Ali Velshi mastodon (AP)
If you want to protect your money, you need the CFPB. The agency has returned billions to Americans & protects workers from predatory lenders. Trump & Musk want it gone. Without it, the winners are them & the losers are us. CFPB Director Rohit Chopra joins me at 11a on #Velshi.
Marv Clowder reshared this.
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Would credit unions be any safer than banks?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Cabelte desperta com 470 trabalhadores e 210 milhões de faturação #portugal
Cabelte desperta com 470 trabalhadores e 210 milhões de faturação

muıııo mastodon (AP)
10K ✅
That's a pretty sunny and warm day for a run!

Fedi.Tips mastodon (AP)
Do you use the "Please Caption" bot to remind you to add image descriptions? Some updates about it:

1) It has just changed servers, its new account is:

➡️ @PleaseCaptionBot

If your follow hasn't transferred automatically, follow it at the new address.

2) There was a problem transferring the bot's follows list. Even if you're following it at the new address, you should unfollow it and re-follow it in order to trigger the bot's follow back. Follow backs are needed for reminders to work.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
GunChleoc mastodon (AP)
Thanks for the info and @22 thanks for this bot - I have been following it for ages 🙂
Fedi.Tips mastodon (AP)

It's one of the best bots, brilliant that @22 maintains it despite being on hiatus 👏

Europe Says mastodon (AP) En weer een portiek opgeblazen met een cobra. Waarom is het zo moeilijk daar iets tegen te doen? #netherlands
En weer een portiek opgeblazen met een cobra. Waarom is het zo moeilijk daar iets tegen te doen?

Jack Jenkins mastodon (AP)
Via me & Aleja Hertzler-McCain: Trump nominates CatholicVote president — a conservative Christian culture warrior whose group provided geofenced cell phone data on mass-goers to Steve Bannon and targeted nuns who work with immigrants in lawsuits — as Holy See ambassador

John Socks mastodon (AP)
I can see the attraction of NixOS now that I've tried it. If you are running some Linux distribution on more than one machine, you have a list of things you want to do to get them just right after an OS install. I've had scripts for that, but NixOS just supports the idea directly. You just add your list to the config file and update.

It can go further and manage your home directory dot files and things like that. Currently I'm thinking that piece of the puzzle is small enough to just script.
Ariel mastodon (AP)
it provides a unified language for configuration and many, many modules which make setting up services a snap. The isolation also means you can host loads on a single server without system dependency hell
John Socks mastodon (AP)
@arichtman I'm chipping away at the language, but it's interesting to me how useful it is with just like eight lines changed to the default configuration.

For instance adding vim is much easier than uninstalling vim tiny and installing vim regular on any other Linux.

levelbot mastodon (AP)
we're seeing tpyo levels at about 36%

(36%) ■■■□□□□□□□

Camilo mastodon (AP)
What’sa good gift for welcoming a new cat?

#catstodon #caturday
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Tecno & Soft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
Café Con Linux Charla Linuxera Que te ha gustado y que no este 2024 del software libre?

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Leading AI chatbots show dementia-like cognitive decline in tests, raising questions about their future in medicine
2 people reshared this

jensbest mastodon (AP)
"von Auseinandersetzungen, die in Deutschland ausgetragen werden"

Selbst beim Thema Magdeburg äußert sich Merz zersetzerisch und mit kaum verhohlenen Ressentiment.

Dieser Mann ist für eine Führungsposition im 21. Jahrhundert absolut ungeeignet.

Dieser Mann darf auf keinen Fall Kanzler werden.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Andrew Hinton mastodon (AP)
I’ve decided when confronted with small talk I’m going to start shouting “mask!” to switch modes the way Matt Berry’s Laszlo shouts “bat!”
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Russia fires its biggest cyberweapon against Ukraine
Nazani mastodon (AP)
Return the favor.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Clash of Clans | Latviešu Clans | PUSS [1400] #latvia
Clash of Clans | Latviešu Clans | PUSS  [1400]

Why does my cursor change in size over certain windows? (solved in comments)

In this short video I'm hovering my cursor over the terminal app called Ptyxis, but for some reason this is only happening on my second monitor.

Second monitor specs;
- Resolution: 1920x1080
- Scale: 100%
- Refresh rate: 120hz
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Different DPI settings?
It's complicated.
ah thanks for sharing this 😀
It's not really complicated. It's called "pushing not ready software to production".

Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
#WritersCoffeeClub 12/21 Disney is making a musical animation of one of your stories. How well does that go?

Despite their feud with Mr. Pudding Fingers and lip service to corporate Pride, I hear they are in fact quite homophobic and transphobic, and so I don't think it would go very well at all. Plus they are notoriously anti-union. Then again, they did Andor so maybe they're capable of sucking it up if it turns a profit.

Rightardia mastodon (AP)
California declared an emergency over bird flu. How serious is the situation? - TheGrio

rafacabrera mastodon (AP)
Koko Jean and The Tonics. Marbella (Malaka Fest)
#music #bn #fotografia #photo #photography #marbella #spain
Koko Jean. Lead vocal del grupo Koko & The Tonics, en el “Malaka Fest” en Marbella. Málaga. España
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

John Dal mastodon (AP)
The local rustic nativity scene. Mary looks a bit miffed.

Pentax Pentax P30n with SMC 35-80 4-5.6. An APS-C lens, hence the vignetting.
#BelieveInFilm #BelieveInFilmCameras #Film #BlackAndWhite #Pemtax
A nativity scene with 3 wise men, Mary, Joseph and a crib, roughly carved from wood and placed in the town at the foot of the Xmas tree.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ulf Kristersson om Sveriges låga födelsetal: Måste fråga oss vad vi kan göra bättre #sweden
Ulf Kristersson om Sveriges låga födelsetal: Måste fråga oss vad vi kan göra bättre

Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
#pennedpossibilities What strengths do you have in your writing?

I like to think I'm occasionally funny.

Rachel A. Rosen mastodon (AP)
#WordWeavers 12/21. Is your MC named after anyone of significance in their world?

Ian is named after a man of no significance, a name that he promptly buried when he was in his early 20s, and magic chose this one for him as a cruel trick that would not become apparent for another two decades.

myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)
If glowforge had a non-subscription option to use their built in drawing software I'd use it off and on.

Instead I just say nasty things about them because they will sell a school a machine that costs thousands of dollars then want $50 bucks a month for the privilege of drawing a circle with the thing.

You can easily use any software that makes SVG doc and upload them. It's not at the level of a lock-out scam, but if you don't work with SVGs often this is very annoying.
myrmepropagandist mastodon (AP)
When I'm asked to pay monthly for something it's like someone is going on a first date with me and starts talking about how many kids we should have.

Slow down! We aren't that close buddy!
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
I always feel really smug about doing things without paying any rents.

Like I'm winning, big time.

Why would I give up that warm glow just because the rented stuff is a little more shiny?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) bør ændre deres nyhedsformat #denmark bør ændre deres nyhedsformat

SuneheraSuria mastodon (AP)
What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness
What keeps us happy and healthy as we go through life? If you think it's fame and money, you're not alone – but, according to psychiatrist Robert Waldinger, you're mistaken. As the director of a 75-year-old study on adult development, Waldinger has unprecedented access to data on true happiness and satisfaction. In this talk, he shares three important lessons learned from the study as well as some practical, old-as-the-hills wisdom on how to build a fulfilling, long life.
Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, Zen priest
See speaker profile
Robert Waldinger is the director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies in history.

Marc van Oostendorp mastodon (AP)
Geen nieuws dat Geert Wilders meteen begint te schreeuwen na zo'n verschrikkelijke aanslag als van gisteren. Nu blijkt dat de dader eerder een aanhanger van Wilders en consorten was dan van Mohammed. Dat valt Wilders niet aan te rekenen, de man was kennelijk gestoord. Maar hij is na Breivik al de tweede moordenaar die openlijk fan is van Wilders. Tijd voor enige zelfreflectie, meneer W.! En niet alleen maar verontwaardigd zeggen dat je hier natuurlijk niks mee te maken hebt. Dit is gevaarlijk.

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#USpolitics #Elon

Still waiting for the Hollywood movie "How to unalive a billionair"

#WorkersUnite #UnionStrong
poster of the movie kill bill one. Title on a bright yellow background

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Tiny particle, huge potential: Scientists discover new type of quasiparticle present in all magnetic materials
Marv Clowder reshared this.

Katika Kühnreich mastodon (AP)
[I/II] What a great picture!
Seen at @w0bb1t

#Musk and #Twitter /#x do not have so much power over whole populations opinion, because so many people follow their tweets, but because the #media is constantly #repeating what is said on this sodden piece of #technology

Media that should be #independent is repeating this horrific #authoritarian for free, helping to plant his ideas in the brains of millions he could not reach otherwise

Politicians started to use
A projection on a building shows a large image of Elon Musk's face partially covered by grey duct tape. Overlaid on the image are the words "SHUT THE FUCK UP" in large, white, sans-serif font. The building is graffitied at the bottom. Several cars are parked in front of the building. A street light is visible to the right.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Kevin Leecaster mastodon (AP)
In an attempt to protect his methane leakage regulations, Biden is pressuring EU officials to designate US LNG exports that meet new EPA methane regs as equivalent to EU standards for gas imports.

Success would give LNG sector strong incentive to maintain EPA rules & make it hard for Trump to roll them back.
newer older

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