Lot⁴⁹ mastodon (AP)
Maybe I'm a sentimental old coot, but every time I hear this song, I think it might still be possible.
Incidentally, the story of the guy who wrote the song is pretty interesting.
#ChunderRoad #Music
Image of Chet Powers, who wrote "Get Together"
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Harry McCracken mastodon (AP)
Is there anything he can’t do?
Spam ad for space heater featuring Elon Musk
Joe Pasqua mastodon (AP)
@ChuckMcManis Darn, why didn’t I think of that!
Chuck mastodon (AP)
@bitsplusatoms I officially put the idea into the Public Domain 😃 You can do with it what you will. I have often used MicroVAX systems as room heaters as the need arose, but building NetBSD was actually 'useful' work, something that predominately generates heat is just a heater 😆
Joe Pasqua mastodon (AP)
@ChuckMcManis In college we had a small graphics lab off the main machine room. If it weren’t for the pdp-11 in there, we would have frozen.
Stuart Marks mastodon (AP)
@ChuckMcManis @bitsplusatoms Years ago at Sun my office mate had a Sun 4/260 dual pedestal deskside workstation. (One pedestal had CPU/memory/tape, the other had disk drives.) He decided to quit, and on his last day he cleared out his personal effects and turned off his workstation. Within 30 minutes the office got so cold that my fingers stiffened up and I couldn’t type. I had to turn his machine back on in order to continue working.
Chuck mastodon (AP)
@stuartmarks @bitsplusatoms Yeah, the 4/260 did put out the BTUs!

Julia Evans mastodon (AP)
I don't know if it's possible to get a good answer to this but: if you learned how to make websites with, like, users who can login and do things where the website stores stuff in a database, without doing it as a job, how did you do it?

I feel like in principle I know all of the basic pieces (HTTP, HTML, CSS, SQL, CORS, various programming languages, etc), but also somehow it still feels extremely hard to me

(no advice please, only stories)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Ben Ramsey mastodon (AP)
@janl All I had to do was focus on the code. I didn’t have to learn those other pieces at the same time, which, to me, would have been pretty big hurdles. There were very few moving parts, so to speak.
Nick Sloan mastodon (AP)
@ramsey @wez @janl It is impossible to overstate the extent to which today’s common web stacks are designed for solving Facebook and Google’s problems. Everything is so complex in part because the tools have been architected for a scale and context that is irrelevant to nearly every project that uses them.

We’re all subsidizing the biggest companies in the world.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
2 people reshared this

Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Morning glory spinach kangkong

Hugz & xXx
Spinach and fried onion

Chris Real mastodon (AP)

The shareholders meeting that Brian Thompson was going to started on time.

They advertised for his then open position the next day.

Radley Balko unkn (AP)
Missouri Gov. Mike Parson was fine letting Marcellus Williams be executed. Meanwhile, he just committed the sentence of a white cop who killed an unarmed black man.

Missouri Gov. Parson commutes ...

The driver who rammed into a car in Magdeburg was arrested by German security forces.

He is from Saudi Arabia and has been in Germany for 18 years.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #breaking #breakingnews
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

penpusher mastodon (AP)
Song of the Day December 21 2024

In honor of the birth of Samuel L. Jackson

Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Whaley and John Travolta - "Big Kahuna Burger" scene from "Pulp Fiction" (1994)

#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2024 #December21 #SamuelLJackson #PulpFiction #BigKahunaBurger #JohnTravolta #QuentinTarantino #FrankWhaley #MotionPicture #MovieScene #1990s

Daniel Supernault mastodon (AP)
Having a lot of fun building the Loops webUI using vue, pinia and tailwind.

Can’t wait to jump back on the new @pixelfed redesign I started cooking up last month, I’ve learned a lot since I last updated the Pixelfed UI in 2020!
Mike Stone mastodon (AP)
How much influence is the new Pixelfed UI going to pickup from the Loops UI you've been developing?
Daniel Supernault mastodon (AP)
@mike Well, I did start this before the new Loops UI, however they do share a bit in common.

Here is a early sneak preview
new pixelfed UI
Benjamin mastodon (AP)
@mike can't wait! Will it be dark mode for visiting users, when I set it to dark mode? This is the only thing bugging me with the old one, that visiting users see it completely different than I do.

JA Westenberg mastodon (AP)
supreme court rules 6-3 that critical thinking is unconstitutional. we find it threatens our job security, writes majority
Marv Clowder reshared this.
Jason E Miller mastodon (AP)
The Founders didn't mention critical thinking so it goes against originalist thinking to give the concept any legal standing.

Chair (1969)

#art #sculpture by Allen #Jones
Yes. I was too lazy to make hairy legs. 😁

Grimm :bc: mastodon (AP)
Very smart savvy businesspeople spent 54 million dollars to make You, Me and Dupree but remember, I'M crazy and bad when I suggest harvesting them and the fucking lot of their caste to make a more equitable society.
Marv Clowder reshared this.

I try not to be too judgmental but if you invested in this you are a fucking idiot and you should lose your money


Wöllsdorf-Wetter mastodon (AP)
Heute um 10:20 Uhr ist #Wintersonnenwende. Danach werden die Tage wieder länger. Der Tag mit dem spätesten #Sonnenaufgang ist damit aber noch nicht erreicht. Der ist erst am 30.12. Dafür bleibt es bereits seit dem 12.12. abends wieder länger hell.

#Sonnenuntergang #Astronomie #Winteranfang
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Qasim Rashid, Esq. mastodon (AP)
For some reason the Govt of South Carolina publishes the home address and number of its state legislators.

Anyway, here are the website links and office numbers to the 6 MAGA Extremists who intro'd a bill to allow SC to execute women who get an abortion:
Marv Clowder reshared this.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) Potential US TikTok ban ‘won’t affect app here’, says Ireland boss #AdrianWeckler #ireland #TikTok
Potential US TikTok ban ‘won’t affect app here’, says Ireland boss


Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
View of Muskegon breakwater in the distance, and the red South Lighthouse defining the entrance of the Muskegon Channel in the foreground. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 07:20:01 UTC (about 13 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 25.74 F | -3.48 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: N at 6.912 mph | 11.12 kph // Humidity: 70%

This hits home because I bought all my shoes at Payless and their prices were always terrific. Nothing else came close. Venture capital is ruining everything in this country.


Melissa BearTrix mastodon (AP)
Not sure the prawn crackers in a plastic bags

Hugz & xXx
Bag of prawn crackers in a rotating table thing
PetraPanda mastodon (AP)
and in a Chinese restaurant with Nikkoman soy.
Fusion much...


Elissa mastodon (AP)
Woo! Editing is done.

Well... I'm sure there'll be some tinkering but I think I"m about 95% happy with this edit.

Will give it fresh eyes tomorrow, then lock what I need to, do credits, and move on to audio.

Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
It’s been commonly known for years that Spotify is using “ghost artists” to minimize royalty pay outs to actual working musicians.

Few people care, but it’s worth mentioning anyway because this one company has done more damage to music than Napster ever allegedly did.
Dennis Flood mastodon (AP)
do you know if tidal is a good alternative?
Chris Trottier pleroma (AP)
@fideldonson It definitely pays artists better, and also has better sound quality.

Daniel Supernault mastodon (AP)
my git wrapped ✨
2024 Year in Code
3279 contributions in the last year
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4 Longest Streak
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Michele Adduci mastodon (AP)
incredible streak, do you even have time off?

Ténno Seremélʹ mastodon (AP)
Hodiaŭ mi vidis tri sonĝojn, tamen ĝuste nun mi ne havas mensforton por priskriboj 😅

#lang_eo #sonĝoj

Paul 💙 mastodon (AP)
Things I believed as a child.

Father Christmas was real

God didn't exist as how could he allow such hurt in the world

The atom is made up of a nucleus and electrons

UK pensions weren't taxable

The role of Government was to look after all citizens.... Providing council housing, and control of energy and food prices to avoid excesses and make them affordable.

Free Health care and education benefits people and country

Mixed bag of disappointments... Probably more if I thought about it

Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
Our fridge smells like a backyard BBQ, because it’s filled with the leftovers of today’s feast

Andrea (K-enabled) mastodon (AP)

Content warning: Kitty tinder update

nixCraft 🐧 mastodon (AP)
I think all developers, IT pros and anyone in compsci are entitled to free coffee. ☕️
SouthFresh mastodon (AP)
Free as in freedom?
Amélie Krejčí mastodon (AP)
working support for company that franchises Starbucks is literally this. yes, I am enjoying it!

El Howieson mastodon (AP)
Marv Clowder reshared this.

Bundesregierung mastodon (AP)
Das Deutschlandticket geht in die Verlängerung: Bundestag und Bundesrat haben heute eine Änderung des Regionalisierungsgesetzes beschlossen, mit dem nun auch die Finanzierung steht.
In der rechten Bildecke sind ein Zug, ein Bus und eine Straßenbahn zu sehen, die auf einem stilisierten Deutschland-Ticket stehen. Dazu auf blauem Hintergrund der Text: Deutschlandticket wird verlängert! Bundestag und Bundesrat haben dem Gesetz zugestimmt. Die Finanzierung ist für 2025 gesichert. Im nächsten Jahr wird das Ticket 58 Euro monatlich kosten.

Bundesregierung mastodon (AP)
Bundeskanzler Scholz zu #Magdeburg:
Die Meldungen aus Magdeburg lassen Schlimmes erahnen.
Meine Gedanken sind bei den Opfern und ihren Angehörigen. Wir stehen an ihrer Seite und an der Seite der Magdeburgerinnen und Magdeburger. Mein Dank gilt den engagierten Rettungskräften in diesen bangen Stunden.
newer older

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