Ulfh3dnar mastodon (AP)
Russian losses as of today, according to the General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

#Ukraine️ #UkraineRussiaWar #Russia #Russianlosses

Guyroscope mastodon (AP)
Thanks for the follow back

Pesca Pokémon mastodon (AP)
💥 ¡Comienza la inscripción!

⌛ Estará abierta durante 120 minutos y hay 22 plazas disponibles. En total son 35 plazas, pero 13 de ellas han sido reservadas en rondas anteriores.

Debes responder a este toot con el anzuelo que quieres usar en tu pesca (por ej.: «Quiero participar con el anzuelo viejo»).

#pokemon #pesca #bot

Went to thw loungeroom and opened the outside doors
The air in there tasted really strong of those chemicals they dumped in the yard
Took my breath away
Hopefully it will air out and cool down so I can use the desktop and TV

Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
Esta mañana nos enteramos de que Instagram estaba censurando algunos hastaghs de política de EEUU en Instagram...pero ya está yendo más allá. Ahora también está censurando el hastagh del partido de la izquierda europea que agrupa a buena parte de los grupos políticos de izquierdas de la UE, The Left.
Estos han tirado ya para Bluesky está mañana, y estamos dándoles la turra para que se pasen al fedi.
Meanwhile, fuck Zuck también.
Captura del insta de The_left en el que se ve que su HT está oculto en Instagram
Captura hecha por mi buscando el HT de The Left en Insta
Juan CBS reshared this.
Celia Valdeolmillos mastodon (AP)
@baipa @antimundo ellos sabrán y verán lo que hacen. Creo que se están equivocando del todo
Celia Valdeolmillos Private Message mastodon (AP)
@ciudadanoonline90 @baipa es que x ya no es más que algo de los bots y de los ultras. Parece que tengan el síndrome de Estocolmo

Bianco Titanio hometown (AP)
What is this tabloid baseless rubbish?

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Men have grown twice as much as women over past century, study shows | Biology | The Guardian
Nicole Parsons mastodon (AP)
There are a number of possible reasons for increases in height & weight in men:
1. Meals are gender segregated. Men eat first & women get the leftovers.

2. Boys are given higher quality caloric intake. Protein goes to males. "Garbage carbs" go to females.

3. Male children are hand fed for longer as infants.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Xente! O sábado 29 de marzo imos facer unha xuntanza godoteira en Vigo gracias as xentes de @galpon. O evento e de balde e libre ata completar o aforo, e farase de 10:00 a 19:30 na Industriosa.

Tedes en Mobilizon o evento para apuntarvos desde xa:

Así mesmo, fago un chamamento para aquelas persoas que queiran dar unha charla ou taller. Deixamos o seguinte formulario:
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
Xente, recordade seguir tamén aos nosos compañeiros de @galpon, que sen eles isto non sería posible.

En canto cerremos charlas e talleres, podedes ver o horario no Mobilizón ou na súa páxina web:

President Donald Trump announced many changes he plans to make after taking office Monday, including some that are likely to impact the auto industry in Michigan. In an executive order, Trump rescinded a Biden administration policy that encouraged electric vehicle production.

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
I want to go back to the era where it was socially acceptable for dudes with hairy chests to walk around with an unbuttoned shirt wearing a giant gold pendant around their neck.

Because believe me, I would rock that.
Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
@mina I’m in Canada.
Mina mastodon (AP)
Difficult then.

NotImpressed mastodon (AP)
#Trump #USempire

"US President Donald Trump promised to "expand our territory", invoked the colonialist "Manifest Destiny", and vowed to forcibly take over the Panama Canal (falsely claiming China runs it). He later threatened BRICS with 100% tariffs. Trump has hinted at use of military force to colonize Greenland as well"
Geopolitical analyst Ben Norton lays out Trump's plan. Nothing to do with peace. Sheer ignorance + power = Trump. I hope he destroys the US

Jens mastodon (AP)
Älskar att medans stockkonservativa tidningar (som Göteborgsposten som inte vart "oberoende liberal" på över 10 år) förfasas, fördömer och chockas av högerextrema utomlands på ledarsida efter ledarsida så gullas det hårt med våra egna.

Trump, Mileisl och gänget är inte vårt problem lika mycket som KD, SD och deras klegg-kompisar i företagsstyrelser.

Kan vara värt att gräva där vi står först och sen vara smug internationellt

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Hasty Pudding To Hold Space for Cynthia Erivo as 2025 Woman of the Year | News #space
Hasty Pudding To Hold Space for Cynthia Erivo as 2025 Woman of the Year | News

Trump says he’s open to Musk or Ellison buying TikTok
Asier 🇪🇸 mastodon (AP)
what's better than a millionare with complete control over one major social network? ONE millionare having control over TWO major social networks!!!

María Escalonilla mastodon (AP)
Llevo una temporada leyendo los libros de Poirot por orden de publicación. Me lo estoy pasando pipa y para mi estado emocional actual, me está viniendo bien. Al menos leo. Es impresionante la cantidad de referencias a la mujer "moderna" (años 20-30) en comparación con la mujer victoriana (la vieja escuela). Cuando leí algunos de esos libros en mi adolescencia, no analizaba esas cosas. Releer es maravilloso para el espíritu, el autoconocimiento ...
Pacogens :cli: reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump’s war on migrants could make an enemy of the country he needs most: Mexico #Conflicts #geopolitics
Trump’s war on migrants could make an enemy of the country he needs most: Mexico

Europe Says mastodon (AP) German opposition leader Merz: strength, not weakness, to end war in Ukraine #Conflicts #Russia #RussiaUkraine #RussiaUkraineWar #RussianInvasionOfUkraine #RussoUkrainianWar #Ukraine
German opposition leader Merz: strength, not weakness, to end war in Ukraine

Endless Bees mastodon (AP)

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Still in Red Flag Warning, however, looks like SCE has dialed back power shutoffs significantly at the moment. 1/21/25 21:33 #CAwx #FireWx
410 customers without power only, 1 de-energized circuit, 5 being inspected.

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
when your grift is out of juice, pass it off to the federal government.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Gazans return to wreckage after Israel-Hamas war #Conflicts #Israel
Gazans return to wreckage after Israel-Hamas war

Peter Krupa mastodon (AP)
this would be great news if true. significant step back from what he'd campaigned on.

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Interview: Naomi Klein

"The end of the bombs does not mean the end of the genocide, unfortunately.

"Gaza is a crime scene.

"I don't think we've really understood what the Nazis were originally. We in Europe & in North America treated them as a rupture, instead of as a continuation of the ideologies of settler colonialism."

#NaomiKlein #Trump #USPol #Fascism #Racism #GazaGenocideNotWar .
This entry was edited (2 days ago)
DrALJONES reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Colombians flee to Venezuela as clashes between rebel groups escalate in coca-rich border region #117960062 #article #GeneralNews #News #Politics #WarAndUnrest #world #WorldNews #WorldTopics
Colombians flee to Venezuela as clashes between rebel groups escalate in coca-rich border region

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Analysis: "Israeli settlers have been allowed, over multiple straight days, to torch villages throughout the West Bank & the military has now launched an all-out operation in Jenin.

"Jenin now faces being “Gazafied” by the Israeli military, “complete with airstrikes & destruction of infrastructure”.

Dozens of masked Israeli settlers torched vehicles while “a clearly visible” Israeli police car stood nearby.

#WestBank #EthnicCleansing #USEnablement #Trump .
DrALJONES reshared this.

Mulier stibadium mastodon (AP)
WOW - Buch kostenlos als PDF verfügbar:
Die Rhetorik der Rechten

von Franziska Schutzbach

Steve Herman mastodon (AP)
President Trump to announce a "massive" new infrastructure initiative at 4pm, White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt tells Fox News.
Pass the Dutchie mastodon (AP)
Well, hell yeah! Infrastructure Week is back, baby! Starts in two weeks, right?
6H057rUNN3r mastodon (AP)
and now we know what Leon, Tim Apple and the rest got in return for kissing his feet
AI or international cooperation on health and disease…
LRR mastodon (AP)
give MORE money to complicit billionaires to build MORE surveillance/influence tech to suppress/control democracy MORE, for MORE power and wealth for he and his buddies.

Do you see the pattern here?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Iran News in Brief – January 22, 2025 #Conflicts #Iran #IranNews
Iran News in Brief – January 22, 2025

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Real reason Prince Harry, Meghan Markle were kicked out of Frogmore Cottage #royal #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily #royals
Real reason Prince Harry, Meghan Markle were kicked out of Frogmore Cottage

Freax_ES friendica
[release-2.x.y] Add the ability to run a custom command for signing the binaries #fediverse-software

Rainer Müller mastodon (AP)
La Fiscalía se opone a investigar a la policía infiltrada de Girona pese a admitir que actuó sin control judicial

On My Walk mastodon (AP)
To all of those people running, moderating, and maintaining #Mastodon, #Pixelfed, and other #Fediverse instances, no matter how small:

Thank you :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Princess Diana and King Charles Clashed Over William and Harry’s Diets #BritishRoyalFamily #charles #CharlesIII #KingCharles #RoyalFamilies #RoyalFamily
Princess Diana and King Charles Clashed Over William and Harry's Diets

Europe Says mastodon (AP) German Translator Caught on Hot Mic Complaining About Trump Inauguration Speech: How Much Longer ‘With This S–t?’ #europe
German Translator Caught on Hot Mic Complaining About Trump Inauguration Speech: How Much Longer 'With This S–t?'

okay imagine the egg holster but it gently warmed the egg so you could walk around and incubate it

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Démission de Camille Chaize du porte-parolat du ministère de l’Intérieur après avoir publié un livre : «Une sortie de son devoir de réserve assez spectaculaire» #france
Démission de Camille Chaize du porte-parolat du ministère de l’Intérieur après avoir publié un livre : «Une sortie de son devoir de réserve assez spectaculaire»
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