Europe Says mastodon (AP) Polska ma położyć kres nadmiernemu deficytowi do 2028 r. #Aktualności #poland #polska
Polska ma położyć kres nadmiernemu deficytowi do 2028 r.

taz mastodon (AP)
Hedonistisches Leben im fortgeschrittenen Alter – auch dafür werden Boomer jetzt gebasht. Unsere Kolumnistin hält dagegen.!6060022

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Felháborító jelenet játszódott le az ATV stúdiójában #hír #hungary #Magyarország
Nagyító ikon

Què, com porteu la vida sense Twitter? Oi que es viu millor?
a la setmana de deixar Twitter em vaig adonar que ja no estava tant esverat ni de mal humor. La vida et millora molt sense Twitter.
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ob 15.30 prvi popravni test: zmaga nad Argentino je nujna #Argentina #Hrvaška #Novice #rokomet #slovenia #Slovenija
Ob 15.30 prvi popravni test: zmaga nad Argentino je nujna

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Warum immer mehr Rentner eine zweite Jugend erleben – News #Nachrichten #Nouvelles #schweiz #Suisse #switzerland
Warum immer mehr Rentner eine zweite Jugend erleben - News

Sverkos mastodon (AP)
SpaceX no hubiera metido ni un solo satélite en órbita sin capital público. Financiación pública, contratos públicos e instalaciones públicas. Lo de siempre, privatización de ganancias y socialización de perdidas.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Lebesgue’s AI CMO Attracts $3M Seed Investment #croatia #hrvatska #InteractiveVP #Lebesgue #vijesti
Lebesgue’s AI CMO Attracts $3M Seed Investment

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Recovery Fund absorption rate set to reach 64% #Economy #greece #HousingCrisis #Ελλάδα #νεα
Recovery Fund absorption rate set to reach 64%

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Bulgaria Urged to Purchase Lukoil Refinery to Prevent Russian Monopoly – #bulgaria #България #новини
Bulgaria: Bulgaria Urged to Purchase Lukoil Refinery to Prevent Russian Monopoly

Europe Says mastodon (AP) MedSky Airways opens new flight connection between Benghazi and Malta – Aviation.Direct #malta
MedSky Airways opens new flight connection between Benghazi and Malta – Aviation.Direct

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Over 23,000 Romanian nurses work abroad #romania #stiri
Over 23,000 Romanian nurses work abroad

Europe Says mastodon (AP) How Russia is trying to destroy Moldova and what could prevent it #Moldova
How Russia is trying to destroy Moldova and what could prevent it

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Speaker meets Ambassadors of Cyprus, Austria #cyprus #Qatar #ThePeninsula

Europe Says mastodon (AP) EP’s draft resolution on Belarus’ election dismissed as biased and absurd #belarus
EP's draft resolution on Belarus' election dismissed as biased and absurd

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Verletzte bei Angriff auf Mykolajiw ++ #Liveblog #Ukraine
Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Erneuter Drohnenangriff auf Kiew ++

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Wir sind auf den Restart des Israel-Geschäfts vorbereitet #Israel
"Wir sind auf den Restart des Israel-Geschäfts vorbereitet"

ageofcool mastodon (AP)
Habt einen schönen Tag!
# #GutenMorgen
#GoodMorning #HaveANiceDay
Blauer Himmel mit Bodennebel. Wir sehen das Rücklicht eines Fahrrads rot leuchten, das auf einem Weg fährt. Links ein kahler Baum, dessen Höhe ungefähr bis zur Mitte des Bildes reicht, rechts reichen kahle Bäume bis zum oberen Bildrand
Elsa & Balou mastodon (AP)
Irgendwann in der Nacht kam mir das Wort "Putzorgie" in den Kopf... Und Karaffen, egal wo sie stehen, sogar hinter Glas in schönen alten Schränken, wollen geputzt werden. Ich kenne das und auch den Film "Vom Winde verweht" mit Scarlets letzten Worten: "Ach, verschieben wir es auf morgen." 😉
Noch einmal: Frohes Schaffen! 🙏
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
ageofcool mastodon (AP)
@Elsa Dankeschön Elsa🙋‍♂️🥰🙋‍♂️

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Why It Is One of The Top Data Skills For 2025 #Data #DataVisualization #DataVisualizationSkills
Data Visualization: Why It Is One of the Top Data Skills for 2025

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump announces $500 billion investment for A.I. infrastructure project #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #DonaldJTrump #four #FourTech #News #people #series #SiliconValleyTech #technology
Diverse scope of work in Artificial Intelligence

Sandra Gómez mastodon (AP)
Hola! Soy Sandra y estoy dando mis primeros paseos por el #fediverso, feliz de intuir un espacio que se parece más a aquel Internet que fue y que ya no es.
Investigo sobre desigualdades sociodigitales y analizo esa brecha que es digital, pero sobre todo social. También hablo de infancia y adolescencia y de derechos digitales de estos colectivos.
Mami de 2 que me lo dan todo y a la vez me roban el sueño y las horas de lectura.
Aquí va mi #presentacion mientras observo el nuevo barrio :ablobwave:
This entry was edited (2 days ago)

Pentagon Plans for Bigger U.S. Troop Role at Border

Content warning: “Pentagon officials are planning options for using federal troops to secure the U.S.-Mexico border against drug traffickers, human smugglers and migrants, a potentially major shift in military priorities ordered by President Trump,“ the Wall Street Journa

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Pentagon Plans for Bigger U.S. Troop Role at Border

Pentagon Plans for Bigger U.S. Troop Role at Border

“Pentagon officials are planning options for using federal troops to secure the U.S.-Mexico border against drug traffickers, human smugglers and migrants, a potentially major shift in military priorities ordered by President Trump,“ the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Use of the armed forces in a domestic role is restricted by laws prohibiting troops from engaging in law enforcement functions except in narrow circumstances. But an executive order Trump signed Monday described border threats normally left to law enforcement agencies as an ‘invasion’ justifying a military response.”

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Europe Says mastodon (AP) Sweden’s Riksbank rate cut cycle nears its end as economy shows signs of life | articles #Economy
Sweden’s Riksbank rate cut cycle nears its end as economy shows signs of life | articles

Laia mastodon (AP)
Salut a totes😊
Aparezco por aqui a ver qué se cuece. Catalana, profesora de secundaria, a la carrera de no perder el hilo de la realidad de mis alumnas i gracias a ell@s estoy enganchada a los #kdramas y soy #armybts. Guitarrista des de hace un año. Transitando entre mis contradicciones des de hace demasiado. #presentacion

Jud mastodon (AP)
Vengo a mastodon a conocer visiones, gente con alegría que le guste reír, charlar, dormir...

Me encanta las series las pelis, la buena lectura y los domingos por la tarde, un buen café caliente, una buena charla y aprender cada día algo nuevo, me encanta saber qué puedo estar triste y que no pasa nada, que los días lluviosos están para relajarse tapada en la mantita mirando una serie. Y que mañana será otro día.
#vamonosjuntas #presentación

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Eagle Mountain pauses discussion on allowing nuclear reactors after public feedback #cars #classifieds #homes #jobs #local #News #nuclear #radio #SaltLake #sports #television #traffic #Utah #Weather
Eagle Mountain pauses discussion on allowing nuclear reactors after public feedback

Social Monster mastodon (AP)
Cansado de que las grandes redes sociales promocionen ideales reaccionarios y dominadas por psicopatas he decidido abrirme una cuenta aquí, estoy abierto a conocer nuevos pensamientos, debatir y aprender unos de los otros, si os interesa tan solo nos tenemos que empezar a seguir y si queréis abrir DM #presentacion #nuevacuenta #cambio

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Justin Sun Credits President Trump for Cryptocurrency Success | Flash News Detail #AI #blockchain #crypto #cryptocurrency #News
In-depth Analysis of MicroStrategy's Cryptocurrency Holdings

Europe Says mastodon (AP) ‘Appalling’: charities warn of UK government betrayal over river clean-up fund | Environment #Environment
‘Appalling’: charities warn of UK government betrayal over river clean-up fund | Environment mastodon (AP)
Snelle grafiek vanwege het onderbuikgevoel van een bepaalde columnist.
Grafiek met migratiesaldo Nederlanders. Negatief getal staat voor meer vertrekkers dan remigranten.	
2010	-13110
2011	-18475
2012	-21033
2013	-20168
2014	-20818
2015	-19187
2016	-13043
2017	-6767
2018	-1832
2019	2715
2020	10919
2021	-302
2022	-10730
2023	-9384

Lety Does the 12th Annual Shaggy Day

It's Shaggy the Dog's birthday! Kinda. Sorta. It's the anniversary of when I plucked him off the street at least. Kinda thought he'd be long dead by now, definitely since I went to college but, lo! Here we are, a decade and some change later. Come celebrate Shaggleton Thadeus Dognard's birthday with me as he eats some Himalayan cheese.

Featured in This VideoAlternate Titles
  • Lety Does Shaggy Does Eating an Oatmeal and Chicken Cake With Peanut Butter From Lety
  • Lety Does Her Best to Keep Shaggy From Leaving
  • Lety Does Not Get Too Sad When Shaggy Doesn't Play With His New Toy
  • Lety Does One Video Per Day, Day 48
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Lety Does Stuff mastodon (AP)
Hihi! Lety here, auto-commenting from my main account (which doesn't have a 🔕 icon)!

This is how my PeerTube videos look on other Fediverse platforms!

Remotely interact with this video using an account on an ActivityPub-powered platform like Mastodon Social! Just click the “Add comment...” box under any PeerTube video and enter your Fedi handle in the pop-up. That’ll direct you to the federated post for that video on whatever platform you use.

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If you already know all this or are tired of seeing this wall of text, you can hide these explanation posts by going to your account preferences and creating a new filter with the title and keyword “#LetyDoesPeerTubeExplainer” and all context boxes checked.

Thanks so much for watching! ⚡​⚡​⚡​

A ver, pues comenzando con esta #presentación comento: Me llama el arte en todas sus vertientes (cine, series, escritura, fotografía, dibujo, ilustraciones, animación, videojuegos, etc.), leo de vez en cuando (fanart, fiction and nonfiction) y adoro los musicales.
También leo manga a veces aunque sobretodo anime y cartoons (ahora mismo le doy a Initial D, Dungeon meshi, Ranma 1/2 y The Guy She Was Interested in Wasn't a Guy at All).

Admiradora del trabajo de Rebecca Sugar y de Zerocalcare.

Lety Does Playing Expeditions: Gears of Corruption (2024), Part 2

The second half of my Gears of Corruption Let's Play is here! Do I come out triumphant over the Automaszyna? Will I manage to be particularly more entertaining than my other Expeditions videos? Do I ever remember having a pillow behind me I can lean on to give my poor back a break? I'm not gonna spoil anything here in the description, but I will say that these three questions all share the same answer~~

Some Related Video(s?)Featured in This VideoAlternate Titles
  • Lety Does Fuck up the Automa's Turn Around 17:04
  • Lety Does Wonder If Anyone Will Comment Exactly What She Did Wrong
  • Lety Does Not Know If Anyone Really Reads Her Descriptions or Watches Her Entire Let's Plays
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
Lety Does Stuff mastodon (AP)
Dohdohdoh, someone pointed out that I totally played this wrong by not flipping locations and discarding map tokens when the Corrupted Mech walked over them. 😫​

So, think that's 3ish less points for the Automa who collected those tokens later? Not that that would've changed much... 👉​👈​
Lety Does Stuff mastodon (AP)
Hihi! Lety here, auto-commenting from my main account (which doesn't have a 🔕 icon)!

This is how my PeerTube videos look on other Fediverse platforms!

Remotely interact with this video using an account on an ActivityPub-powered platform like Mastodon Social! Just click the “Add comment...” box under any PeerTube video and enter your Fedi handle in the pop-up. That’ll direct you to the federated post for that video on whatever platform you use.

Or, if you’re already logged in on Mastodon or wherever you're seeing this message, just look at the post I’m responding to!

Replies and favorites on that post show up as comments and likes on PeerTube, and following the account that posted it subscribes you to my videos.

Heads up, though! While some platforms might allow you to respond with custom emojis, gifs, images, polls, and reactions, most of that fancy stuff won’t show up correctly on PeerTube. The same goes for any edits you might want to make to your response unless you delete & re-draft.

If you already know all this or are tired of seeing this wall of text, you can hide these explanation posts by going to your account preferences and creating a new filter with the title and keyword “#LetyDoesPeerTubeExplainer” and all context boxes checked.

Thanks so much for watching! ⚡​⚡​⚡​

Lety Does Reacting to “One Piece” Episode 1087: “The War on the Island of Women! A Case Involving Koby the Hero”

HALF A YEAR LATER, I've finally found the time to sit back down and get back to watching One Piece! And I'm now 31 episodes behind, which isn't great, but one does not simply rush through the greatest story ever told, especially when they've just introduced the Seraphims!

Some Related Video(s?)Featured in This VideoAlternate Titles
  • Lety Does Forget How Much of One Piece Can Be Flashbacks
  • Lety Does Suppose That's Kinda the Point With Episode 1,086 Being a Jump-on Point Though

0:00 Intro & Q&A
6:34 Reaction
9:47 Outro
Lety Does Stuff reshared this.
Lety Does Stuff mastodon (AP)
Hihi! Lety here, auto-commenting from my main account (which doesn't have a 🔕 icon)!

This is how my PeerTube videos look on other Fediverse platforms!

Remotely interact with this video using an account on an ActivityPub-powered platform like Mastodon Social! Just click the “Add comment...” box under any PeerTube video and enter your Fedi handle in the pop-up. That’ll direct you to the federated post for that video on whatever platform you use.

Or, if you’re already logged in on Mastodon or wherever you're seeing this message, just look at the post I’m responding to!

Replies and favorites on that post show up as comments and likes on PeerTube, and following the account that posted it subscribes you to my videos.

Heads up, though! While some platforms might allow you to respond with custom emojis, gifs, images, polls, and reactions, most of that fancy stuff won’t show up correctly on PeerTube. The same goes for any edits you might want to make to your response unless you delete & re-draft.

If you already know all this or are tired of seeing this wall of text, you can hide these explanation posts by going to your account preferences and creating a new filter with the title and keyword “#LetyDoesPeerTubeExplainer” and all context boxes checked.

Thanks so much for watching! ⚡​⚡​⚡​
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