#usa #wildfires
- The sky in Salt Lake City is 'Wildfire Smoke White' with some grey streaks. My eyes are burning.
News: Thus far, 637 wildfires in Utah, 448 of which were caused by humans, have burned 41,106 acres in Utah during 2024.

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Muse diaspora
I hope you have some respirator masks for when you go out. I wound up in the hospital because of the smoke from the wildfires we had in Australia a few years back.
@Muse I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve ended in an Emergency Rooms with asthmatic bronchitis several times. So - I’m careful and mindful of my lungs.
Oh, yes. I never leave home without a mask - not only because of the bad air, but also because of COVID and other infectious diseases. I going to wear my great Steampunk goggles more often due to the wildfire smoke. I’m continually ‘doctoring my eyes’ with various eye care products.

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