Joyce Donahue diaspora

Ye for President? OY!
Nora Qudus diaspora
my impulse is to laugh, as what I did with trump in 2016....not now
Bob Lai diaspora
We shouldn't need to require psychiatric examinations / knowledge tests of candidates, but we're quickly reaching that point. We need leadership that can pass exams in American History, Science, and Civics - things we used to require from high school students.
Adam Hunt diaspora
Yeah, please Americans, no more batshit crazy candidates.
Sam Smith diaspora
May I be excused? I don't want to live here anymore.
I prefer places that aren't in the news all the time for horrific things.
It's just the sort of thing that Keith Olbermann would have featured on his Oddball segment. Used to watch that all the time because Oklahoma usually made the Oddball headline.
Adam Hunt diaspora
You would hope that West running would actually split some of the right wing vote and elect a democrat but not much sign that happened last time.
On July 4, Jack Dolan of the Los Angeles Times speculated that West's presidential campaign "might be part of an effort to draw Black supporters away from Joe Biden to help Trump."[113] However, Andrew Solender of Forbes wrote that available polling data suggested that, if anything, West's run would likely hurt Trump rather than Biden.

[114]On July 7, West stated that he was okay with splitting off black voters from the Democratic Party.[4] Trump stated on July 11 that it "shouldn't be hard" for West to siphon black voters from Biden.[115] In his South Carolina rally, West stated that "the most racist thing that's ever been said out loud" was the idea that he would split black voters.[116] On August 6, when asked if he intended to damage Biden's campaign, he stated, "I'm not denying it."

[117]Several publications, including Politico, The Guardian, and Forbes, questioned whether West's campaign was a legitimate effort or a publicity stunt.[118][119][120] West disputed allegations that his campaign was promotion for his music in July 2020.[4]
^^ The problem with this thesis is that voters are presumed to be a fixed pie to which only two parties are entitled to pieces if voting is an entitlement program where each party is entitled to divide up the pie and entitled to votes they never earned. It's why voters sit out elections and subsequently get ignored by the two entitled to the pie.

Each party gets votes that they earned, none of which they're entitled to. Other candidates have earned the votes they got, so covet not other candidates' goods--they were never yours in the first place.

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