Glyn Moody mastodon (AP)
US judge finds Israel's #NSO Group liable for hacking in #WhatsApp lawsuit - “Today's ruling makes it clear that NSO Group is in fact responsible for breaking numerous laws.”

Back online. Had some internet issues yesterday!

Kahte🐿️ mastodon (AP)
@MadameMollette Bisous de la gare 😘😘😘😘

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
The people running the majority of internet services have used a combination of monopolies and a cartel-like commitment to growth-at-all-costs thinking
-- to make war with the user,
-- turning the customer into something between a lab rat and an unpaid intern,
-- with the goal to juice as much value from the interaction as possible
Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Why does every website feel different,
and why do some crash randomly or make your phone burn your hand?

It’s because every publisher has pumped their sites full of as much ad tracking software as possible
as a means of monetizing every single user in as many ways as possible,
helping ads follow you across the entire internet.

And why does everybody need your email?

Because your inbox is one of the few places that advertisers haven’t found a consistent way to penetrate.

It’s digital tinnitus.

It’s the pop-up from a shopping app that you downloaded to make one purchase,
or the deceptive notification from Instagram that you have “new views” that doesn’t actually lead anywhere.

It is the autoplaying video advertisement on your film review website.

It is the repeated request for you to log back into a newspaper website that you logged into yesterday
because everyone must pay and nothing must get through.

It is the hundredth Black Friday sale you got from a company that you swear you unsubscribed from eight times,
and perhaps even did,
but there’s no real way to keep track.

It’s the third time this year you’ve had to make a new password because another data breach happened and the company didn’t bother to encrypt it.

Crimeajewel mastodon (AP)


X-tof mastodon (AP)
"Spotify has gone to war against musicians and record labels."
Ich bin ganz froh, an diesem ganzen Shit-Buisness nicht teilzunehmen. Hab aber auch noch keinen guten Weg gefunden, wie ich sonst Musik hören und bezahlen könnte. Das meiste höre ich tatsächlich live, mein Bandcamp-Account schlummert vor sich hin (weil es keine vernünftige App dafür gibt) und ab und zu läuft halt mal youtube (natürlich nur mit Werbeblocker).
@stuttgigs @gigblog

おーきしん mastodon (AP)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Iz Dallasa nove slabe novice glede Luke Dončića #DallasMavericks #košarka #LukaDončić #nba #Novice #slovenia #Slovenija
Iz Dallasa nove slabe novice glede Luke Dončića

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Most Swiss companies consider sustainability in supplier selection

Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
Fedi hive mind, I have seen one off pages of a Batman story, where he and Superman, Lois and Selina are couples and become friends, even swapping costumes for a carnival, I beleieve it ends with a wedding for Bruce and Selina.

Does anyone know the run of comic this was in, or if it has been Trade Paperbacked?

And no spoilers please.

#Comics #Superheroes #Batman #Catwoman #Superman
A Tattered Scrapbook mastodon (AP)
A bit spoiler-ish but doing its best to avoid spilling all the beans:

Collected editions are listed at the bottom, so scroll down to avoid more specific details…
Estarriol, WU Dragon reshared this.

Randahl Fink mastodon (AP)
Finally! The new centre-right Tisza party (red line) is overtaking the EU showstopper Viktor Orbán's Fidesz party in Hungary.

The Hungarian parliamentary elections are still 16 months away, but let us hope April 2026 will be a new spring for Hungary. 🤞🏼
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Following Prečko School Attack, Plenković Announces Changes #ChangesCroatianSchools #croatia #hrvatska #PrečkoSchoolAttack #vijesti
prečko school attack Plenković

Die Amokfahrt macht Alle traurig und wütend, trotzdem möchte ich darum bitten, keine Beleidigungen zu schreiben, die ganze Bevölkerungsgruppen angreifen. Wie wäre es stattdessen mit Arschloch? Geht immer und zieht nicht die vielen friedlichen Menschen aus Saudi-Arabien mit rein, die Sowas nie tun würden
Optimist mastodon (AP)
Ist schon recht , aber manchmal geht es mit mir durch. Spätestens wenn ich 220/130 habe.

Darth Lehrer 🪐 mastodon (AP)
10:21 Uhr.


Punktesammler mastodon (AP)
„Du kannst doch nach so einem Ereignis nicht einfach so weitermachen und Weihnachten feiern!“

„Welches Ereignis der letzten Tage, Wochen meinst du: Ukraine; Gisele Pelicot; Verabredungen zu Vergewaltigungen; Trump als Präsident; täglich einen Femizid in D; reicht es?“


Punktesammler mastodon (AP)
„Ich bin nicht bereit, mir mein Leben nehmen zu lassen. Jedes einzelne Ereignis macht mich wütend, betroffen und sauer. Die Wut lasse ich raus für Momente …
all das Genannte kann ich nicht nicht ändern, konnte es nicht verhindern und möchte gleichzeitig leben und sein.“


Europe Says mastodon (AP) Tânăr de 18 ani, urmărit internațional, adus în România sub escortă #romania #stiri #tanar #urmarit
retinut catuse

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
Automakers have been selling data about the driving behavior of millions of people to the insurance industry.

In the case of General Motors, affected drivers weren’t informed, and the tracking led insurance companies to charge some of them more for premiums.

I’m the reporter who broke the story.

I recently discovered that I’m among the drivers who was spied on.
3 people reshared this
Estarriol, WU Dragon mastodon (AP)
the insurance industry is a predatory ponzi scheme.

Fröhliche Sonnenwende alle miteinander!

Heute ist der Tag des südlichsten Sonnenauf- und Unterganges (zumindest überall dort, wo die Sonne überhaupt auf- und untergeht, also zwischen den und damit der astronomische Beginn des Winters auf der Nordhalbkugel und des Sommers auf der Südhalbkugel.

Diese Bilderserie wurde mit einem Smartphone in San Rafael in der philippinischen Provinz Bulacan aufgenommen und zeigt die sich im Laufe des Jahres verändernde Position des Sonnenuntergangs bedingt durch die Neigung der Erdachse und die Umlaufbahn der Erde um die Sonne. Jedes dieser von Januar bis Dezember 2022 aufgenommenen Bilder spiegelt die wechselnde Kulisse und Position der Sonne in der Abenddämmerung wider. Achtet auf den Laubwechsel und das Erscheinen des Strommastes im Oktober!

📷John Paul Pile/IAU OAE (CC BY 4.0)
12 Bilder vom Sonnenuntergang untereinander. Der Sonnenuntergang bewegt sich von links nach rechts und wieder nach links
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Europe Says mastodon (AP) GERB and Democratic Bulgaria Collaborate on Draft Governance Agreement – #bulgaria #България #новини
Bulgaria: GERB and Democratic Bulgaria Collaborate on Draft Governance Agreement

Greg Sargent talks with Paul Waldman, co-author of White Rural Rage, about how the Trump-Musk show is demonstrating that MAGA voters have gotten badly scammed by Trump. The get the culture-war goodies Trump doles out to them, but nothing else — and with Musk running the show, what it's clear they will probably now get is cuts in government programs they rely on to make ends meet.

Hate's satisfying, but you can't eat it.

#Trump #ElonMusk #EconomicElites #oligarchy
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

Chuck Darwin mastodon (AP)
The EU has signed a deal for its
IRIS² constellation of 290 communication satellites
that will operate in both medium and low Earth orbit.

The Starlink rival will provide secure connectivity to governmental users
as well as private companies and European citizens,
and bring high-speed internet to dead-zones.

The public-private deal valued at €10.6 billion (about $11 billion), according to The Financial Times,
is expected to come online by 2030.

According to the European Space Agency (ESA), the interlinked satellites placed into different orbits will
“enable the constellation to communicate securely and quickly and remain constantly connected without needing thousands of satellites.”

SpaceX, by comparison, has already launched some 7,000 low Earth satellites since 2018 to ensure Starlink’s global coverage and low latencies.

The IRIS² constellation will consist of 264 spacecraft in low Earth orbit and 18 in medium Earth orbit.
— a consortium led by European satellite network operators SES, Eutelsat, and Hispasat,
and supported by European satcom subcontractors like Airbus and Deutsche Telekom
— has been given a 12-year concession contract to develop, deploy, and operate the IRIS² constellation.

IRIS² is an acronym for Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite.
“This cutting-edge constellation will protect our critical infrastructures, connect our most remote areas and increase Europe’s strategic autonomy.
By partnering with the SpaceRISE consortium, we are demonstrating the power of public-private collaboration to drive innovation and deliver tangible benefits to all Europeans,”
said Henna Virkkunen, Executive Vice-President for Tech Sovereignty, Security and Democracy.

In September, FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel
said she wanted to see more competition to Elon Musk’s Starlink.
“Our economy doesn’t benefit from monopolies...
every communications market that has competition is strong,
we see lower prices and more innovation,
and honestly, space should be no exception.”

javipoloXYZ ⁂ mastodon (AP)
Qué bien, gracias a estas maravillosas ataduras con las grandes tecnológicas ARAGÓN VA A DUPLICAR SU CONSUMO DE ENERGÍA.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Moldova has introduced a state of emergency in the energy sector · Global Voices #Moldova
Moldova has introduced a state of emergency in the energy sector · Global Voices

CGdoppelpunkt mastodon (AP)
Irgendwie schon irre, dass es immer noch möglich ist, mit dem Auto auf Weihnachtsmärkte zu fahren.
Optimist mastodon (AP)
Das funktioniert durch das gut geschmierte Räderwerk aus unfähigen Kommunalpolitikern und bundespolitischen asozialen Hetzern.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Lost in bureaucracy: Digital delays plague migrants #greece #INDEPTH #migration #society #Ελλάδα #νεα
Lost in bureaucracy: Digital delays plague migrants

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
View of Muskegon Channel piers jutting out into Lake Michigan. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 10:20:01 UTC (about 13 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 24.03 F | -4.43 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: N at 6.912 mph | 11.12 kph // Humidity: 65%

Buenos días, Media Literacy?
Media Literacy machine broke
Understandable have a nice day
Menos mal que hay buena gente en las Community Notes poniéndole los puntos sobre las íes

Europe Says mastodon (AP) A Republic at risk #malta
A Republic at risk

Europe Says mastodon (AP) UN peacekeepers in buffer zone after farmer incident #cyprus
cover UN peacekeepers in buffer zone after farmer incident

nuintari mastodon (AP)
I was really looking forward to a night of sleep, and some coffee this morning.

Instead, I tossed and turned all night again. I've been awake for nearly 48 hours straight now.
Stefano Marinelli mastodon (AP)
Posts like this show how useful emoji reactions would be. I mean, I put a 'favourite' just to show I understand it, but it's nonsense.
Ricardo Martín mastodon (AP)
@stefano Do we already have an emoji for psilocybin microdosing? 🤔

Europe Says mastodon (AP) When will YouTube be blocked in Belarus? #belarus
Image credit: Reuters

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