Europe Says mastodon (AP) Tak koho dnes taky trápí tohle. Firefox a Ublock origin. 🤬 #CzechRepublic
Tak koho dnes taky trápí tohle. Firefox a Ublock origin. 🤬
Marcus mastodon (AP)
I got it today in the US as well.

Taky jsem to dneska v USA dostal.

The Democratic-controlled Senate in an 85-11 vote passed the bill to continue government funding 38 minutes after it expired at midnight. The government did not invoke shutdown procedures in the interim.

The bill will now be sent it to White House.
U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer attends a press conference with Senate Democrats on the judiciary committee in Washington, U.S., December 20, 2024.

Randy Cassingham mastodon (AP)
Gen Z nativity.

Freax_ES friendica
Un viaje a las profundidades del ISO 8583, el lenguaje de las tarjetas de crédito

Colin mastodon (AP)
It's my firm view that any phone that rings should be hit with a sledgehammer until it stops.
Joel Michael reshared this.

Leilah Lilienruh mastodon (AP)
Ich muss gleich 🤮. Wie unerträglich: Das "Time Magazine" wählt den Verbrecher #Trump zur "Person of the Year". Das ist widerlich und falsch.
Bitte lasst uns die wahre Person des Jahres 2024 ehren: Gisèle Pelicot is the person of the year!!
Diese tapfere Frau hat jeden Respekt und jede Auszeichnung verdient, denn sie hat mit verzweifelter Kraft und großer Würde für alle Frauen und damit für eine bessere Gesellschaft gekämpft.

#GiselePelicot #PersonoftheYear #Women #WomenRights #Feminism
Susanne Schneider reshared this.
Optimist mastodon (AP)
Optimist mastodon (AP)

Dawnstar Australis mastodon (AP)
Must be double demerit season - plain cloths cop SUV has been pinging people speeding on our street all afternoon
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
def chasing their monthly quota before going into CBF mode (even more than they usually are)

Christopher Owen mastodon (AP)
ACAB includes my 5yo who has come in wearing full police regalia and a night stick saying “hands up or I will hit” and when I refuse she explains that the baton is going to go right across my throat
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
yeah that’s definitely worrying. Time for a bit of a chat about ACAB? It’s never too young to radicalise.
Christopher Owen mastodon (AP)
@jpm nah, this is just a general trend of her know the most maximal way of anything

Universal Hub mastodon (AP)
Judge throws out lawsuit by North End restaurant owners over city's outdoor-patio restrictions, says mayor wasn't out to get Italians

#Boston #NorthEnd #ItalianFood #Covid19 #lawsuits #patios
TBH To Be Honest mastodon (AP)
there's gotta be an Italian joke in there somewhere.

Colin mastodon (AP)
I have removed Slack from my phone and now my brain is going "what if someone has a message for you?" and the answer is "I'm on leave it can wait".
Colin mastodon (AP)
@jpm If it’s important theyll call the people on support.
Joel Michael mastodon (AP)
who will escalate to whoever is appropriate, possibly you after a few escalations

Spocko mastodon (AP)
I smell bacon.
Wondered why the car blowers didn't seem very effective then realized half of them were set to email instead of bacon it shows a photo of a car blower on the left is the symbol for closed and on the right is a symbol for air flowing which looks like bacon.
2 people reshared this
Spocko mastodon (AP)
@SuperMoosie if you want to scare the kids this is my approach.
Here's a man flipping a switch and it has set off a thumping sound coming from the basement downstairs no text says uh oh Danny sounds like the monster in the basement has heard you crying again let's be real quiet and hope he goes away.
SuperMoosie ActivityPub
When they were little, my kids spent lots of time in the car each weekday. 3 hours a day.

Had them going with "I will let the snakes in if you don't start behaving" for about 18 months.

So Elon Musk is spending his day posting Grok memes of AOC as Pepe the Racist Frog because she pointed out he's a man child.

Way to prove her right.
Marv Clowder reshared this.

Incognitim mastodon (AP)
Crypto’s Legacy Is Finally Clear
An anti-establishment technology for an anti-establishment age:

#Crypto is a technology whose transformative product is not a particular service but a culture—one that is, by nature, distrustful of institutions and sympathetic to people who want to dismantle or troll them...crypto is a perfect fit for the turbulence and distrust of the 2020s, as well as the nihilism and corruption of the Trump era.
Incognitim mastodon (AP)
' @molly0xfff argues that the crypto industry has become a re-creation of much of what its original ideology claimed to despise. “If you look at Coinbase and other crypto companies, they do similar things to the financial institutions that Bitcoin’s creator was disappointed in. A lot of these companies work closely with the government, too, and they do things like the same type of ID verification that banks do. They’ve re-created the financial system, but with fewer protections for consumers”'

Frau von Bodensee mastodon (AP)
#Wintersonnenwende ab jetzt werden die Tage wieder länger. Ich freu mich auf den Frühling 😅 🌹🌷🌺🌸
#GutenMorgen ☕️🥐🫖
Optimist mastodon (AP)

Put hair conditioner in our nukes
----Kim Jong Un
C.W. Williams mastodon (AP)
C.W. Williams mastodon (AP)
His hair was perfect

@TidalFlats @edwilk

Yeah otherwise it's just some bug

Steve Thompson PhD mastodon (AP)
Netanyahu will be arrested if he comes to Auschwitz memorial, Polish government confirms

#netanyahu #poland #KEWLNEWS #PRESS

The Japan Times mastodon (AP)
As the future of warfare pivots toward artificial intelligence, Ukraine is sitting on a valuable resource: millions of hours of footage from drones which can be used to train AI models to make decisions on the battlefield. #worldnews #ai #ukraine #russia #russiaukrainewar

Alice McFlurry :bc: mastodon (AP)
It's a Christmas miracle because I burnt my tortilla and the face of Skeletor magically appeared!

Please boost for visibility so the news outlets will pick up on this great story.
Shamefully burnt tortilla. Near the top-center is what is CLEARLY the face of Skeletor from He-Man.
Bruce Heerssen mastodon (AP)
I bet Alice could get at least six bucks for this one.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

overflo mastodon (AP)
We got mice in the garden.
I wouldn't care, but we also got rabbits and mice are known to transmit nasty diseases to them.
So we got a trap to catch them alive.
Whenever i catch one i bring them to the nearby woods.
Today I found another dead mouse in the trap.
Probably frozen to death.
I told the dead body that I am sorry and dumped it in the trash with the trap.
Now I will build a mousehouse with snacks and cozy warm stuff inside so a catched mouse will survive.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
overflo mastodon (AP)
There will also be a WiFi attached sensor and batteries and a led.
I will get a notification if we trapped a mouse and can release it as fast as possible.

Poor little fluffy soul.
I am so sorry.
overflo mastodon (AP)
Now this.

Todo: electronics
Inside the mouse asylum
Wool, food, Water..
Outsie view of the reallivimg mouse trap.
There is a wooden compartment attached that should help to let the mouse survive the night..
christian mock mastodon (AP)
keep us updated on whether they're able to chew thru the plywood...
Mike Grusin mastodon (AP)
I've been meaning to do this (the electronics part) as well. I have mice in my house, and use live traps, but if I don't notice shortly after they're caught, the poor mice expire after a few hours (I think psychologically), which is not my goal at all. 😞
overflo mastodon (AP)
i gaught one today and released them in the woods.
the little fluff jumped out of the box like a rocket!

so i will build some electronics now that i know it works..
i am going to use ESPHOME and update you here..
Mike Grusin mastodon (AP)
Congratulations, great success! 🏆 And thanks, I'm curious how you'll implement the electronic side. ESPHOME is a great idea.
overflo mastodon (AP)
@flyingcircuits boy esphome is cool and sucks at the same time.
I HATE yaml.
But I really love the rest around the esphome build system..
overflo mastodon (AP)

hej mike!
this was far worse to implement than i expected it could be.

esphome is powerful but the YAML syntax is the shit.

so check out this script, it works for me but wont get me a seat next to jesus in heaven.
Mike Grusin mastodon (AP)
Very very cool, thank you for posting! Trevlig helg!
overflo mastodon (AP)
It works!
The mousetrap has a sensor and a LED.
I used esphome, which is great (besides the YAML)

Get the esphome buildfile below.

The ESP32 is in deepsleep and wakes up when A2 is pulled high (via 10k resistor).
The pin is normally also connected to GND via 2 wires that rip apart when the trap triggers.

Then it makes a big red LED shine that is connected on pin 9.

It could also do things on home assistant, but I don't have a homeassi here.
Electronics on a breadboard, a big red led shines bright.
There is a LIPO battery
Inside a Tupperware on top of the mousetrap
Lisa Kowalsky mastodon (AP)
Lebendfalle, schon mal ein fettes Plus. Aber so eine Luxussuite dahinter, wow!!! Und dann noch ESPHome.

Find ich richtig cool (:
overflo mastodon (AP)
Gotta catch 'em all!
A mouse was captured and released!
let's hope nobody finds this contraption and calls the police on you ☺️
overflo mastodon (AP)
@sm_barbie huh?
It's in my garden?
but it looks like a bomb!
Edit: or a Geocache container!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Meine faules Hirn hat sofort die Idee, das noch einfacher zu machen, einen billigen Aqara Motion Sensor in die Box zu packen und das mit einer #HomeAssistant-Automatisierung zu verbinden.

Wie holst du die Maus da wieder raus? Nimmst du die ganz Box mit und die hat irgendwo eine Tür?

(Ich habe ein vergleichbares Problem in der Garage und dort 3 Fallen aufgestellt, die baugleich zu deiner zu sein scheinen.)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
overflo mastodon (AP)
@thoralf Die box kann Mensch aufklappen oben.
Nehm das ganze ding mit in den Wald.
Mach box auf und zünde die mausrakete.
Die gehen alle voll ab.
Nächste Maus mach ich ein Video..
overflo mastodon (AP)
@thoralf ich find 2 Kontakte am Sensor sind der least effort weg ;)
Esphome script ist im thread verlinkt.

1 m seconds is circa 12 days.
1 b seconds is circa 32 years.
Ponder that as you remember WM spent circa £30 billion on an app that didn't work. No investigation suggests WM is nothing more than a crime syndicate.

I've awakened early.

It's Caturday. It's May 11, 2024 and that means it was one year ago today that I first fed Ginza. I had been seeing her around in the weeks prior and earlier prior to the photo, I had taken a bag of garbage to the bin. I spotted her underneath the light blue vehicle and when I went back to my apartment, I put some dry kibble in the plastic dish, brought it out and put it down in the empty parking space. Then backed away until finally she came out. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
Ginza eats kibble from a plastic dish in an empty parking space on a warm afternoon May 11, 2023. Behind her is the light blue vehicle she had been underneath when I came out to offer her food and feed her for the first time ever.

Nowadays she stays inside and gets 2 wet food meals every day along with plenty of cat treats.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)

Nick mastodon (AP)
Libertarian Charles Amos goes on GB News defending the rights of siblings to marry and of parents to marry their children.

Says he believes in the age of consent, but when asked what age: “I'm not getting into that. I'd write about that in an academic journal article”

Note the teddy bear on the bed behind him.

Honestly, if he didn’t have an online presence as an anti-tax libertarian (EDIT: and former Tory councillor) I’d assume he was a character comedian.
An improbably anachronistically dressed and styled man with glasses and a moustache is speaking by video call on a GB news show, sitting in a bedroom with books piled on a chest of drawers, a bed with a teddy bear, and text at the bottom discussing a controversy related to banning first cousin marriage.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
If "What should be the age of consent?" is a difficult question, you can very comfortably assume it's a number much lower than 16.

If it weren't, it wouldn't be such a difficult question.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) IMF approves $1.1 billion in funding for Ukraine #Ukraine
IMF approves $1.1 billion in funding for Ukraine

overflo mastodon (AP)
@overflo down! 😨
tuxflo mastodon (AP)
mein Beileid 😔
overflo mastodon (AP)
@bobschi toughts and prayers.

Miro Collas mastodon (AP)
UK to ban bee-killing pesticides but highly toxic type could still be allowed | Bees | The Guardian

#Nature #Environment #Bees #Pesticides
Paul 💙 mastodon (AP)
Would not be surprised if they are still allowed to manufacturer and export the pesticides that are banned in the UK

Commerce and capitalism wins the day

Menschen: Die Gewerkschaften lassen mittlerweile alles mit sich machen und wehren sich nicht gegen Sozialabbau von Regierungen.

Auch Menschen: Treten nicht in Gewerkschaften ein, weil sie meinen sie kriegen die Tariflöhne ja auch so und es lohnt sich nicht.

Auch Menschen: Beklagen sich, dass Gewerkschaften nicht mehr schlagkräftig sind.

Eine Gewerkschaft ist kein Dienstleister. Eine Gewerkschaft ist die Summe ihrer Mitglieder.

mcc mastodon (AP)
Alright let's see if the Blender video editor has become usable since the last time I used it
mcc mastodon (AP)
@multisn8 well as in it gets muggy and slow and scrolling is very hard.

i did manage to get it to freeze up by setting a Strip Offset Start 1 hour into the video and then trying to undo that (when it did something very surprising)

GW mastodon (AP)
Fascism has arrived in America, it is draped in Christian patriotic symbols. At the same time, a racist, womanizing demagogue and his oligarch puppet masters cherry-pick legal loopholes backed up by a corrupt Supreme Court, just as they have done to defend greed and keep women in positions of subservience.

eemmaa pleroma (AP)

Low Quality Facts mastodon (AP)
Nature is crazy.
If you cut a worm in half, it will regenerate into two new worms. One will forgive you, and the other will seek revenge.

Lake Michigan! Live! mastodon (AP)
Current* conditions near Muskegon, MI:
Telescopic view of the Muskegon Channel south Lighthouse. // Image captured at: 2024-12-21 06:51:01 UTC (about 12 min. prior to this post) // Current Temp in Muskegon: 25.78 F | -3.46 C // Precip: overcast clouds // Wind: NNE at 1.990 mph | 3.20 kph // Humidity: 71%

Isaka mastodon (AP)
All Elon’s got to do now is to come out and publicly denounce these images and swear his allegiances to Donald. Quickly. Easy peasy.
cultdev mastodon (AP)
you could do the same thing with real photos already, and they’re not even in office yet

3D Printing A Big Lego Christmas Tree


#3dprinterhacks #holidayhacks #christmastree #lego #plastic #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Lot⁴⁹ mastodon (AP)
None of you stand so tall--
Pink moon gonna get ye all.

Europe Says mastodon (AP) North Koreans final pics through the the lenses of Ukrainian FPV drones in the Kursk region #Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineWarVideoReport
North Koreans final pics through the the lenses of Ukrainian FPV drones in the Kursk region

Marine Tachibana mastodon (AP)
Does every sudoku have only one solution?

My mom ordered me to make infinite sudoku without ads, but I don’t want her to waste time for unsolvable puzzles.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Marine Tachibana mastodon (AP)
@justafrog Hmmmmm I think it makes sense.

I’d try it out after finishing my current puzzle project.
JustAFrog mastodon (AP)
It gets kinda hard when you want specific types of solutions, though.

Or if you want the initial puzzle to look symmetrical somehow.

John Rooke diaspora

How do they get away with it?

#BigPharma #IntellectualProperty #capitalism
newer older

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