Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@uichelorraine Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Europe Says mastodon (AP) What Christmas in Ukraine looks like thanks to russian missile attacks #Ukraine
What Christmas in Ukraine looks like thanks to russian missile attacks

2 h

Avec #Musk qui influence les élections allemandes en poussant l’AfD, et qui reçoit Farage (sans doute pour le financer et influencer des prochaines élections anglaises ?), comment est-ce que certains doutent encore de l’utilité de sortir de son réseau ?

“oui mais il y a de la visibilité”, “ah mais j’y suis juste parce qu’il y a de l’argent à la clé”, “il faut lutter de l’intérieur” ? C’est des mauvaises raisons. Tu vas réclamer des colonnes dans Minute ? Tu achètes des pubs chez Valeurs Actuelles ? Tu envoies tes communiqués de presse à Radio Courtoisie ?

Non ?

Alors casse-toi de Twitter. Tu n’as rien à y faire. Ton asso n’a rien à y faire. Ton business n’a rien à y faire.
Casse-toi de facebook, casse-toi d'amazon, de google... leur "visibilité" est un miroir tourné vers l'intérieur.
gr_perso diaspora
Depuis quand considère-t-on normal que les ressortissants étrangers non résidents aient le droit d'influencer une élection ? Depuis quand organiser une pseudo-loterie autour de votes est-il considéré autrement que comme de la corruption ?

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Mietervereine in Hamburg schlagen Alarm: Bei vielen Kündigungen ist Eigenbedarf nur vorgeschoben #DE #Deutschsprechenden
Mietervereine in Hamburg schlagen Alarm: Bei vielen Kündigungen ist Eigenbedarf nur vorgeschoben

- Elon Musk apoyando partidos neonazis
- En Bluesky son un poco tránsfobos (el staff, no los usuarios)
- Threads y su algoritmo, con gente que sólo quiere likes y alcance

Muy agradecido con quienes disteis la oportunidad a La Plaza, en eso tan difícil y para frikis que es Mastodon.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@ceciestmontpouet Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Anne Roth mastodon (AP)
Ganz im Ernst. Wir sollten als Gesellschaft überlegen, wie mittelalte bis alte meist weiße Männer sinnvolle Aufgaben übernehmen können, damit sie im Kampf mit dem Bedeutungsverlust nicht immer so unfassbar dummes Zeug machen.

Meinetwegen mit etwas Bauchpinseln, wenn's hilft.

re: Lindner / Musk

Renard mélanique. Melanistic Fox.

Ces renards, d'une beauté époustouflante, sont rares, car le mélanisme doit être porté et transmis par les deux parents.
These foxes, which are breathtakingly beautiful, are rare, as melanism must be carried and passed on by both parents.

#Renard #Fox #foxyfriday

squirrelygirl mastodon (AP)
So elegant in battle. darn it, for cutting off the second bird! 😫
An Anna’s hummingbird perched in a graceful profile in a defensive pose on the rim of a red disk feeder, wings back and head tilted up towards the Allen’s hummingbird directly above it, curled up in air like a little shrimp. The birds are highlighted by bright green foliage.

Kera mastodon (AP)
“May the longest night and the shortest day
Bring rest to your mind and soul, I pray
On the shortest day and the longest night
Keep your inner light shining strong and bright
May you find guidance and may you find peace
As the cycle of light will slowly increase
The wheel of nature spins endless and true
Have faith in the rhythm of nature for you”
~ Unknown ✍🏻
~ Sandra Bartocha 📸
#nature #trees #WinterSolstice ❄️✨
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
Callalily mastodon (AP)
Beautiful words.

5 h
#Scientifiques en rébellion

"à chaque fois que les résultats scientifiques s’opposent aux idéologies économiques ou politiques en vigueur, on tente de discréditer les paroles de chercheurs critiques en les qualifiant de militants" @ElodieVercken

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@daph Bisous du train 😘😘😘😘

Jonathan Kamens mastodon (AP)
Ok, I'm curious. Are you still being careful about COVID, and what did you consider yourself before the pandemic?
#COVID #CovidCautious #CovidIsNotOver

  • cautious, introvert (0 votes)
  • cautious, extrovert (0 votes)
  • not cautious, introvert (0 votes)
  • not cautious, extrovert (0 votes)
Poll end: 3 weeks ago

John L. Alford mastodon (AP)
I'm trained as a virologist and have worked in vaccine development in the past, so my assessment of risk is a little different than most.

That said, to me the risk is only significant if you have a significant chance of interacting with a COVID(+) person. I use data to assess my risk. Right now, the North Shore is almost at my cutoff for social distancing and masking.
Jonathan Kamens mastodon (AP)
@JohnLAlford The phrase "the risk is only significant if you have a significant chance of interacting with a COVID(+) person" is doing a lot of heavy lifting.
40% of contagious cases are asymptomatic, so you can't know who's +.
The disease is airborne and virions travel long distances in enclosed spaces.
A recent case study reported a person being infected *five hours after* the + person left the room, verified with DNA analysis of both people's infections.

elle mundy mastodon (AP)
a large drone the size of a small drone

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ich weiß, dass es OSB-Platte heißt. #DeutscheMemes #Memes
Ich weiß, dass es OSB-Platte heißt.

Sue Stone mastodon (AP)
Trump and allies are waging campaign against media to stifle dissent – experts | Donald Trump | The Guardian

Mediagazer mastodon (AP)
Q&A with Laura Lee, news director of Blue Ridge Public Radio, on managing a team after Hurricane Helene, focusing on producing info about basic needs, and more (Catherine Komp/NC Local News Workshop)

Alex Floyd Marshall mastodon (AP)
I have been thinking a lot about Sandy Hook this week. Twelve years and just a few days ago, I was standing in my then girlfriend’s kitchen (now wife of 10 years) as we were preparing to go somewhere, I don’t even remember where. I was scrolling Twitter and started seeing breaking news about a shooting at an elementary school somewhere in Connecticut, where we lived. Then I realized it was in Newtown, virtually next door to Westport where she worked as a minister and I (still in grad school) was helping to run educational programming at her church. We scrapped our plans and drove to her office. We saw fear in our students’ faces. We saw it even more painfully in their parents: they all knew someone in Newtown, it was another wealthy Connecticut suburb like theirs, it was supposed to be “safe”. How could this happen here? We heard from colleagues in Newtown who had been thrust into the middle of unspeakable tragedy. We held vigils. We did them again the next year. And the year after that.

To be clear: I was not a victim of Sandy Hook, but it took on a special significance in my consciousness and every year in mid-December I find myself mentally back in that place, with new meaning each time. I watch students I have worked with over the years grow up and think “those kids at Sandy Hook should have gotten this chance.” They would be wrapping up their first semesters of college now. I see Christmas lights and gifts under trees and think “those families will always experience this time of year that is supposed to be joy and light as a reminder of terror and death.” I have kids of my own now who are about the same age as the victims were, and so the anniversary hits even more close to the very core of my being. And then twelve years almost to the day later, another shooting in Madison, another set of families who will forever experience sadness when this season rolls around.

I don’t have a conclusion to this. I can’t tie it up in a nice bow. It’s an open wound that we have collectively chosen should be left to fester. And I will never understand that choice. I will never have sympathy for anyone who chooses political power at the price of children’s lives. I’m fairly certain there’s a ring of hell dedicated specifically to that, occupied by the likes of King Herrod from the Christmas story. I will never be convinced that an amendment premised on the need for maintaining a “well-regulated militia” is somehow meant to undergird un-regulated chaos and home-grown terror. I will never accept that this is the price of freedom or that it has to be this way. It doesn’t, that’s non-sense. I will always feel a deep suspicion towards those who spout “conspiracy theories” because of the way the Newtown families were treated.

I found this article in @TheAtlantic helpful. This is not happy Christmas reading. But in its way it fits into the advent season’s story arc: the deep longing for healing and peace and the journey it takes to get there.

#Newtown #sandyhook #2A #advent #christmas

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukrainian soldier of the “Combat Action” unit holds his trench with a MG-3 while beeing under enemy fire. December 2024 #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
Ukrainian soldier of the "Combat Action" unit holds his trench with a MG-3 while beeing under enemy fire. December 2024

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukrainian forces down 57 enemy drones overnight, 56 veer off course #ConflictInUkraine #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #Ukrainian #UkrainianConflict
Ukrainian forces down 57 enemy drones overnight, 56 veer off course

Europe Says mastodon (AP) James Bond Producer Slams Amazon As ‘F**king Idiots’: Report #Entertainment #UnitedStates
James Bond Producer Slams Amazon As 'F**king Idiots': Report

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Five killed in Ukrainian Strike on Rylsk Town in Russia After Missile Attack on Kyiv #News #WorldNews
Five killed in Ukrainian Strike on Rylsk Town in Russia After Missile Attack on Kyiv

Europe Says mastodon (AP) «Ça me met en colère» : ces jeunes culpabilisés de prendre l’avion à Noël face à la flambée des prix du train #Actualités #france #LActualitéAuQuotidien #L'actualitéAuQuotidien
«Ça me met en colère» : ces jeunes culpabilisés de prendre l’avion à Noël face à la flambée des prix du train

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Trump Wanted Shutdown to Happen on Biden’s Watch, Not His #Politics #U.S.Politics #UnitedStates
Trump Wanted Shutdown to Happen on Biden’s Watch, Not His

Europe Says mastodon (AP)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Derehams riot 1989 #England #UnitedKingdom
Derehams riot 1989

Rightardia mastodon (AP)
Children march on the Capitol to ask: When will adults act to protect them from gun violence? | News From The States

So the shutdown was averted, which of course was a relief for many people who need the funds, but I question whether it made sense politically for the Dems to save the Rs. If a shutdown had happened, it would have been the Rs along with Trump and Musk to blame.

Musk is really the power now. Johnson said he spoke to Musk ahead of the vote Friday and they talked about the “extraordinary challenges of this job.”

Kees van der Leun mastodon (AP)
Another friend of Russia in the EU, hoping that Ukraine will keep Russian gas flowing to his country when the transit agreement ends, 10 days from now. .
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
The second part of the FAFO process.

Hope he has fun explaining to his constituents why gas isn't cheap anymore.

newer older

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