In a ‘step backward’, Trump effectively reinstated Schedule F, reclassifying thousands of employees as political hiresMichael Sainato (The Guardian)
Le cyclone Chido a dévasté le 101e département français, où au moins 16 personnes sont mortes. La majeure partie de l’île était toujours coupée du monde dimanche soir, laissant craindre de nombreux autres dégâts.Axel Nodinot (L'Humanité)
Isiel Zolko po meste a stretol Michalaby Inevitable-Garden273EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Just wanted to share this cup that i worked on! It has a Serch Bythol Celtic knot whichEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Днес, 21.01.2025, в предаването Референдум по БНТ бяха показани специални проучвания на Gallup International по поръчка на БНТ,EUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)