H5 bird flu is causing outbreaks in wild birds and poultry, other animals and sporadic human cases.Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
'Ķekava/RB&B' rezultatīvā cīņā pārspēj liepājniekus Pēc pasaules čempionāta ar trim spēlēm atsākušās cīņas ELVI florbola līgā vīriešiem. VienaEUROPE SAYS (EUROPESAYS.COM)
Join us in opposing a Canadian company's plan to turn Lake Superior and the Porcupine Mountains into a "SACRIFICE ZONE"Protect the Porkies
In Graz wird mit der Methode des Schwammstadt-Prinzips experimentiert: Bäume wachsen, kühlen die Stadt, weitere Vorteile zeigen sich.Elisa Heißenberger (relevant.)
Despite being an unashamedly Marxist critique of the economic consensus, Vulture Capitalism has been making bestseller lists.The Conversation