Circuit", Assunta Alegiani and Pedro Ferreira

L.E.P. is a very small scale creator of "opinionated" electronic instruments from Italy. Here they have invited two musicians to come make music with some of their devices. Two minutes of strange, satisfying drone. Chiptune bagpipes in distant fog. Starts suddenly and cuts off suddenly; I think they must have made a longer recording, and then cut out the two minutes that felt like a "song".
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Tratto II", Bernd Alois Zimmermann

Zimmerman was a mid-1900s German composer whose career seems too large to get a handle on without a visit to the reference library, but the running theme seems to be soaking up like a sponge everything happening in midcentury music from New Music to atonality to jazz. From 1969, here he drops a serene 12-minute "electroacoutic" piece, single notes held for minutes at a time, wallowing in a nameless emotion
mcc mastodon (AP)
@filenine I could try to explain but I think the best way would be to let Mr. Cage explain it to you himself
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Buchla Music Easel and Tape Loop Feedback Patch", Elabor

Gorgeous, dark throbbing tones and feedback moans. A short walk through a concrete tunnel lit only by the daylight at the end. Somehow the Buchla here is being augmented with tape loops made with guitar and a Lyra-8 but the sounds can't really be discerned, it's all just one single Thing
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mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "hissquiet live at the hive somerville ma"

Finally, some real friggin noise. The musician's got a granular sampler, it's got an audio clip inside that it scrubs back and forth, and they're controlling it by waving their hand in the air, playing an infared sensor as an instrument. The result defies description, waves of metal wasp grinding and filter howls, a wildly different texture every minute. Video feels like something recorded covertly
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Concentric | Tapeloop & Eurorack Dark Ambient", MJ:Mu

An 18-minute, highly structured sound journey accompanied by ocean waves and some very good nail polish. The musician starts a loop of tape-saturated pads then improvises with two abstract instruments embedded in their modular suitcase, the first a sort of shimmery dub organ, they other (they mounted an Elmyra in a eurorack! I've never seen that) a sort of 90s-style saw-wave violin drone
slowtiger mastodon (AP)
Really nice!
mcc mastodon (AP)
@slowtiger Yeah! (Also if you feel so consider maybe leaving a YouTube comment as the YT account is the musician's.)
slowtiger mastodon (AP)
I must correct myself: it's not just "nice", it's really great.
(And reminds me of that old Touch tape "Waterglass" 1984)
slowtiger mastodon (AP)
Also I should thank you for all those music tips, I really listen to all of them.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@slowtiger 😀 I am glad thank you
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Strega Agitation | Part I", Bottle Makes Music

Five minute solo on the "what if we made the entire synthesizer out of reverb" synth Alessandro Cortini co-designed with Make Noise. Quiet but with an incredible richness and complexity to the sound if you can bring yourself to focus on the structure below the hiss, faraway echoes of unknowable machinery, the corridor to a hangar for planes powered by ghosts
Nicole mastodon (AP)
I just don't understand quite why you want to agitate me, I'm already quite agitated...
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "The Culprit", Zü and Nobukazu Takemura

N.T. is a glitch musician I really like from the early 00s; this is from a 2007 collaboration with a jazz/metal¹ group from Italy. Here a noise that kind of sounds like someone opened up a non-audio file² in Audacity Import->Raw Data plays counterpart to drums and bass produced like metal but fit to free jazz patterns. If you like Sacto postrock listen to this

¹ God, genres are so fake.
² Like, a .exe
mcc mastodon (AP)
@pestojaguar he was only making stuff for a little window there it seems like, but he's really good… have u ever heard his remix of roni size "brown paper bag"
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Restless", The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination

I had this one on vinyl and listened to it a ton then had some period in the 10s I couldn't find it anymore, because I'd got it in my head it was The Cinematic Orchestra and kept going through the Cinematic Orchestra discography going "no, that's not it…". Anyway. Ninja Tune jazz with huge vibes. Humphrey Bogart is walking through a city with giant Cabinet of Caligari architecture angles
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Plain Song", Sidewinder

I think about: Jazz as it developed grew to abhor repetition. First reorienting itself on solos, then spiraling out into free-jazz anarchy. But then there was that circa-2000 electronica movement that got really into jazz, and *they'd* sample the most interesting six seconds of a jazz improvisation and hyperfocus on it, reintroduce repetition.

Here's that second thing, a funky groove from 2000 AD exactly. Good piano
socks mastodon (AP)
I know people have spilled oceans of ink over what's part of the jazz tradition or not, but if this counts then I love the fractal nature of it all - someone plays a cool lick over a vamp, it gets sampled and turned into its own backing track, which someone else builds a tune over, over and over
mcc mastodon (AP)
@socks TFW the things you're sampling from the 1970s are themselves interpolations of things from the 1930s
MolluskGoneBad mastodon (AP)
So it is not a ton like this, but as I was thiking about the offshoot of free jazz that's REALLY into repetition and some of your other music posts, I wonder if you've checked out Craig Taborn. A lot younger than the folks I was thinking of, I think you might like his approach. Output varies considerably, but check out like his "Junk Magic" group, the "Light Made Lighter" trio or his solo work to see if any of it appeals
mcc mastodon (AP)
@MolluskGoneBad not familiar but immediately curious based on this description!
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Doom-Mantia", wizardinblack123

Today I was going to link you this song from Electric Wizard's 1997 doom-metal opus "Come My Fanatics…", but looking for a copy on YouTube I accidentally instead found this cover recorded in 2013 by literally three guys in a garage, and I was *so* overcome by the "three guys in a garage" energy intensity that now I'm linking you this version instead. God these tones are so grubby. It's incredible
ase mastodon (AP)
yup this is great
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ely mastodon (AP)
nice, especially that it lasts 7+ minutes.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@ely Yeah if anything it kinda picks up around minute five LOL
ely mastodon (AP)
And the total NON communication between the band members. Not a single glimpse, totally submerged
JP mastodon (AP)
there are definitely metal subgenres where recording in an aluminum walled storage unit is a huge bonus, acoustically
Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D. mastodon (AP)
Wow, yeah these guys may have no gear and a phone for recording but they are ON IT in all the ways that count. Reminds me of old stuff, early sabbath or AC/DC, they didn't have any more skill and recording studios weren't so polished. Thanks for sharing that.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@acsawdey I really like how when you record metal in this way all the instruments kinda merge together into one undifferentiated Sound… there's an early Emperor album that was supposedly recorded literally in the woods with a 4-track and that's what I think about
Aaron Sawdey, Ph.D. mastodon (AP)
Yeah. Only works if the players are in sync. And they are, there was a chord change thing they did about 2/3 the way through .. no signals, just guitar and bass jumping a couple steps.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Dimension 4", Virtua Point Zero

Often when I link tracker tunes I have to kind of do detective work. This YouTube video is labeled:

"A micro (63kb) DnB track which appeared on an ASCII art / music disk by Hoffman."

When was this recorded? Who is Hoffman? It sounds like a hype late-2010s progressive club banger. The artist has a SoundCloud, where this was posted… two weeks ago, but maybe it's a repost from the 90s. The world is a mystery.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@d6 okay so it IS this year. thx
mcc mastodon (AP)
@d6 the artist says they've been doing amiga stuff since the early 90s so i really could believe the soundcloud thing was a very old repost lol
mcc mastodon (AP)
@gsuberland @h0ffman apparently the reason my google search failed before is i am not l33t enough
chirospasm mastodon (AP)
I love a good tracker tune. If I'd loaded this up when I was a kid, it would have me in a daze for hours, PC speaker to the max. Already played this'un at least 5 times in my car.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "You Made Me Realise", My Bloody Valentine

MBV is best known for "Loveless", where they re-imagined indie rock with so much filtering it sounds like it was recorded by aliens, but then there's this one transitional-fossil track with max production but legible pop vocals. It's so so Much. Bright, airy lyrics with super dark lyrics, cutup VHS-core video. In live versions, the guitar breakdown in the middle reportedly lasts like, half an hour.
Ryan Randall hometown (AP)
For anyone who digs that sort of "transitional" noise pop from them, I'd highly recommend checking out the whole "You Made Me Realise" ep! Those are probably my fave tunes from them.

The "Feed Me With Your Kiss" ep is similar, too. Both so good, and I wish they were as well-known as "Loveless" became.
tef mastodon (AP)
can confirm the live breakdown lasts a good 20-30 minutes and although many people leave, plenty stick around and i remember seeing at least one person in a corner huddling, covering their ears
mcc mastodon (AP)
@tef i have also heard people went in with measuring equipment and verified MBV concerts are literally so loud as to be medically dangerous
tef mastodon (AP)
they handed out earplugs at the london gig, i swapped mine out for heavier duty ones at the breakdown
tef mastodon (AP)
i went there with a sound engineer pal

he pointed at one of the stacks "that's enough for this gig"

then at the stack behind it "that too."

then at the other side "those two speakers too."

yeah we both wore earplugs
James Cat mastodon (AP)
@tef they played primavera festival in Barcelona the same time slot as Blur and the Blur fans complained about MBV drowning Blur out
The guitar breakdown was called “the holocaust” by the band, and it’s a living, pulsating beast that swallows you up whole. Only Atari Teenage Riot was as loud live, but nowhere near as voluminous.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Pink Turns to Grey", Slow Attack Ensemble

I don't know much about this group but one thing I'll say: They really do have slow attack. Here's eight minutes of layered guitar, waves of butterflies, flitting invisible beautiful but a bit too much, feels nice but the niceness feels like anxiety, worrying, a thing that's too nice, is this what "manic" means? a typhoon of butterflies gentle breeze like a winter gale too much too much too much too
Owen Nelson mastodon (AP)
I recently picked up Music for Turntable, Guitars and Sampled Instruments and have been loving it. 90 seconds for Celeste is a favorite, as is Early Dawning.
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mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "glitch/techno/something patch in pure data", Artiom Constantinov

A PD patch that just sorta tries a lot of different things. Low-resolution dubstep / something metal in the washing machine / saw wave overflow / rabbits-foot kick / acid on acid / Miku Hatsune again? / gabber benediction. Unlike previous Constantinov pieces I've linked he doesn't expose the full PD flowchart in the video but instead gives us sort of a cool hacker console
ferunando mastodon (AP)
i could swear that there's vocal samples in there. that's not really a thing with PD, is it? i can't remember it being a thing... awesome anyway 💜🐱
mcc mastodon (AP)
"Formant synthesis". It's easy, it's well understood, people have been using it for voice synthesis since the 1930s, it's used in Vocaloid which is why I mentioned Miku, I don't know how to get it in PD but if all else fails there are VSTs for it
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ferunando mastodon (AP)
thanks! so much to learn ☺️
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "OUTERWRLD", CLOUDNET

SlXXgX XuX genXXe XXmaXa XX7 XoXXX XXXolX yoX XXke X blXnXXt XaXe of VHS XXaXkiXg XXrXXX. X XX XXaXoXXXlX ceXtain tXe XXdXXtinXt iXageX XcXompXXXiXg XXis tXXXk aXX hXcXXd cXXXrX XXXiXiXns XX the XXXXX BXrX is BoXX" map XrXX SXXeX MarXX SuXsXXnX. XnXs XiXX iX'X segXeXXg XX XXmXXhing yXu reXoXXiXe XXt tXen nXX XoXhXngX it'X goXX
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Where do I start?", zabutom

This is a DOS FastTracker II tune from 2004 designed to push the boundaries of what is possible in tracker music. It succeeds hard, both in its chill lo-fi opening and the "impossible" middle segment (spoilers: what you are hearing is the FastTracker II executable itself, reinterpreted as PCM).

The video is posted by the original artist and contains some live commentary scribbled in the right side text field.
nicod_ mastodon (AP)
Wow ! Thanks, I never heard this one, it's amazing and the video is really interesting.
FT2 was my very first sequencer at the end of the 90's, I even produced a remix for friends, a band that played pop songs 😀
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "full moon 20240918", Veltenhill

This one the focus is more the video than the music, but what a video! Pure abstraction, JPEG macroblocks the size of planets, no content, no structure, nothing for your brain to grip on. Stare directly into the laser. To me the function of art is to construct qualia that we cannot experience in ordinary life and cannot express the character of through any method other than to re-experience the artwork itself
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: Autechre Live at Oscillate (Birmingham 1993)

According to interviews this was the first "proper" Autechre live set; they didn't initially believe their style could work live until the Oscillate operator talked them into it. One month before Warp published "Inculabula", this set is *incredible*, a bridge from Lego Feet, dance percussion over dreamy vibes, closing at 25:20 with an alluring, gentle funk track that's one of my favorite Autechres
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Iambic 5 Poetry", Squarepusher

At this exact moment, I would like you to hear something beautiful.
Steve Canon mastodon (AP)
always boost squarepusher
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "16521235326544312165352", 121534312

Hello, is this thing on? Dialtone for a disconnected universe. Howls and hums, breath on the microphone, heartbeat signal for a deep space probe, elevator music ambient for the descent into a black hole. A thought that flees from you just as it's starting to make sense.

Video accompaniment is the kind of greebly feedback art I love and YouTube compression hates.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Gaze", Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in the Dilapidation

I saw this grindcore band in Tokyo last month. Fucking amazing. All-female group, except for "Shinji", the lead guitarist from Disgunder. The concert had nine bands on the bill and, I found out after arriving, was being held for Shinji's birthday. The venue was so small, and there were so many bands, the performers were most of the audience. I accidentally crashed a grindcore birthday party
girlbandgeek mastodon (AP)
I just checked out a video of a live performance by the band in 2018. Totally bonkers 🤯 The audience was all jumping up on the stage while the band shredded. Good times 🙂
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Alkebulan", Ras_G & The Afrikan Space Program

Messy jazz soup set to afropunk video samples. Drums like a bag of empty cans hanging off a back porch. Blown in the wind, falling to the ground. There is a vision of something here, something forbidden to me, Sun Ra, "the 1980s". The last UFO off this planet may or may not have already left and I don't know if this is a vision of the future or the past. Good kick drum sounds tho
farhaven 🇪🇺 mastodon (AP)
The drums stumbling over themselves reminds me of a fiew songs on Campfire Headphase by Boards of Canada.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Elevator Music", Medasin

Fast beats and jazz piano. This drum pattern is "drum & bass" plus one step of refinement. When D&B landed, those of us who listened to but did not make electronic music believed a door had opened and an infinite descent of new and unique drumbeats was to come. No, D&B was just one new drum beat. Less diversity than Jungle. But the infinite revolution was already here, jazz was just always doing this if we'd listen
I both agree contest the point. There are 3 beats in D&B: 2-step, the "3-step" and Amen break.

(3-step being b.s. term i just made up fro stuff like Skewar by Cause 4 Concern:
mcc mastodon (AP)
@vitriolix ok i agree that what you're calling the 3 step is definitely a d&b beat tho

(one time my friend chris drew on a whiteboard what he called the "chris willmore unified theory of dubstep" and i wish i had a photo of that whiteboard)
I could fill a whiteboard with a discussion about the throughline from jungle to dnb to dubstep to brostep. So glad when I find dubstep producers sticking to the more minimal roots of the style as a sort of downbeat chillout dnb
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "What The Fuck Are You Doing This Side?", Khodumodumo

"The name of Khodumodumo is an archaic Sesotho term, most likely meaning 'great noise',—"

"The khodumodumo was a cryptid reported from South Africa in around the 1930's. With a name said to mean 'gaping-mouthed bush monster'—"

Music by a impressionist painter. Shoving your face in shuddering drums & South African history. Like breathing mud. He wants you to know it is like breathing mud
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Breaths", Mount Eerie

This is The Microphones, if that means anything to you. Loud shuddering blasts, everything is so loud, nothing is happening but it is so loud, the microphone is much too close, the drums are clipping, the master tapes have been deep fried. He is whispering but you may or may not hear him over the silence. The silence is so loud. This album has 26 tracks but none of them sound like this one
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Immersion Crystals", Indricothere

So this is an *hour and a half* single song. Not like, an album, the album it's from is 15 hours and 16 minutes long. Somebody sat down and played on a single synthesizer for an hour and a half and it's got like, a coherent internal structure like an 8 minute song stretched out. I didn't think I'd be able to listen to the whole thing but it went down real easy. Dark and determined. Slow-chords space ambient
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today:
"Subtle Anticipation", James Frederickson
"Curious Substance", James Frederickson

Crunchy, satisfying dub techno. Cover photo conveys what you'll hear here better than anything I could say. I recommend letting the first two tracks run; the first is more energetic, the second more chill.

This could have been recorded in the year 2000, but was not. We missed a dub album, as a species. Someone had to go back this year and record it.
Derek Carroll mastodon (AP)
this is very good working music.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Shipwrecks", The Drowning World

This is a new band that caught my eye because it features Jasper Byrne aka Sonic, who I know from his indie game work. They've got this very specific and unique style that seems to be chunks of Everything But the Girl from the 90s, Peter Gabriel from the 80s and like, I dunno, basically Mogwai from the 00s all crammed together, and it *works*. Here's a 20-minute mood journey. Fresh and clear and high-energy
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Elektron Digitone IDM 7 新発田市加治川", Masaaki Haga

Here a man stands slightly off-camera in the rain playing a small black rectangle. (The title translates to "Kajikawa, Shibata City".) The Digitone packs a powerful punch both as a groovebox and as an FM synthesis device, and Mr. Masaaki gives us a feast of alien glowing metal sounds and slow beats. The first time I listened to this, when the kicks came in I actually said "oh!" out loud.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Ah!", Oval

Oval spent two decades cultivating this very particular scratchy glitch style so this crisp clean 2010 track was a surprise, chaotic staccato string plucks and like, drums, acoustic jazzy drums. The (incredible) video is a weird, fuzzy dream about an all-bones/no-bones dancer doing ballet on a floor covered in sand, incidentally drawing cryptic sigils with each sweep of the toe. Anyway watch this if you're pansexual
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mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Ecstatic Erratic Encounters", N. Excelsia

@excelsia is a black metal guitarist who's gone by a few different names (if you remember my Bandcamp recommendations list, she's on it as "Charlene Maximum"). She's recently picked up drums and is playing them in a band named Vitality Ritual, but on the border she dropped this altered-state-inducing album of drum-only improvisations. Wall of sound noise ritual / very loud ambient
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mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "finish y0 self", Kist Killa

Hip-hop noise blast. Like a surreal zoomer meme, or an abrasive joke, but then you let it run a bit and hey yeah this works, as music. The vibe works. When you're dreaming you don't question what's happening to you. I have no idea what this is sampling, I thought the strings were Silent Hill, it sounds like it *could* be, but I checked and no the Silent Hill 1 soundtrack is CD audio and sounds very professional
archiloque mastodon (AP)
i have a suggestion: what would you think about adding a hashtag to your « what I’m listening to today » posts? It would be easier to find them when people want to listen to a bunch of your suggestion (it’s me, I’m people). I understand if you don’t want to be bothered by doing this
mcc mastodon (AP)
@archiloque I have thought about it but i feel like hashtags don't work good on mastodon and they also take characters away from my summaries.

BTW i do have searching on so you can technically search "from:mcc listening chiptune" or whatever (assuming there are no days I mess up and accidentally type "what I listened to today"… sometimes I do this to find old listening posts myself.
archiloque mastodon (AP)
ah thanks, I will try it
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "dead street . 1:54 am", Xavier Dang

ImpulseTracker tune from the year 2000. Self-explanatory from title. Good upright-bass sounds. Trip-hop for MS-DOS
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Yes, I see!", Andreas Rohdin

FastTracker .xm file from the year 2002. Good chiptune sounds (tho I'm pretty sure the chiptune waveforms are just sampled). Nice and busy, it has 16 channels & they're *all* in use! Bright 90s vibes, kinda… triumphant? I'm trying to figure out what experience produces this song's particular qualia. "Being 15 and originally learning to use Linux" is the memory that my brain is producing. Sorry, I might be a nerd
Farbs mastodon (AP)

I could be talking out my butt here, but I think what I love about tracker music is you couldn't chuck an LFO or envelope sweep on anything, so the only way to create movement was through composition, which results in tracks that pack in a lot of ideas.
mcc reshared this.
Farbs mastodon (AP)
The pattern structure might have some influence here too. Every time you start a new pattern, that'd suggest it's time to do something new.
PeterB mastodon (AP)
the memories! As far as I remember, Fast Tracker 2 was completely sample based. No synths. I should try to find my own tracks. I think I still have them somewhere, but it's been almost 30 years...
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "random noise 131 --noisevember 29-- Kastle ARP, NTS-3", glenn clyatt

Slow fade in what sounds like a guitar solo, an interstitial on an MBV record or something, but coming out of two little bits of handheld electronic gear. Gradually dissolves into noise, then the glinty shine of moonlight beneath the ocean, drowned out by the booming sounds of mermaid construction equipment. You know there's a second moon at the bottom of the ocean, right?
Limnetic Villains mastodon (AP)
Goes a bit crystal castles at 1.30 just add some glitchy industrial drums and stop starts.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@limneticvillains I think glenn cyatt would be definitely equipped to add some glitchy industrial drums, i don't know if he ever revisits his "random noises" but if he did that would be a good approach
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Microtonal Guitar/Modular Synth/Vhikk X/Chase Bliss Mood mk2, Habit, Blooper", Steve Flato

A 24-minute abstract guitar solo. A mysteriously lit man is playing guitar into a chain of transforming/resynthesizing electronics which turn his performance into an orchestra of strange cross-interacting sounds. Cyborg chainsaw-arm math rock. Into this he feeds a subtle, varying composition with a particularly strong start and finish.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@lerxst i do not BEGIN to understand what is happening with the tuning in this one lol
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "danaus plexxipus", Beek

Due to historical distribution methods, the "tracker sound" is bound up with low-fidelity samples. When a tracker song uses high-rate samples, it sounds like a magic trick.

This 2019 funk cruise produces fun cognitive dissonance by mixing CD-quality soul drums (the file is 2.4 MB for a 1 minute song!) with pure chiptune on every other instrument. You just don't expect those sounds together. Nice track too, if short.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Our planet the voice", Croaker

This 1997 tracker jam by Croaker (who, as you'll remember if you've been reading this thread the entire three years, later designed the video game "Angry Birds"?) is a buffet of jangling vibes, cheesy 90s PC synths moshing against hype, progressive electronica beats. Flavors of acid, Jungle, glitch, house flit in and out. Anyone who had this on their PC in 1997 probably felt like the coolest kid in high school
no fucking way angry BIRDS?!

people take some turns in life for sure huh
David Monniaux mastodon (AP)
@cwebber did you know that the creator of Inspector Gadget is now involved in cryptocurrencies?
mcc mastodon (AP)

* Rovio
* "The Demoscene"

Both Finnish!
@MonniauxD duh duh duh duh nuh duh duh... HOO HOO
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to: "Withering", punipunidenki

Hyper cool, laid-back jazz lounge, with just enough production sparkle on it to make it feel like it's in the "electronica" rack at the record store. The hop trips. I found this artist through a wildly different collaboration they did with Moe Shop (see upthread and/or search "from:mcc listening"); most of their solo discography is in this sorta chill jazz register. Here, I promise only three minutes of immaculate vibes.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
astro :AuNB: mastodon (AP)
i absolutely love the thumbnail art omg
mcc mastodon (AP)
@1ts0nly4stro Yeah it's real good
tsc67 mastodon (AP)
loving this
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "white king", no9

This one's a party trick, an oscilloscope art / tracker music crossover. Watch the video: The composer loads samples whose PCM values draw little pictures when displayed in the instrument waveform viewer of Amiga ProTracker. Drawings of spaceships and letters spelling out A M I G A and such, they keep pulling out new ideas until the video ends. Anyway the focus here is on the gimmick but the song itself actually is a bop.
accountless mastodon (AP)
the image looks like braille 👀
mcc mastodon (AP)
@alexanderchopan They can only place one pixel per column, so the only way to draw multiple "lines" is to interlace…
Ah, good old QUADRASCOPE.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "world.execute(me);", Mili

Mili is a gloriously unique band whose thing seems to be every one of their songs is a self-contained speculative fiction story. I linked them before in this thread but all I could think at the time was I could do a whole week of nothing but Mili. So

This is a song with a very important message: Do not try to save a failing relationship by simulating a universe and eternally trapping your simulated avatars inside.
Katie mastodon (AP)
Thank you for reminding me of this song!
Man aging with style mastodon (AP)
You sent me down a fascinating and enjoyable rathole. Thank you, Andi!
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Gertrauda", Mili

Cassie Wei/momocashew (Mili's localist/vocalist) sings fluently in all of Mandarin, English, Japanese, occasional French, and a fifth language, which she appears to have invented herself, and which the fanbase calls "Miliese" (sometimes "Milinese" or "Milish"), in which this song is sung.

Interestingly Miliese doesn't seem to draw much from any of momocashew's native languages, and seems to be most closely based on Latin.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Meatball Submarine", Mili

Like "world.execute(me);" this is from Miracle Milk, my favorite Mili album. For a long time to me this was just the pretty piano piece in the middle of the album. Then I finally listened to the lyrics.

This song turns out to tell the deeply surreal story of the captain of a submarine sandwich, and it is strangely heart-tugging. At one point it attempts to convey the qualia of being eaten alive by sharks
demize mastodon (AP)
it’s so good
mcc mastodon (AP)
@demize just cheer for me please just cheer for me please
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "In Hell We Live, Lament (Let's Lament)", Mili featuring KIHOW

Mili does a *lot* of game and anime soundtracks (I originally learned about them through the end theme to Gleipnir). This song is from "Limbus Company", an RPG which seems to have a straightforward organized-crime plot except the closer you look the more signs you see it might be set in Hell? This is an alternate version from the OST, it's stripped down but actually goes harder
Nazo mastodon (AP)
For some time I've been trying to figure out if KIHOW has any history in Bemani. I'd swear I know that voice from long before Myth & Roid.

But I guess not? Nothing on Wikipedia/etc would seem to imply this at all.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@nazokiyoubinbou I think there are certain areas of music where this stuff just literally never gets documented.

There are two vocalists in 1990s british techno music I am CONVINCED are the same person, but nobody bothers writing these particular bands up in wikis.
Nazo mastodon (AP)

For example, I am dead-set convinced that KAF and RIM are the same person. But of course there is no proof of this.

(I mean, come on, RIM was initially announced on KAF's channel even -- though I think that announcement video has since been removed. Same basic voice, same inflections, etc etc. It has to be! But not a single indication on any wiki or anything, lol.)

Bemani is probably a worst case because I think it's sort of half indie where they basically just let these people do a lot of whatever they wanted behind closed doors, but it's all owned by * shivers * Konami, so they just don't talk much about it.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@nazokiyoubinbou Yeah if you're doing work for hire you might actually have contractual bars on talking about it in certain ways?
Nazo mastodon (AP)
Possibly? I think it's likely they don't limit that too much. I think Nekomata has done a lot outside of Bemani for example. But at the same time it's also kind of a thing where it's just not something that would come up a lot outside of maybe an unrecorded interview or something. Like a lot of those Pop'n Music and etc games were in a lot of arcades in Japan of course, but they're sort of not that big to those who don't know them I think? Or maybe I just misjudge. (After all, I know very little about actual arcades, much less in other countries.)
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "A Turtle's Heart", Mili

A rare non-narrative (less-narrative?) Mili track, this is a bouncy, fun song with harrowing lyrics. This song succinctly summarizes depression¹ through the metaphor of your heart being a tiny, angry turtle, irritably walking in little circles around the terrarium of your ribcage. Turtles live a very long time.

¹ Possibly unrequited love. Every Mili song is a love song, even the ones about being a robot or whatever
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "world.execute(me);" (Key Ingredient ver.), Mili

"Key Ingredient" is a Mili album where they cover a baker's dozen of their own songs as vocals and piano only. (It's also got a good version of Turtle's Heart.) There is a video on YouTube where momocashew sings (lipsynchs to?) the entire album start to finish while petting a cat.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Salt, Pepper, Birds, and the Thought Police", Mili

There's something a bit theater-kid about Mili. This is the one Mili track where they just go straight-up musical theater, not my favorite genre, but I love this because they they commit to it so *hard*, gone all-in on chipper darkness. A bonus track on the Library of Ruina OST, this is probably Mili's best piece of self-contained sci-fi writing and it is more than a little bit queer.
thebestnom mastodon (AP)
I always took it very jazz like (which is very different from normal Mili), never thought of it as musical 😅
Clifton Royston mastodon (AP)
> A bonus track on the Library of Ruina OST...

Oh! Did they write the other music for Library of Ruina?

So much of that was just fantastic, especially the special songs for specific major fights. I had been trying to think why the name Mili sounded vaguely familiar, but I wasn't placing it.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@CliftonR They didn't write the entire soundtrack but they wrote a lot of it. Like seven songs including the main theme, not counting the thought police song?
Clifton Royston mastodon (AP)
Thx, definitely will look into more of their stuff.

I love that game even though I've been stalled out on it for a while, partway through it.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@CliftonR (Not sure if this is clear at this moment but every song in my listening thread this week has been Mili! They also have done quite a few OSTs. If the thread is not a convenient way to ingest song recs, my rec list also got posted on Cohost once for however long that URL still works…

In my opinion, their best album is Miracle Milk (which itself contains multiple songs from OSTs])
Clifton Royston mastodon (AP)
Sounds like you are already aware that Limbus Company is set in the same universe as Library of Ruina and Lobotomy Corporation before that.

My opinion on it is that I *think* it's not supposed to be Hell literally, in the theological sense, rather that everything we see of their world suggests it is as close to hell as humans could manage to turn this planet into. (The chefs of District 23, for one example.)

IMO it describes the ongoing project of advanced capitalism, pretty much.
mcc mastodon (AP)
@CliftonR I knew about Ruina/Lobotomy but not that Limbus was story connected!
Clifton Royston mastodon (AP)
My understanding (though I haven't played it!) is that Limbus is supposed to be about teams exploring the further wreckage of L Corporation, after the events of the first two games.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Stray Cat Lullaby", Soaring Tortoise Orchestra

This guy's got a basement full of broken-down musical instruments, some homemade. He posts near-daily dispatches but this is the strangest and must beautiful thing I've yet heard out of him, doing some live music production on two old pianos, a looped tape on a reel-to-reel and a naked Leslie speaker. A series of short fluffy dreams interrupted by God having to stop the tape to adjust something
mcc reshared this.
jandi mastodon (AP)
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Coward of the Year", The Controls

I don't know much about this band! There used to be this CD-ROM magazine in the 90s, I think it was called "Launch", like a proto-PDF on a CD, and it always included 1 song playable in an audio CD Player. This track was in one issue and I've remained obsessed for decades. "Trip-hop" (we knew what this meant in the 90s) with a gleefully high noise level, all banging on cookie sheets and scratching like mad
sloot mastodon (AP)
Great track. FYI that whole album is on Deezer, so likely other streaming services too.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "My best live patch sound to date", polymodular

I woke up this morning wanting to listen to something loud. Pounding on the door. Music as a means of externalizing a mindstate. This track drops industrial drums in a few different patterns atop shimmer pads, gets in, makes its point, gets out. Efficient and courteous beat delivery
mcc reshared this.
Man aging with style mastodon (AP)
Really like this one, Andi!
mcc mastodon (AP)
if u like this one perhaps also check out

What I'm listening to today: "Cwejman, Trogotronic, Make Noise - 1st patch in the Needham Woodworks case with Eskatonic power", James Plotkin

An *incredibly* dirty modular synth jam with fast, borderline-IDM beats. Often modular synth music tends to single repeating measures in a way that doesn't lend itself to drum sounds, but this rack's so large it's able to support multiple complex parts and lots of different things going on. What do you call this? Dance industrial?

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
Man aging with style mastodon (AP)
I'll have a listen later tonight!
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "The Light", Roopen

There was this moment in electronic music I think of as "Warp Artificial Intelligence" when the tech had jumped forward and the people were scrambling to figure out what the possibilities meant. Everything seemed new and fresh and surprising. That music *still* feels surprising if you go back and listen to it. This SoundCloud musician decided to make some 1992 Warp music in 2024 and it rules. Check out that POV-Ray cover
mcc reshared this.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Superstar pt.2", Bugseed

Weird, funky little hip-hop track released last month directly into the streaming ecosystem bloodstream. I like the piano syncopation.

This was a Tidal rec and I didn't know the artist. What I've since figured is "Cheeba Cheeba Records" in Brighton releases a new eclectic compilation of off-kilter underground hip hop every couple of months, and Bugseed is a frequent flyer. I guess I have a new Bandcamp to trawl!
mcc reshared this.
Motor Sprite mastodon (AP)
Bugseed’s great, I recommend his album Bohemian Beatnik as a first stop. My go-to headphones at work album in the ‘10s.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Heavy and Earthbound", Rich Ruth

Dark, growling jazz. There's a lot going on in this one, it keeps surprising me! Freaky, energetic drums, a touch of sympathetic sitar, and at the center an irritable saxophone continuously escalating like someone in another room is having an argument and the longer it goes on without them being able to bring it to a close the louder and louder they start to raise their voice
mcc reshared this.
mcc mastodon (AP)
What I'm listening to today: "Orval Shurf", Tub Singer

With this thread I alternate showing you music I think you'll like; trying to expand the boundaries of what you *could* like; and posting stuff I just really like.

This one's for me. A soup of buzzy noises blast in random directions until you start disassociating, and then through the water surface of your consciousness crisp clear guitar shines through. Lovely. Like a guided meditation. *No* idea what you'll think

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