Good #
Slackerday Saturday morning, my fedi-folks.👋
It's a cold n cloudy start to #
myday. Just a nippy 35deg and breezy. The sun is again supposed to show up n break through the clouds and shine pretty much all day #
today, and warm things up a bit into the low 40s. 🌞
But, I don't think that will make it warm enough to sneek some sun soaking time outside #
today, though. Especially with the cold wind blowing. But, we will just have to sit n sip n see how things develop.
So, I'm sitting here, sipping my coffee and pondering #
myday, and am suddenly struck that #
today is winter solstice day.
It's kinda appropriate that the shortest day of the year happens to fall on a #
Slackerday. It being a day of only a few musta-dos and gotta-dos and so little daylight to do em in. But with all the pondering, procrastinating, and puttering about to get to doin em, I'm wondering if there will still be enough time in #
myday to get em all done by dusk. 🤔
1/2 👇 justa a tad more...