Ukrainian president tells Davos that Europe must establish itself as an ‘indispensable’ player on the global stageLuke Harding (The Guardian)
Потери вооруженных сил Российской Федерации во время войны в Украине. Russian casualties in
It’s no secret that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have been trying to rebrand and repair their imagesEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Hi I am a step-father to a 7 year-old boy. I have two children of my own (19 and 16) and have a question concerninganonymous
En edición En colaboración coa comunidade de usuarios de Godot Engine en Galicia, Estamos a organizar unha xornada de encontro, con obradoiros e relatorios sobre o motor de xogos
Comezamos os preparativos para organizar unha xornada «Godoteira»
Accessibility is not anything "nice to have". It is a cornerstone of software meant to empower people.
If I can, get involved in some project related to it.