Lee from Philly 😱 mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Wordle 1,281 2/6*

Loïs Archer McKeown mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Wordle 1,281 2/6*

Lee from Philly 😱 mastodon (AP)
@Lmck absolutely! Thank you, Lois!

Pacogens :cli: mastodon (AP)
Ayer salió esto y me callé la boca hasta hoy
Notificación de que ya se está disponible la película de El Cuervo en las mejores bahías
Pacogens :cli: mastodon (AP)
@aud @Buffy a ver cuando me la pongo porque llevo un retraso gordo de pelis y series
Pacogens :cli: Private Message mastodon (AP)
@Buffy pfff... le daré una oportunidad pequeña, pir lo menos a ver si termino de verla

unusual_whales mastodon (AP)
“The US economy is just performing very, very well, substantially better than our global peer group,” Fed Chair Powell says. “The outlook is pretty bright for our economy.”

Do you agree with Powell?

#news #finance #economics #stocks #options
Sean mastodon (AP)
the electorate obviously disagrees, thus Powell should act as such and raise the interest rate to stop inflation, and Trump's tariffs contribute more to inflation, which will make the midterms a landslide for the Democrats with a veto-proof majority and then if they are at all smart strategic claw back constitutional power from the imperial presidency to congress, and then...

I love writing political fan-fic, don't you?

hauswirtschaft_info mastodon (AP)
Um #Heizkosten zu sparen nutzen wir #SmartHome Ventile an den Heizkörpern.
Einige Jahre haben die Geräte von #AVM gute Dienste geleistet. Seit vielleicht drei Monaten schalten die #FritzDECT302 unregelmäßig (mehrmals monatlich) nicht ab. Das Ventil wird nicht geschlossen und die Räume werden weit über die eingestellte Temperatur aufgeheizt.
Das lässt sich manuell durch die Nutzung der "Montage" Funktion normalisieren...
Hat wer eine Lösung für das Problem?
Aurin Azadî mastodon (AP)
Hm, also mein einziges elektronisches Ventil (kein Smart Home bei mir) macht das, wenn die Batterie leer ist. Dann dreht es voll auf, bevor es ganz ausgeht. Hat die Stromquelle eventuell einen Wackelkontakt?
hauswirtschaft_info mastodon (AP)
@energisch_ @atarifrosch
Ja. So ähnlich steht es in der Bedienungsanleitung von AVM.
Ist gemacht.

philjreese mastodon (AP)
Musk helped kill a congressional spending bill. But much of what he spread was misinformation

Ukrainian drones strike deep into Russian territory, hundreds of miles from the front line

Posted into Top Stories @top-stories-AssociatedPress

DrALJONES mastodon (AP)
Report: Palestinian Authority continues to attack & kill Palestinians in Jenin

During a siege on Jenin, PA security forces killed an unarmed 19-year-old civilian & a 13-year-old child as well as a resistance commander.

Bcz Israel says it doesn't trust the PA to fight Palestinian resistance, many Palestinians believe the PA is attacking the resistance to prove the PA backs Israel.

#JeninSeige #PA #EthnicCleansing #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #PACorruption .
DrALJONES reshared this.

dansup the creator mastodon (AP)
Don't get me wrong, I love Mastodon and everything it's done for the fediverse

That being said, I don't want Loops to become the only short form video platform, or the only well known one

I'm working with @stux on his own short vid platform called #GoldFish and PeerTube to enable seamless interop

We're stronger and better together

There is no reason NOT to work with "competitors" because when you have the right mindset and goals:

You build for the people, and listen wisely.

Thomas Renkert🦞 hometown (AP)
cool. Integration with #Sharkey would be great aswell.
Now I'm curious, is there any federated option for posting videos? I didn't know about it.
Can you tell me which ones please?

Is it possible for a single person to create and support, over an extended period, an alternative to Instagram or TikTok (even more complexed ones distributed across multiple servers and with mobile applications)? Come on 😝.
Marcin Czachurski mastodon (AP)
@dansup Mate, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I created an iOS app for Pixelfed because there’s still no official app. The app on TestFlight is written in a way that doesn’t suit me at all. When you’re working with an open API and code, it’s hardly surprising that someone might use that API.

Pixelfed is not developing at all. It has tons of bugs.

I didn’t force anyone to join Vernissage, and all my communications were transparent.

BSidesCharm mastodon (AP)
Got some down time for the holidays? DYK the BSidesCharm 2025 CFP is currently open?

Get your idea on paper and submit it before January 19, 2025.

JillyLovesLife mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Monster clue for #Wordle 1,281 2/6 NYT

Loïs Archer McKeown mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Monster clue for #Wordle 1,281 2/6 NYT

Winderful mastodon (AP)
While you were sleeping, #windEnergy reached 57% of the National Grid's electricity demand.
The dashboard showing that wind is generating 14,049 MW. That's enough for 7,805,000 kettles!

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Two Rivers, WI:
Rotating view just south of the mouth where the Twin Rivers meet Lake Michigan in Two Rivers. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 12:57:33 UTC (about 5 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Two Rivers: 6.34 F | -14.26 C // Precip: scattered clouds // Wind: SSW at 1.990 mph | 3.20 kph // Humidity: 91%

50+ Music mastodon (AP)
December Solstice
May the dawn of the Winter Solstice chase the dark away  May it bring you the promise of endless brand new days  May all your sorrow vanish  And all your dreams come true  And may th 1030x1030

Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)
Reminder—the sole reason student loans exist is because Reagan was a racist & misogynist who didn't want "undesirables" (women & minorities) to get higher education so he defunded public education & forced privatization. Thus, canceling student loans is an economic, racial, & gender justice necessity.
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
caseyjonesed reshared this.

Nation.Cymru mastodon (AP)
UK Government outlines plans to end use of bee-killing pesticides

The IMF Executive Board approved a $1.1 billion tranche to Ukraine after completing the sixth review of #Ukraine's Extended Fund Facility program.
caseyjonesed reshared this.

AI6YR Ben mastodon (AP)
Hmm, a great deal of the problems residents had in New Orleans rebuilding their homes after Katrina (per the book I am reading) were contractors-not-knowing-what-they-were-doing (or just lying about their expertise). Issues similar to what I faced in my own plumbing disaster here (except, my experience in DIY repairs significantly, significantly avoided many of the issues they had to navigate -- obviously, an unfair socioeconomic advantage of being a suburban homeowner with an engineering background). DIY repairs is definitely #DisasterPreparedness
MissConstrue hometown (AP)
The 10k foor problem is that some states like LA and TX do not have a thing that is a certified general contract. Anyone can call themselves a GC.
When we had the tornado, USAA sent the money to my mortgage company almost instantly. It took me 18 months and lawyers to fix my house, because I couldn’t hire an LGC, because there are no such thing here.

After an absolute disaster with the person they made me hire, and when I could prove he didn’t have the insurance and bonds he claimed, I honest to god, paid 700$ to open a Texas llc, called myself a general contractor and started bringing my own known individual contractors, roofers, drywall, painters, etc. and billed it all as my company. it was the only way to shake the money loose from Nationstar. They suck so much. (On the upside, I was able to get some neighbors situations ironed out too, and didnt charge anyone for my labor, we’d all been through so much.)

Missing The Point mastodon (AP)
Breaking: After several unsuccessful efforts, the US Congress passes a bill narrowly averting a shutdown of Party City.
Flaming Cheeto mastodon (AP)
Madison Cawthorne tried to warn us

Jasper mastodon (AP)
Happy #caturday 🦁🧡 #cats #catsofmastodon
Close up of Jasper, a big orange cat with long white whiskers

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
20 December 1938 | Czech Jewish girl, Věra Picková, was born.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from Theresienstadt ghetto on 18 May 1944. She was registered at Auschwitz II-Birkenau in a family camp for Jews deported from this ghetto. She did not survive.
A vintage black and white photo of a young child standing on a street, wearing a coat with a large fluffy collar and a matching hat, holding a large pom-pom.

Ben Royce 🇺🇦 mastodon (AP)
Minithread, elicited by the *possible* (no verification yet, and #Trump is full of endless shit) dumping of #Russia by #MAGA (if you missed it, there are rumors Trump told #Europe he is continuing support to #Ukraine):

This is the beginning of the end of Russia as we know it, and the beginning of the end for #Putin


bye bye, Lenin Statue
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

JdeB mastodon (AP)
#Ukraine #ArtilleryUnit

A TV-crew visits the trenches. The days may seem boring and unproductive, but it is in no way representative for other units at the frontline. This is a longer video.

"Two Days with an Artillery Unit of the 154th Mechanized Brigade. 2S1 Gvozdika near Vovchansk" [19:13 min]

Quote by UNITED24
"Dec 20, 2024
The full-scale invasion is in its third winter, and once again Ukrainian troops are faced not only with the death and suffering that come with war but also with the bitter cold. To better understand how these men feel, we joined an artillery unit of the 154th Mechanized Brigade for two days. If you feel like donating to the 154th, you can do so via this link:
-> <-

#SlavaUkraini ! #HeroyamSláva!

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
20 December 1938 | French Jewish girl Eveline Stabryd was born in Paris.

She arrived at #Auschwitz on 21 August 1942 in a transport of 1,000 Jews deported from Drancy. She was among 817 of them murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.
Vintage black-and-white photograph of a young girl with curly hair, looking to the side.

Moon mastodon (AP)
Winter Solstice

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
20 December 1941 | A Dutch Jewish boy, Leo Polak, was born in Amsterdam.

In July 1942 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber with his mother Sonja after the selection.
Vintage photograph of a woman holding a baby, both seated indoors.
Marion Donnelly reshared this.

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
20 December 1920 | A Pole, Antoni Szulecki, was born in Warsaw.

In #Auschwitz from 15 August 1940
No. 1852
In 1942, he was released from the camp. One of around 2 thousand registered prisoners released from Auschwitz.
More about releases:
A mugshot registration photograph from Auschwitz. A man with a shaved head wearing a striped uniform photographed in three positions (profile and front with bare head and a photo with a slightly turned head with a hat on). The prisoner number is visible on a marking board on the left.

Dan Gillmor mastodon (AP)
Copy editor desperately needed...

Article refers to people living in a city "75 miles west of Los Angeles"... Uhh.
Article refers to people living in a city "75 miles west of Los Angeles"...

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Ukrainian drones strike deep into Russia, Russia takes village in Donetsk | Russia-Ukraine war News #europe #News #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine
Ukrainian drones strike deep into Russia, Russia takes village in Donetsk | Russia-Ukraine war News

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
21 December 1901 | A Czech Jewish woman, Eliška Steinová, was born in Teplice.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from Theresienstadt ghetto on 6 September 1943. She did not survive.
Vintage scratched photograph of a woman in a wide-brimmed hat, featuring a gentle smile. The image includes an autograph and a small, damaged area that obscures part of the face.

Jennifer mastodon (AP)
Spooky is resting up for a Caturday full of mayhem. #Caturday
A black and white kitten sleeping on a blue sofa
Callalily reshared this.

mirabilos gotosocial (AP)
Solstitial breakfast in the garden for the male half of the family at about 9°C and the shine of the new winter sun. #solstice #yule #FediCats #caturday
garden table with cat food, Malik eating said food, a burning candle in a salt crystal, coffee (with milk, in a glass mug from grml, hence the colour), and cherry crumble

Samsa Samsara mastodon (AP)
Wisst ihr noch, damals™, als selbst die eigentlich wohlmeinenden Leute der eher bürgerlichen Linken im Brustton der Überzeugung sagten, "hinter dem Faschismus steht das Kapital" sei überholt und unterkomplex?

Jared Parkinson mastodon (AP)
I wish kitties could tell it their troubles. Normally, Penguin flops down facing away from me when she wants pets, but she occasionally faces me instead with an extra grump look in her eyes. She wants attention, but she is also upset at something, so the attention needs to be extra gentle. It is hard to navigate, and extra bitey, but I make sure she leaves with a cheered up look on her face

Yesterday the workload let up enough to take time off/go for a walk in daylight. As a treat.

Lusha prefers night walks (smells), but birdwatching is also good..

#dogsofmastodon #dogwalks #pictureoftheday #pets
A large brown and grey dog with wolf masking, sitting on the leaf scattered edge of an asphalt road. She wears a purple harness and orange light up collar,  her head facing left, alert with large triangle ears pointing forward. A crash barrier and steep grassy bank dotted with telegraph poles can be seen behind her.
Same dog, standing against the crash barrier, head tilted up looking intently at a bird. Autumn trees lit up yellow by the setting sun can be seen behind.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
21 December 1910 | A Polish Jew, Pinkus Borensztajn, was born in Wodzisław. A hairdresser,

In #Auschwitz from 21 February 1942
No. 23881.
He perished in the camp on 26 March 1942.
A mugshot registration photograph from Auschwitz. A man with a shaved head wearing a striped uniform photographed in three positions (profile and front with bare head and a photo with a slightly turned head with a hat on). The prisoner number is visible on a marking board on the left.

Seems .world and .ee federation are broken

Is it a .world or a .ee issue?

Seems .world to .ee is broken so i wont be seeing anyone's comments from .world and the rest of the fediverse probably wont see this.

Heres ya issue:

Edit found more info
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
If its that bloody bot that bans u if ur comment karma is to low thats gonna be funny. I got banned/unbanned like 10 times in an hour cos my comment karma was fluctuating near the bots threshold.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) The Worst, Most Important, Book I Read This Year – Mother Jones #Israel
The Worst, Most Important, Book I Read This Year – Mother Jones

Auschwitz Memorial mastodon (AP)
21 December 1934 | Dutch Jewish girl, Sofia Sluijter, was born in Den Helder.

She was deported to #Auschwitz from Westerbork in April 1944. She was murdered in a gas chamber after the arrival selection.
A vintage black-and-white photograph of a young girl in a patterned dress, smiling and standing in front of a metal fence.
newer older

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